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Clock Tower Theater: Fanfic, Fan Music Videos and Art

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5 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

WooHoo!  It happened! Can't figure out how to embed the actual video but follow the link for a good laugh!

Here you go!

8 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

It's weird... I have a feeling Lord Mesa doesn't like Felicity as much anymore because there's been so much material for him to use the past few episodes but he hasn't used said opportunities. And then shoving Felicity in the back behind everyone on his website it's more telling. 

That's sad :/

This is me being paranoid but I really like Lord Mesa :p 

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19 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

It's weird... I have a feeling Lord Mesa doesn't like Felicity as much anymore because there's been so much material for him to use the past few episodes but he hasn't used said opportunities. And then shoving Felicity in the back behind everyone on his website it's more telling. 

That's sad :/

He might just be tired of all the negative comments or the fights breaking out in the comments section when he posts a Felicity illustration. 

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

He might just be tired of all the negative comments or the fights breaking out in the comments section when he posts a Felicity illustration. 

Does that really happen when he posts Felicity illustrations? I didn't know that. Hm but I stlil can't help but feel paranoid :p

Edited by wonderwall
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1 minute ago, wonderwall said:

Does that really happen when he posts Felicity illustrations? I didn't know that. Hm but I stlil can't help but feel paranoid :p

I always made an effort to leave positive feedback on his Olicity/Felicity illustrations, and saw a lot of fights in the Instagram comments. I don't know for sure if that's why he hasn't done any illos of her, though. He's supposed to be at the HVFF in San Jose in August, so I could ask directly.

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

I always made an effort to leave positive feedback on his Olicity/Felicity illustrations, and saw a lot of fights in the Instagram comments. I don't know for sure if that's why he hasn't done any illos of her, though. He's supposed to be at the HVFF in San Jose in August, so I could ask directly.

IDK If I did meet him though I'd love to say sorry about all the negativity on his Olicity/Felicity illustrations and that I still love all his illustrations especially the Felicity/Olicity ones :)

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4 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

IDK If I did meet him though I'd love to say sorry about all the negativity on his Olicity/Felicity illustrations and that I still love all his illustrations especially the Felicity/Olicity ones :)

I'll do that :) I actually did that at last year's HVFF in SJ too, and of course bought almost every Felicity/Olicity illustration he had available. 

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It's possible he is capitalizing on Laurels death.

I would hate for him to have an unfavorable view of Felicity. He makes some of my favorites. I always thought he was very neutral too. 

I went thru his IG and he hasn't been doing that much Arrow at all. His previous Arrow did mention Felicity (Scooby Bus).

Edited by Chaser
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2 hours ago, Chaser said:

I went thru his IG and he hasn't been doing that much Arrow at all. His previous Arrow did mention Felicity (Scooby Bus).

I noticed that too. Like, there are at least three illos for every Flash episode, and just one for Arrow. I don't think he even made one after 421?

Hey, Arrow is neglected by everyone, not just the creators. :) Kidding, of course he can and should draw whatever he wants, it just seems weird. Like, this past episode with the Smoak family drama was the perfect opportunity for a humorous illo.

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Found some good stories recently.

I recommend "Felicity Takes a Holiday" by BstnStrg13 http://archiveofourown.org/works/5153132/chapters/11865413 - I know that there are a few BATB fans on this forum (I know not a lot). But there is a really good crossover with Arrow, even if you don't watch BATB. It has some pretty good Delcity, a good FS, and a rough around the edges OQ. It also has a really good characterizations of the BATB crew. It's set in between s2 & s3, so its not Olicity yet, but it has an oblivious pining OQ, which is something fun to read again. It's a nice little AU adventure, for those willing to take the trip.

I also recommend "Reconciliation" by BstnStrg13 http://archiveofourown.org/works/4882231/chapters/11193643 - The same author wrote a nice little story that takes place between s3/4. It is AU in the sense that it was written before some of the factual events that have since happened on s4. The story definitely had other theories, but still sorta work. Its an enjoyable story that includes some predictable events, but has nice characterization. I find the way she writes the characters both engaging and in character. She also seems to crave Delicity and a more evolved OQ so that is enjoyable. It's a good quick read. Even if it deviates from canon because of when the story was initially written, I still founded it very entertaining. It was a completed story that had good plotting and pacing. It felt like a complete story, bonus that it wasn't a WIP,  but also didn't feel rushed or abandoned.

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Loved Macha's update... also read her "HoneyTrap" which was cute little one shot. http://archiveofourown.org/works/6148783

There are so many wonderful possibilities with fake wedding tropes, their accompanying drama & OMG moments - that it makes me sorta bitter that s4 did a fake wedding and didn't even manage to manage to get any of the good stuff beyond OQ's heart eyes. It's like the writers were in a candy story could grab any fake wedding candy they could want and they willing chose the vomit or earwax jelly beans. Sometimes the Arrow writers make the oddest choices.

Oh well, glad we have wonderful FAN FIC writers to pick up the slack and write so much of the good stuff :)

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4 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Repairs by Kayleegee is a really cute take on how the Olicity reconciliation could start over the summer. It's fluffy and I love it.

That was pretty damn adorable.

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Anyone read this fic A Better Story?

i kind of read half of the first chapter, everyone is OOC (even for an AU) plus i kind of wonder if it's one of those trick fics. Claims to be one 'ship bit in reality is pimping the other?

I just sped read through it. Not a bait and switch but yes, very OOC. 

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Just now, calliope1975 said:

I just sped read through it. Not a bait and switch but yes, very OOC. 

thanks.  not a fan of bait and switch fics. the fact that the author was moderatingthe comments was a big uh-oh to me.  Not sure if i can actually finsh it since they were OOC but, good to know it's there if I'm desperate for a story

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Seriously... My most favorite crossover would be a Chuck/Arrow one... Where Chuck/Felicity know of each other from their hacking days (and they're equal in the hacking front) :') 

When will someone make this happen????

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A short fic based on an Arrow fan girl's life:

"Never a Queen" by EmeraldArcher

One week post season finale, a forty-something Arrow fan girl was already pining for her favorite show, but the Season 5 premiere was still an unbearably long time away.  She tried to fill the void by reading fan fics on AO3, but none of the new stories were doing it for her. So, in a brilliant stroke of genius, EmeraldArcher decided to spice up her life by reenacting some romantic Olicity scenes from the hundreds of fics she'd read in the last year.

The perfect opportunity to recruit her husband into playing Oliver to her Felicity came the next day when they were making Chicken Cordon Bleu for dinner. As soon as her husband placed the pan full of chicken into the oven, she sashayed up to him, throwing her arms around his neck.

"Kiss me until I forget my own name," she begged seductively, imitating Felcity from an Established Olicity-tagged fic.

"Ha!" He laughed, dodging her kiss. "How about just until I forget your name?"

~The Bitter End~


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I spend some time on a writers' forum on ffn - it's good for getting advice, getting work critiqued, and sometimes just sitting back, handful of virtual popcorn at the ready, just watching the shit go down.

Anyway, there usually isn't specifically Arrow stuff being mentioned - it's rare that there's anyone besides me who's into Arrow. Until recently, when this very, very new writer tried to publicize his (pretty sure it's a guy) Arrow fanfic series called 'Arrow on target'. What's hilarious to me is that he's trying to promote his story in the appropriate thread, but then keeps editing the post every few days to try and get someone, anyone to read and review. At first the promo post was just about Oliver, then he had a line which went "If you hate what Felicity's become  . . ." (Nope! Hard pass!), now it's changed again to "I'm trying really hard, you guyssss! Please give me a channnce!"

Dude, you kind of showed your cards with 'hate' and 'Felicity' in the same sentence.

Also, this is Oliver sitting next to Laurel and thinking about her:


She'd suffered enough trauma for ten people, yet here she sat beside him. Not only alive, but getting better. He felt like he was seated beside a miracle. One he knew he would never have. There was no amount of repentance for what he'd done that could ever mend the bridge burned between them- it shouldn't be mended, he thought. She deserved someone much better than him, someone that values her as much as she deserves, and never hurts her like her did. Someone better.

I mean, I could be nice and point out the SPaG that need fixing, but that's just the least of the problems here.

Also, if you post your action scene for critique (in another thread), and then don't follow any of the advice given, it's kind of a dick move. In my opinion, of course.

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53 minutes ago, Thundercatmary said:

What does SPaG mean?

ETA: Going to go read it now @MellowYellow, and best of all it's completed! :)

Spelling, grammar, punctuation.

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18 hours ago, wonderwall said:

I'm enjoying this story...

Bound to You

Felicity is a member of ARGUS and Oliver is a member of the Bratva and they meet while Felicity's on a mission in Russia where she gets caught counting cards. The author does a good job keeping the flashbacks interesting (she's a bit too mean w/ Laurel though but a lot of fanfic writers do this so...)

I'm enjoying this one too. It has a good blend. It also is one of the more realistic FS & TM are



Also Barry seems to fit in well. It kinda gives me Nikita vibes with the spying & the secret gov't agency.

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On 27.05.2016. at 7:36 AM, wonderwall said:

Oh my god The Darkest Hour just updated. SO MUCH HAPPENED BUT AT THE SAME TIME NOT A LOT DID?! It's such a fantastic update and made me giggle like a school girl at one point :)


I couldn't comment when this was posted but probably my favorite twist is the reveal of Tommy's motivation being 


Oliver's death

I was expecting something like a reveal of Laurel actually dying circa season 1, but that didn't make sense time wise. This gives Tommy time to become what he has and is just painful in its irony and how these two guys that love each other are positioned as adversaries.

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Some enjoyable moments from S4 (sure to put a smile on your face)...

► Arrow HUMOR | Best of Season 4
Published on Apr 24, 2016, by MarieCyrielle

Edited by tv echo
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I'm hoping one of you can help me find this fic - I think it was in a collection of one shots? 

Anyway, Oliver and Felicity get stuck in an elevator and the lights go out - so they sit there and chat with each other for a couple of hours, and right before the lights come on, Felicity admits that she knows he's Oliver Queen. After they get out of the elevator, they go out to dinner, I think? Anyone know what I'm talking about? 

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41 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm hoping one of you can help me find this fic - I think it was in a collection of one shots? 

Anyway, Oliver and Felicity get stuck in an elevator and the lights go out - so they sit there and chat with each other for a couple of hours, and right before the lights come on, Felicity admits that she knows he's Oliver Queen. After they get out of the elevator, they go out to dinner, I think? Anyone know what I'm talking about? 

I'm not positive but I know there's an AU that kind of fits this? Start Of Something New has Actor!Oliver and Felicity meet in an elevator. 



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49 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm hoping one of you can help me find this fic - I think it was in a collection of one shots? 

Anyway, Oliver and Felicity get stuck in an elevator and the lights go out - so they sit there and chat with each other for a couple of hours, and right before the lights come on, Felicity admits that she knows he's Oliver Queen. After they get out of the elevator, they go out to dinner, I think? Anyone know what I'm talking about? 

I think I remember the one you're talking about, but unfortunately, I can't remember the title or author. Do they start/get close to making out before the lights come back on? I think you're right about it being in a collection of one-shots. And I want to say it's old-ish.. maybe from one or two years ago?

Sorry this wasn't helpful. I can think of three other Oliver and Felicity stuck in the elevator one-shots that aren't the one you're looking for. I'm surprised there isn't a tag for them at theolicitylibrary tumblr.

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55 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

I'm not positive but I know there's an AU that kind of fits this? Start Of Something New has Actor!Oliver and Felicity meet in an elevator. 



This isn't the one I was thinking of, but it is one I haven't read yet, so thank you!

41 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I think I remember the one you're talking about, but unfortunately, I can't remember the title or author. Do they start/get close to making out before the lights come back on? I think you're right about it being in a collection of one-shots. And I want to say it's old-ish.. maybe from one or two years ago?

I think they might have, yes. And it was definitely in a one-shot collection. I feel like she wrote one version, and then a couple of chapters later she rewrote it? I looked through all of my bookmarked fics and can't find it. ::shakes fist at sky::

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

I think they might have, yes. And it was definitely in a one-shot collection. I feel like she wrote one version, and then a couple of chapters later she rewrote it? I looked through all of my bookmarked fics and can't find it. ::shakes fist at sky::

The more I think about it, the more details I think I remember of the story, but nothing that could be used to find it. I think at the end Oliver was supposed to get dinner with Thea, but she's long gone because they were in the elevator for so long, so he asks Felicity out? Ugh, this is going to bug me too!

I also realized as I was going through my bookmarks that one of my bookmarked authors had deleted herself and all her fics. Sadness.

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22 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

The more I think about it, the more details I think I remember of the story, but nothing that could be used to find it. I think at the end Oliver was supposed to get dinner with Thea, but she's long gone because they were in the elevator for so long, so he asks Felicity out? Ugh, this is going to bug me too!

I also realized as I was going through my bookmarks that one of my bookmarked authors had deleted herself and all her fics. Sadness.

I'm not sure if he was supposed to meet Thea, but he was coming from a meeting with Moira, I think? And at one point Felicity offers him a snack that she got from the vending machine...like, granola or something that she bought because it didn't have nuts, and Oliver made a mental note to get a better snack selection?

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Or maybe it was Felicity that was supposed to meet someone for dinner, but he was long gone.

@apinknightmare, between the two of us, we could probably re-create the fic at this point... too bad that doesn't help find it! :p

Edited by lemotomato
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