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Ghost Hunters - General Discussion

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I sometimes get to watch reruns of the Syfy seasons on FYI channel. I hadn't realized that Kristen had appeared on some episodes.

I sorta wish that the revival episodes filmed with no night filter-or whatever its called. My eyes can't handle the majority of the episode being grayish. The regular camera crew should film with no filter and investigators can use the other things. Brian and Richel aren't really working for me. They should try teaming Brian and Richel with different people. I found the poltergeist case so interesting, it's crazy that she was creating it.


Ghost Hunters A&E comes back for season 2 on April 8.


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I love that !Grant! is back but the rest of his crew just doesn't interest me.  They have no stage presence or charisma, and this makes the show boring.  I don't know what they can do to fix it, but I do enjoy Grant's empathy and the new methods of ghost hunting they put into practice very much.  I sure hope it improves this season, as I would hate to see this go off the air.

I didn't get to watch the whole 2 hour so I'm going to have to catch up later. From what I saw I liked that the investigators were paired differently than last season. I hope they continue to switch up the pairs. How scary it must have been to get hostility from some people that live in the town. They got police escort to go do the reveal.

I only watched the first part, I will get to the second half tomorrow. That fall Kristen took looked nasty. I'm glad she wasn't hurt. I doubt it was paranormal, though. Wasn't she wearing heels? Walking down unfamiliar stairs, in heels, in the dark, I'm surprised the women don't fall more often. As I was watching her go down the stairs, I was certain she was going to fall, and seconds later she did. 

Other than that, the first half was rather uneventful except for that EVP. Hopefully things pick up in the second half. 

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I was really disappointed by this episode.  Like @jewel21, I thought Kristen's fall was coming, and now would like to rewatch to see if it was even telegraphed a little; and the way they dramatized it for five minutes was kind over the top, at least to me.  Likewise the mysterious car attack - something flattens the tire and damages the side of the car, and they cannot find any debris and spend a lot of time on drama.  I'd hate to think anything was staged but can't help wondering.  Given the allegations about Jay and Grant faking things on the original GH, I'd like to think the producers of this iteration would be careful not to exaggerate or augment (or whomever forbid, manufacture) any encounters or evidence.  

On the positive side, I did like that Mustafa and partner (was it Brian?) actually found some evidence and chased down some random noises with minimum histrionics.  With the EVP they got saying the hoteliers might be in danger, what if the "speaker" was not a hostile entity and meant that the harm might come from the negative human element in town?  Just a thought.  This episode seemed very Scooby Doo to me, but I'll stick with the show for a bit to see if it was a one-off situation or what.  

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I loved the location and atmosphere of this episode (that town is really cool), but I was a little disappointed in the stuff they found. They did seem to be reaching a bit. 

That fall seemed like nothing more than an accident. and they really over dramatized it. It cheapens their credibility.

I really like Mustafa, Daryl, and Brandon, but the rest don't really grab my attention.

But I had no clue what we were supposed to be seeing when Mustafa and Daryl had the laser thing set up. I thought they would show it later. Did I miss it?

The jail was SO creepy though. 

And the reveal to the client was a total letdown. Usually that's when we get to see what they found in more detail.

I like Grant, (though I will always think he did that Halloween neck pull, but I'm willing to say maybe the network or something insisted on *something" happening during the live show), but I had to laugh when he opted out at the end. They didn't even explain why. I assume it was something like he was the leader and he didn't want to draw more ire to the team, but it was still funny. 

An odd episode, all in all. Some cool stuff happened, but it still seemed like a bit of a letdown by the end. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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I was upset to find out that the team was being harassed by members of the town. If you're not happy, stay home, geez. It was a bummer that they had to cut the investigation short by one night because who knows what else they would have found. And the fact that they needed a police escort was also disappointing. I know it wasn't the whole town, and a lot of them seemed very open to the team coming to investigate, but I hate that a few bad apples ruined it for everyone else. 

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On 4/9/2020 at 1:23 AM, jewel21 said:

I only watched the first part, I will get to the second half tomorrow. That fall Kristen took looked nasty. I'm glad she wasn't hurt. I doubt it was paranormal, though. Wasn't she wearing heels? Walking down unfamiliar stairs, in heels, in the dark, I'm surprised the women don't fall more often. As I was watching her go down the stairs, I was certain she was going to fall, and seconds later she did. 

Other than that, the first half was rather uneventful except for that EVP. Hopefully things pick up in the second half. 

I guess it was paranormal when I fell down the stairs and broke my leg years ago.  

So I watched the latest episode earlier this evening that took place at a performing arts camp. This is the second episode in a row where Grant only shows up during the second/last night of investigation. I find it weird and I can't help but wonder why this is the case. 

Anyway, in terms of the episode it was kind of boring. Some noises and a few EVPs but nothing spectacular in terms of evidence. 

I do like that they're mixing up the teams a bit, but I'm getting annoyed that Richel and Kristin are always paired up together. I like them enough but wouldn't mind seeing the teams rotate on a more regular basis. 

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Same thoughts on Grant...did the show get him more in name only, and he's only going to be around part-time? It's just odd.

Beautiful location...the show is really finding some cool places to visit. But nothing really spectacular.

The camera work on every ghost show drives me nuts. They have body cameras now, so let's see more from their perspective and get the real reaction as they hear or see something. I know there weren't a lot of visual events tonight, so more of a random rant, lol.

Thankfully this show doesn't ramp up the sound effects like others, but there are still bits of music that get added when I'm trying to hear what the investigators are hearing. Frustrating.

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I noticed Grant didn’t join them at all this investigation. Apparently people have been inquiring as to why he’s not as hands on this season and the rest of the team keeps saying he’s giving them more responsibility, they’re all seasoned investigators, etc. But it still seems weird to me.

The location was cool and the scenery was gorgeous. The white shape peeking out of the room, and the white mist was cool. I just wish Grant was around more. 

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3 hours ago, jewel21 said:

I noticed Grant didn’t join them at all this investigation. Apparently people have been inquiring as to why he’s not as hands on this season and the rest of the team keeps saying he’s giving them more responsibility, they’re all seasoned investigators, etc. But it still seems weird to me.

The location was cool and the scenery was gorgeous. The white shape peeking out of the room, and the white mist was cool. I just wish Grant was around more. 

Without Grant the show's over for me.  Except for Brian, the rest are uninteresting to watch, and I think that two of the women don't care for each other. I feel a little played by Grant at this point and I want a real explanation from him and him alone, please.  🧐  

But, I do LOVE the new locations that aren't visited to death by ghost shows.

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
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I'm getting used to Grant not being there. I'm glad they had Kristen and Richel in the reveal because I felt they weren't in the episode much... or maybe I'm just not noticing them much.  I like the body cams. In the Alaska episode I like that Daryl investigated with no crew just himself, the mounted camera and the camera he was carrying. It makes it feel more spooky to me. I'm also liking the cold opens before the title- info about the place and a clip of a scene to look forward to.

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I'm still very aware of Grant's absence and I don't like it. He just does the intros now and doesn't bother to show up to any investigations at all. I like the other investigators enough, but if Grant was just going to bail after Season 1 maybe they shouldn't have called it Ghost Hunters. 

The location was interesting and I agree with @falltime about the cold opens. It does add a layer of creepiness and interest. 

The fact that the past two investigations have taken place in the middle of nowhere in the dead of winter also adds to the spookiness. I just wish they would reveal why Grant isn't with them. And don't give me the company line of they're all professionals, I don't need to be there, etc. 

Is there something going on with the family? Does his wife/kids not want him to go on these trips and be away from home? Just be honest. 

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Okay, sorry for the double post but I've had time to think this over and wanted to offer up my two cents.  😁

The redhead, Kristen, is growing on me, as she becomes more comfortable being in front of the camera.  Her personality is becoming more lively and therefore she's more enjoyable to watch.

The husband and wife team are nice people, and probably great ghost hunters, but for me they have little charisma and/or personal interest and I can't get invested in them emotionally. Likewise for Mustafa. Brian is a force unto his own, and is always entertaining to watch.  😏

Grant's wife, Rhianna, is a natural on camera.  She's telegenic, at ease, and she and Grant have a good, solid on-screen chemistry. I could get very comfortable watching more of them.  

BTW, the lady who runs Waverly seemed more openly welcoming to Grant than she did to Amy and Adam when they visited in a previous season.  Now, I LOVE Amy and Adam, and this isn't in any way a slander on them, I just noted the difference in the level of warmth she bestowed between the two groups.  May be nothing to it; the lady may have had something going on during the duo's visit that wasn't going on during Grant's. 🤷‍♀️

I've really enjoyed visiting the new, lesser known places, the beautiful intros, and the fresh ghost hunting techniques, but, sadly, some cast changes have to be done.  In conclusion, I will need much more of Grant (on his own show!) and he can also include Rhianna on more episodes, in order for me to continue buying this series on Amazon. Also, more episodes would be nice.  🙄 

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On 6/2/2020 at 8:37 AM, Rabbit Hutch said:


I've really enjoyed visiting the new, lesser known places, the beautiful intros, and the fresh ghost hunting techniques, but, sadly, some cast changes have to be done.  In conclusion, I will need much more of Grant (on his own show!) and he can also include Rhianna on more episodes, in order for me to continue buying this series on Amazon. Also, more episodes would be nice.  🙄 

Wonder if the season was short because of Covid 19?  Maybe we will get more next season. Enjoyed Grant working with his wife.  Also the two guys that had a rock thrown at them. Forgot their names and too lazy to look it up.

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On 6/2/2020 at 8:37 AM, Rabbit Hutch said:


The husband and wife team are nice people, and probably great ghost hunters, but for me they have little charisma and/or personal interest and I can't get invested in them emotionally. Likewise for Mustafa. Brian is a force unto his own, and is always entertaining to watch.  😏


Are you referring to Richel and Brian as husband and wife. I don't think they are together... or at least they weren't at the beginning S1(a&e).

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Disappointing news. I know the show wasn't a huge hit, but I really like Daryl, Brandon and Mustafa.

It was an odd setup with Grant half on, half out, like he was just the hook for the show.

I watched Ghost Nation as well, and it was OK, but at least the parts I watched, it was missing the healthy skepticism they used to bring. Ghost Hunters had that, apart from Kristin. And I cannot take Ghost Adventures seriously (that show is basically satire at this point) and Kindred Spirits just got ridiculous, so I think I'm out of decent paranormal shows now. Such a bummer.


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9 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I watched Ghost Nation as well, and it was OK, but at least the parts I watched, it was missing the healthy skepticism they used to bring. Ghost Hunters had that, apart from Kristin. And I cannot take Ghost Adventures seriously (that show is basically satire at this point) and Kindred Spirits just got ridiculous, so I think I'm out of decent paranormal shows now. Such a bummer.

I think the deluge of paranormal shows has sort of run its course after 15 years ( I think GH started around 2005).  There was a time when it seemed like every channel had one.   But there's just so much a person can take of watching people walk around in the dark: "Did you hear that?" "What?" "I swear, dude, it sounded like knocking".   Along with the infamous "Dude, run!"  A lot of what Jay and Grant ended up doing was disproving sightings.  Dave and Tango began to seem like they were auditioning to become the new Abbott & Costello.  With the exception of a couple of incidents - the St Augustine lighthouse being the one that comes to mind - they've never been able to get actual proof on camera.   It's fair to say that COVID is going to put a kibosh on these kind of shows, at least for this year.  We'll see if any of them come back.

Totally agree with you on Ghost Adventures, I've tried to watch it once or twice, and that guy (Zak?) is so over the top I can't stand it.

There was only one show that I found consistently scary (as well as legit), and that was Ghost Mine back in 2013.  In fact I think the Kristen in the reboot of GH is the same Kristen from that show.  There were a couple of reasons it felt more "real" than other shows.  For one thing, the whole series was focused primarily on one place - a mine in Sumpter, Oregon.  For another, besides the 2 ghost investigators, there was a crew of about 6 miners who were there at the same time, listening to the same noises.  In fact, one guy (an experienced miner) quit in the first episode because he heard "Tommy-knockers", i.e., the ghost of a man killed in the mine.  The show went a little off the rails in the second (and final) season, but the first season was positively addictive.  If you can find it on-line, I highly recommend it.  Sorry for going so OT. 





Edited by Quilt Fairy
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Aw, I hope it doesn't get cancelled. I only watch 3 paranormal shows -ghost hunters, kindred spirit, and ghost nation. I do prefer GH. 

Grants says he doesn't know if the show is coming back because the network hasn't told him.

"I get hundreds of requests about this every day, and I haven't answered them. Not because I'm trying to be rude, but as the executive producer of the show, I'm trying to get a real answer," Wilson said in the video. "I've spent all this time trying to get a real answer from the network and I don't have one, so I wasn't trying to be rude. I simply didn't have the answer you guys deserve."


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This a question about the original (Jason-Grant) Ghost Hunters… If anyone can help, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Not sure if I’m remembering one, two, or three GH episodes (I’m thinking two), but no matter how many, I have some specific memories of it/them.

First memory: Jason and Grant are investigating a staircase—I think in a private residence. There’s a door at the top of the steps. Every time they look away, the door closes. The camera at one point shows the door closing on its own. Jason and Grant try to figure out if the door is on an angle that makes it close. I think the kicker is it’s actually angled the opposite way.

Second memory: Jason and Grant are at opposite ends of a staircase and the guy at the top hears a noise coming from the bottom and the guy at the bottom hears a noise coming from the top. (Of course neither of them is making a sound.)

Third memory: One of them team, I think Kris Williams, puts down flour in an attic and then locks the door; when everyone returns, there are footprints in the flour.

If anyone remembers an episode or episodes like these, please let me know. I distinctly remember these plot points and for the life of me can’t anything with them.

Edited by Salzmank
On 9/27/2021 at 3:01 AM, Mediocre Gatsby said:

It's my considered opinion that you can't be a Ghost Hunter unless you're willing to speak lines with simply egregious grammar. "Grant and myself went into the room." "It really startled Grant and I." "We couldn't validate your guys's experiences." Oy. 

And unless you say, “After you,” “Well, you know what we did here” [if the client knows what you did here, why are you saying it—again?!], and other assorted catchphrases 12 zillion times.

  • LOL 2

They showed some Ghost Hunters 2.0 (cast lineup 2.0, not S2) episodes on either Travel or FYI a while back, so these episodes may eventually find their way to a non-premium channel as well. 

From the promo -- TAPS returns, plus the 15-year reference -- I thought Grant may have rejoined the group. But apparently, the Ghost Hunters name  was sold to Discovery+ and the Ghost Nation cast plugged into the show.  The Grant and Jay fallout of several years back must have been epic.


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I got the Discovery + free preview for a week, so I'm binging this whole season - I'm almost there! But it's strange how many of the properties seem SUPER active this season. Some good evidence, but I'm suspicious of how much they're finding - it doesn't seem typical of past seasons to me. But it's fun to watch.

Dear lord, though, I only watch this one paranormal show and wow, when they have on guests from other shows, the difference is SOO stark. The guests just spook at the slightest anything and scream/yell a lot and are generally just way more hyped up. I'm all about the TAPs chill.

I'm also glad that the production company realized that Jason needs to do the voiceovers, not Steve. 😄 Always love watching Steve, but that was not his forte.

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I've been away from these type shows for a long while and from these threads for that same time. So, let me get this straight. Ghost Hunters started with Grant, Jason, Steve, Dave, Amy and Adam many years ago. Then there was a problem and Grant left the show, it carried on for a few years, then went away. Then it came back with Grant and no one else. Jason, Steve and Dave were on Ghost Nation. 
Amy & Adam got their own show. Then that went away and Ghost Hunters name was sold as part of same time and changes that happened with Pit Bulls and Parolees and no one knew if they would be back and it was a time of great upheaval. Now a show with the title Ghost Hunters is back and it has many of the original cast members. But not Grant. And Amy and Adam are over somewhere occasionally showing up on Josh Gates shows. Is this about right?

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1 minute ago, scarletine said:

As far as I know, Amy and Adam still have their own show, "Kindred Spirits" with Chip Coffey. I haven't heard anything about it being cancelled. 

I agree and have also not heard any cancellation news for KS.  (And I kind of like the show, so hope that's the case.) 

It looks like the formula for this Ghost Hunters (after two episodes, so I could be wildly wrong) is to have on some guest hunters to fill out the crew.  Last week, Amy and Adam; and last night three of the Destination: Fear group.  (Unfortunately, they left out the best DF person, Chelsea.)  I can't imagine they would ever combine Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures team members, but it could be a memorable sh--show / testosterone battle between Jason and Zak. 

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Does anyone know what the falling out with Grant and Jason was about? I wonder if it had anything to do with the Spaulding Inn they both brought together and then sold only a few years later

I've never heard anything specifically about a falling out, although you're right about them buying and selling the inn (never go into business with a friend).  The story I remember is that Grant had a handful of young sons and wanted to be home with them more.  He made one or two guest appearances later so he was still on good terms with Jason then.   But this tug of war with the GH name certainly points to a major disagreement.  Also, Grant needed a better lawyer. 

On 4/23/2022 at 9:42 PM, friendperidot said:

Ghost Hunters started with Grant, Jason, Steve, Dave, Amy and Adam many years ago.

Grant, Jason and Steve are the originals, along with a few others who dropped out along the way.  Dave, Amy and Adam all came later.   I think Dave and Amy each had a successful guest appearance which led to them becoming regulars.  Adam was the winner of Ghost Academy, IIRC.

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June 23 - On the vice channel, episodes 1-4 from the S12(A&E S1) will be on.

  • School Spirit
  • Return to St Augustine
  • The Lady in the Window
  • The Cursed Castle

I had no clue travel channel had started show episodes of the newest discovery+ season until about 2 weeks ago. I set my DVR to record the series and only one episode recorded.🤦‍♀️ Thankfully they showed episodes again the following Saturday so I set to record the episodes individually.

June 25 - Travel channel S14 E7-10

  • The haunted house on the hill
  • The girl with no eyes
  • Wraiths of Winchester
  • Moonshiner spirits
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