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Why did Karen keep insisting that she conceived the baby with the wife as well as the husband? She is a doctor, she should know how biology works. The wife may have been there but she didn't get her pregnant!


This episode was so weird because of Joss's dream sequence/what-if storyline running in parallel with the storylines that were actually happening. They should have either had made up stories for all the characters or just made this a Joss episode. Too random cutting from storylines to dream sequence.

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To me it was the lack of Lucy.


Lack of Lucy is a plus, but it's kind of weird that Scottie has been missing from the house for several episodes as well, under the guise of "visiting his mom" who I thought was off working on cruise ships.


If Scottie isn't around, WTF is Mark even doing there at April's house ?

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To me it was the lack of Lucy.


I completely forgot about her, but you're right.


This episode was so weird because of Joss's dream sequence/what-if storyline running in parallel with the storylines that were actually happening. They should have either had made up stories for all the characters or just made this a Joss episode. Too random cutting from storylines to dream sequence.


It was a weird way to take up screen time so they could have Joss in prison for an episode.

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I FF'd through all of the Joss parts, so it didn't take long to watch the episode. Not interested in her absurd navel-gazing.

It's unfortunate that Joss was in jail, but I liked it because it provided the opportunity for a bit more Karen and April interaction. I could watch an entire show with Karen and April's banter and shenanigans. Joss has annoyed me since season one, episode one, so I appreciated that I could ignore her scenes because she wasn't interacting with Karen or April.   
In context of the baby, I don't think Karen has been stupid.  She's shown weighing her options, and wanting to tell Alec and Vivian.  She was naive about the priest, but given how laid-back he's been about all her other drama, I can see why she assumed that would continue. I believe she said that she and presumably Vivian were getting blood-tested regularly (and maybe Alec as well since he's a doctor), so I took that as an explanation of why she wasn't concerned about potential STDs.  I don't think the show has specified how long the polyamory was going on. In any case, unless it's specified, I tend to assume that art imitates life with the reckless sexual practices on TV.   

I don't know - maybe Joss has been absorbing all of the stupid so I mentally block Karen's.  Nevertheless, I haven't thought Karen was stupid THIS season. I've disagreed with her decisions, but at least I'm not totally WTF? like I have with Joss all season.     

I was all hype for Daniel, and then...poof! He's gone again.  Even if Blair wasn't condescending and controlling, the actors have ZERO chemistry. Why must you dangle a carrot, show? The show seems to have moved away from the April/Mark potential pairing, and I'm okay with that.

I like Harry's agent as well.  She's an adult, takes no shit, and holds Harry accountable for his attitude. Not crazy about her styling, but I feel like the show stylists have it out for the female characters 80% of the time, save Karen.

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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Am I the only one who noticed that Harry was talking to Dom about Joss's case--And then referred to him as "my lawyer friend?" I guess I missed where those two became bros...


I couldn't make out what name Harry used, so I missed that it was Dominic.  Maybe they bonded off screen over Savi's bullshit. 

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Why did Karen keep insisting that she conceived the baby with the wife as well as the husband? She is a doctor, she should know how biology works. The wife may have been there but she didn't get her pregnant!


I get what she means: They were all sleeping together at the same time when Karen got pregnant. They're full partners in the relationship.


I could watch an entire show with Karen and April's banter and shenanigans.


Those two are great together. They're supportive but call each other on their crap. It's one of the few things the show does fairly smartly.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Lord, I could not figure out what was going on with Joss,,and since I fast forward through most of her, it wasn't until the posts that I realized that she was dreaming!  I really though the doctor had rushed to her aid and bailed her out and she married him out of gratitude after telling him she made a mistake. 


I agree with the poster, this character has been the one I like to watch the least since the start of the show. I don't see great looks ( to justify everyone falling over her) or great acting. So am I to assume from the posts this was some episode to show how she and Harry belong together? 


Really, Dom and Harry are friends? I am sure Jason George is thrilled he is on Scandal or Grey's or whatever and doesn't have to come back to this.  


The Daniel character was always boring to me as well, and I don't know why they need to revisit it except to show that April can't be that interested in Blair, and also show her "growth" that she can realize this won't work since trust has been broken.  ITA with whomever wrote about why Marc is not a good fit for April, and I asked where the child was the week he fell off the wagon.  Why can't he live in his camper while the kid is gone? 


I don't know what happened to Karen...and I don't care....but she is in LOVE with the couple after a few weeks??!! 

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So am I to assume from the posts this was some episode to show how she and Harry belong together?


It was supposed to but it never did, it just ended on a 'it was inevitable/meant to be', well them actually telling us instead of showing us why.  So you honestly didn't miss anything because it was pointless.

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I don't know what happened to Karen...and I don't care....but she is in LOVE with the couple after a few weeks??!! 


Karen mentioned being in love with both of them in an earlier episode.  I'm not sure how much time has passed, but Karen has always been desperate and illogical in that regard.  

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I know this is evil, but I kind of enjoy it when Blair tells precocious, bratty Lucy to have some manners. Sure, he a harsh jerk.....but I've never been able to stand Lucy's attitude.

Same!  Sorry I only gave this one like, but "infinity" likes aren't allowed :)

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April's guilt leads to trouble in her relationship with Blair -- which brings her closer to Lucy; Vivian shares news of her own that leaves Karen stunned; Joss learns that the cops think she and Calista worked together to kill Luca.
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Could they not find clothes to fit the actor playing Joss's lawyer? His was swimming in his shirt and suit.


April, how about you and your daughter have a few counseling sessions? You both obviously have some anger issues to work out.


Joss in jail is so boring. Calista is so boring.

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Joss in jail is so boring. Calista is so boring.


This whole episode was boring.  It makes me long for last season.


Of course Vivian's sick again.  Maybe Karen won't be able to donate blood or whatever again and she'll die and her last wish will be for Alec and Karen to get married and raise the baby together?


So April doesn't get to find out why Lucy didn't like Blair? What was the point of all that then?


Do people in prison really get candy or whatever it was Joss's cellmate was eating?


These cops don't seem that bright.  If Joss and Calista committed the murder together why do they keep trying to get the other arrested?

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This whole episode was boring.  It makes me long for last season.


The storylines just haven't been interesting at all, especially this season.  I was hoping for the murder mystery to be good enough, but even that's not happening.


Could they not find clothes to fit the actor playing Joss's lawyer? His was swimming in his shirt and suit.


Either he's really incompetent to hammer in Joss/Harry or he's secretly the killer as the ridiculous plot twist.


So April doesn't get to find out why Lucy didn't like Blair? What was the point of all that then?


To prop up April/Marc?  That seems to be what Lucy's brattiness has been used for that unfortunately wasted so much screen time.

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Karen tells Alec and Vivian about the pregnancy -- considering that two out of three people in this meeting are highly educated (since we have no idea about Vivian's background other than she has significant Korean heritage), they really are stupid about birth control statistics.  And this leads to Alec and Vivian arguing about the kids -- Alec even pulls out the stereotypical "Is it mine ?" line -- because he's an asshole.


Blair gives April a scarf as a gift and drops the bomb about going away for a vacation together. And for some reason he wants to bring Lucy with them.  Does Blair know that dragging Lucy along will put the kibosh on any sexytime with April during said vacation ?


Calista is reading her "tweets of love" while drinking martinis while a squad of maids cleans the house.  Calista's lawyer calls and tells her about the new evidence in the case.  Turns out the new evidence is some wearing Calista's jewellery in a car at Calista's house at the time of the murder -- and Joss' lawyer has got the ok for her to have visitors.


Harry gets the call to visit Joss in jail, and his agent, Ari, gives him a present for the job he did at the fund-raiser -- a fancy Japanese cooking knife.  Harry goes in for the hug, but gets denied.  Despite that, these two are going to bang soon -- mark my words.


Joss is playing poker for skittles with her cellmate when she gets a visitor -- she thinks it's Harry, so she puts on skittles as lipstick.  Good thing it was Harry.  And Harry starts dissing Joss' lawyer


Karen talks to April on the phone while April is deboning a duck -- it's a guilt duck since she boned Daniel behind Blair's back.  Vivian shows up at Karen's place to apologize and invite her to dinner -- because Alec and Vivian were only truly happy when Karen was there.  Awwwwwwww.


Mark shows up in April's kitchen and he is apparently so kickass in the kitchen at Wunderbar he has been promoted to sous-chef -- I guess the bar is pretty low for cooks at Wunderbar.  April is now on her 4th duck prepping for dinner the following night -- so did she buy four ducks at the store, or has she been running back and forth to the store to get a new duck each time ?  Mark debones the duck for her, but April is unenthused when Mark brings up Blair -- so why is she still going out with him FFS ?  Just ditch him and move on.


Calista gets a call on her very private phone number from a reporter asking her about the recently released video which she knows nothing about.  Calista completely denies that it's her in the car in the video.  Calista thinks that the model that Luca was banging set her up.  Sure, why not ?  Calista comes clean to her lawyer that Joss was telling the truth.


Karen and April visit Joss in jail -- and just do small talk.    April rushes home and Mark has cooked the dinner for Blair and Lucy, but April gets all bitchy about Mark's opinions on Lucy.  Would the producers please stop trying to make Mark and April a thing ?


Joss starts questioning her lawyer's competency about the video evidence, and her lawyer kind of quits, but not really.


Karen stops by Alex and Vivian's house before dinner, but she's early.  She tells she's not comfortable raising the baby in a triumvirate and leaves.


Mark and Scotty (who's back from Florida) are at Wunderbar where they eat for free as Harry takes their order, when Joss' lawyer shows up and confronts Harry. and reminds him that they are on the same side for Joss.


Lucy tries to bail from dinner and ends up calling April a bitch, and April slaps Lucy in front of Blair.  Except April really doesn't come within 6 inches of Lucy's face.  April starts to cry and Lucy bolts for her room.


Meanwhile, Calista sets up for a TV interview in her house with Diane Sawyer, maybe, as her lawyer coaches her on what to say.  The doorbell rings except it's not Diane Sawyer it's the cops there to arrest Calista for Luca's murder.


Blair encourages April's reaction to Lucy's disrespect, but April implies that Blair hits his daughter.  April tells Blair to leave.


Calista notices her friend/alibi Denise leaving the police station as she enters, so we know who ratted her out because Calista is being arrested on obstruction charges.


Harry visits Joss in jail ... again ... to tell her he has a better lawyer for her, but Joss wants to stick with the lame lawyer she already has.


Lucy comes down the next morning and April is super apologetic about hitting her, that wasn't really April that hit her.  Sure April, whatever helps you sleep at night.  But then Lucy forgives her and everyone is happy again.  Who writes this shit ?


Harry is beating up his punching bag when Ari shows up at his door.  She makes up some excuse about a meeting with some guy but then kisses Harry because she has Harry on the brain, but Harry is underwhelming in his response to her so Ari leaves.


Blair meets April at her store, and April tells him that she slept with Daniel.  Needless to say they breakup -- which everyone was expecting anyway.


Vivian chases down Karen at Karen's house, and while Karen basically accuses Vivian of having an affair Vivian tells Karen that she is sick again.  Would Vivian just die already ?


April comes home to find Mark building a diorama for Scotty (shouldn't Scotty be doing it ?), and tells him that Blair broke up with her.  And April starts eyeing up Mark as one of the good guys.  Ugh, please don't put these two together.


Joss spots Calista getting off the jail bus as her cellmate yells through the bars about getting a different kind of potato other than hash browns to eat.  Joss meets her lawyer thinking she's getting out, but in fact she is being charged as a co-conspirator in Luca's murder.  I guess this means Joss will have the sads again.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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That slap was long overdue.  And what 10 year old comes home and TELLS their parents they are going skiing with another family.  The hell you are!

 And April, yes, you're parenting style is different from Blair's, but it's also awful and ineffective.

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These cops don't seem that bright.  If Joss and Calista committed the murder together why do they keep trying to get the other arrested?

Oh my god, this is the dumbest thing I've heard on a show full of dumb things.  Did these cops learn their investigative technique from Inspector Gadget, because that's a really idiotic theory.

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Oh my god, this is the dumbest thing I've heard on a show full of dumb things.  Did these cops learn their investigative technique from Inspector Gadget, because that's a really idiotic theory.


At least Gadget had Penny.


That slap was long overdue.  And what 10 year old comes home and TELLS their parents they are going skiing with another family.  The hell you are!

And April, yes, you're parenting style is different from Blair's, but it's also awful and ineffective.



She was completely out of control and has been completely insufferable and instead Lucy's brattiness was used to push her to Marc.  XD.

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These cops don't seem that bright.  If Joss and Calista committed the murder together why do they keep trying to get the other arrested?


That's how crafty Joss and Calista are! FFS, Show. At least try to make sense.


did she buy four ducks at the store, or has she been running back and forth to the store to get a new duck each time ?


April went to the store to get a new duck each time. Apparently she's never heard of something called running water. She wasn't so far along in the preparation that she couldn't rinse off the duck, pat it dry, and continue.


That slap was long overdue.  And what 10 year old comes home and TELLS their parents they are going skiing with another family.


I know this is just a fictional TV show, but no child deserves to get slapped by a parent. Ever. And a bratty 10-year-old tells her mom she's going skiing. You reap what you sow, April. You need to be a mother, not a friend, to your daughter. That's why these two desperately need counseling. From someone other than Karen, of course.

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Agreed, Lucy didn't deserve to get slapped.  I was with April earlier in the episode when she called Lucy out about her attitude, though. Counseling is definitely in order.  The "April sees Mark in a new light" thing is sudden.  I thought it a nice change of pace that the show wasn't going there, but silly me. Dude is a recovering alcoholic with no stability...how exactly is he a good romantic match?    


I skipped past most of Joss' scenes, but I chuckled when she thought she was being released, only to discover that she's charged as a co-conspirator.  Did she really think she would be magically absolved, especially with all of the other evidence against her?  This is why you stay out of people's marriages, especially those you barely know, idiot.          


I've never liked Vivian, so I felt like her rationale to Karen about getting sick again and seeing an old "friend" was bullshit.  The show has established that Alec has stood by and supported her through her illness.  Why exactly would it be any different this time? Also, given what we know about Karen's recent sexual history, Alec asking if it was his wasn't all that out of line.  I do wish they could have bothered to show Alec and Karen having an actual conversation, since they are the parents.  I don't wish death on anyone, but if Vivian gets sick again, maybe she'll stop stalking Karen.  She annoys me as much as Joss does.       

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I skipped past most of Joss' scenes, but I chuckled when she thought she was being released, only to discover that she's charged as a co-conspirator.  Did she really think she would be magically absolved, especially with all of the other evidence against her?  This is why you stay out of people's marriages, especially those you barely know, idiot.


Especially with someone you only recently met and suddenly acted like you're bffs.


Dude is a recovering alcoholic with no stability...how exactly is he a good romantic match?


By trying to push him as someone who just so happens to have the right solution to all of her contrived problems and making the other guy as strict and stiff as possible.

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Thanks for the recap...I normally don't advocate violence against a child, however they have made Lucy the exception.  Sorry for those of  you who don't want April and Marc, I read something on TV line with the show runners that it is what they want.  They think he is too cute! and that they are made for each other!  UGH!!!  Yeah, a single mom whose husband pretended to be dead and got killed by a drug cartel needs a recovering alcoholic living in a trailer, because....oh he is so cute and SUCH a good guy!  So, I guess she can deal with him because he is accepting his problem, but can't deal with her MOTHER? 


What jail that thinks you killed someone lets you visit over and over?  I saw Harry in the recap and the previews or something showed April and Karen...next Scott will be visiting because Joss is just oh so amazing and unforgettable. 


Can't care about Karen, but it sounds as if she is as dumb as ever....I don't blame him for asking if the baby was his. 


Couldn't understand what was said about Calista, but that storyline has been a bust.


I could only hope for Harry finding a nice person that didn't act like a confused child all the time, but I guess since Harry is so boring that is about what he deserves. 

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I could only hope for Harry finding a nice person that didn't act like a confused child all the time, but I guess since Harry is so boring that is about what he deserves.


Then they're going to have to put more effort than the lazily 'meant to be' with Joss.


Couldn't understand what was said about Calista, but that storyline has been a bust.


She was caught on camera leaving the scene of the crime at around the time of the murder, but according to her, she's being set up by the real killer, who i barely care about at this point because like you said, it's a bust.  It doesn't matter which secondary/tertiary character they make the killer.

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I just got around to watching this one.  All I know is, April's offer to help with the baby certainly wouldn't sweeten the pot if I were Karen.  No way in hell would I want to be stuck with Lucy part 2!

Edited by ByTor
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Isn't Alec the doctor treating Vivian for her illness? Good choice, Vivian and Karen.


I'd like one of the women to make a smart decision about something at least once. It can be as simple as choosing vegetables that are in season, I'm not picky. But they are all galactically stupid about everything in their lives.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I'd like one of the women to make a smart decision about something at least once.


I think they've actually gotten even dumber or maybe that's just the storylines.

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I think it's both. I used to enjoy hate-watching this show, but they come up with dumb stories and then have the women make the worst possible choices within those stories. I'll finish the season because I'm a masochist, but it there's a season 4—the live ratings haven't been great, but apparently the plus-DVR is decent—I'm out. The level of stupidity insults me.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Joss considers taking the plea deal


How will any plea deal not end up in some jail time ?  There's no way she gets off scot-free, unless she gets a bazillion hours of community service like Lindsay Lohan and then never really completes it.  But since she's not a celebrity I don't see that happening.  There's no way they go from co-conspirator to commit murder to a misdemeanor for being stupid to participate in a scheme for Calista to divorce Luca (I believe the charge would be 'extreme stupidity in the 1st degree').


and what that would mean for a future with Harry


Harry has way more chemistry with Ari his agent than he has ever had with Joss.  And wasn't Joss stilled pissed at Harry for banging Niko the bartender before she went to jail ?  Is she just going to forget that because she daydreamed that Harry was her lobster </PhoebefromFriends> and they were meant to be together always and forever (despite the fact that he previously married her sister) ?


Karen helps Vivian keep her secret from Alec


Once Vivian was "cured" did Alec just stop doing follow-up exams in case the cure didn't take because he was too busy banging Vivian and Karen ?  Because that is some pretty shitty doctoring right there.


Marc's sister surprises him and April.


Marc's sister ??  WTF ?? Is this a different sister than Scotty's mother ?  Because they probably would have said "Scotty's mother" in the episode description if it was her.  What kind of relative just drops in from out of town in this day and age -- with e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and text-messaging ?  Is she planning to stay in April's house too -- or crash in the RV ?  They really are running out of ideas for this show.

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Marc's sister ??  WTF ?? Is this a different sister than Scotty's mother ?  Because they probably would have said "Scotty's mother" in the episode description if it was her.


I'm pretty sure it's the same sister, i.e., Scotty's mom. I think they called her "Marc's sister" because he's been around more than Scotty has. She's probably back early from her cruise and now has enough money to care for Scotty by herself. Cue Marc having a sad and starting to drink again.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I'm pretty sure it's the same sister, i.e., Scotty's mom. I think they called her "Marc's sister" because he's been around more than Scotty has. She's probably back early from her cruise and now has enough money to care for Scotty by herself. Cue Marc having a sad and starting to drink again.


But Scotty was gone for several episodes because he was just visiting his mom in Florida.  And Marc is only in California because he's taking care of Scotty, so why wouldn't he just go back to Florida where he's originally from so he can stay closer to his sister and Scotty ?

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Harry has way more chemistry with Ari his agent than he has ever had with Joss.  And wasn't Joss stilled pissed at Harry for banging Niko the bartender before she went to jail ?  Is she just going to forget that because she daydreamed that Harry was her lobster </PhoebefromFriends> and they were meant to be together always and forever (despite the fact that he previously married her sister) ?


And it doesn't help that Joss spent most of the season whining about bad things happening to her because of the cheating only to have a waste of time dream scenario where they're meant to be nonsense.

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But Scotty was gone for several episodes because he was just visiting his mom in Florida.  And Marc is only in California because he's taking care of Scotty, so why wouldn't he just go back to Florida where he's originally from so he can stay closer to his sister and Scotty ?


Because this is Mistresses, where the stupid and nonsensical always wins. I confess to not paying much attention, but I thought Marc already lived in California. His sister was going to try working in CA, but she got the Florida job, and that's why she went back.

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How will any plea deal not end up in some jail time ?  There's no way she gets off scot-free, unless she gets a bazillion hours of community service like Lindsay Lohan and then never really completes it.  But since she's not a celebrity I don't see that happening.  There's no way they go from co-conspirator to commit murder to a misdemeanor for being stupid to participate in a scheme for Calista to divorce Luca (I believe the charge would be 'extreme stupidity in the 1st degree').


If she could turn over concrete evidence on Calista (which would only work if they had really been con-conspirators) they might give her a really good plea deal. But pleading guilty to murder would pretty much end any career ambitions Joss has.  Convicted killers probably have a hard time getting work.  I'm guessing that would still be true of party planners, or whatever it is Joss does these days.


But Scotty was gone for several episodes because he was just visiting his mom in Florida.  And Marc is only in California because he's taking care of Scotty, so why wouldn't he just go back to Florida where he's originally from so he can stay closer to his sister and Scotty ?


I thought Scotty was gone visiting his grandmother, but I could have misheard in a subconscious attempt to make the story make more sense. If we're talking about Scotty's mother's mother it would be Marc's mother too, so I'm not sure why he couldn't have gone too, or why Scotty wouldn't just stay there to begin with.  It's not like Marc was offering a stable home or anything.

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They did make sure not to show Calista's face in that video, or the license plate of her car, so as crazy as Calista sounded saying it, she's probably right that it's Eva setting her up. Until now I thought it would be Wilson, but Wilson's skin tone is different from the hand in the photo. I did laugh when Calista asked her lawyer if she thought there had only been one silver Range Rover (or whatever the model was) ever produced.


Of course they're killing Vivian off - the baby has no chance now because Vivian was the only one of the trio who consistently had a functioning brain. What I liked about the threesome storyline this season is that it's something that I hadn't seen a billion times on TV already. (Yes, the storyline was laughable but all the show's storylines are laughable.) Now we're back on the rails of utterly predictable - remember the TV movie with, I think, Farrah Fawcett and Lea Thompson where Lea's dying wife mail-orders Farrah to be the replacement wife/mother? Plus, the other problem is that I think Karen/Vivian could have made a go of it as a couple, because Karen always seemed more emotionally invested in Vivian than Alec and Vivian was good about cutting through Karen's bullshit, but Karen/Alec would/will be a disaster.


The thing about Alec's question is that it was unnecessary. If Karen's sitting down with them to tell them she's pregnant, she's clearly saying that he's the father, so it's unnecessary to ask the question because her answer is obvious. If he needs to ask in the first place even though she's already obviously saying that he is the father, then her answer shouldn't be good enough. If he doubts, then the correct thing to say is "I want a paternity test." But then, Alec really isn't any brighter than Karen. That baby is doomed by both nature and nurture, with Vivian dead.

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They did make sure not to show Calista's face in that video, or the license plate of her car, so as crazy as Calista sounded saying it, she's probably right that it's Eva setting her up. Until now I thought it would be Wilson, but Wilson's skin tone is different from the hand in the photo. I did laugh when Calista asked her lawyer if she thought there had only been one silver Range Rover (or whatever the model was) ever produced.


They made a point of showing Eva on the clip of TMZ Calista was watching, so that has to mean she's important.  Otherwise the show would have forgotten she existed.

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They made a point of showing Eva on the clip of TMZ Calista was watching, so that has to mean she's important.  Otherwise the show would have forgotten she existed.


Probably the killer or something, this show even managed to make a murder mystery underwhelming.

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Holy crap. Is this really the second-to-last episode of the season? How can it be that we're a dozen episodes in and I feel like nothing has happened, aside from lots of "talking about our feelings" and one murder plot that I don't care about. Ugh.


Plot lines that could have been interesting but have gone AWOL: April's alcoholic mother, how April gets money to make payments for the insurance company, Blair as a child abuser, Callista's dead first husband (who suddenly became no big deal), Harry banging the bartender (which suddenly became no big deal). And weren't we told weeks ago that Joss and Savi's mom would be in town "as soon as she got off her cruise?" Awful continuity.


I'm afraid they're heading toward another cliffhanger ending in the hopes of Season 4.

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Holy crap. Is this really the second-to-last episode of the season? How can it be that we're a dozen episodes in and I feel like nothing has happened, aside from lots of "talking about our feelings" and one murder plot that I don't care about. Ugh.


That's because nothing really did happen, even the murder mystery feels flat.  The storylines and new characters aren't interesting and with the awkward intro of Calista, it's obvious they wanted to focus on Savi/Joss' fallout but couldn't for obvious reasons.

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I thought this episode was going to end with Calista following her lawyers advice and claiming she was Joss's accomplice.  So, the show surprised me with one thing. I don't get why she's doing that, because I don't believe she killed him and (from her perspective) Joss shouldn't be worth spending her life in prison.  The only way this storyline will have a satisfying ending is if we find out Savi killed him and framed Joss to get revenge on Joss for hooking up with Harry.  Which kind of backfired, because getting arrested is what is bring Joss and Harry back together.


How does Scotty's mother (I forget her name) know about Mark falling off the wagon? Does she have a nanny cam in April's house or something?  Also, who marries someone they met a week ago?

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I thought this episode was going to end with Calista following her lawyers advice and claiming she was Joss's accomplice.


Then it means they're probably going to set up Calista as the 4th lead for good this time.


The only way this storyline will have a satisfying ending is if we find out Savi killed him and framed Joss to get revenge on Joss for hooking up with Harry.  Which kind of backfired, because getting arrested is what is bring Joss and Harry back together.


I wish, that would've been fun, unfortunately it's most likely a minor character we dgaf about.

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Hold on -- Karen goes to the doctor with Vivian to get the diagnosis on her condition, and Vivian's body is rejecting Karen's cells.  And Karen says the stupidest line -- "we will fix this".  How Karen ?  How exactly will you fix this ?  Give her more cells to reject.  Vivian's new doctor said that she thought something was up when she found a rash on Vivian's back.  How does she know that wasn't an STD she caught from Karen (Karen did bang a lot of guys without using protection in that hotel bar) ?  Or maybe it's rug burn ?  Vivian's cancer has moved into her liver and her doctor doesn't know how long Vivian has to live.  Vivian has the sads.  Does this new doctor know that Vivian's husband was her old doctor ?


Calista is livid -- livid, I say -- about being locked up and accused of killing Luca.  Classic -- Calista's lawyer is rechecking the alibis of everyone involved including all of Luca's other mistresses.  How many were there ?  Maybe they all got together and killed him.


Joss meets with her lawyer and the first plea deal she gets is 10-12 years vs. 20 to life if she is convicted, but she babbles no to the plea.


April and Lucy go to counseling -- seriously ?  April thinks she is a horrible parent because she slapped Lucy -- the worstest most terrible parent ever.  Get over yourself April.


Harry and Mark talk about Joss after Mark announces that April and Blair broke up, but Harry tells Mark that he should tell April how he feels.  I wish this show would stop forcing April and Mark together.  It ain't gonna work.


Joss meets up with her cellmate in the jail yard -- and the Calista wanders by.  Would they really let these two mingle -- they could be getting their stories aligned so they both get off ?  Stupid, stupid corrections officers.


Vivian hasn't told Alec about her relapse -- yet -- because he is getting some stupid award.  And she wants one more night of normalcy.  Give me a break.


Mark swings by April's shop to drop off some gifts for Joss in jail, and indirectly asks her out on a date.  But April gets a mysterious call from her next door neighbor about a strange man in her backyard.


Ari shows up at Wunderbar to tell Harry she got him a meeting with Rocco DiSpirito.  Please, please don't let that talentless douchebag ruin this already crappy show.  I have to say that Ari looks really hot.


So it really is Scotty's mom, not some mysterious new sister.  So why wouldn't the episode description just say that. FFS !!  And Scotty's mom has Ron in tow -- some guy she just met last week on a cruise.  Really ?  And she's already dragging him across country to meet her son.  Something is just off about that.


Karen runs into Alec outside the hospital -- and he apologizes for being an asshole the previous episode.  And he invites Karen to the big award dinner the following night.


After buying off Joss' cellmate with suckers, Calista tries to talk to Joss. And then starts a fight with her which gets them both put in separate cells right beside each other so they could talk.  Seriously, how is this even being allowed to happen ?  Let alone how is this not being recorded ?  Calista tells Joss that she loves her and that she's sorry.  Yeah, like that will solve all their problems.


Karen "accidentally" runs into Alec and Vivian having lunch with Alec's parents.  Why was Karen even at that restaurant ?


April and Mark wait for Miranda, Ron and Scotty to come home from Medieval Times, and when they show Mark kind of gives Miranda heck for keeping him out late.  Ummm, it's her son, she can do what she wants.  And then Miranda drops the nugget that she's marrying Ron and taking Scotty with her.  And for some reason, Mark is overly protective of Scotty. Does Mark know that he is only the uncle ?  Because he is kind of being a dick.  And Miranda leaves with Ron in a huff.


Harry meets Joss (now at an outside table) and tells her that her mom's ship has finally docked in Finland -- really ?  The Baltic isn't that big, and they announced she was on a cruise there 10 episodes ago.  Harry confirms that David the lawyer is legit -- I'm sure that's a bad read.  Joss and Harry exchange I love yous and tells her that he is buying the house she likes.  But Joss is worried about making future plans, what with the murder conspiracy charge and such.


Calista's lawyer tells her to tell the truth but that Joss killed Luca and Calista was just leaving the scene to flee from Joss.  And Calista has the sads because her lawyer can't find anyone to come forward as a character witness for her.


Joss' cellmate tells Joss that she should have taken the deal because 10-12 years is a sure thing versus 20 to life.  And uses an example of another inmate who has been there for 9 years.  People don't spend that kind of time in jail, they go to prison.  When Joss meets with her lawyer, she tells him to take the deal.  Oh nooeesssss !!!!  Joss is such an idiot.


Karen goes to Alex/Vivian's house before the big awards dinner, and Karen helps Vivian with her makeup but Vivian is concerned that Alec will notice the rash on her back.  Why didn't she wear something else that covered her back ?  Vivian is an idiot, but Karen saves the day with her shawl.


Harry tours the house he is planning to buy for Joss, but the realtor starts talking about babies and that throws Harry off.


Miranda, Mark and April discuss moving Scotty to Vegas, and it doesn't go well.  April rolls off a list of good qualities about Mark, but kind of neglects to mention the drinking. Oh, that's right -- April didn't know about that, but thankfully Miranda brings it up.  April gets all pissy and leaves the room.


Joss calls her mom -- in Finland -- wouldn't that have to be a collect call, and can you really make international calls from jail ?  And as Joss tells her mom about her taking the deal, Calista conveniently overhears the call.  Would it be wrong to hope that someone shivs Calista and soon ?


Vivian is the healthiest looking dying woman I've ever seen.  And Alec is agog -- even though they are still separated.  But as they go to leave, Vivian has an attack and collapses on the floor.


Joss' lawyer thinks about the deadline for taking the deal -- I bet he doesn't take it.  As the episode ends, Calista beats Joss to the punch and talks to the cops without her lawyer and confesses solely to killing Luca.  Why would they believe her now ? She has changed her story many times and bribed a witness, I think she is establishing grounds for any conviction to be overturned on appeal since her lawyer wasn't present.  And wouldn't if be funny if the Joss' lawyer took the deal BEFORE Calista confessed ?  And they both end up in prison.  That would be hilarious.


My prediction -- Joss breaks Calista out of prison in the season finale and they drive off all Thelma and Louise.  And go on to become the bestest friends ever.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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My prediction -- Joss breaks Calista out of prison in the season finale and they drive off all Thelma and Louise.  And go on to become the bestest friends ever.


Only if they keep the driving off the cliff ending.

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I don't understand why they didn't just recast Savi. Not that the stories/characters made a whole lot more sense with her, but the way they are writing around Savi's absence has been nothing short of horrendous. Mistresses has been my Summer guilty pleasure, now I hope it gets put out of its misery.

Edited by ByTor
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 The only way this storyline will have a satisfying ending is if we find out Savi killed him and framed Joss to get revenge on Joss for hooking up with Harry.  Which kind of backfired, because getting arrested is what is bring Joss and Harry back together.


I came on here to write the same thing. It's the only thing that would make this dumbass story line salvageable.
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How does Scotty's mother (I forget her name) know about Mark falling off the wagon? Does she have a nanny cam in April's house or something?  Also, who marries someone they met a week ago?


I believe Mark made a comment earlier in the episode about how much they talked, given that he knew nothing about her boyfriend. Maybe he told her about his relapse.   


Anyway, Mark is okay, but this sudden, last-minute boost to justify an April/Mark romance is ridiculous.  It's fine that Mark stepped up, but he does what most parents and caregivers do every damn day.  He's not some special snowflake for it.  I do think that his request to have Scotty finish the school year there was reasonable.   


Glad that Lucy and April are in counseling, though I would have liked to see more of their session.  


I've been willing to defend Karen most of the season, but she lost me with agreeing to keep Alec in the dark.  I realize I'm supposed to think of Alec as some neanderthal husband, but the show established that he clearly loves his wife and has been willing to do what he can for her.   If he decided to blow off that awards dinner after learning about Vivian's relapse, that's his decision to make.  Vivian even managed to make that about her.  Vivian is a great reminder that terminal illness can still mean a person is an emotional vampire.  Good gravy, I'm over that character.  Especially since I prefer more April and Karen scenes.                 


I would have preferred Ari as the fourth woman in the series.  She's certainly the most mature woman on the show, though being a lead would ensure some level of stupidity.

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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