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How The Magic Works: Episode Thread & Rewatch Info


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Yeah, but I still need to actually re-watch S7 and S8 for it to actually be complete--yes, I know this is a self-imposed rule and I also know that I'm weird, thank you very much! Ugh, S8 and I guess that also means I gotta do S9, too. Ugh again.


Maybe season 8 will kill you or your spirit, and then you won't have to do season 9? ; ) . I kid, I kid.

Ok, so im just now getting to start my Re watch, so I'll be polluting the episode threads and being generally obnoxious in threads tha haven't seen action since the summer, lol. Sorry

I'm new to the SPN forum, so I'll read the rules. I haven't seen many of the older episodes in years and years, so it'll be fun (and I'm imposing a rule on myself... I have to watch them ALL. Yes, even *that* one ;).

If anyone's still re watching, join me!

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I'm re-watching on the TNT schedule. It's a weird feeling seeing how good these episodes are. It's like I know intellectually that it's a great show, and I never miss a new episode, but its slow decline over the last 5ish years has creeped into my subconscious, and I kinda forgot just how great this show truly was. I'm watching "Hollywood Babylon" right now, which is hilarious, but that means I just finished "Heart", "Roadkill", and "Tall Tales", which are all brilliant.  It's fun falling in love with this show all over again.

  • Love 4
I'm re-watching on the TNT schedule. It's a weird feeling seeing how good these episodes are


So I went through a stage where my feelings about recent seasons kind of soured me on the entire series, but happily I'm now back to feeling like my disappointment in later seasons just makes the earlier ones even more awesome by contrast.


I'm rewatching S1 for approximately the zillionth or so time and am loving it more than ever. It's so mercifully, comparatively low on the mawkish, maudlin angst that starts to suffocate us (and the characters) by S4 or so. Sam and Dean have their share of conflicts, most of which seem to stem pretty organically from their personalities and uniquely bumpy childhood, but the tension and angst is nicely balanced out by the fact that they also often LIKE each other and enjoy each other's company. They even smile at each other and laugh more than once every two seasons! ;)  There's fun and joy and the sense of adventure that one would expect from a show featuring two hot guys on an endless road trip across America. There's a lot of lore for someone as geeky about myths and urban legends as I am to get excited about---and it was fresh and varied and interesting, a lovely contrast to the endless parade of generic, interchangeable angels  and demons and their eternal civil war that we've been subjected to since. The boys look adorable, Jensen's voice doesn't yet sound like he smokes six packs a day, Sam is allowed to sometimes smile and have a few positive traits to balance out his flaws, Dean is a vibrant, funloving joy to watch, and even the music is a lot better then than it is now. Even S1's clunkiness is now somehow oddly endearing to me, adding to the show's freshness and charm. I can't wait to catch up to those of you who are up to S2! 


Five Favorite S1 episodes, in chornological order: Pilot, Scarcrow, The Benders, Hell House and Salvation, but aside from Home, at least certain parts of every s1 episode are well worth rewatching for me...and, yes, I'm including the oft-snarked upon Bugs and Route 666 :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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Compared to some of the episodes, Bugs wasn't that bad.  I can still re-watch that one.  I don't skip over many episodes, but there are a few I just can't take anymore.  


I still have to think really hard in order to remember what went on in season eight.  Sometimes the later seasons get a little muddled.

I like seasons 1-5.   For me, they start going downhill in season six.  I follow TNT's schedule.  I don't like the Super fan marathons because it throws off the DVR.  the DVR won't record episodes that have recently been aired.  Even when I tell it to record all the episodes.  

Ugh.  I'm watching some of the "Sam is back without his soul" episodes and I am absolutely irritated by how little this storyline holds together.  Over and over again, multiple characters harp on the fact that Sam's soul is shredded, abused, tortured, etc etc etc and that's why Dean should stop trying to reunite Sam's soul with his body.  Because apparently his soul will damage his body (eg his mind) if they are spliced back together.   So their recommendation?  To leave Sam's soul in Hell FOR ALL ETERNITY.   Huh?  Isn't the body a shell?  A meat suit?  Isn't the soul the 'true'  person, even according to Supernatural's mythology?   Yes, Sam's mind is important, but that's not the part that lives on after the meat suit expires.  So in what universe does it make sense for EVERYBODY insist that it's better off being left in the cage with Lucifer?

Okay, rewatch. I'm goin' nuts! Help me out here guys, and I'm looking at catrox, Awesome and Dot here, along with the rest of you.


Just watched First Born again, on TNT and I'm obsessing! (and yes, I take time out in the middle of the day to watch an episode I have on DVD, so what!? Go make fun of someone else!) Even Mick is looking at me sideways, but I don't care. I honestly don't.


So, Cain gives Dean The Mark, the one thing that makes him so powerful, (minus The Blade of course) But then, Cain takes out about 50 demons all at once after he gives Dean The Mark! How could he do that? And yeah I know, Cain later spends an entire episode killing off his decedents, but that's "One on one", not a mass demon slaughter! Does this mean Dean still has this power too? Or is this just a Cain thing, being the first murderer and all?


I hate what this show is doing to me, and you guys are just a bunch of enablers! Now I'm going back to Fanfic, and no, I do not have a problem!!!


I hate what this show is doing to me, and you guys are just a bunch of enablers! Now I'm going back to Fanfic, and no, I do not have a problem!!!


I prefer functional Acklesholic

There was much confusion but IMO Cain never lost the power of the Mark. He didn't pass the power on. He just shared it with Dean. Which is why it drove me batcrap crazy that the show never tried to find Cain until you know stupid Galavant was over for the season.

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I agree with catrox; Cain still had the mark. The only thing Cain didn't have was the blade, but since Cain was a demon - and had been one for what 2000+ years? - he was a powerful demon with powers given to him by Lucifer. And Lucifer was able to kill several hundred demons by pretty much just snapping his fingers. Heck even Sam could kill two demons with his mind in a second just by the little bit of power Azazel gave him and a couple gallons of demon blood, so for me Cain killing a bunch of demons that way was believable.

I prefer functional Acklesholic

There was much confusion but IMO Cain never lost the power of the Mark. He didn't pass the power on. He just shared it with Dean. Which is why it drove me batcrap crazy that the show never tried to find Cain until you know stupid Galavant was over for the season.


Great. Now Mick is calling me a" Functional Acklesholic."  Thank you so much for that, and so many other things you've cursed me with! You're a peach, really...


But, Awesome, did Cain still have The Mark? Death said you could share it, but no mention of that was made. And it didn't it disappear off of Cain's arm when he gave it to Dean? Or can you never really rid yourself of The Mark?


I'm pretty sure it didn't disappear off of Cain's arm... it was why Cain made Dean promise to kill him when Cain decided to call on Dean to do it. Cain couldn't die unless someone with the mark - not himself - and the blade killed him, and that was because the mark kept Cain alive. If Cain didn't have the mark anymore, Cain could've had anyone kill him or perhaps even killed himself.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Did Cain still have The Mark? Death said you could share it, but no mention of that was made. And it didn't it disappear off of Cain's arm when he gave it to Dean? Or can you never really rid yourself of The Mark?


Yes, Cain still had the Mark, too and apparently there are ways to rid oneself of the Mark, but the consequences for doing so seem kinda high. I would assume that Cain knew about the Darkness, so I guess he was just waiting for the right person to come along so he could pass on the legacy and retire--hey, he's like the first Dread Pirate Roberts! ;)


I was going to cancel the re-watch after season six ended this time around. I got sucked into season 7.  It wasn't as bad as I remember it.  I just finished season eight again.  Season 9 isn't doing much for me, but for whatever reason I'm still watching.  


I decided to forego my re-watch this summer. First summer I haven't re-watched since I started watching the show five years ago. I still pop in a disc every now and again, but have mostly been Supernatural-free this summer--wonder how long I can last?

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Popping in late to add my two cents:


Things I believe are facts:

- Cain still had the Mark on after he gave it to Dean (visible on his arm)

- There WAS a biblical-lite reaction to his apparent death (thunderclap)

- We did hear the squish of the blade go in and the sucking sound as it came out (thanks for that foley artists!) when Dean brought the blade down.

- Clearly, if Cain was dead, it was not enough to release the Darkness.

- Cain had a physical reaction to the Blade being back in his hands

- The Book of the Damned was written by a nun who had horrific visions.  


Other hints that may or maynot be relevant:

- Crowley remarked to Rowena that Dean couldn't be killed, like he was protected "from on high"

- Metatron said it was "God-level magic or Lucifer-level"


From the DVD Commentary: 

- First it was about the Blade but then it was about the Mark.  Like the Blade was always just a McGuffin.  Of course the whole arc was about Dean controlling his inner darkness.


So....here's my working theories...

- There was in fact more than one "layer" to this problem. The Mark AND The Blade work in tandem.  But I think God gave Lucifer the Mark and Lucifer put something into the Blade that acted like some sort of "channel" to the darkness that the Mark was holding back.  So it amplified the affect of The Mark.  Once that power was tapped into for something big (like the first murder or killing Abaddon), a more potent connection was permanently made with the host.  With or without the Blade.

- The "protection" comes from the Mark, which actually DID come from God (which fits neatly back into the Biblical story of no one ever being able to kill Cain, while skipping the role of Lucifer).  Plus God would want it to be passed on if it needed to be but never removed.  

- When Cain passed on the Mark to Dean, he passed on the Lock and Key part (the burden of protecting holding back the Darkness).  I would go so far as to speculate that Cain KNEW there was more to the Mark than just egging on someone to murder.  He referred to the Mark as having a personality.  So did Dean.  "It WANTS me to kill".  Perhaps after living with the Mark for centuries, he got a glimpse or hint of it's true purpose and that's why he called it a "burden."  

- So Cain may have retained the Mark and it left a little Darkness residue (wouldn't be the first time we had residue issues...).  But IF Cain was killed, it wouldn't have unleashed The Darkness. Further, because Cain no longer was the Lock and Key, he COULD be killed.  And since he was a Knight - with the jet pack and red-smiting powers - he needed someone more powerful than him to kill him.  In this case, I think the options would have been Dean or Death.  Crowley clearly wasn't up to the job.  And I think it needed to be either Death's scythe or the First Blade.  Again... he's no longer protected by God (because he's not the Lock and Key) but he's no ordinary demon either.


Back to the Book of the Damned:

- I think the nun had somehow gotten visions from whatever was in The Darkness and that's where she got the spells to break them out.

- This Darkness provided the spells that the Steins used for years to do their dark magic.  The book itself, as it was inspired by The Darkness, was itself a partial embodiment of The Darkness --- which is why it was chatting up Dean in the cabin (or so he said... because he said the Book WANTED him to use it to get rid of the curse).

- The Steins had some sense of what was behind The Book, which is why Jacob told him there would be Biblical-class consequences if Dean used it.


Which leads me to my final theories:

- Dean, who was an archangel class vessel to begin with, was 'worthy' of taking on the Mark BECAUSE of that vessel status.

- Sam and Dean, who have already been literally touched by God when he put them on that plane at the end of S4, will have the ability to put a lid back on The Darkness

- I personally think Cain is dead (because I believe foley artists) but think that he could be brought back if they wanted him to

- I suspect that (and this is WAAAAAAAAAYYY) out there, they will bring Charlie back in the form of a vessel for the Darkness.  Because Singer/Carver LIKED the Dark Charlie arc and we and the boys won't want her dead (even if it's not her).  But... this be POWERFUL magic....so who knows...maybe she opened herself up to allowing The Darkness to use her when she split herself in two already.  


So...what was the question again? Oh yeah, Cain's powers:

- Cain was still a demon with EXTRA powers (that probably came from The Mark)...see Mark residue theory for why he could still wield them.

- He was Smitey-McSmiterson during the Civil War ... so taking out all those demons was within his previous skill set. He just didn't lose anything by passing on the Mark (because...Mark residue theory). 


Oh, I just have to add; SueB, if you join in and explain the writers and their various canons, I swear to God I'll slit my wrist and call up Crowley on you!

So... now ...hold on there... this is just random speculation...I claim no ability to actually explain the writers...just suspicions.... OTOH, if you call Crowley on me, so long as he just sits there, drinks scotch, and snarks at me... I'm okay with that.

Edited by SueB
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Just adding, it was clear in Brother's Keeper from Death


That he could pass the burden on to someone else and then could get rid of the mark.  But first it had to be passed on.  Dean said no, because he wasn't going to harm another person.  This was the part in his rush to get the mark, he didn't ask for clarification from Cain.


So this is why Dean could kill Cain with the blade.  But first Cain tried to tempt Dean to do more by telling him he was holding back.


Now the only problem with the writers is that many times logic seems to fly out the door, if they want the story to go into another direction.  But that is where fanfic comes into play.  You can fix their goofs with your version. 


Suggestion, the fanfic rabbit hole is quite large, use a timer or you will find yourself doing way more than you should.  Watching reruns is understandable even if you have the dvd's.  If the ep you want to watch is running, why not and you can do something during the commericals, so win/win...right?  :)

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That he could pass the burden on to someone else and then could get rid of the mark.  But first it had to be passed on.  Dean said no, because he wasn't going to harm another person.  This was the part in his rush to get the mark, he didn't ask for clarification from Cain.


Wait, it didn't have to be passed on for it to be removed, right. What I mean is, Death refused to remove the Mark unless Dean passed it on, but Death could remove it either way, if he so chose to. Of course, removing it without it being passed on to someone else would mean the Darkness being unleashed, but that's why Death refused to do it unless Dean passed it on. It would put a slightly different twist on Death's motives if it was physically necessary for it to be passed on before Death could remove it from Dean.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I saw an article about Samhain yesterday and decided that today would be a good day to start the re-watch on Netflix. I got held up by the Doctor Who marathon that was on my TV when I turned it on, but managed to break away because I can't stand to watch Clara and Danny Pink's first date again. 

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I am rewatching on Netflix, but only late at night, and I sometimes forget episode names.

I just watched The Slice Girls where the Amazon women only sleep with men who are attractive and successful, and Sam asks 'So why was she with you??' and Dean says 'She might have thought I was an investment banker...'  Skeevy! But, I like when the show lets the guys acknowledge how attractive they are.  It reminded me of an episode I saw where Sam has ......  amnesia? He runs into Dean, doesn't recognize him, and later says describes him as a  "male model type".  I can't remember if that was part of the rewatch or something I caught the first time around. Anyone know the ep?

I am rewatching on Netflix, but only late at night, and I sometimes forget episode names.

I just watched The Slice Girls where the Amazon women only sleep with men who are attractive and successful, and Sam asks 'So why was she with you??' and Dean says 'She might have thought I was an investment banker...'  Skeevy! But, I like when the show lets the guys acknowledge how attractive they are.  It reminded me of an episode I saw where Sam has ......  amnesia? He runs into Dean, doesn't recognize him, and later says describes him as a  "male model type".  I can't remember if that was part of the rewatch or something I caught the first time around. Anyone know the ep?


That was the season 6 finale, "The Man Who Knew Too Much." Sam's amnesia came from Castiel breaking the wall Death put in Sam's mind that was protecting him from his memories of hell. Sam was having memory flashes back to his most recent memories of what happened to him, but his broken brain couldn't put it all together at first.

  • Love 2

Oooh, a challenge I can get behind....


Disclaimer: I tend to be more enamored by the one-off MoTW episodes and I love a little whacky, so my list will probably reflect that.


Season 1: Lots of good atmospheric creepers!

  1. Pilot
  2. Skin
  3. Scarecrow
  4. The Benders
  5. Hell House
  6. Something Wicked
  7. Provenance
  8. Devil's Trap


Season 2: There's not many I would skip here. Love me some S2 whack-a-do! ;)

  1. In My Time of Dying
  2. Everybody Loves a Clown
  3. Bloodlust
  4. The Usual Suspects
  5. Crossroad Blues
  6. Nightshifter
  7. Houses of the Holy
  8. Born Under a Bad Sign
  9. Tall Tales
  10. Hollywood Babylon
  11. Folsom Prison Blues
  12. What Is and What Should Never Be
  13. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two


Season 3: The season where the art department was most likely doing shrooms and the writers began to take themselves a bit too seriously. ;)

  1. The Magnificent Seven
  2. Bad Day at Black Rock
  3. Fresh Blood
  4. A Very Supernatural Christmas
  5. Dream a Little Dream of Me
  6. Mystery Spot
  7. Jus in Bello
  8. Ghostfacers
  9. No Rest for the Wicked


Season 4: When, for better or worse, the show decided to go BIG!!

  1. Lazarus Rising
  2. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
  3. In the Beginning
  4. Metamorphosis
  5. Monster Movie
  6. Wishful Thinking
  7. Sex and Violence
  8. Death Takes a Holiday
  9. It's a Terrible Life
  10. The Monster at the End of This Book
  11. Jump the Shark


Season 5: When the show wrapped it all up, but then didn't die.

  1. Good God, Y'All
  2. The End
  3. Changing Channels
  4. The Real Ghostbusters
  5. Abandon All Hope...
  6. Sam, Interrupted
  7. The Song Remains the Same
  8. My Bloody Valentine
  9. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
  10. Dark Side of the Moon
  11. Hammer of the Gods
  12. The Devil You Know


Season 6: Reboot!

  1. Exile on Main St.
  2. Two and a Half Men
  3. Weekend at Bobby's
  4. Clap Your Hands If You Believe...
  5. Appointment in Samarra
  6. The French Mistake
  7. My Heart Will Go On
  8. Mommy Dearest
  9. The Man Who Would Be King
  10. The Man Who Knew Too Much


Season 7: I'm always surprised by how many episodes I really liked from the season of Dick.

  1. Meet the New Boss
  2. Hello, Cruel World
  3. The Girl Next Door
  4. Slash Fiction
  5. The Mentalists
  6. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
  7. Death's Door
  8. Adventures in Babysitting
  9. Time After Time
  10. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
  11. Out with the Old
  12. Of Grave Importance
  13. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
  14. Reading Is Fundamental


Season 8: Jealousy and bickering...ugh.

  1. We Need to Talk About Kevin
  2. What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
  3. Blood Brother
  4. Hunteri Heroici
  5. As Time Goes By
  6. Everybody Hates Hitler
  7. Pac-Man Fever
  8. The Great Escapist

Season 9: Wait, WHAT!? 

  1. Dog Dean Afternoon
  2. Heaven Can't Wait
  3. Bad Boys
  4. First Born
  5. Meta Fiction
  6. Alex Annie Alexis Ann


Season 10: The year--or three episodes, whatever--of the Deanmon.

  1. Fan Fiction
  2. Ask Jeeves
  3. Hibbing 911
  4. The Executioner's Song
  5.  Inside Man
  6. Book of the Damned
  7. The Werther Project


Season 11: It's all so very...dark...or not at all, whatever. ;)

  1. Baby
  2. Our Little World



Wow, that's still a boat load of episodes...how much time ya got? 

Edited by DittyDotDot
  • Love 3

Thanks for the list!  I have a few weeks.  I'm going to try to do S1-S5 without skipping any. At 8 episodes/day, that should be about 2 weeks.  I probably won't make it, but every time I start a rewatch, I can't get over how good these early episodes are.  I just watched Bugs -- Bugs! -- and it's good.  Like you say, Season 1 has some great atmospheric creepers.  So many cool stories, and good special effects, and creepy make-up,   I hate to miss any.  Such a great show in those early years!

  • Love 1

Through every season, burn, burn, burn ...

Too many to squeeze in, churn, churn, churn ...

So I must skip a bunch of the eps in Six and Seven ...


Sam will be born, and Dean will die

Zombies kills plants, and Tessa can reap

Dean loves to kill, and Castiel heals

I plan to laugh, and I surely will weep




Rocking my way into Season 2.  Still aiming for 5 before skipping around.  Anyone else want to toss in some essentials from Seasons 6 - 10/11?

Edited by sarthaz
  • Love 1

I did watch My Bloody Valentine last night. I think I watched at least four additional episodes before I fell asleep. People make fun of Netflix because every three episodes they stop and ask if you're still watching. I think it's kind of nice that the episodes don't keep running after I doze off. 

I think season six has quite a few good episodes.


Not everyone liked Weekend at Bobby's, but I did. 

The French Mistake is one of my favorite episodes of any season.


The Man Who Would Be King - mostly for the beginning. 

Rocking my way into Season 2.  Still aiming for 5 before skipping around.  Anyone else want to toss in some essentials from Seasons 6 - 10/11?


Are you familiar with the Supernatural Survival Game?  I sent you to page 31, which gives you our top 3 for season 6.  From there, we rank the remaining seasons' episodes (through S10), plus a few other fun categories.  Also, some of us explain why we vote the way we do.


Hope it helps, if you have the time.

My thought on S6

- You need the first three to get a handle on the season story

-EP4 Weekend At Bobbys is a series highlight for me (funny)

-I personally like EP5 but it starts off slow.

- EP6 ending and EP7 start are pretty season-plot important but you could skim

-EP9 is an Xfiles homage (I liked it)

-EP10 (last 15 min) is pretty plot critical

-EP11 is excellent

-EP15 (The French Mistake) shatters the 4th wall. Literally.

- EP20 and EP22 are plot critical.

I really like a bunch of season 6 and most of season 7, so suggesting stuff to skip is going to be difficult, but I'll try to give the highlights for me...


Season 6 - I'm more of a second half of the season person, so you might want to consider SueB's suggestions for the first half. My favorites from the season are:


Ep 4: Weekend at Bobby's - woodchipper for the win. And I love me some Rufus.

Ep 6: You Can't Handle the Truth - I liked this episode. I thought the goddess of truth was an interesting character.

Ep 7: Family matters - As SueB said, the first scene is plot important. The rest of the episode is meh for me.

Ep 9: Clap Your Hands - I enjoyed the X-Files tribute and amusing soulless Sam. Dean and the "Space Oddity" scene and the aftermath are gold for me as is soulless Sam's attempt to justify sleeping with the hippy chick. "But it'd be in the dark."

Ep 11: Appointment in Samarra - good episode.

Ep 14: Mannequin 3 - Mostly skip it, but the very last scene is nice if you like brotherly moments.

Ep 15: The french Mistake - I enjoyed this brand of crazy, and it has some Jared at his subtle humorous best. "Who wrote this? Nobody says penultimate."

Ep 17: My Heart Will Go On - I liked bizarro universe and the goddess of fate was cool, but it's not a necessary episode

Ep 18: Frontierland - I loved Dean and his enthusiasm and Sam playing along. A fun story for me.

Ep 19: Mommy Dearest - Smart Dean at his best, some nice subtle humor, I really enjoyed this episode

Ep 20: The Man Who Would Be King: Cas heavy. Plot important. A Little talky, but I enjoyed it, and I enjoyed the group dynamics.

Ep 21: Let It Bleed: I always think I'm going to want to just skip around on this episode, but then I usually get sucked in anyway. except for the Lisa and Ben hostage situation going on too long, and the very last scene, I actually liked most of it. I liked the Lovecraft stuff, and I enjoyed Dr. Eleanor Visyak.

Ep 22: The Man Who Knew Too Much: I love this episode. Everyone has an important role to play here. I liked the Dean / Bobby interaction and the insight into Sam's head. Jared did a great job for me playing the different Sams.


Season 7:

Ep 1: Meet the New Boss - One of my favorite season openers. The time jump montage was informative without being jarring. We get Death snarking at the boys and Castiel, forgiving Sam, and Crowley hiding in a trailer park. We get Castiel/ Dean forgiveness and angst.

Ep 2: Hello, Cruel World - I like this episode a lot. It's a good introduction of the big bad, it has great Jody, and it has one of my favorite brother moments of the series.

Ep 6: Slash Fiction - This episode would make my top 20 of the entire series easily. Loved leviathan Dean and Sam, loved Chet, loved Dean singing "All out of Love" and exclaiming "Nobody put's Baby in the corner." An episode made of win for me.

Ep 7: The Mentalists - I liked the case here, I liked the bit players, I liked the quick resolution of the brother angst and an improvement of their relationship at the end.

Ep 8: Season 7, Time for a Wedding - You should probably skip this one, and I always think that I will... and end up watching it anyway to see Dean's WTF look when he finds out Sam is getting married, to see Sam say "Fuck you," and because of the brother moment at the end. And because the bad guy of the week is actually entertaining.

Ep 9: How to Win Friends... - I really like this episode. The bit players are fun, the humor is subtle and fun, and I like the whole dark humor / social commentary vibe, even if the ending is sad.

Ep 10: Death's Door - if you don't like Bobby, you can skip. I thought it was well done though, and I liked seeing Rufus again even if he was just in Bobby's head.

Ep 12: Time After Time... - I love this one. Dean gets to meet Elliot Ness and the brothers manage to work together despite being more than 50 years apart. I would however suggest finding the cut ending scene on you tube if you watch this one. The ending is much less abrupt with this scene, and it's a very nice scene.

Ep 14: Plucky Pennywhistle's... - I thought this one was fun and liked the brother moments and subtle dark humor on this one.

Ep 15: Repo Man - This one is dark and not to everybody's taste, but I liked the questions being asked here. When does helping not really help in the end?  Are there some people who shouldn't be helped? I also liked Hallucifer in this one.

Ep 16: Out With the Old - Again, dark humor I enjoyed. I really liked the bit player leviathans here. And the cursed objects. Some good Frank.

Ep 17: The Born Again Identity - Another I enjoyed. I liked Sam's story. I liked Dean and Castiel's story.

Ep 21: Reading Is Fundamental - The introduction of Kevin in an awesome way, in my opinion.

Ep 22-23: There Will Be Blood and Survival of the Fittest - not as strong as the opening episodes but worth a skim through, and the ending set up was pretty promising.


I dislike most of season 8, so I'll let someone else suggest. I generally only watch Everybody Hates Hitler, Pac Man Fever, The Great Escapist, and pieces of Sacrifice.


And I'm still processing 9 and 10, but I do love "Dog Dean Afternoon," "First Born," and "Metafiction" from season 9 (I also like "Mother's Little Helper," but I might be in the minority on that one.) And from season 10: I really like the first 6 episodes - minus episode 4 and most of the last episodes starting with episode 17, "Inside Man."

  • Love 1

Thanks for the list!  I have a few weeks.  I'm going to try to do S1-S5 without skipping any. At 8 episodes/day, that should be about 2 weeks.  I probably won't make it, but every time I start a rewatch, I can't get over how good these early episodes are.  I just watched Bugs -- Bugs! -- and it's good.  Like you say, Season 1 has some great atmospheric creepers.  So many cool stories, and good special effects, and creepy make-up,   I hate to miss any.  Such a great show in those early years!


I'm starting Season 5 today and was feeling pretty proud of myself until I checked this thread and see that my 2-week estimate ends tomorrow. Oh well ... been loving the ride.  Gotta start skipping eps soon.  Thanks again for everyone's advice.

  • Love 3

Well, I just finished watching the entire run thus far tonight (started about 3 weeks ago) and am completely hooked, though I had my issues with seasons 8 & 9 that seem to be common. And now...I'm ready to REwatch all over again because I know I missed stuff. Is that...normal? I suspect so, from this forum, which I've been lurking in for a while. So I watched the last episode of season 11 and went right to the Pilot and wow, the boys have aged gracefully.

Only thing different this time around will be that I ordered season 1 on Amazon so I could watch this season with the original music.

  • Love 5

It has always bugged me that they have lousy substituted music in S1, but have the original music in the rest of the seasons. Why bother to do this to S1? And what really kills me is that the finale doesn't have CCR's "Bad Moon Rising", but the S2 opener has the CCR version. What the hell are they even saving???

I'm no expert in that area but I thought getting the rights to music all about the cost? I mean if Netflix wants to pay the going rate for the song they would. Or do I have that wrong?

Like if SPN wanted to pay whatever amount Led Zeppelin was asking they could use it, no?


SPN was back before many of the rules were established. I'm guessing Kripke didn't get the rights and didn't want to go back and re-negotiate when it came time to put them out for anything other than DVD.  Netflix doesn't get a vote, WBTV (the official producer of the show) would need to renegotiate.  Seems improbable.

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I'm no expert in that area but I thought getting the rights to music all about the cost? I mean if Netflix wants to pay the going rate for the song they would. Or do I have that wrong?

Like if SPN wanted to pay whatever amount Led Zeppelin was asking they could use it, no?


It's the studio that owns the show and has paid for the music--not Netflix--but when they bought the music originally they probably didn't get the rights for it to be viewed online since streaming was in it's infancy back in 2005. Netflix pays the studio for the show they deliver and then the studio turns around and pays royalties on the music, to the actors and writers, for any products and other things in the show. So if they didn't license it for streaming, they can't give it to Netflix with that song included or they might get sued. Some studios swap out the music so they can get still get the show out there.


Basically, when you buy a song--or a photo or anything else like this--there are usually conditions of use and they didn't cover all the conditions when they originally bought some of those songs. 

It's not just music, I noticed. I was re-watching Cosmos on Netflix. Patrick Stewart's voice was replaced by another actor in one of the episodes. Apparently they didn't negotiate streaming when they wrote the contract. 


Yeah, it's amazing everything that needs licensing anymore. CRAZY!!!

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Basically, when you buy a song--or a photo or anything else like this--there are usually conditions of use and they didn't cover all the conditions when they originally bought some of those songs. 


Yeah, it's amazing everything that needs licensing anymore. CRAZY!!!


Remember the writer's strike and the SAG strikes in the last decade? THIS was a critical issue. Royalties on multiple platforms. 

Oh yeah, the writer's strike had a big impact on this issue and I do think they should get paid with everyone else for their work.


I was more thinking about a commentary I was listening to a while back where the showrunner said they had to reshoot and entire scene because there was a sign in the background of the scene they couldn't get the rights to show. I mean, you probably couldn't even really see the sign and it was out in public...I just find it a bit crazy how litigious we've become as a society.

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What are the post-S3 episodes that you guys watch or at least could watch the most often?! A few of mine: Weekend at Bobby's, Slash Fiction, Clap Your Hands If You Believe, It's a Terrible Life, Fan Fiction, Plucky Pennywhistle, and most episodes that feature Death or Crowley, both of whom I love more than is rational :)

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