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How The Magic Works: Episode Thread & Rewatch Info

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12 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Aww, I'm gonna fall behind...won't be able to get to disc 2 until tomorrow night...Boo!

Why does work always ruin all the best things in life?

And that TripleD, is why being retired is so cool!

But my gardens are soon going to take me away from our morning viewings. :( But we'll keep up!

We haven't watched the first four seasons in a long time, and I love picking up some lore I've forgotten. But then, Super-wiki sends me to "Cannon Discrepancies" and Mick and I are off on another discussion!

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What if we do a rewatch together, but we don't hit every episode?

What if each person in the rewatch submitted a favorite episode from each season, and then we did rewatch of those?

Then we'd be able to watch the same episodes at the same time, and with the added bonus of seeing how each person's favorites mesh with the others'?

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That sounds like a good idea! I tend to skip over episodes that I don't have fond memories of anyway. But I'm too brain-dead now to decide which is my favorite of Season 1 ..............

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1 minute ago, auntvi said:

That sounds like a good idea! I tend to skip over episodes that I don't have fond memories of anyway. But I'm too brain-dead now to decide which is my favorite of Season 1 ..............

1) Faith

2) Devil's Trap

3) Home

Oh... you didn't ask MY opinion... I just had to give it anyway.  I'm keeping up on the #TNTRewatch too.  I think I'll post a few thoughts in the "All Seasons Thread" tomorrow as we will be halfway thru S1 by then. 

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I love those shape-shifters. So creepy, so sad. Really anything with a shifter or a ghost, and I'm happy.

OMFG you know, I don't think they've ever had a shifter ghost.

Can shifters even BE ghosts? Hm. Probably not, that seems like a human-only thing. But seems like a lot/most shifters are at least half human, so...? OK going to watch Skin, BRB.

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4 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

I never cared for Dead in the Water. I do like Phantom Traveler.  I never liked Jaime Ray Newman much either, but I didn't mind her in this episode. 

Dead in the Water is ok, really I just like Deans interaction with little Lucas.

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I can't watch them out of order or skip any...I just can't.

S1 favorites off the top of my head: Skin, Asylum, Scarecrow, Provenance, Hell House, The Benders and Devil's Trap.

I find both Bugs and Wendigo charming just for their hokey-ness alone. Not super-fond of Dead in the Water, Faith, Shadow or Home, but they too have their moments.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Love Provenance! My favorite of this season, because of the eBay haunted painting! The Benders is a close second.

I have the same problem TripleD, I have to watch them in order too! But you catch a lot of forgotten lore, and really start to understand The Boys relationship development.(Especially in hindsight) There's some really subtle stuff in the early episodes!


Edit to add; Asylum is a true classic! Grew up near an abandon one, and it was a magnet for the local teens. Drove by myself, buy never had the nerve to go in.

Edited by Mick Lady
I'm a coward!
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21 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

You truly have an evil mind!

OK but how fun would it be to see Sam and Dean hunt a ghost that doesn't really have its "own" skin/bones/body? I mean, how would they kill it?

21 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

I can't watch them out of order or skip any...I just can't.

I don't know that I've watched the show in order since the first go around! Usually, I go back and watch previous seasons because some episode will just pop into my mind and then I have to watch it. Or even just most of it.

Any other suggestions for S1? I'm thinking I'm going to try Scarecrow next. Not tonight, though.

Just too too too tired. Does this week feel inordinately long to anybody else? It feels like it's been this week for the last 6 years. I barely remember a time when it wasn't this week. Maybe every time other than this week has just been an illusion and I'm stuck in an infinitely repeating loop. Apparently, my loop is a lot less violent than Mystery Spot but discombobulating and life-draining as well in its own way.

Edited by rue721
grammar problems are the worst problems
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28 minutes ago, rue721 said:

OK but how fun would it be to see Sam and Dean hunt a ghost that doesn't really have its "own" skin/bones/body? I mean, how would they kill it?

I don't know that I've watched the show in order since the first go around! Usually, I go back and watch previous seasons because some episode will just pop into my mind and then I have to watch it. Or even just most of it.

Any other suggestions for S1? I'm thinking I'm going to try Scarecrow next. Not tonight, though.

Just too too too tired. Does this week feel inordinately long to anybody else? It feels like it's been this week for the last 6 years. I barely remember a time when it wasn't this week. Maybe every time other than this week has just been an illusion and I'm stuck in an infinitely repeating loop. Apparently, my loop is a lot less violent than Mystery Spot but discombobulating and life-draining as well in its own way.

Rue! You get extra points for using discombobulating! I think that was my Mom's favorite word. Thanks for reminding me!

In the first season, I also liked The Benders, Hell House, and Something Wicked. Something Wicked especially because it shows us the brothers in the early years, and the start of Dean's guilt.

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The Benders just creeps me the hell out, humans are way scarier than monsters. I can't watch that one before bed, gives me nightmares every time. 

Edited by Diane
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3 hours ago, Diane said:

The Benders just creeps me the hell out, humans are way scarier than monsters. I can't watch that one before bed, gives me nightmares every time. 

Have you ever seen the X-Files episode Home?

You won't sleep for weeks!

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I've just started the final book of the ASOIAF series which means my rewatch should start in the next week or two :D. I'm curious to see if this rewatch will change my position but right now my high and lows are: 

FAVOURITEs (in airing rather than preference order)






Something Wicked

Devil's Trap





Route 666

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7 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

Have you ever seen the X-Files episode Home?

You won't sleep for weeks!

 I never watched the X-Files, I will have to look up that episode and watch it, during the day. LOL.

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8 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Wayward Son, Windigo is the episode we first hear; "Saving People, Hunting Things, The Family Business!" How could you not love it?!

I just find it rather boring overall. I do admit that's an enjoyable scene but it's not enough to make up for the fact I consider the rest of the episode a snooze fest.

Although, my opinion could change with this rewatch. Since I dislike it I think it's one of the episodes I haven't seen in five or six years.

Edited by Wayward Son
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Wendigo is not a great episode but I think it's a good character study that really highlighted for me just how different Sam and Dean REALLY were from the outset of the show and how much they did not see eye to eye on much of anything.  Just another note to make in my Sam and Dean are not brodependent dissertation (not really a dissertation)

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Home is the Season 1 episode I like the most so far.  It starts to really feel like Supernatural. For me, Home is the first episode that includes the basic elements of the Winchesters.

edit: removed spoilers

Edited by auntvi
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I've noticed we've put spoilers in the "summary" thread.  We need to warn people.  Because some newbies follow only the episode threads (which are spoiler-free) until they get caught up.  But we've been talking about the episodes here in a all-episodes perspective.

So.. thoughts? Do I 
1) Ask the mods to put spoiler warning on this thread title (only)
2) Request people go back and put spoiler tags on the episode details.
3) Request we move stuff to All Seasons.

I just want to protect the unwitting newbie from running across a spoiler. The individual episode threads are spoiler free.  That means you don't talk about a EP 1.15 in the 1.14 thread.  So... 


Edited by SueB
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Good point, @SueB. I think we should move it to the individual episode or All Season threads, whichever is most appropriate for the conversation at hand. I'll go back and spoiler tag any of my posts if I need to. I can't remember if I posted anything spoiler-y here. 

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4 hours ago, auntvi said:

Sorry, I obviously misunderstood the purpose of this thread.  And I may have been confused about which thread I was in. I'll get rid of it.

Don't get rid of it @auntvi--it's a great post--just spoiler tag it or maybe move it to the episode thread. 

The thread was initially set up to organize re-watches, but has kinda morphed a bit. I hadn't really thought about it until @SueB pointed it out. I think it's fine to generally talk about what we're watching and/or recommendations here, but probably should take specifics to different threads.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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5 hours ago, sarthaz said:

You're killing me, TNT.  Skipping "Everybody Loves a Clown"! :(

Okay, that's what I thought happened.  That episode is so DAMN important to how Dean and Sam are coping with John's death.  Dammit, TNT!

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1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

Okay, that's what I thought happened.  That episode is so DAMN important to how Dean and Sam are coping with


John's death

.  Dammit, TNT!

It also


introduces us to Ellen and Jo.

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Cross Road Blues is the episode I came in on when I saw it on TNT.  The show had already been on for several seasons. I was watching Supernatural for quite a while on TNT. I was considering whether it was a good idea to start watching new episodes. I finally caved. The first new episode I watched was Bitten. If I had started out on that episode, I possibly may not have kept watching. 

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I've started watching the show on Netflix via their download service.  It allows me to watch the episodes during my commute to/from work on the bus/subway, or on an airplane/on vacation when I don't have internet access.  I have an older version large ipad that is now almost exclusively used for downloading shows/movies, so I have a lot of room on it.

 I started in late December 2016 and I'm 3 episodes away from completing season 4.  I have interspersed a complete season with something else for a break given these pretty long seasons (like Penny Dreadful, the Crown, Orphan Black). I had forgotten what a 22/23 episode season was like, its like forever when you're binging.  Maybe if I push and take less 'breaks', I can finish S12 before S13 starts.

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7 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I've started watching the show on Netflix via their download service.  It allows me to watch the episodes during my commute to/from work on the bus/subway, or on an airplane/on vacation when I don't have internet access.  I have an older version large ipad that is now almost exclusively used for downloading shows/movies, so I have a lot of room on it.

 I started in late December 2016 and I'm 3 episodes away from completing season 4.  I have interspersed a complete season with something else for a break given these pretty long seasons (like Penny Dreadful, the Crown, Orphan Black). I had forgotten what a 22/23 episode season was like, its like forever when you're binging.  Maybe if I push and take less 'breaks', I can finish S12 before S13 starts.

I admire your stamina! I think you can do it!

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I recently watched what I felt were the funniest episodes or most charming (was not doing well with my mental health) and it got me kinda excited to do a full rewatch over hiatus. Except skipping ones I truly hate, ha. I might have done this last summer too...maybe I'll do it every hiatus while the show's on (so for the next 15 years or so)...

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Don't know if anyone's started a Netflix binge of this season, but I was delighted to see the THEN/NOW is back for Season 12!  Checked a random ep in S11, nope still not there.

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