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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Valentine's Day episode, appears like dreams for everyone. 

Phyllis shows up at Billys in Paris.  She tells him how Sally went back to Genoa city to Adam. He tries to call her and voice mail. Phyllis  still pathetic in dreams. He wants to know why she's there. She opens the chocolate for Sally, Phyllis says they make great team. He says she's right and they cheers. 

She says doesn't have to prove himself to her. Wants to dance. They discuss him thinking about Victor, not being over Victor taking Chancellor and wanting to go after him, she's in. They dance more. She's excited to be all in with him, they about to kiss and Phyllis wakes up. Wondering where that came from. 

Nick wanting to do romance with Sharon at coffee house. He gjves her rose, he sent everyone home. He tells her she's his hero, strongest woman for all challenges and adversity. He loves her. Always will. Needs her in his life and they dance. 

He asks her their next move, she asks him and Christian to move into ranch. He says yes let's do it. They kiss. They discuss if it's too late, not teenagers anymore. They'll take one step at a time. He asks Sharon Newman to have dance, one that lasts rest of lives. Nick disappears she looks for where he went. 

She's asleep on the books, Nick wakes her up. He says she can always count on him she says same for her. 

Chelsea telling Adam she's falling for him. Magic of Valentine Day to open up to him. It's what he wants, but he has to know she's sure.  They talk about Connor putting him first. She's sure. He says they're not good for each other. They drink and dance too. He's wondering if she not afraid she'd break heart, she's not. They about to kiss. 

Then Sally shows up, saying she had a dream she's at peace and forgive for what he did with Chelsea. When Adam looks over Chelsea not there. Wants another chance. 

Being with Billy wasn't right, she's healed and she sees he changed. She asks if he loves Chelsea. He tells her he hates how much he hurt her, he had to let her go. He chooses Chelsea. 

Chelsea calls out for Adam. He was asleep on the sofa. She got him a bag of chips because of boundaries. He eats it. 

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Jack and Diane debate refresh house again. He wants to know if she's testing him, she just wants trust and give her a little room trust her. Jack was stringing her along, he is excited but no avocado green. Lol 

Diane picked out and designed already. She wants to vacation now while it's being done. 

Kyle and Claire in park. Something wrong he wants to know why. She's upset about his not wanting really to reschedule. He thinks it's futile. He can have a dozen dinners he'd still be Jack Abbot's son. He respects she never had family or grandpa. 

He thinks she's inviting disappointment. Her grandparents approval means a lot, he wants to know how much.  She won't give up on them to appease Victor. She just wants people in her life onboard with each other. Is Victor always going to be an issue? Kyle asks if he agreed to dinner, Claire says not in words. 

Kyle gives in to go to dinner with him. 

Lily runs into Nikki & Victor. He asks if she's happy at family business. She calls them toxic Nikki wants put it behind them. Lily thinks she'll never forgive.  Nikki says they're found of her, Nikki points out everyone in Newman family go up and down the ladder when needed. Lily goes to go then says she has something to smooth over. She wants information on Damien she won't tell him why. He agrees to look into it. 

Lily could not have gotten info from anyone else? Devon is billionaire.She sells herself out to Victor. 

Nikki happy Victor helped Lily, she's hoping things will thaw now. Just wants Victor to do what she asks. 

Nate interrupts Holden and Audra. Wants to know what happening. Audra said they ran into each other. They talk about Amy, she wants to mend things. Holden says they're leaving. Nate thinks what's wrong with him, his mom dying he doesn't have a soul. 

Nate wants Holden to help him, Holden thinks she's a good person but he's not going to harass Damien for Nate and goes. 

 Nate doesn't want it to end like this, Audra warns him on getting Amy's hopes up. Nate thinks Holden did something to change her mind on this. She said no but Damien feels burnt by all the lies, Damien and him are stranger's and he doesn't want it. 

Nate calls Damien and goes to voicemail. He needs to get them to stay. 

Claire shows up at Society needing Nikki signature. She asks if they have plans that Kyle can join them. If that's good for Victor. She says she knows she doesn't need his approval but she wants it.  Nikki gives her approval. Victor doesn't say anything. Then agrees because it's what granddaughter wants, but later on tonight, first he has a meeting. After she goes, Nikki thanks him and he says we'll see. 

Kyle comes into Abbott house. He knew about the refresh plan. Teases him and Harrison moving in pool house. 

Lily runs into Audra and Nate at coffee house. He says Damien going, Lily agrees with Audra. Nate still think there's a chance. 

Audra goes to back patio. Holden comes back and asks her for one drink before I go. 

Claire calls Kyle says to meet him at Society. Victor agreed. After they hang up Kyle says into lion's den. 

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Jack and Diane at club. He's still worrying about refresh. Going on about it being mistake. He promises to stop. They go dance.  They discuss some good idea she has for jabot. He approves and supports that. 

They discuss Kyle and Claire and Victor. Jack gonna let them go and let them figure it out. Jack thinks he's learned his lesson on Victor. 


Summer waiting for Daniel. Kyle comes in and they discuss Harrison project. She invite him to join her, he meeting Victor and Claire.

Summer brings up how Victor had no problem with them, she's his granddaughter too. Kyle has different issues with him now, he doesn't care Victor opinion. Summer thinks that's a plus?  It means Victor loves Claire more lol. 

Daniel shows up and Kyle leaves for his table.  Summer acts jealous and Daniel calls her on it. Summer calls out on Claire being a delicate flower Victor has to protect. 

Daniel says she's giving off Phyllis vibes. He hopes mom genes coming out keeps her in check.  He asks if she's heard from Phyllis, she's not answering.  He tells her he accepted the job. 

Lucy heard news and stop worrying as much, she's making friends, crying less. Lucy made friends really? 

Victor meets Michael. He calls him out on letting Jordan go with Cole. He appreciates him staying when Ian was going to kill him.  Victor wants to go after Jack. Michael tries to talk him out of it, Victor says he's doing it no matter what.  Michael asks if Kyle, Jack and Diane haven't suffered enough and Victor says they haven't. Victor tells at him he'll decide when Abbot's suffered, he yells again about Jack did to Nikki in hotel room. 

He wants to know jabot plans are, production schedule. Claire shows up. Michael leaving says he'll get data. 

Isn't Michael supposed to be Diane friend? 

Claire wanted to go together, Nikki has a meeting will be late. She asks him not to grill Kyle, Victor kind of promises.

Victor greets summer and Daniel, Claire doesn't just stand there. They go over to Kyle. 

Summer staring from her table. Daniel calls her out again on Phyllis vibes and jealous. She says it's parental thing she doesn't want Kyle hurt. She thinks Victor won't let it go it'll cause stress and tension. She has to protect Harrison.  Then why doesn't she stand up against Victor? 

Victor confronts Kyle.  Says it's a problem, he's protective of family. He doesn't want to do damage to this granddaughter as other but acknowledge that it wasn't all his fault. 

He calls out there's going to be an implosion of Abbott family and he doesn't want his granddaughter in fall out. He's objecting because of his family. Kyle says their family stronger than ever. 

Because the Newman's are so stable? 

Jack and Diane in their hotel room bed, he asks one thing does refresh include bulldozers. She jokes she wants to replace the door and put a revolving one. Harrison will have fun. He realizes she's joking.

Daniel agrees Victor won't back down, he can see it coming back to Harrison. He still thinks Claire and Kyle will break up because Victor and her want her to. 

Claire speaks up he's being unfair. Kyle agrees he acted badly with his parents. He can seperate all that from Claire. They'll have a relationship with or without his blessing, but he wouldn't be here if he didn't want to try. Is there anything he can do?

Victor says there's nothing he can do. Can Claire stop this now? 

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Holden and Damien still there at coffee house. He stayed because of Lily, found out she's a winter's and Nate cousin. He walks up to her introduces himself pretending he didn't know her.

She's not having it with him, calls him out on lying, Holden catfishing. Damien wants her to have coffee with him. 

Amy with Nate and Audra, wants to get out of their hair. Holden contacted Audra asking to meet up. She realizes they still in town. She wants to take one for the team and goes to meet "stranger" Holden. 

Nate trying to convince Amy to speak to his second opinion friend. She agrees. 

Billy and Sally in France had seperate meetings. 

Daniel and Summer supposed to meet Phyllis she's not answering they think something wrong. He calls Billy to see if he heard from her. Billy asks why it's weird. Phyllis is missing, he's worried. Billy says give her more time. Summer wants to call Chance. 

Sally not thrilled with any of the Phyllis chat. She sees he's worried. He thinks she gets idea and runs with it. Nothing to worry about. He tries to call her.  Voicemail, she asks if wants to go home. 

He declines and doesn't want to go. By time he lands they'd have found her. 

Holden and Audra meet at society. She wants him to change Damien mind on meeting mother.  Wants him to help Amy get time with Damien. 

Damien tells Lily they gave him ambush. Amy wanted him to follow a path and change him. She asks how he got his succes, calls it unrealistic. He wants nothing from mother or Nate. Lily mention she lost her parents and things left unsaid. She leaves for work, he wants her to have dinner with him she says ask again after he makes peace with her mom. 

Summer and Daniel meet with Chance. Say Phyllis missing, she wants him to help so what he can do.  It will make up for what he did to Daniel. 

He was doing his job. Chance should walk out right now and let summer deal with Phyllis on her own. Leave her missing. 

Chance agrees to look for her since they are worried. 

Nate heard knock and it's Damien wanting to see Amy. 

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16 hours ago, Artsda said:

Chance agrees to look for her since they are worried.

What a maroon!  Guess now that Ian is mostly dead Chance has some time on his hands.  Doesn't someone have to be gone at least 24 hours before they are officially 'missing'? The kids haven't even broken into her room to see if she is just on her computer, obsessing over her new and wonderful ideas for Abbott Communications. Must be nice to use the GCPD as your own personal detective agency.  Ah, privilege.... 

Edited by MollyB
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Claire and Kyle at coffee house. She apologize for how Kyle treated by Victor. She got him a gift to apologize. 

Kyle doesn't want her to give up on family . summer shows up tells him Phyllis, he thinks she fine. She joins them.

She asks about dinner with the grandparents and makes comments along the way. Victor always gets what he wants, it's her first relationship, Victor never acted like this with her and Kyle. Phyllis junior. 

Victor tells Lily about Damien.  Victor says companies were established, he took them over Lily asks what he means, Victor does not know 

Damien at Nate's want to talk to Amy, he leaves.  They talk go back and forth they all apologize.  He's she'll upset about the daddy reveal. She asks for a hug he reluctantly agrees. 

Damien runs into Nate at club, he's upset all this drop on them. He goes to see Amy make sure she's ok, Lily says hi, Damien want to tell her about his conversation with Amy and Damien invites her to dinner again. 

Nate goes home tells Amy they're close, he's coming around. 

Victor calls Michael to see him. 




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We just sat through what seemed like years of the Sharon saga.  Now the focus is on The Winters Family. Other than Lily, perhaps the dullest family in soaps. With mostly underwhelming new players added.  Phyllis returning as a "player" and having an irritating gnat as a daughter.  But worst of all? Victor. The writers are insulting viewers and the character. I would say also to the actor; but I don't think it is. I don't know about anyone else, but I truly need some escapism via a soap. Escapism should make us look forward to watching everyday; and fun.  

Then there are the cheap, tacky sets, hairstyles and fashion for the women. We should not be having to poke fun at Melody Thomas Scott; but here we are. Sally most of the time looking hooker-ish. Phyllis is beyond redemption. If she was a better actress, she might be able to carry it off. Maybe someone could glue her arms/hands to her sides. Baby steps. 

****Sorry - should have put this in the other thread *** I will try and contact the mods.***

Edited by Kemper
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Nate giving Audra the Amy and Damien updates. He thanks her too for pushing Holden. She tells him Damien met a woman who propelled him into staying, Nate thinks it's Lily. 

Nate thinks Holden taken with Audra. She tells him they have a past. She recognized him when he showed up from Los Angeles with Tucker.  She wasn't sure if he was Holden or Damien. They went on few dates, not serious, she got into a situation thanks to Tucker and he got her out if it.  Meeting with bad men and Holden was there to save her. Nate still doesn't know why she didn't say truth. If something else hiding. She talks her way out of the covering it up and he's sorry for what happened in LA but wishes she told him truth from start but past is past. He asks if that's it, she agrees, they hug  and her face doesn't look like that is it. 

Adam flashbacks to Valentine dream while playing chess against himself. Chelsea interrupts him.  Connor at tack house with Johnny. They discuss their family movie night. Connor is striving, spending so much time outside, his cousins. 

Chelsea says family has been pleasant and she's feeling like this house is "ours".  She thinks Adam is off. He says he's falling back in love with her but not pressuring her, tells her about the dream. He doesn't want anything to change and just wanted honesty.

She also having memories.  They go back and forth on favorite happy memories thinking about good times. He doesn't want to push but has she changed her mind about being an us, she has but it would be bad but she had other voice they say maybe not.  Adam good with that, she would need it slow and careful. He suggests dinner just them and she agrees. 

Mariah at coffee house, Nick comes in asks where's Sharon.  Hasn't heard from her. Nick worried, Mariah hasn't heard from her either. They haven't seen her or answering. 

Chance overhears and tells them Phyllis is also missing.  Nick knew but assume Phyllis being Phyllis. Mariah hopes she's taking personal day, Nick thinks she won't do that without telling them. He calls ranch security to check. They say Sharon not there. They both haven't seen her since Valentine Day. 

Daniel and Summer still looking for Phyllis at club. They think something happened to her.  They want to know where would she go? Daniel point out she's faked death and attended her funeral. Summer of course takes Phyllis side how  it was different circumstances and she up angry.  That makes it ok then. 

Chance calls Daniel. He asks them to come to Crimson Lights. Mariah wonders if they disappeared together.  Nick doesn't wantt o worry faith since she's out of town with friends. 

Daniel and Summer show up. Daniel doesn't think they'd go anywhere together. Mariah point out maybe Sharon didn't go willing. Summer snaps back that her sainted mother would never. Mariah point out Phyllis ran around making her grudge and payback. Summer fights back that Sharon frame people putting Heather in river. Chance makes them stop and wants to figure out when Sharon and Phyllis last saw each other. Mariah and Summer go back and forth sgsin, they determine they haven't crossed paths since Nick and Sharon ran into Daniel and Phyllis at Society.  

Sharon and Phyllis both seen unconscious in some room. 

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I thought Ray Wise said his role had wrapped up.  I suppose it wouldn't be the first time an actor fudged on the facts to protect a surprise.

The break from Phyllis has been nice, but I have had to suffer through this horrible Nate/Amy/BitterNasty now horny Damien story.  UGH!!!  Just when we thought maybe Audra was reformed a bit, she is lying again.  Way to sabotage something you seemed to value. And Lily, please don't fall for this shady loser.

Summer.  Good Lord, what a selfish, nasty, entitled little jerk she is.  Now she is sniffing around Mr. Pompadour again and acting obsessed while using her NotKid as an excuse. How pathetic is she?

Where is the romance, the fun on this show?  Watching should not be so irksome and unsatisfying.

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Sharon and Phyllis both seen unconscious in some room. 

Speculation being that Ian Ward has something to do with this makes no sense.* Actually, Ian Ward being alive makes no sense.  Kyle has established the Timewarpline for us by acknowledging that 'Valentine's day is past' so we are now in late Feb or possibly early March.  That would mean Ian has been alive and well for almost a month.  It also means that no one has noticed he's missing or informed people to whom he poses a threat, in all that time.  Is he another vampire, living in the morgue drawer and coming out at night to terrorize the reigning cougars of GC?  What possible motivation does he have for kidnapping these two?  I would be happy if he staged their demise to be a Suicide Pact or even made it look as if they killed each other fighting.  Anything but the mustache twirling villainy that the writers seem to love.

* I know, I know.  Expecting Sense comes under the "really, Molly?" heading

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All Sharon and Phyllis locked in room. 

Alarm sounds and Sharon's awake. She's in glitter clothes again,  probably should stay away from the sparkles, unless she wants to be kidnapped. 

Sharon head hurting, asking if she's drugged. She's screaming at whoever asking who are they, finds a door trying to escape, offering kidnapper money. They can have anything. 

Talks more to secret person. Wanting way out. She runs to window, sees Phyllis on floor and tries to wake her up. 

Phyllis asks Sharon what she did to her. Sharon should have left her. Sharon says she's here and normal self. Goes ok about how she got rid of Heather and want to get rid of her. Sharon turns it around saying maybe it's her revenge? 

Phyllis says how do they get out, Sharon shows her the door and says be her guest. Phyllis trying to open door getting nowhere.  They go back and forth until Sharon asks if she gets it now, they didn't do this. Alarms sounds again. 

Phyllis said she thought Ian and Jordan died did they? Sharon says yes. Phyllis doesn't understand why she's apart of it, let her go and keep her. 

Sharon need to figure out why they are there, who did it and why them together. Phyllis thinks they want to watch them kill each other. She tries to pick the lock and jams in.  Sharon realizes they're in psychiatric clinic. Phyllis cracks if it's one she was at, Sharon point out Phyllis just goes after others. 

They try to remember how long they are here. They both had strange dreams last thing. Kids would start panicking. 

They start searching everywhere for phones. They go back and forth cracks.  Sharon not wrong Phyllis should get psychiatric help. 

Sharon finds food and can opener. Phyllis goes to drink the water, Sharon stops her saying that is where the PCP was last time. 

Phyllis asking if she was calm before in sewer. They talk about Ian. Ian wanting her dead for Mariah. Phyllis goes on about Sharon to blame again for helping cover up Heather dead. How Daniel and Lucy went through hell.  Blames her for attacking her family.  Phyllis can shut up anytime, she refuses to understand the drugging. Sharon tries to explain she was self drugging her everyday thinking she was being responsible for her illness.  Sharon tells her she just sees her as a target. All she does is take it out on her. 

Sharon calls her out on not having PCP in system when she faked her death and hurt her children, how the spite was more than her children.  Phyllis says they forgave her. Sharon calls her the poison, asks if she wants to continue attacking or try and get out of here. Phyllis agrees. 

Alarm sounding and song plays. Phyllis screaming at the sound calling them a freak. Sharon wants to listen and understand if music is a sign. 

Sharon thinks they pick the music on purpose it's part of game. Phyllis goes even more berserk banging on door. Sharon calmly figure out it's a game. 

How to play, the voice comes on and says it's a game to stay alive. 



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Michael and Victor at ranch. He's wanting to know about what going on at Winters he's concerned about Lily. Wants to know about what he wants from Lily and Devon and Winters. Tells Michael the story about Aristotle Dumand, recluse billionaire. That Damien companies are really own by him..wants to know about Aristotle and Damien relationship. Nikki arrive and they want him to relax. 

Lily and Damien at dinner. She asks about Nate and mother. She gives him advice on mother, Nate. He gonna take her advice. He wants to see her again, she's open to it. 

After she leaves he texts mom for dinner tomorrow. 

Chelsea and Adam candlelit dinner at home, Adam cooked. They have dinner discuss how he was there for them and how much they came together for Connor. Dinner was good, they had good evening .After dinner Chelsea kisses him.


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Nick at the parents house, tells them Sharon missing and Phyllis. Nikki thinks Phyllis did it. Nick says she didn't do anything, then Nikki asks if it was Sharon. Nick also says no. Nikki hopes it just misunderstanding. 

Nick wants ranch security to help, because that works so well in past. 

Phyllis and Sharon. Phyllis screaming questions to camera, this is punishing viewers more than them listening to her scream every scene. Sharon wants to find way out. 

Music starts to play, Sharon know it butshsr can't place it. They can't figure it t out, Sharon says it must be something to both of them. 

Sharon now upset and getting mad, wants out. Screaming their in. Voice said let's play. Game they go to safe, find birthday card. Sharon asks if it's your birthday then horn blows. 

Riddle 18 days from independence day. Sharon realizes could be actual independence day. June 16 or July 22. Then music started on July 22. Phyllis takes the numbers and adds year 2013 and puts in safe and it opens. It's the night of the Phyllis believe Sharon tried to kill her going down the stairs. 

This is like an escape room. They find phones in it. They think the game is about them and their past. The phones are locked. 

Voice wants them to call a loved one tell them not to.worry and need to go out if town.  If they try to warn someone they'll be penalized. 665

Chelsea and Adam kissing, they going at her place when she's ready. He's going slow for her. They cheers to us. They talk about house, she wants to know about his feelings for Sally. He's positive there's none .too much happened, won't get back together too much regret. They kiss more she goes up to bed.

Sharon calls Nick she says greetings from Sedona. She's says she texted the girls. Summer msg Nick that Phyllis checked in. Nikki thinks they're fine and telling truth but weird confidence. 

Voice tells them to rest. They each take half the sofa. Phyllis think they playing against each other. 

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Sally and Billy back at Society run into Audra who wants to hear about trip. Billy going to check on Billy. 

He goes and she gives Audra run down on best time of her life. She's happy.  Tells Audra about Billy business, giving up going after he Victor. 

Phyllis and Sharon asleep together on sofa and alarm sounds, it's 7am. The phones reset. Phyllis wants coffee, then suddenly coffee make starts up. Sharon starts laughing at how set up this is. They agreed to work together, voice asks if they ready to play. 

They sent another riddle the answer is chocolate fountain. Sharon said it was right after the article in restless style. Phyllis points out she chose Adam over her kids. Sharon tells her she never cared about the truth then it now. Phyllis says compare to her she's mother Theresa, oh god. Sharon says she regrets pushing her into the fountain. Phyllis says she should not have pulled in with her. 

Nick and Daniel at Crimson, detective Nick says this isn't adding up. She didn't want to talk to the kids, it's bizarre. They both call at same time.  Daniel thinks he's looking for something to be wrong. Nick explaining the what ifs to Daniel. 

Audra telling Sally about Damien situation.  Holden shows up. Audra tells Sally about fake name, their history. Sally asks if she told Nate everything.  Audra says her relationship with Holden was a bit more intense that she told Nate. Holden like to live on the edge. It wasn't pretty, she had to break things. She doesn't want to do back to past. 

Billy shows up at Crimson asking about Phyllis. He's got nothing. Nick know about media company won't tell. They try to not tell Phyllis about where Phyllis is, Billy knows they are lying. Nick goes and Billy question Daniel why they lying.  

Billy thinks something bothering them. He mad Phyllis telling Nick about the company and now running deals behind his back. 

Sharon and Phyllis say their history started when Phyllis and Nick slept together. Phyllis doesn't want to go there.  Phyllis goes back to speaker yelling again. Sharon asks for the advance because they got the riddles.  He thinking about it and Phyllis blaming Sharon now due pushing him. 

They fight again and going to do their own thing. Phyllis her want, Sharon hers. 

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Jack and Diane over at Billys.  Dinner nigjt with them and Sally. Jack going on about refresh again.  Billy said he knew because Diane asked for his blessing.  Billy drive by saw construction crew and Jack freak out more. After that over, he thanks Jack for supporting and finding, believing in him. 

Jack give back speech about how passionate, creative, proud of him. Forgive, love. They hug all sweet. 

Diane ask if Phyllis is best idea. He thinks she'll be an asset. Diane says she had 100 redemption tours already. Jack asks when starting. He lets it slip he can't reach Phyllis. She took off and he can't reach her. Diane question Jack about investment and knowing Phyllis was involved. 

Billy cares what Jack thinks, wants him to keep his eyes open with her, she doesn't stay in her lane. 

Lily telling Nate about having Damien investigated. Nate offended she looking into his brother. Tells them Damien lied about owning the companies. He's CEO but doesn't own them. Aristotle Dumand is owner.

Nate wants to know how she found it out, she says Victor. He gets mad. Devon says it's legit then. Nate keeps making excuses and being mad at Lily over lying brother. 

He doesn't want her help, wants her stay out of it and have boundaries. She's going to blow it all up. He apologize for yelling wants them to leave it alone, claims he got this. 

Damien and Amy at dinner at club. They go down history lane about when he was born and real dad. He question how close she is with Nate and his family. She talks about Audra the godsend, he wants to know if the cousins can be trusted.  Amy wants to know why, he thinking of having relationship with Nate. 

Diane and Jack back at club, he agrees on same Phyllis concerns. Diane thinks anything with Phyllis is crash landing.

Billy asks Sally if she agrees with Diane. She does but Billy thinks something more. Sally asks if he thinks something happened to her. 

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Nick and Summer at coffee house, Ester worried about Sharon. Nick downplay it. Chance shows up says no sign of Phyllis anywhere. No sign of Sharon at any spa.

Summer of course makes excuses that blame Sharon for taking off. Nick is sure this isn't good, she wouldn't do this to her children after everything. 

Phyllis wakes up Sharon was up already and going through all the books. She's trying to find a clue to person who kidnapped them identity.  Phyllis not helping just judging. Just says the voice now's about Sharon mental issues, bipolar express. Sharon tells her help or shut up. 

Phyllis thinks this will put them in more jeopardy. 

Sharon think it's someone who knows them, knows their past. Someone related to us. Phyllis thinks she means her, Daniel or Summer. Phyllis goes back to Sharon guilty over framing Daniel. Phyllis screaming again, Sharon should be locked up in cell. 

Audacity of Phyllis to claim someone should be in cell. Phyllis then goes after maybe Faith did it. Phyllis is a joke. Lol then she goes after Mariah, then says Nick. 

Billy meeting with Daniel he also has questions on her disappear out of blue. He does not think it's about the company. Daniel tells Billy that Sharon is also missing. Billy does not think they're on girls trip.  Daniel says they both called same time and used burner phones. 

Billy thinks they were kidnapped. Daniel says only Ian and Jordan would be crazy enough to do this and they are dead. Summer calls Daniel says come Chance there, Billy goes to. 

Nick asks summer about chance. She brings up Daniel murder investigation. Nick points out how he was doing his job. She does not know if she'll be over it. Nick says he's going extra mile. 

Daniel and Billy shows up. Chance tells them update. Billy says they may be together not by choice. Summer now wondering if they kidnapped each other. 

Sharon point out Phyllis faked death with sidekick summer. Phyllis screaming and now Sharon trying to shut her up. Phyllis yelling back at the camera she's ready to make it happen for one of them to make it alive. 

Phyllis flipping out trying to take chair and break window. Sharon stops her says will get them killed. Phyllis is manic more than the bipolar person with no meds. Sharon point out it's abandoned and nobody here. She point out it's cold in winter they'll freeze to death. 

Ester asking Nick if he gets ahold of Sharon yet. She has tarot card appointment. Nick tells her to ask another employee. 

Chance finds Sharon car at Cassidy First. Going to track burner phones. 

Sharon tells her she's sorry she knows it would not be the kids, it is someone that hates them. 

Voice back says if they rested time to play the game, what's worth everything but costs nothing? 

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Adam and Chelsea at coffee house. Connor messages them wants to try out for baseball team. They go back and forth debating it they agree, high5 and Billy sees. 

Billy goes to say hi, offers to take Connor and kids batting cages.  Adam brings up Abbott communications and how Billy plan to come after him and Victor. They go back and forth. Billy tries to claim he's not out for revenge, Adam judges Phyllis hire too. Gets call and goes to take it. 

Billy and Chelsea talk about him seeing them hold hands, he denys having revenge plan on Newmans. She brings up Sally, Billy question her on her and Adam. 

Adam interrupts wants Billy to go.  After he leaves. Chelsea wants to know why so hard on him, Adam points out questioning his relationship. Chelsea thinks Adam is threatened, he says no he just wants him in another industry. Chelsea believes Billy and new company isn't about Adam. Then she says if anyone he'd go after Victor. 

He does not believe it, they go back and forth on her defending Billy.  She questions him caring about Sally.  They have to stop accusing each other of not moving on if they'll figure out what is happening with them. 

Victor and Nikki at club, Jack and Diane say hello. They tell them about reno. They go to leave and Victor starts going on about Billy boy starting a media company, Jack paying for it, how it'll fail. Even attacking John Abbott. Nikki so-called friend of Jack sits there not saying a word. 

Diane and Jack tell him he's low, Jack tells him . Victor goes on about family crack in foundation. Nikki now wants to speak wishes them good breakfast. Diane calls out her fakeness. 

Jack wants them all to agree to stay out of Clare and Kyle lives, Nikki suddenly agrees and Diane too. Victor doesn't he says Newman and Abbott relationship has never worked. 

Diane and Jack eat their breakfast don't like Phyllis involved in abbot communications and trust Billy. 


Billy calls Sally wants a press release since Abbott communications news has been leaked. Since when is Sally a pr rep? He calls Phyllis again leave her voicemail about calling him back after her family. 

Jack shows up at Billys to tell him Victor knows. They wonder who could be the leak. They run through people who knew. Jack says leak isn't issue now, Billy wishes he could have released news to Adam himself. Jack questions him making it about Newman's. 

Jack concerned about Phyllis being Mia when business launching. Sally comes in will help, Jack thinks she's  good influence. Sally reads the rough draft and thinks it great and it's good as is. 

Nikki concern suddenly in Victor taking joy in hurting Abbot's. She doesn't want Victor to hurt them because it hurts Claire.  She wants him to stop hostility.


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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Jack shows up at Billys to tell him Victor knows. They wonder who could be the leak. They run through people who knew.

I don't think you have to worry about an insider/leak if you name your company Abbott Communications and then parade all over town announcing it.  Jack should be worrying about the actual insider/leakers in his own company.

  • LOL 3

Kyle and Summer run into each other at club.  Discuss Reno and Harrison living there he thinks it's slumber party. He asks about Phyllis, she worried, cries, he hugs her and Claire enters. 

They go back and forth, Nikki shows up to meet Claire. Summer claim car issues asks Kyle to go work right. He kiss Claire bye and summer not looking on pleased. 

Amy going over her Damien dinner with Nate. Nate tells her about Aristotle. They talk about doctor friend he's sending her too. 

Damien runs into Lily at coffee house and Devon there too. Lily introduces them.  Devon asks him about Aristotle Dumand being the real is.

He's offended, they don't trust him, they looking out for Nate. Devon sympathize with learning about dad is someone else.  Devon points out imposter sent, then lying about being company owner.  He turns it back on Nate. Invite Lily to dinner again. She is going to check calendar. 

Claire tells Nikki summer not happy with her and Kyle. Nikki not playing grandchild favorites, Claire thinks something more going on. Victor urging summer to reconnect to Kyle. Nikki asks if she saw anything, but he's so adamant. Summer been aggressive and using history with Kyle against them. Nikki doesn't believe that. She says hold onto her relationship. Nikki says she can't deny summer has her mother in her. Nikki won't let anyone take it away from her. 

Stopping at Crimson, Kyle asking Summer if she has issues with Claire and him. She says she does not want to see him hurt. She says Victor opinion and not getting his way. Kyle doesn't care about Victor approval. Summer asks if he loves her, he says they're going where it take them. Hope she's being sincere. She claims she's not wasting time worried about him and Claire. He goes to car and she has lying face on. 

 Damien shows up at Nates to see Amy. She tells him they have doctor appointment with specialist. Nate looks on happy thinking Damien actually cares. Lol the doctor shows up to meet with Amy. 

Devon questioning Lily on dinner with Nate and if it's personal. Devon wants to know if that's it. He doesn't want her to get close and worst suspicion come true. 

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Holden and Audra run into each other at coffee house she wants to leave past there. He thinks this meeting up a sign. 

Claire questions Victor if he pushing Summer to Kyle. He doesn't want him with either granddaughter. 

Damien and Nate eating at club. Discuss doctor appointment, Damien not sure he can forgive her. They discuss pasts, Amy choices and not 

Diane and Kyle at coffee house, discuss renovations. She offer babysitting since being at club with Harrison not much personal time. They go back to Reno talk. Harrison needs to be comfortable. 

Jack run into frazzled Summer at Society. He offers her support over Phyllis. She says Kyle been supportive reconnection. Jack questions that. She doesn't mean like that. She's also happy Kyle back to himself and good with Kyle again. They go over Harrison happiness, working as team and then says Claire leaving to work for Nikki was best thing for them.

Jack and Diane go over Reno yet again. 

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Yes reno. Lol

Phyllis exercising, Sharon trying to figure out things on post it notes. Phyllis sure is helping. Phyllis bringing up bucket list and going on and on. What Sharon doing isn't working, Sharon tells her to help. 

Phyllis says she figured out riddle but not telling Sharon. She eventually says it's forgiveness and it's not going to happen after all she did to Lucy, Heather body, Daniel. Sharon said she'd have to forgive her too. Phyllis apparently has done nothing to need Sharon forgiveness. Phyllis rather die that day it. 

Does Sharon have her meds in there? If she kills Phyllis we can blame no meds. 

Phyllis starts getting sick. Maybe she should not be drinking the water Sharon told her not to drink.  Just let her die. Instead Sharon helps her to the couch. Phyllis thinks maybe something in water or food. Sharon starts yelling for help she needs medical attention. 

Alarm goes off, voice says start looking for antidote. Phyllis not playing game. Yells he's an SOB. 

Nate questioning Audra about her lunch with Holden. She thinks Holden resent Damien BC business come first not friendship.  Damien has big temper. He tells her Damien lied about owning the company. 

Audra thinks Nate thinking too well of Damien, Nate wants to trust him. She asks if he jealous, he's not, they kiss, Holden message her he needs a friend still. She shows Nate and he replies. 

Nick at Billy's. No update he asking about contacts she may be with..Billy tried already. They have beer and discuss the vanishing.

Billy of all people asks how sure is Nick that Ian is dead. Nick checked he was cremated. 

Nick worried and bring there for all his kids. Convincing Noah to no come back, Summer and Daniel worried. Nick asks Billy for help. 

Ranch security calls Nick. Shockingly they found nothing. 

Sharon looking for antidote. Running around searching. She's asking for help to screen, clue. He gives her a riddle. 

Phyllis curled up in pain, meh leave her Sharon.  Sharon figures out it's the water bottle with sticker on it is antidote and gives it to Phyllis tells her drink it. 

Edited by Artsda
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