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S07.E23: Mama Bear


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This show is only like 10 minutes long if you FF thru commercials and Maci, Bristol, and Cheyenne. The picture of the sloth next to Amber's name is continuing. I'm pretty sure it's been done on every episode. I wonder who she pissed off.

Since I don't watch Maci, maybe I read wrong, but are Jen and Larry honestly thinking about college scholarships? Isn't Bentley like 9 or 10? Even if Bentley is a standout now, other kids will catch up with him by high school and it's pretty unlikely that he will get a scholarship. I thought my son was a superstar soccer play at that age and when he got to high school I was like, wow! There are a lot of really good soccer players.

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The whole Bentley private school thing seemed VERY scripted to me...there really is no storyline for Maci anymore, except sparring with Jen and Larry now that Ryan is no longer on the show so why not gin up some fake tiff between Maci and J&L? I thought Mac was no longer filming...why is she there putting her two cents into this fake problem?

Amber and Shrek: So NOW we learn that Amber and Shrek were boozing it up early into their relationship...can we assume that she was drinking early into her pregnancy? More irresponsibility and selfish behavior from one of the worst teen moms ever. Shrek has put on more weight...this guy is just weird and annoying.

Tyler and Cate: WTF was he wearing????  That outfit was, well, "different"? What his sister did to his house was awful...if she was my sister, I would never speak to her again and send her  a bill for the repairs that are going to cost $$$. I don't blame him for not having compassion for her drug addiction...she has taken advantage of his generosity and his sense of duty to his family. He doesn't owe her anything. And Kim, his  mom, WTF kind of comment was that to Tyler about him not being compassionate and having too much anger directed at this pathetic excuse for a father and derelict sister. Say what???? Really? All Tyler does is take care of everyone else but he's being cruel? Thanks Mom for being so understanding and empathetic. 

Cheyenne: Boring. Too bad her daughter has this genetic health issue...but besides that there is really nothing else to watch here. She has annoying voice, a diva attitude and a silly love triangle that seems contrived...why is she on here?

Bristol and Dakota: Ugh...Bristol is a cold, terse person. There is no warmth emanating from her. Dakota is a tortured person who is suffering from survivors guilt as well as PTSD. He would not be a good candidate for married life in his current state. Expecting any kind of compassion from the ice queen Bristol seems unlikely. The fact that they also are unsuitable for each other is evident to even the casual observer. 

Gary: Watching Leah tear ass in that vehicle without a helmet on was cringeworthy. Gary having Emilee riding with him without a helmet on was also cringeworthy. Didn't Brittany Spears sister have child that was riding one of those things without a helmet and almost die from head injuries? Geez, what is with these people????

  • Love 15
27 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Gary: Watching Leah tear ass in that vehicle without a helmet on was cringeworthy. Gary having Emilee riding with him without a helmet on was also cringeworthy. Didn't Brittany Spears sister have child that was riding one of those things without a helmet and almost die from head injuries? Geez, what is with these people????

Worst thing in the world possibility:  Amber sees all the comments (if they're appearing here, I assume they're appearing elsewhere) about Gary not having the girls wear helmets and uses that information to try to intrude more in Leah's life.

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I always figured Bristol married Dakota for respectability. He was a step-up and out of her league. She could say she is no longer the teen mom from the trashy family and is now the wife of a celebrated war hero. Considering the fact that they broke up right before the original wedding, it was never going to last. My guess is that, early on in their relationship, Dakota was on some type of mediation that regulated his moods, so he was at least more pleasant when they were dating. I am no Bristol fan but even I think she shows a slight fear of his moods. Although, I don’t see her being compassionate towards others, I can believe he is difficult to live with even if you are the nicest person in the world. He has been horribly damaged by what he has been through and really needs intensive therapy.

I find it fancinating that Levi was basically the bad guy to the Palins for so long but now he is considered such a great dad. Dakota seems to be their target now so Levi is ok in their book now. 

  • Love 10
23 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

I always figured Bristol married Dakota for respectability. He was a step-up and out of her league. She could say she is no longer the teen mom from the trashy family and is now the wife of a celebrated war hero. Considering the fact that they broke up right before the original wedding, it was never going to last. My guess is that, early on in their relationship, Dakota was on some type of mediation that regulated his moods, so he was at least more pleasant when they were dating. I am no Bristol fan but even I think she shows a slight fear of his moods. Although, I don’t see her being compassionate towards others, I can believe he is difficult to live with even if you are the nicest person in the world. He has been horribly damaged by what he has been through and really needs intensive therapy.

I find it fancinating that Levi was basically the bad guy to the Palins for so long but now he is considered such a great dad. Dakota seems to be their target now so Levi is ok in their book now. 

Bristol and her mother treated Levi with total disregard and disdain after she gave birth to Tripp...he could never do anything right and they went way out of their way to gain complete control over Tripp. If anyone ever saw Bristol's reality show you saw some bratty behavior from Tripp when he was younger...even some foul language that he must have picked up from someone...I'm guessing he learned them from Bristol since she would not let Levi have Tripp too often. She would just laugh when he used four letter words and her friends would also be present and laughing. Dakota better prepared to do battle at some point in the near future because Bristol and her mom will probably go for full custody of the daughters and use his disability as an argument for why he shouldn't have shared custody. 

  • Love 8
On 10/30/2018 at 5:50 PM, Dance4Life said:

They can’t even enjoy a baseball game as special guests in a corporate suite without his deranged PTSD loop! 

I feel for his kids and all but it seems like the man can’t go even 10 seconds without thinking about his trauma so this shouldn’t be a surprise. I can’t help but feel badly for him.

On 10/31/2018 at 10:28 AM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

And much like Scott Disick, he started off early seasons looking like a self-absorbed jerk....but several seasons later he seems almost palatable once you've realized how awful the people around him are.  All of a sudden you are giving yourself the side-eye because you're starting to side with him because everyone in his proximity is actually worse. 


Tyler ain’t no Scott Disick, he fucking wishes. And Scott wouldn’t go near Tyler’s tacky ass clothing. I’m biased though because Scott has long been the only person I can even stand associated with that family. I find him infinitely more charismatic, funny, real and interesting than anyone else in that group and Tyler doesn’t make me feel that way at all, even though I do get your point. I just think everyone even Baltierra adjacent sucks ass. 

On 10/31/2018 at 11:14 AM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Also "I don't want Benny to think he's on a pedestal or should be on one because he's on TV," says the woman who's threatened to quit the show multiple times when she didn't get her way.


Do as Maci says, not as she does, Bentley. ? 

On 10/31/2018 at 12:48 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

NotMatt creeps you out because he's a creep. And he looks like an unholy cross between a sasquatch and a lamprey

And the dude chose to willingly fuck with Amber after he saw her in full effect on Marriage Bootcamp, how could he not be creepy? Yuck!

On 11/1/2018 at 1:57 PM, kicksave said:

 Gary: Watching Leah tear ass in that vehicle without a helmet on was cringeworthy. Gary having Emilee riding with him without a helmet on was also cringeworthy. Didn't Brittany Spears sister have child that was riding one of those things without a helmet and almost die from head injuries? Geez, what is with these people????

That bugged me too and I’m a Gary stan, basically. Yep, it was Britney’s niece, the daughter of JamieLynn Spears, that crashed and had head injuries.

On 11/1/2018 at 2:56 PM, MakingBacon said:

I always figured Bristol married Dakota for respectability. He was a step-up and out of her league. She could say she is no longer the teen mom from the trashy family and is now the wife of a celebrated war hero. 

Nailed it. Almost exactly what I was going to post. What a horrible choice on her part.

On 11/2/2018 at 9:52 AM, jayfay said:

??? you’re not right.  Convulsing with laughter right now.  You’re not right.

Also, they’re not wrong. ? 

Edited by Rebecca
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On 10/30/2018 at 6:38 AM, ghoulina said:

I think it's #4. I think they're trying to get a redo with Ryan. They mentioned not being able to send him to private school. If they think private school will shield him from that shit? Ha, I got news for them!!!

To be fair, this was filmed before the Kavanaugh hearings.  


On 10/30/2018 at 9:44 PM, Snarky McSnarky said:

And the viewership continues to be under a million this season:  924,000.

I am happy to report that I'm holding strong, and am not among the 924,000.  It's easier than I expected, but that's mainly because MTV made it easier.


On 11/1/2018 at 8:42 AM, FawnLeibowitz said:

Since I don't watch Maci, maybe I read wrong, but are Jen and Larry honestly thinking about college scholarships? Isn't Bentley like 9 or 10? Even if Bentley is a standout now, other kids will catch up with him by high school and it's pretty unlikely that he will get a scholarship. I thought my son was a superstar soccer play at that age and when he got to high school I was like, wow! There are a lot of really good soccer players.

And even if you're a supremely talented high school athlete...

Division 1 schools have a total of 11.7 scholarships for their entire baseball program.  They divide the scholarships among multiple players, but any scholarship awarded has to be a minimum of 25%.  So it's rare for any college baseball player to get a full scholarship, and even awarding partial scholarships, there's not enough money to give scholarships to every player.  So they'll take walk-ons to fill out the roster. 

Counting on a baseball scholarship to fund college is a terrible plan, even if you're Babe Ruth.

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

To be fair, this was filmed before the Kavanaugh hearings.  


I am happy to report that I'm holding strong, and am not among the 924,000.  It's easier than I expected, but that's mainly because MTV made it easier.


And even if you're a supremely talented high school athlete...

Division 1 schools have a total of 11.7 scholarships for their entire baseball program.  They divide the scholarships among multiple players, but any scholarship awarded has to be a minimum of 25%.  So it's rare for any college baseball player to get a full scholarship, and even awarding partial scholarships, there's not enough money to give scholarships to every player.  So they'll take walk-ons to fill out the roster. 

Counting on a baseball scholarship to fund college is a terrible plan, even if you're Babe Ruth.

My daughter played D1 Lacrosse and got a partial academic scholarship and her board paid. We paid for her room and the other remainder of the tuition. Only one player on her team got a full academic ride. It is very rare these days to get full academic and room/board scholarships. The pool of talent for all D1 sports male/female is huge and schools have the upper hand in who gets chosen to get spot on the team let alone any kind of scholarship. In baseball especially, a lot of players get recruited out of high school and never even go to college. The competition is tough and grooming a young kid for one sport at such a young age is not very smart...he should be playing all kind of sports and have fun. He could succumb to injuries and have to drop baseball...having a back up sport that he enjoys is a wise plan. My daughter played soccer, basketball, swim team and field hockey...she didn't start playing lacrosse until 8th grade...so you never know. She enjoyed all the sports she played and made a lot of different friends...which was more important to us than grooming her for a college career. The fact that she did end up playing at college and was compensated for it was a surprise for us and her but if she had wanted to not play and go to another school and just play club lacrosse, that would have been OK too. Young parents need to calm down and just let your kids be kids and enjoy their childhoods.

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I wanted to be an actress as a kid. My grandparents didn’t try to plan my schooling around it and then suggest it all to me. Especially at age 10. Wtf. Wayyyyy overstepping their bounds and I screamed SURE JAN JEN when she went on about how important it was to Ryan. Ryan barely gives a fuck about Bentley at all, let alone where he goes to school now, let alone where he’ll go in the future. I’d bet $500 Ryan couldn’t tell us Bentley’s teacher’s name. Not even one. For the last 5 years. I bet he’d have to pause to determine what grade Bentley is even in. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 12
On 10/30/2018 at 7:10 AM, Dance4Life said:

There was Dakota again on his PTSD loop.  What an A’hole!  The girls are flower girls at their Aunts wedding. 


I also noticed this week she has breast implants.  Wow! Those Abstinence Talk College Tours paid her well. 


People are ‘hiring’ Dakota based on his minor Palin celeb status????  What does he do for a living? 

I’m not really liking Bristol and I was annoyed with her during the scheduling conversation, but I was on her side about the wedding. It was not unreasonable for her to assume that the girls were still going to a family wedding that they are flowegirls in that Bristol and Dakota have probably known about for a year or so and a week is not a crazy amount of time to visit family in another state. I think Bristol assumes they would go through the calendar and look at prior commitments and work out how to tweak the schedule to accommodate everyone. Dakota was just trying to be a hard ass. I wanted to smack him when he went off on his “Were we together in July? Yes or no?” That’s pretty classic verbaly abusive/controlling behavior. His temper is kind of scary. I can see why Bristol has a tendency to emotionaly shut down.

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