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Jesus God, Leah!!

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She did make me smile when she threatened to give Dawn a 'whipping' on Facebook.


"Sandy Kay

2 hrs ·

I have 3 great grandchildren triple A girls that I love an miss but there mommy won't bring them to see me I love the grandaughter too but she don't come see me or call me she must really be mad at me. Has anybody else seen this gang ?I hope there ok if you do see them remind her I love her"


Which one of her grandchildren could that be?

What the frick is THAT?! I don't even think they attended the schools that were"not well." Bunch of morons!

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I noticed in the pics from the girlses birthday party Addalyn kept being put in the center. That struck me as odd, since it wasn't her birthday. Also, something strikes me as off about that child. Maybe it's the constant half closed eyes, almost like she's stoned. Could it be that Leah was using during her pregnancy with Germy's baby? Wouldn't surprise me. And again both girls looked kinda unkempt, Ali especially. That curly hair of hers always seems so unruly/unbrushed. She can do Gracie's hair but not Ali's? Lame, Leah.

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I'm gonna be bitchy here and I saw one picture of Ali with some skates on but a rollerskating party when one of the birthday girls has muscular dystrophy?  There wasn't a better option available for both of them?

I wondered that too. It seems that even though Ali is the "special" twin with her muscular dystrophy, Gracie is Leah's mini-me so she gets whatever she wants. I am betting her was her that pushed for a roller skating party. I mean we already saw her pushing Ali out of her own wheelchair and Leah seemed ok with it. I am sure that kid has zero rules or boundaries whatsoever.

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I wondered that too. It seems that even though Ali is the "special" twin with her muscular dystrophy, Gracie is Leah's mini-me so she gets whatever she wants. I am betting her was her that pushed for a roller skating party. I mean we already saw her pushing Ali out of her own wheelchair and Leah seemed ok with it. I am sure that kid has zero rules or boundaries whatsoever.

You know what will happen next.

"All the cats 'r' hidin from me Mama, I'm bored! I wanna play with matches and Gramma's oxygen tank!"

"Alieeeeeeah Grace, Gramma's tank isn't a toy. She like, needs that to breathe!"

*ear splitting screech that would shame a Nazgul*

(talking through mouthful of sour patch kids) "Okay, ok, but *just* for a few minutes, Alieeeeeeeah Grace.I'ma go lie down on top of Robbie for a few minutes...so don't bug me!"

Edited by cheatincheetos
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I thought that too, at first. Ali seemed very happy though. She had someone helping and chunky toddler-type skates on. Then I thought "why not?". Ali may not be able to in years to come and standing on wheels seemed fun for her.


I agree. I don't know if times have changed, but when I was a kid it seemed like our school had skating parties every other month. They were a BIG thing. It's possible Ali's already been exposed to them and really wanted one. She's always struck me as the kind of kid who wants to do what the others are doing, despite her limitations. I'd be likely to let her while she still can. 


Did anyone notice Corey or Miranda in the pictures? It's kind of sad to think they've all gotten to a place when they don't do things together anymore. 

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So y'all, Mr.Wrap-it-Up Robbie Kidd is supposedly getting married!




Guess we'll see where this goes.  Hopefully he can keep away from Leah's vag and be true to his baby mama.  Though personally how either of those two get people to date/marry them I don't know. There must be a low bar set in West Virginia.

Edited by HeySandyStrange

I thought that too, at first. Ali seemed very happy though. She had someone helping and chunky toddler-type skates on. Then I thought "why not?". Ali may not be able to in years to come and standing on wheels seemed fun for her.

Eh. It was her birthday party. She was getting cake and presents. I don't think it was torture for her. But someone rolling you around for 20 feet on chunky skates doesn't seem like much fun if you compare the fun Gracie likely had. I just think it wasn't very considerate of her abilities and challenges. As the mom to a 15 year old "girl," little girls that age are so easy to entertain. Seems like they didn't try that hard.

So y'all, Mr.Wrap-it-Up Robbie Kidd is supposedly getting married!


Hopefully he can keep away from Leah's vag and be true to his baby mama.  Though personally how either of those two get people to date/marry them I don't know. There must be a low bar set in West Virginia.





from the ashleyreality article :  "Robbie and Monica are fast-tracking the engagement big-time: In fact, they’re planning to get hitched this weekend! Monica has already started using Robbie’s last name on her Facebook account."


"Fast-tracking" is the problem. Marriage isn't something you jump into because you're tired of getting flamed on websites for damaging a woman's marriages, but that's what this looks like.


I think it's an unintended consequence of an area that leans hard on young people to get married and produce grandchildren, even though their reproductive systems are mature a long time before their minds are, and also doesn't value finishing an education as much because as someone posted earlier, the assumption is that the trade jobs that pay well enough to support the whole family will always be there for the husband. They see their friends and relatives getting tons of social media attention for having new babies that they may or may not have been ready to care for and they want to jump on the bandwagon. Maybe that is why Leah's little brother is already a dad. (I don't know how old he is but he looks about 13) I think that Leah believes that marriage is all about glamor shots from the ceremony and party getting into grocery checkout lane tabloids.


So, Leah, you gonna stalk Monica on social media now?   :)

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 4

She did make me smile when she threatened to give Dawn a 'whipping' on Facebook.


"Sandy Kay

2 hrs ·

I have 3 great grandchildren triple A girls that I love an miss but there mommy won't bring them to see me I love the grandaughter too but she don't come see me or call me she must really be mad at me. Has anybody else seen this gang ?I hope there ok if you do see them remind her I love her"


Which one of her grandchildren could that be?

Keep reading the comments under this post.  Sandy Kay calls her a "royal brat"  Ha!!

Edited by Mkay
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New Blind Item:


Apparently our favorite Teen Mom wanted it on record that she was having sex with her soon to be ex-husband so he thinks that he could be the father of any baby that she has. At least he can pay child support

I guess Leah thinks that Jerry Springer no longer does paternity tests.

That's scary that it could even be someone other than Jeremy and Robbie.

(in Grandma Sandy's voice) "All I seen is dick!" I'm pretty sure that Brittany kept the incriminating photos after showing them to Leah and probably passing them around to her friends for laughs. Amazing that he would send those pics to someone he hadn't even met in person yet. What's next, posting his pics on guyswithIphones?


Brittany's face in that inquisitr article looks like she just smelled Leah's trailer.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 1

I actually feel a little bad for Ms. Sandy Kay.  She was in rotation as one of Leah's top baby sitters, yet now Leah is too good to call her or bring the girlses by? Very ungrateful of Leah Messer Sims Messer Calvert "Kardashian". Though honestly, I've thought since the beginning Leah was spoiled and full of herself (for no good reason), so her getting worse is no surprise. 

  • Love 3




Things you see on Corey and Mirandas "official and APPROVED page" is far from being true, and all I have to say about it is that they may want to be very WISE about what they post because a marriage that PRETENDS to be PERFECT is NEVER perfect. Especially when there is way more not told to a specific spouse, and thats all im going to say. As far as the status on our court hearing.... I am very happy with the results and will talk about it very soon. I think the results were in my daughters BEST interest. This is all im going to say in regards to all the craziness being post on their page as well as any other page. Marriage is far from perfect but my husband and I are very much in love with each other and still remain married and that doesnt plan to change. We love each and EVERYONE of you and wish EVERYONE including those that talk down about us the very best and a Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR. MAY GOD BLESS XOXOXOXO


Look at this little gem straight from Facebook. I don't follow Corey and Miranda's page but I believe them over her anyway. 

Edited by animalnurse
  • Love 2

Is it just me, or does it sound like Leah is trying to imply that Corey keeps things from Miranda? Hard to decipher her illiterate mumbo jumbo, but that's what is sounded like to me. FTR, I've never thought Miranda and Corey have a "perfect" marriage, or that they were trying to put that out there. It just seems like they, unlike others, keep whatever issues they might have OFF of the TV. And focus on the girlses. 

  • Love 4

Because I have no life, I searched FB for Corey&Miranda's official fan page and found zilch. I wonder where Leah is getting this, though I guess Corey and Miranda could've took it down.  Anyway, yeah, Leah does seem like she is trying to be passive-aggressive with her prefect marriage comments which is a laugh and a half when one considers how she ran around, bragging about her awesome second husband Germy with his big paychecks. Reality check, Leah, when you have to brag so much about your great marriage, it tends to mean things aren't as good as they seem.  Corey and Miranda actually seem to act like semi-mature adults who don't need to put their troubles and triumphs out there to validate their marriage. 

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 2

That's what I was getting from it, she seems to really wants to hurt Corey and/or Miranda. I looked at their Twitter profiles and I don't see them doing the 'OMG so blessed and sooooo happy' thing. There was something for their anniversary and that's about it relationship wise. It seems she's always wanted to have that seed of doubt in Miranda's mind that Corey puts Leah first and would come running back to Leah in an instant. I think it kills Leah that Miranda doesn't play into it and never seems to have.

on another note, the Official page Leah was whining about, it seems to have been deleted. Does anyone know what it said? Miranda did respond to someone who tweeted her about Leah's rant and said it wasn't run or approved by any of them.

  • Love 4

The funniest part of her twitter rant was about how she and Jeremy are very much in love and still married. Um the still married part is technically true but someone very much in love doesn't slap you with bacon on national tv, someone (leah) doesn't run off and cheat with a fugly ex, and someone who loves his wife doesn't basically call her a slut on social media and send naked pics to random girls. Leah is delusional. She sees Corey and Miranda who are happy and now Robbie is getting married and she is acting like she and Jeremy are just fine. Leah is delusional.  I bet the only reason Jeremy is sticking around is for another MTV check.

  • Love 7

Um the still married part is technically true but someone very much in love doesn't slap you with bacon on national tv, someone (leah) doesn't run off and cheat with a fugly ex, and someone who loves his wife doesn't basically call her a slut on social media and send naked pics to random girls.

Jeremy: "I wasn't nekkid in those pics, I was still wearin' muh trucker hat!"

  • Love 1

Because I have no life, I searched FB for Corey&Miranda's official fan page and found zilch. I wonder where Leah is getting this, though I guess Corey and Miranda could've took it down. Anyway, yeah, Leah does seem like she is trying to be passive-aggressive with her prefect marriage comments which is a laugh and a half when one considers how she ran around, bragging about her awesome second husband Germy with his big paychecks. Reality check, Leah, when you have to brag so much about your great marriage, it tends to mean things aren't as good as they seem. Corey and Miranda actually seem to act like semi-mature adults who don't need to put their troubles and triumphs out there to validate their marriage.

I saw it last night and snooped :) I can't find the Corey and Miranda page it was posted on, so maybe it was deleted? Anyways, it was a link to an article about Leah and Jeremy marriage drama. I didn't read the actual article but Leah commented on the "offical" page, under the link, followed by Leah supporters. Drama ensued :)

Edited by hunneytot
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Gotta say it's my first thread I look at every time I log on. Leah as easily surpassed JANELLE! Who know?!


Heh, I know right? Janelle has been very quiet in recent months.  I wonder if even she is rolling her eyes at Leah's antics.  Overall, I am very glad my favorite train wreck is coming back in the new year to entertain us ;)

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It is more flattering than her head-on photos, frankly.

Didn't she have a user name like 'hotmamadawn' on social media?



Robbie @DearGodLeah  ·  Dec 19

Autagonistophilia -A paraphilia in which orgasm is contingent upon displaying one's self in a live show, i.e., being observed on camera


Sandy Kay
17 hrs ·

Dear God gotta learn to spell ADDI CALVERT

(don't feel bad, Mema Sandy, your relatives' spelling is still worse)

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 3

Is it just me, or does it sound like Leah is trying to imply that Corey keeps things from Miranda? Hard to decipher her illiterate mumbo jumbo, but that's what is sounded like to me. FTR, I've never thought Miranda and Corey have a "perfect" marriage, or that they were trying to put that out there. It just seems like they, unlike others, keep whatever issues they might have OFF of the TV. And focus on the girlses. 


To me, It sounds like she's intimating she and Corey have been fucking behind Miranda's back and she's threatening to spill some tea about it.  


Whether or not that's true would be anybody's guess and it's only my speculation.  


Maybe I'm just paranoid because of Leah's proclivity to fuck her "exeses" behind her "husbandses" backs.  

  • Love 5

It is what she implied.

However, Miranda aside... Who here thinks Corey would be willing to cheat with Leah, given all the crap she's said about him, on her public media pages, and Teen Mom 2 commentary?


Not even if she plied him with half the alcohol in Kanawha County..

Heh, I know right? Janelle has been very quiet in recent months.  I wonder if even she is rolling her eyes at Leah's antics.  Overall, I am very glad my favorite train wreck is coming back in the new year to entertain us ;)

I think Jenelle is keeping her drama private (with a great deal of effort) but it will be like the past season with Kail, where people said she seemed to be doing better and behaving herself, only to end up blowing up like usual.

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Well considering Corey wouldn't take her back after less then a few months of breaking up the first time, I doubt he'd be up for an illicit roll in her pony's hay with Leah. At least I would surly hope not. Not wife a smoking hot, sweet wife at home, or otherwise he'd be a bigger idiot then Leah and the rest of the Messer/Calvert gang combined.

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