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Season 17 Ep. 2 Do The Right Thing Part 2 Oct. 9 2023


Conflicted about exonerating a murderer to save their daughter, Murdoch and Ogden abduct the socialite to face justice.

I forgot to post this last week although there wasn't too much to say about the episode since it turned out pretty much how we figured it would.

So, aside from George going off to find his father, everyone is back in their proper place, little Susannah is safe, and justice prevails.

Season 17 Ep. 3 Murdoch and the Mona Lisa Oct. 16 2023


When the suspect in the theft of the Mona Lisa is murdered, Murdoch’s investigation leads to artist Emily Carr.

I like the continuing thread throughout the series of Brackenreid as artist. Margaret's reaction to the Mona Lisa was typical - she never appreciates the real thing.

I missed George, of course, but there was enough Watts and Higgins to make up for his absence.  And I always like seeing Murdoch and Brackenreid out in the field together.

But they never did catch the murderer or pin down the real Mona Lisa.  Apparently the artist wasn't any better at identifying the real painting than the police were.

That was a interesting depiction of Emily Carr.

@cardigirl, Once the episode has aired in Canada you don't have to use spoilers.

Edited by Trey
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7 hours ago, Trey said:

But they never did catch the murderer or pin down the real Mona Lisa.  Apparently the artist wasn't any better at identifying the real painting than the police were.

Wasn't the artist the murderer? They may not have identified the real Mona Lisa but the audience did. There was a telegram from the Louvre identifying some writing on the back of the real one. It was blown into the wastepaper basket beside the desk.


There was a shot of the back of the painting that Margaret put in the closet with writing, suggesting that that is the real Mona Lisa.

I guess the characters on the show are supposed to assume that the Italian took the real one and is selling it on the black market.

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Yes, the artist was the murderer but he got away with a painting (but not the real one, as we found out) didn't he? Or did he not get away.

I saw the telegram and the mark on the back of the painting when Margaret put it in the closet.  So it is the real one.

Anyway, in my first post, I was just pointing out that it was not one of their finer hours since they didn't really keep the bad guy.

I like the way the show has always played with history to get Toronto involved somehow.

I thought that they arrested the art student/forger. His Italian conspirator got away with one of the paintings.

Is Brackenreid back to being the head of the station? Did I miss that at the end of the last episode.

I thought Watts was flirting with the art gallery owner and wanted to cry "Don't do it! He's not nearly good enough for you!"

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10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I thought that they arrested the art student/forger. His Italian conspirator got away with one of the paintings.

Yes, that sounds more like it. 

There was no formal reinstatement of Brackenreid but everyone just seemed to go back to their former position.

I thought the art gallery owner was flirting with Watts.

Edited by Trey
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Season 17 Ep. 4 Bottom of the Barrel Oct. 23 2023


Murdoch suspects the stabbing of a man at an oyster bar is linked to a former case involving harlots sold into marriage.

I don't think that former case was even mentioned in this episode unless I missed it.  It must have been just a passing comment.

Julia should have investigated a little more before accusing Margaret of breaking patient confidentiality. But it gave Margaret a little insight into her own behaviour with regard to Thomas's going to a bordello.

I did like the little boy lookout being so amazed that a policeman would treat a black man, Isaiah Buchanan, with respect.

Anyhow, that's all I've got for this episode.

@Grundoon59, did you ever get your cable fixed? I really miss your comments here.


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Thanks for the shout out @Trey - yes my cable is fixed and I may have even finally figured out how to dvr (yes I realize what a Luddite I sound like).  A couple of long weeks at work have left me not keeping up with posting here (barely remembered the Final Jeopardy contest).  Anyway back to the important stuff. 

Season 17, Episode 3 - Murdoch and the Mona Lisa - I enjoyed it even though I figured out some of the 'who stole what' part of the plot.  I wasn't familiar with Emily Carr or her work and I did some research after the show.  I also liked the debate about whether knowing which was the original was really important.  Thought the bit with the telegram/painting and closet was cute. 

Very happy to see most of my old friends, especially Watts and the Brackenreids.  Sorry to have missed George so far (will try to watch the second episode soon if I am right about my new dvr skills).  As a Still Standing fan (also trying to dvr), I understand why George has to come and go sometimes and I like that Higgins gets some additional time. 

Season 17, Episode 4 - Bottom of the Barrel - a nice lighthearted romp - again figured out part of the plot but had fun on the ride.  I adore oysters so also got to engage in some vicarious enjoyment.  I thought there was a passing mention of the forced marriages case but I am not sure - I did like that Thomas was sort of right and sort of wrong about her though. Also liked the owner of the establishment's no-nonsense attitude about what she was doing and had done - sort of refreshing. 

Really liked Margaret's spirited description of what she'd like to do to the donor but think Julia jumped too fast to conclusions.  At first, I thought the engaged guy was the eldest Brackenreid son but hope we get to see the officer (if he stays one) again.  Glad Ms. Hart is finding some happiness - really can't believe how much I like her now - wouldn't have believed it possible in her early seasons. Can't decide how I felt about the "stop-action" effect that was used.

Also not sure how much I will enjoy the Halloween episode next week.  I know they like to go all out but much will depend on my mood when I sit down to watch. 



Edited by Grundoon59
Tired eyes when writing original post
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16 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

At first, I thought the engaged guy was the eldest Brackenreid son

I thought so too!

I changed tv provider recently so I am also learning how to  dvr - what a great concept! Just press record on the show you want and then watch it when you want.  However, I somehow recorded something I had already watched and missed what I did want to record. Don't know where I went wrong.

I agree about the Halloween episode - it has James Gillies in it and I do so dislike returning villains even if they are already dead.

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Finally got around to watching the end of season 16, actually I saw part two but missed part one and the episode before it, the one with the murder at a wedding.

Episode 22 with the dead bride I liked, but unfortunately will not be talking about because I just can't get over how much I disliked the two part season finale!

I am so so SO fed up with firing/quitting/kidnapping that seems to accompany the end of seasons lately. And I hate cliffhangers! I know Murdoch was renewed but end of season cliffhangers make me nervous.

From now on I think I'm gonna stop watching season finales. And its not just Murdoch. They try to do too much and whats worse nothing sticks. The writers, etc. end up doing back flips the next season to get everything back to status quo.

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Season 17 Episode 5 Station House of Horrors Oct. 30 2023


After wishing on a mechanical soothsayer, Julia Ogden descends into a house of horrors where psychopath James Gillies is alive.

Well, my fears were realized, at least as far as Julia/Gillies went.  The whole scenario seemed sort of pointless and wasn't interesting to me at all.

I liked the Violet Hart story better especially as it had Watts in it.  And I do like her friend, Isaiah.

Margaret was hilarious, knowing full well what the meat was and being okay with it because it was cheap.  Loved the little rat tail poking out of Thomas's pie at the end.

And the last episode was just sad.  Who was this "kindly" man who gave the doll to Susannah? Why did it want to kill Murdoch?  More questions than answers.

And then it turned out they never even went to the carnival.  Higgins probably did okay with the mechanical soothsayer.  He always seems to land on his feet.

I wish the writers would inject a little more humour into their Halloween episodes.  I am really not a fan of horror stories.


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Season 17 Episode 5 Station House of Horrors Oct. 30 2023

I am with you @Trey- I understood what they were going for, but it was not my cup of tea.  I did think what the four characters wished for was interesting and revealed a bit about their personalities.  I found the Julia and William stories far too grim for my taste and William's left too many unanswered questions as outlined above.  

Watts and Isaiah helped enormously with Miss Hart's story.  There were small sparks of lightness, even with a zombie storyline.  Cute that it began with a performance of Frankenstein.  I honestly thought that the first zombie she encountered was going to turn out to be her husband.  Watts' commentary while luring the one across the morgue made me laugh but Watts is always a favorite of mine.

Margaret & Thomas' story was probably my favorite, possibly because of the Sweeney Todd/Mrs. Lovett overtones (I think I started humming "A Little Priest" at one point).  The actors all did marvelously, including Higgins waffling about whether to throw out the pie when Thomas told him to do so.

I also loved Higgins' enthusiasm at the end for going to the fair even when no one else wanted to do so - I would have enjoyed seeing what he wished for but maybe it is better to leave it to the imagination.  

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Season 17 Ep. 6 Dying to be Enlightened Nov. 6 2023


Ogden, Watts and Effie attend a health retreat run by a charismatic leader where a fellow guest dies mysteriously.

I liked this episode very much. 

It was good to see Watts come to terms with himself and his private and public lives.

Poor Effie.  She is missing George so much.  She probably should have gone with him to find his father. 

Julia the skeptic! At least she solved a murder and learned to be more flexible, bodywise.  William seemed to like that!

I was glad the guru was not the bad guy for a change.  Yes, there was crookedness, but not his doing.  I didn't think he was doing anything wrong by just recycling exercises and philosophies taken from other cultures.  At least he was presenting it to people in a way they could understand and gain something from it.

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Season 17 Ep. 6 Dying to be Enlightened Nov. 6 2023

I also enjoyed this episode.  Effie, Julia & Watts were a good trio of investigators but I have to admit I was getting confused by all the community members with their double names.  Glad that William's mystery worked out in the manner that it did. 

I didn't mind the guru - both Effie and Watts benefited from his efforts/"teachings" but I was pleased both realized they needed to look elsewhere for future growth.  I was especially worried about Effie for awhile there - it seemed like she might fall further under the spell.  The actress (I am blanking on her name) did a very nice job of showing her distress while still trying to be part of the investigation.

I did somewhat miss the participation from more of the regulars but as long as Watts was so prominently featured, you won't catch me complaining.  All in all, a good outing and I will probably try to rewatch it to get the community members sorted out and enjoy the pretty scenery as late fall closes in (also because yes!!! I seem to have learned to DVR). 

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Season 17, Episode 7 - Cool Million November 13, 2023

I enjoyed the episode but missed the several minutes early on due to a phone call, so I was confused about some of the characters were for awhile.  Liked it but didn't love it.  Enjoyed seeing William's excitement about his new invention and Brackenreid's enjoyment of the racetrack/gambling environment plus Julia and Ms. Hart's being such a part of the storyline.  

Season 17, Episode 8 - The Cottage in the Woods November 20, 2023

Enjoyed this much more than last week.  Fun to see that the female friendships are continuing and that they can work together to solve a mystery.  Also, nice to see that the writers are not softening all of the women's hard edges - they each have some characteristic that irritates the others (but which doesn't erase the friendship). 

That being said, it was fun to see Watts & William together (and I laughed out loud at the catfishing being all the rage comment by Watts).  Wondering if the reference to the peacock in the picture Watts was carrying plus Watts having his own picture taken means we are due for a visit from Milo Strange in the not too distant future.

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Season 17, Episode 7 - Cool Million November 13, 2023

I agree, I liked it but didn't love it. Horse, or any animal, murder is just such an awful thing, causing pain and death to a poor, helpless animal just to further some greedy human's agenda.

I remember how shocked I was when I read The Godfather.

I did love seeing Miss Hart in her riding clothes and I figured she would be the jockey; too bad she was disqualified for being a woman even though she won.

Season 17, Episode 8 - The Cottage in the Woods November 20, 2023

I can't say I figured out that it was one of the Adventurettes who did the deed although I should have.  That leader doesn't seem to be any loss to society and I wonder that the man (whatever his name was) was in love with her.

It was a good mystery and I liked the women bonding and drinking wine.  "Who drank all the wine?"  "Julia!"

That Strangers on a Train twist never gets old. I do like Watts and Murdoch working together and they did figure it out fairly quickly.

It's a Christmas episode next week.


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Season 17, Episode 9 - The Christmas List November 27, 2023


Murdoch investigates the murder of a slum landlord found in Santa's toy sack at a department store Christmas parade.

Another of those episodes that doesn't leave much to say about it.  For a Christmas episode it was a little flat, especially if you compare it to their first Christmas special some years ago.

It was good to see George and Effie together at Christmas but I thought they were a little mean to her mother. 

And I loved seeing Higgins realize that maybe he wasn't all that nice a person and trying to make up for it.  Let's hope the lesson sticks.

Otherwise, the mystery was okay and the orphanage was saved so it was all good.

Re the secret Santa, was it Murdoch who got Miss Hart's name?  What did he get her?


Edited by Trey
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Season 17, Episode 9 - The Christmas List November 27, 2023

@Trey - my first impressions were much the same as yours but when I thought about it, I realized I liked the episode more than I realized, particularly in its expression of the reality that the holidays are not always the happiest time of the year for everyone.

Watts and Ms. Hart  talked about how their childhood holidays were not cherished memories so it was good to see both among friends at the holiday party.  Murdoch was getting irritated about the commercialism of the holidays and it turned out it was due to a bad childhood experience.   George and Effie were irked by unexpected guests and differed on how to handle them but eventually came together to deal with the situation.  

I also agree about Higgins - it will be interesting to see if the changes stick. I did like all of the Secret Santa activity (currently going through it in my office) and the attempts to find out what the recipients would like. Found it cute that Brackenreid wanted to get Watts a good gift but was worried about how it would perceived.  Murdoch did have Ms. Hart's name and ended up getting her some kind of instrument to be used in her work - she told Julia who referred to one of William's early gifts to her as being similar.  

If anything fell a bit flat for me, it was the outcome of the mystery.  After going through too many suspects, it seemed like a rush to conclude things. 

I assume that this will be the last new episode until January so wishing everyone a happy, healthy holiday season.  


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4 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Julia who referred to one of William's early gifts to her as being similar.  

A bullet extractor, It's a good thing that they accept each other so well.

The actual solution to the murder was the least part, did we ever find out the name of the person who did it? But I liked how all the main characters got their own storyline and how natural it felt for them, Watts and Miss Hart with bad memories, Julia wanting to take Susannah to see Santa, George and Effie dealing with their plans upset by her mother (and the clever idea George had to bring her father over), Higgins trying to move from the naughty list, Brackenreid spending too much money on the gift.

This episode was directed by Katie Boland who I first encountered as one of the children on a Canadian children's show called Noddy and then other acting roles so when I saw her name in the credits I paid attention to the directing.  The opening was a long tracking shot as each of the police on the case was questioning the witnesses with some very funny moments such as the band playing too loudly. Good for her.

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Thanks @statsgirl for remembering the bullet extractor - I was going to rewatch to find out (I probably still will just for fun - can't let my newfound dvr skills go to waste).  Thanks also for the information about the director - I agree about the opening scene - it stuck in my memory as being unusual and well done.  

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I don't have any info on Acorn - if memory serves, I think it is usually February or March but I could be wrong.  Being lucky enough to get CBC on my cable provider means I get to use Acorn as a rewatch option (and will do since I missed the beginning of the season).  I think CBC is airing a new episode on New Year's Day which will be a nice treat before heading back to work on Tuesday.

Happy New Year Everyone!

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Season 17, Ep 10 - Mrs. Crabtree's Neighbourhood Jan. 1 2024


Murdoch investigates the shooting of a local construction company owner who was executed in a barbershop.

A good solid episode to come back with.

I don't always like it when two plotlines come together but this seemed to work out well. I don't think they would have solved the killings if not for Effie.

I was horrified that Effie was left alone to look after herself especially when it was obvious she was overdoing the morphine. And why didn't she go sleep in her bed instead of sitting upright in a chair - not comfortable at all.

So the bad guys killed the poor dog.  Horses, now dogs, I hate that.

But it was very kind of Effie and Julia to get the nice neighbour a puppy. 

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Season 17, Ep 10 - Mrs. Crabtree's Neighbourhood  Jan. 1, 2024

I agree @Trey, it was similar to a cozy mystery novel for me (which is one of my favorite genres). Nice to see all the clues come together.  Clearly the powers that be know we all miss Crabtree (I watched a couple of DVR episodes of Still Standing to get my fix) from all the references to him - I found the newsboy thinking Henry was George the funniest.  


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Season 17, Ep 11 -  A Heavy Event Jan. 8 2024


Murdoch's investigation into the stabbing of a Scottish dancer at the Highland Games reveals old clan rivalries.

Kilts, bagpipes, and a stabbing. Murdoch and Brackenreid solve the murder.

Season 17, Ep. 12 - Wheel of Bad Fortune Jan. 15 2024


When a body is found in an alley with the Death tarot card, Murdoch suspects it's linked to a contested psychic event.

I have long had an interest in the occult (although not enough to actually go to a psychic fair) so I found last night's episode to be very interesting.

Another sad story where the victim deserved what he got (even though he was trying to make up for his crimes) and the perpetrator was the real victim. The woman con artist was really awful, both for her criminal acts and for abandoning the boy.

Poor Margaret! What a terrible scene that was shown in the fireplace. I'm not sure what year MM is in this season but it must be getting fairly near the start of WWI.

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Season 17, Ep 11 -  A Heavy Event Jan. 8 2024

I enjoyed it but was getting all the characters mixed up apart from R.H. Thomson.  I did feel sorry for poor Higgins having to attempt the caber toss. 

Season 17, Ep. 12 - Wheel of Bad Fortune Jan. 15 2024

I thought the various characters' reactions to the folks at the psychic fair were interesting - some being more receptive than others.  I liked that Ms. Hart was able to impress Murdoch during the autopsy - they finally seem to be back on a more even keel after the events regarding her family.  Margaret was wonderful with her reactions as always - her vision at the end was painful but would sadly be a redemption of Bobby in a way. 

I continue to miss Crabtree but am really enjoying the "Higginsness" of these episodes. 



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Season 17, Ep. 13 - Train to Nowhere Jan.  22 2024


When Crabtree journeys north to intercept his fugitive father, he finds a dead policeman and community of scallywags.

I really enjoyed the Crabtree part of the show. I know we met George's birth mother many seasons ago but I don't think we ever heard about her again.  And I don't remember how George met his birth father. 

Did they bring Dorothy back in to face justice or did they have to abandon her in their hurry to get away?  It seems so much of the action takes place in the dark and I miss what is going on.

At least we have George back with us now for the rest of the season.

The other mystery was not bad but was pretty much just filler.  I was concerned for the 'widow' and her children though.  How are they going to live now? There was not much in the way of social services back then.

Go Lions!

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Season 17, Ep. 13 - Train to Nowhere Jan.  22 2024

I enjoyed the episode - great to see George of course and I would cheerfully watch Colm Feore read a phone book (showing my age with that reference I know).   My memory of George and his father meeting was his father was doing an investors' presentation in Toronto and someone was murdered so George showed up with Murdoch.  Did we meet George's mother or just the aunts?  If we did, I may have to do some rewatching. 

The actress who plays Dorothy is excellent, but I am not a fan of her story line. They had to abandon her - other Nowhere residents became aware of what was going on and were approaching so they skedaddled.  

I agree that the Toronto part of the plot was not a highlight although any Watts sightings are always a plus.  

Thanks for the Lions shoutout @Trey - as I said in the Jeopardy forum, I have definitely caught the fever sweeping Metro Detroit.   

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Thanks for the reminder @Trey - I should have checked out the Wiki Fan page myself.  I do look at it from time to time.  Reading the info did ring some bells which I guess the later focus on the "aunts" had silenced for me. 

Maybe after this season is over, I will start a rewatch of the early years.  Mother Grundoon and I had started at the beginning when we were first watching but I really haven't been back to revisit since then.

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Season 17, Ep. 14 - The Smell of Alarm Jan.  29 2024


When Murdoch investigates the bizarre death of a science professor, it appears the weapon may have been a swarm of bees.

This was such a great episode, probably the best of the season so far. 

Too bad the site was down last week so I didn't get to post anything then and now I've forgotten what I wanted to say.

I was surprised that Crabtree wasn't there; I thought he was back for good in the previous episode.

Season 17, Ep. 15 - Murdoch and the Treasure of Lima Feb. 5 2024


Watts is abducted after he and Murdoch go north on a treasure hunt to find stolen Incan gold and a murderer.

Murdoch and Watts are great together but then I think Murdoch is great with whoever he works with.  I do like episodes where they go outside of Toronto. However, I was a little afraid they might have to go all the way to Oak Island NS to find the treasure😄.

I wonder if we'll ever see Leopold Hudson again.

I didn't know Margaret Atwood did any acting but, according to her imdb, she's done a few shows including The Handmaid's Tale.

No Julia, Crabtree or Higgins-Newsome this episode.

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Season 17, Ep. 14 - The Smell of Alarm Jan.  29 2024

I agree @Trey, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode even as I got creeped out by the bees.  Missed George, but loved the Higgins moments - he has always been good but this season (at least for me) he has been knocking it out of the park with his material.  I agree also that I feel like I am missing some comments I meant to make but maybe a rewatch will spark a memory.

Season 17, Ep. 15 - Murdoch and the Treasure of Lima Feb. 5 2024

This was probably my favorite episode of the season with the wild plot and the pairings of Murdoch and Watts as well as Brackenreid and Miss Hart (I liked the callbacks to her prior actions).  All the cast is talented but as I have said before, for me Watts is the one who is fantastic with whomever he is paired with and is always interesting to watch even as a background player.  He was so funny with being eager for the idea of a treasure hunt but not being as thrilled about the practical details of accomplishing it.  

I too wondered if Leopold will be returning - the way they used him throughout the plot was an interesting take.  Thank you @Trey for the Margaret Atwood info - I missed the opening credits due to an ill-timed but important phone call and couldn't place her even though it was clear that I should be figuring out who she was.  Good use of her in a limited but vital role.  

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Since the new season hasn't started yet on Acorn, I started watching one of the three movies that were made prior to the series. It's odd seeing someone else as Murdoch or George. As much as I'd like to see Colm Meany as Brackenreid, it was too disorienting to continue watching. I barely got past 15 minutes.

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Season 17, Ep. 16 - The Preacher Jimmy Wilde Feb. 12 2024


Murdoch suspects the sudden death of a man attending a gospel revival is connected to a fiery charlatan preacher and nun.

It's always good to see Ted Atherton and this was an excellent role for him.  I enjoyed the episode but really don't have much to say about it.

Yannick Bisson and Ted Atherton co-starred in two tv shows that I know of, Nothing Too Good for a Cowboy (which I never watched) and Sue Thomas F.B.Eye (which we did watch on Saturday nights.)

Season 17, Ep. 17 - The Fantastic Mr. Fawkes Feb. 19 2024


Murdoch and Brackenreid are enlisted by spy Terrence Meyers to protect a prime ministerial candidate from assassins.

Well, I can put up with one episode a season with Terrence Meyers but his wife as superspy is too much.  Hope we never see her again.

Otherwise I thought it was a good episode with a nice Canadian plot.

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Season 17, Ep. 16 - The Preacher Jimmy Wilde Feb. 12 2024

I agree with your assessment @Trey although I was not as familiar with the actor as you were - he and the others involved in the tent revival plot did a very good job with it.  One interesting note for me was hearing the various hymns being sung, including Nearer My God to Thee.  Although I was raised as a Unitarian-Universalist, both Grundoon parents came from more traditional religious backgrounds and did sing hymns on occasion.  

Season 17, Ep. 17 - The Fantastic Mr. Fawkes Feb. 19 2024

Also, I am totally in agreement with you @Trey about Terrence Meyers and wife.  Nothing against the actress playing her (and I did really enjoy the episode where her double life was revealed) but I didn't need to see her again.  I actually liked the sort of spark between Meyers and Louise Cherry but as long as he is so hung up on the superspy, nothing will come of it. 

I spent some time Monday night learning more about the relevant period of Canadian electoral history.  I had heard of the names before but didn't know details.  As a history/politics nerd, it was good to read more.  Also, Father Grundoon's family in Nova Scotia was deeply impacted by WWI so I am enjoying doses of history about the period leading up to it in Canada.


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Season 17, Ep. 18 - Spirits in the Night Feb. 26 2024


When Murdoch investigates a murder near a graveyard, witness accounts suggest the killer was a bloody female apparition.

A good solid episode, right up Crabtree's alley with ghosts and all. He is always open the possibility that there really are ghosts and spirits.

Season 17, Ep. 18 - A Most Surprising Bond March 4 2024


When a mysterious illness appears at her newly opened women's hospital, Dr. Odgen is forced to enlist a quarantine.

I really enjoyed this episode. 

Unfortunately they could not save the nurse who died but Julia's quick decisions and actions,  along with the chemical detective work of Miss Hart and William helped save other lives.

And the doctor who had fired her previously got his comeuppance.

I wonder if the cop who took the bribe will be found out or if he'll continue to be on the take from the Mafia.

Season 17, Ep. 18 - Rhapsody in Blood March 11 2024


Murdoch suspects the murder of a fledgling composer may have been motivated by jealousy.

Another very good episode.

I felt so sad that the young composer was murdered until I found out the reason. Then it was okay😉

It was interesting how each one would hear something in real life and it would become part of his or her music.  I loved the dreamlike sequences, each highlighting the style of music they played.

But I don't know how Brackenreid thought he could suddenly start playing the cello with no lessons and hope to produce anything that sounded like music.

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Season 17, Ep. 18 - Spirits in the Night Feb. 26, 2024

I liked the premise and all the Effie/Julia interactions.  George as always was wonderful.  I figured out the guilty party fairly quickly but still enjoyed the ride in getting to the conclusion. Not totally my cup of tea as I remember but I can't remember why.   Was this the tango episode?  My brain is a bit muddled these days.  

Season 17, Ep. 19 - A Most Surprising Bond March 4, 2024

I liked this one more than the previous week.  Strong female roles but plenty for the dudes to do as well.  Good to see the female friendships continuing and I was genuinely worried about Miss Cherry (couldn't possibly have imagined that when she was originally introduced but good character development and strong work by the actress have won me over). 

I wondered about the young officer as well - this is the second time he has acted inappropriately and if/when it is revealed, I don't think his future looks bright. But in an odd way, it might be a good plot point to have such a character in Stationhouse 4.   

Season 17, Ep. 20- Rhapsody in Blood March 11, 2024

I enjoyed all the elements of the episode and the whole musicality of it.  Ordinary sounds inspiring the composers and musicians appearing in their imagination was great.

I also liked that the search for the killer went in so many directions and the wide range of possible motives.  I was disappointed by who turned out to be the murderer, even with an understandable motive.

I think it adds different shades to Brackenreid that he loves to paint and wanted desperately to be musical. George is a more interesting character because of his writing.  Murdoch has more of a scientific mind so wanted to understand the music from that point of view and solved the piano problem.  Julia's reaction after hours of Susannah's playing was a delight.   

It was also a great theme of what it means to be creative and how important the arts are in all their variations.   As someone whose main talent is as an audience member, I appreciate all those who try even if I don't always love the results. 

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Season 17, Ep. 21 -  Engaged to be Murdered Mar. 18, 2024


After a woman is stabbed in her university dorm room, Crabtree and Watts suspect another student is responsible.

I thought this was a good mystery, ably solved by Watts and Crabtree. They do work well together.

Another new friend for Watts? He certainly is a flirt! I like this new fellow although I've forgotten his name.

No Julia or Brackenreid this episode and not much of Murdoch either.

I am so looking forward to next week's episode - a musical! I'm surprised they haven't done one before this.


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Season 17, Ep. 21 - Engaged to be Murdered Mar. 18, 2024

I also enjoyed it and only noticed what characters were missing from the episode in retrospect so that is probably a sign of a well-done episode. 

I liked that Ms. Hart is continuing to be an important part of the team.  I also like the friendship as well as the working relationship between George and Llewelyn - especially the side eye George was giving when Llewelyn was trying to pretend there was no flirting going on.  

I was a bit disappointed with the identity of the killer, but it made sense within the context of the plot. 


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On 10/31/2023 at 1:16 PM, Trey said:

Season 17 Episode 5 Station House of Horrors Oct. 30 2023

Well, my fears were realized, at least as far as Julia/Gillies went.  The whole scenario seemed sort of pointless and wasn't interesting to me at all.

I liked the Violet Hart story better especially as it had Watts in it.  And I do like her friend, Isaiah.

Margaret was hilarious, knowing full well what the meat was and being okay with it because it was cheap.  Loved the little rat tail poking out of Thomas's pie at the end.

And the last episode was just sad.  Who was this "kindly" man who gave the doll to Susannah? Why did it want to kill Murdoch?  More questions than answers.

And then it turned out they never even went to the carnival.  Higgins probably did okay with the mechanical soothsayer.  He always seems to land on his feet.

I wish the writers would inject a little more humour into their Halloween episodes.  I am really not a fan of horror stories.


The story with Murdoch and the doll was a complete ripoff of the 1975 movie, Trilogy if Terror. 

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Season 17 Episode 22 Why is Everybody Singing March 25 2024


After a shooting lands Murdoch in a coma, his world suddenly becomes a full-blown musical.

What did you all think of the musical? I see a lot of comments on FB from people who hated it which surprised me a lot.

I enjoyed it very much, what with all the singing and dancing and great costumes. Everybody did their own singing. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they all did, especially Julia. And it is always a pleasure to see Sharron Matthews.

The plot was interesting too with the added complication of them having to work inside Murdoch's coma.  Okay, I know that's not real but it was a good twist to the plot.

Now I hope we never have to see Ralph Fellowes again.  Even better that he brought about his own downfall.

So, it wasn't Once More, With Feeling (my favourite episode of any tv show ever) but it was very good and I would like to see it again.

Only two more episodes this season.

I wouldn't be surprised if next season is the last but I think I've been saying that for the last few years.



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4 hours ago, Trey said:

Season 17 Episode 22 Why is Everybody Singing March 25 2024

What did you all think of the musical? I see a lot of comments on FB from people who hated it which surprised me a lot.

I enjoyed it very much, what with all the singing and dancing and great costumes. Everybody did their own singing. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they all did, especially Julia. And it is always a pleasure to see Sharron Matthews.

The plot was interesting too with the added complication of them having to work inside Murdoch's coma.  Okay, I know that's not real but it was a good twist to the plot.

Now I hope we never have to see Ralph Fellowes again.  Even better that he brought about his own downfall.




I thought the episode was was a nice departure from the usual, and was pleased to see that the majority of the cast was involved (missed Effie though).  It was fun and I was very impressed with everyone's talent in the musical production.

Interesting article about the episode and how it came together:  https://www.orilliamatters.com/local-news/murdoch-mysteries-goes-musical-with-help-of-two-stratford-friends-8495805#:~:text=French and Lynd both praised,episodes for the 17th season.

I noticed Colin Mochrie's name in the opening credits, so was not surprised when he was unmasked.  Ralph Fellowes is a nasty "fellowe"  😉, but I have mixed feelings about his being in the show - I simply love Colin as an entertainer.  I am thankful he is not as horrible as James Gillies or some of the other villains from the past.  


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Season 17 Episode 22 Why is Everybody Singing March 25, 2024

I enjoyed it, especially the back and forth between reality and inside Murdoch's mind.  As others have said, everyone looked like they were having fun, and the plot was interesting. Also, the singing and dancing were well done with a very ethereal quality reflecting the coma.

It is always great to have Sharron Matthews on my screen and while I truly like Colin Mochrie, I don't need to see Ralph Fellows again (I missed seeing his name in the credits so was not expecting him but did recognize him onscreen).  

I do like that when the show brings back characters, it usually remembers the past history and ties up loose ends - in this case, who was the body that was mistaken for Ralph?  

I hope the series continues for many more years but appreciate every moment we get in case it doesn't.  After giving my heart to Frankie Drake (and many other shows), I don't count on anything until there is an official announcement.  

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Thanks @Trey, that slipped my mind while I was posting but I do remember them explaining it.  It would be so interesting (at least to me) to find out if the writers have plot out all those points years in advance or if they come up with a new story line and then find a way to tie it back to previous plots.  I greatly admire how creative minds work.  

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Ovation in the States just aired episode 22 this past Saturday.  They usually don’t air episodes out of order so I think it must have done so because of a good reception in Canada to this episode the week before.  

Question, the episode seemed to run a little over and my DVR cut off a little early.  When Murdoch is with Fellowes in the interrogation room, Fellowes says “don’t you want to know how I did it”.  Murdoch says “I know how, I want to know why.”   Fellowes says “you were going to find out I was alive.”  Murdoch says “I think you overestimate our resources”.  Then my recording stopped.

What was said after that?  And is Fellowes going to prison for a while, until he invariably escapes?

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