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I Still Know What You Did Last Autumn Season 16 Episode 8 October 31 2022


Murdoch investigates the brutal on-camera murder of an actress during the filming of a movie about the clown killer.

It was a good mystery but it was too grim for my taste.  I like my Halloween episodes to have a good amount of humour in them. The last scene was adorable but it just didn't make up for the grimness.

Wiki Fandom put this warning on the page for this episode:


WARNING: Anyone who is disturbed by clowns is strongly advised to skip this episode.

On 10/27/2022 at 10:52 AM, cardigirl said:

And when the heck is George coming back? 

He'll be back next episode.

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I Still Know What You Did Last Autumn Season 16 Episode 8 - October 31 2022

I am glad I saw the episode but am not sure I can say I enjoyed it.  I agree with @Trey, it was a little grim for me and also a little too frenetic.  I couldn't quite keep track of who was who and when the next clown was going to pop up from who knows where.  It may have been that I was just tired from a long day of driving (returning home after a wonderful vacation) and that I may have been jittery at being alone in the house watching a spooky episode. 

I have grown quite fond of Louise Cherry as a character and while she now has financial success, I hope she does find personal happiness as well.  Can't wait to see Watts and Crabtree next week. 

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Honeymoon in Hampshire Season16 Episode 9 - November 7 2022


Honeymooning in England, Crabtree and Effie find a dead hotel guest while Murdoch investigates an apparent suicide.

It was a good episode and I loved having Watts investigating again. Also loved Crabtree and Effie on their honeymoon. 

Both mysteries were entertaining but I think the back and forth didn't go over as well as the writers hoped.  The break between each story was so brief that I wasn't always sure where we were.

Didn't Julia and William save a president on their honeymoon?  And now George and Effie have saved a king.

I liked King George's passing reference to his son, Edward, who ended up abdicating the throne in 1936.

Another Canadian town inaccurately named in the show: in the Toronto mystery, they said the victim came from Thunder Bay, a town at the Canadian Lakehead on Lake Superior.  However, it wasn't Thunder Bay until 1970 when Port Arthur and Fort William, plus a couple of townships amalgamated.

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Honeymoon in Hampshire Season16 Episode 9 - November 7 2022

I agree with @Trey, the back and forth was a little confusing but mainly, I was so delighted to see Watts, George and Effie again that I was willing to overlook that.   In both cases, I noticed some "clues" right off the bat that allowed me to solve part of each mystery but I certainly enjoyed the ride of getting to the eventual solutions.  Overall, the episode reminded me of reading a good cozy mystery which I really like to do. 

Thanks for the geographical info @Trey - I didn't realize Thunder Bay was such a recent name since it has been that most of my life.

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16.09 Honeymoon in Hampshire

I enjoyed everything about the George/ Effie plot, and thought it could have easily carried the whole episode. They could have kept the postcard reading/ honeymoon reminiscing as bookends if they wanted to make sure Murdoch (and Julia) was in the episode. The Canadian murder seemed unnecessary, and a way to shoehorn Watts into the episode. Don't get me wrong, I always love seeing Watts (especially in all his fidgety, slouching glory), but his inclusion here felt odd. I missed the two episodes before this, so correct me if any of my questions were addressed in them, but why is he back in Toronto? Why did Murdoch know where to find him? Why did he care that much about helping to investigate this particular case? (I know the victim was his informant, but this didn't seem like a particularly compelling reason...) I know this is all just building to Watts being back at Stationhouse 4 full time, which I'll be very pleased about, and I'm assuming his reasons for coming back will be dealt with in more depth then, but it just felt odd to see him here after he was so adamant about not detecting the last time we saw him. If they hadn't been trying to do so much in this episode, maybe this could have been explained more.

On 11/10/2022 at 7:15 PM, Trey said:

I thought George and Effie sounded like a bickering long-married couple instead of honeymooners.

On 11/11/2022 at 8:54 AM, cardigirl said:

I agree, and I wonder if the writers are sowing the seeds of marital distress for the characters. 

I felt like that was typical George/ Effie... she loves to argue, and he's used to it/ holds his own (which I think she appreciates). The bedroom scenes seemed honeymoon-y enough (and downright risqué for Murdoch Mysteries, lol); I'm not worried about them.

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Nice cameo by Andre De Grasse. I was hoping that he'd run but I guess he couldn't because he'd lose his status.

I do not like Mrs. Hart and I really don't like her father. (I do feel sorry for her husband now.)  It's strange because there was a Christmas movie earlier in the day where Roger Cross was the romantic hero (All Saints Christmas) and he was charming and delightful.

Edited by statsgirl
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27 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Nice came by Andre De Grasse. I was hoping that he'd run but I guess he couldn't because he'd lose his status.

I missed the first few minutes of the show so didn't see his name in the credits.  Thus, I was surprised and happy to see him playing a character.  I would have liked to have seen him run too.

I've never trusted Mrs Hart even though they've tried to make her more likeable, and I certainly don't like her father. Arthur wasn't too nice either.  So they can all kill each other and I won't care.  I don't really know why they introduced this pointless plotline. 

The victim was a thoroughly rotten person who deserved to die if anyone ever did.

It was nice seeing our Olympic athletes from long ago.

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Season 16 E: 10 Dash to Death.  I saw the first few minutes but then got interrupted by a wonderful kindly neighbor bringing me over some food (hard to be mad about that) so it took me awhile to figure out who was who.  I did like the superimposed explanations of the historical Olympic figures - even for a non Canadian, that was cool to see- heaven knows if I am watching Olympic coverage, I am just as likely to watch CBC as a US network. 

I also liked the outcome of the race that Iggy entered - it isn't always where you place, it is sometimes the impact that you have. 

I have grown much more fond of Mrs. Hart than I ever thought possible in earlier seasons but I am not thrilled with all her family drama.  I hope the writers find a way of resolving it without losing her as a character.  Right now it seems like the future is very bleak for her. 

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Season 16 Episode 11: DOA -

@cardigirl - I am not quite at the point you are but I understand where you are coming from.  I waited until now to post about this last episode because I was having difficulties articulating my reactions.  I get that in Season 16 they want to try something that stylized and from an unusual POV but I have to say, it largely left me flat.

Good things:  I thought it was beautifully photographed and they made good use of it being in black and white,  For quite awhile, it kept me guessing as to whether this was "real" or some sort of fever induced dream that Murdoch or someone else was having.  I like Julia and Mrs. Hart working together to try to find answers.  White he is not the most colorful villain they have ever used, I did like thought he did a good job with the role. 

Not so good things:  I didn't get why both Julia and Mrs. Hart looked like they were headed to an evening out (loose hair, glam makeup) rather that a normal working day.  Would Higgins ever refer to himself as lazy unless it was in someone else's dream?  The whole Angel of Death imagery left me cold both with Murdoch and the condemned man.  I wasn't thrilled by either Julia or Brackenreid's actions (I understand both but I sometimes tire of "good" characters being allowed to use any means necessary without consequences while other times, they clutch their pearls at the actions of others).

Lastly, it seemed like an odd choice of an episode to have as the last before the holiday break.  It was very bleak and as @cardigirl said, it seemed not to move forward plot points (dead husband) from last week's episode.  Maybe I missed something but it sort of seemed like a big swing at a "Special Episode" that didn't quite work for me. 

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1 hour ago, Grundoon59 said:

I thought it was beautifully photographed and they made good use of it being in black and white,  For quite awhile, it kept me guessing as to whether this was "real" or some sort of fever induced dream that Murdoch or someone else was having.

That is what I thought it was, for a while anyhow. 

At least we don't have to worry about Frank Rhodes showing up again.  I really do dislike them bringing back criminals from the past.  Maybe just once, to kill them off.

From fandom.com:


Do not adjust your screen as this episode is a homage to the film noir genre and a passion project of show runner Peter Mitchell who live tweeted, "We went with small things. More cars on the streets. Different hair, wardrobe, music and make up, different camera lens and rules on how to shoot it... and more smoking."

Thus the rather overblown appearance of Julia and Violet. 

I could not believe they would let Murdoch wander the streets of Toronto in the condition he was in.  That is partly why I thought it was a dream.

I agree with @cardigirl and @Grundoon59 that it was too grim and devoid of humour to suit me. 

I did like when the Angel of Death came to get Rhodes.

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Season 16 Episode 11: DOA -

I approached this dreading it but it's like an episode of the old B&W Alfred Hitchcock Presents show, so much so that I was looking for a commentary and a cameo.  That was always a very creepy show*, Murdoch Mysteries really caught the flavour. 

Kudos to the writing and production team for trying to keep it fresh in season 16.  The shot of Mr. Bent's brain on the table with Julia and Mrs. Hart standing there with blood on their aprons was gorgeous.

Honestly, with the mindset that this was a Hitchcock homage, I loved it.

I was spoiled that a named character died and got scared. Fortunately I don't care about Frank Rhodes. I thought that Krista Brides was good as the Angel of Death. Susannah grabbing Brackenreid's face was cute, you can tell that he has children of his own.

Wow, that black & white was harsh. Everyone looked a lot older.

* I will never forget the episode where


the wife kills her husband by hitting him with the frozen roast, and then cooks and serves it to the police.

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1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Wasn't it a leg of lamb?

You're right. It was called Lamb to the Slaughter, based on a short story by Roald Dahl.

On 11/23/2022 at 10:04 AM, Grundoon59 said:

I didn't get why both Julia and Mrs. Hart looked like they were headed to an evening out (loose hair, glam makeup) rather that a normal working day. 

They were both anachronisms.  Julia was very Lauren Bacall/forties femme fatale look and Mrs. Hart had the funny pet ears style of WWII.

Edited by statsgirl
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@statsgirl - I did get the film noir/Hitchcockian allusions - I just didn't think they worked, at least they didn't for me.  I will never knock writers/directors/actors/producers for trying something different and/or for swinging for the fences when they do.  But as I said, it just didn't work for me. 

And I will utterly admit, it may just have been me - I was coming off a pressure filled 10 days of work while doing Thanksgiving prep in my head.  I will try to give this another watch when it becomes available on Acorn and see if I view it differently then. 

Since there won't be new episodes until the New Year and I don't know how much posting will be going on until then, I want to take this chance to wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.  The sense of community on these forums have meant a lot to me in the past couple of years.  Even when I disagree with someone hear, I enjoy the interactions. 

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No new episodes til 2023?  Arrrgh!

I rewatched an episode yesterday, about a weeping statue of Mary Magdelene. It was excellent! Where has that kind of writing been the last couple of episodes?

I have to say, when the full cast is included, the show really shines. Loved Higgins and Crabtree working together, and Higgins declaring his love. Excellent episode. 

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Just watched episode 8, season 15 "Murdoch Knows Best" about Terrance Myers' secret civilian life.  Loved the shoutouts to 1950s and 60s TV. . . His last name was Anderson and he was in the insurance business like in Father Knows Best (FKB), the daughter's fiance was "Bud" (the name of the son on FKB), the neighbors were the Billingsleys (the name of the actress who played the mom on Leave it to Beaver).  Very funny, and great episode.

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Porcelain Maiden January 2, 2023 Ep. 12, Season 16


Higgins enlists Watts' help after he messes up the courier delivery of a horse statue for some very dangerous thugs.

I enjoyed this episode very much.  That Higgins! He's always messing up somehow, usually due to his own cupidity or laziness. I did love Higgins and Watts working together - Higgins even came up with some good ideas of his own.

It seems quite natural that Watts would become a private detective.  Even when he was on the police force he often worked alone.

I liked that the case was solved by working it from both ends.

And Julia's montage of Baby Suzannah was adorable.  Yes, endless possibilities for Suzannah.

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Porcelain Maiden January 2, 2023 Ep. 12, Season 16 -

I agree @Trey, it was a most enjoyable way to start the New Year.  Loved how all the plot lines were interwoven without anyone really catching on until near the end. 

Like the Watts/Higgins working relationship and there were lots of moments for each to shine.  Daniel Maslany is so good with the physical stuff and this was a showcase for him.  Also agree him being a private detective makes sense. 

Good to see Brackenreid & Murdoch working together and to see Julia whiz by on her motorcycle from time to time. 

Edited by Grundoon59
I posted too soon
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16.12 Porcelain Maiden

I still have all the questions I have after the last Watts' episode (namely why he chose to come back to Toronto, and why all his co-workers magically know where he is), plus a new question (who the heck is he living with???), but overall I did enjoy the episode. The two cases came together nicely, and I'm glad Watts/ Higgins got to take the spotlight over Murdoch/ Brackenreid. I can never get enough Daniel Maslany, and the brief not-fully-dressed scene was... very nice.

Overall the whole "Watts' journey of self-exploration" that they've done this season has been very disjointed and tonally strange, but Maslany always gives it his all, and Watts being a private detective has the potential to be an interesting storyline (though it seems likely his somewhat reduced role this season will continue, sadly?). 

2 hours ago, Pepper the Cat said:

They kept whistling the theme song.

Was that what it was meant to be? I could not recognize the tune, and was very confused what they were trying to do with it.

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Overall the whole "Watts' journey of self-exploration" that they've done this season has been very disjointed and tonally strange, but Maslany always gives it his all, and Watts being a private detective has the potential to be an interesting storyline (though it seems likely his somewhat reduced role this season will continue, sadly?). 

I'm actually hoping for a spin-off at this point. what would we call it? 

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Season 16, Episode 13 - Vengeance Makes the Man

I missed the very beginning of the episode - did anything happen other than Station House 1 busting in on Thomas and Margaret?

I enjoyed the episode and will be glad to not see Mrs. Hart's father for awhile.  Thought the actor did a good job with the role but as written, he seems pretty irredeemable . 

Since I like both Mrs. Hart and Brackenreid, I suppose I am glad at the outcomes from their events but it seems like there should be some consequences (other than many more people knowing what they have done).  I will be interested in what the writers do now with Mrs. Hart given the change in her circumstances.

I know it is in Murdoch's character to be morally upright but he crossed over in to being a little bit too sanctimonious for me. Dude, you have done some really questionable things when you thought it was right.  Granted it was not the same outcome as that which occurred from Thomas' actions but I was definitely on Julia's side when she was talking down from his high perch. 

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I'm always glad to see the show, but this episode really made it difficult for me to suspend my disbelief at times. Brackenreid walking down a dark alley by himself when he knows someone is after him? Not very smart. 

I loved Murdoch yelling at him, and thought Julia was a little easy on Brackenreid. But maybe that's because I don't much care for Brackenreid a lot of the time. "That's the way of the world, isn't it?" is his go-to so often. Gah. 

Murdoch, don't you feel bad. You toe that straight line. I've often seen you temper things with mercy, so you keep being you.

I have never understood the reasoning behind Mrs. Hart's story, but if things are going to start being revealed, good. Her poor husband though. I know he wasn't a great guy, but after she got him off the drugs, they seemed to be making a go of it.

And of course her father witl return. "Sometimes they come back" must be the theme for this season. 

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