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12 hours ago, BBHN said:

I remember in the 90s they wanted Marty and Todd to fall in love. But from what I understand, both actors protested that storyline vehemently.

Roger Howarth quit the show in 1995 for that very reason. No matter what chemistry SH and RH may have had, Malone was batshit if he thought a couple that started with a GANG rape would work (okay, yes, they had an ONS a month or so before that happened; not the point).


1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

We got Rapemance anyway. UGH. That was horrific.

I have a feeling that would have NEVER happened had Roger been there, though. And I'm kind of surprised Susan agreed to return, knowing that story was what she was coming back to.

I like to think Malone would know better now and realize that was a DOA idea from jump, but I'm not sure about that. In any case, Ron is ultimately the one to blame for that happening, not Malone. So...yay, I guess? 

Edited by UYI
40 minutes ago, UYI said:

And I'm kind of surprised Susan agreed to return, knowing that story was what she was coming back to.

I mean, we have to wonder how much she knew upfront.  She might not have known that they would actually sleep together.  She certainty couldn't have imagined that, a few months Todd was exposed, he would be the center of a love triangle with Blair and Tea both going crazy over him, or that TSJ would decide that Todd should do air quotes when referring to it.

All this talk about  Todd, I've  loved him, I'd been tired of him and hated him. I don't  know  if  he would work today for viewers but I think there are execs that would try. I think  Frank is so tone def he wouldn't  think twice about bringing Todd to GH if he thought  it would work again (in terms of another change and the old rights issues.) Franco doesn't  seem to be going anywhere as far as I know, and they still do the "but I only made Sam *think* she was raped" shit don't  they?) That's not better than Todd, real Todd, being  horrified  by what Victor did to Marty and the Todd who hates  himself for what he did.


I hate Blair and Tea fighting over Todd in all forms. But, I LOVE the time Shaun caught them literally  fighting over TSJTodd and was all "This is over Todd? Todd Manning  is not worth it!" That and calling Dorian an OG were Shaun's best contributions.

Edited by Gigi43
7 minutes ago, Gigi43 said:

I hate Blair and Tea fighting over Todd in all forms. But, I LOVE the time Shaun caught them literally  fighting over TSJTodd and was all "This is over Todd? Todd Manning  is not worth it!" That and calling Dorian an OG were Shaun's best contributions.

This reminds me of Destiny's possibly best moment, telling VicTodd to "Back up off me, freak show, or we have a problem."

4 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

Is anyone familiar with the storylines of One Life to Live back in 1991?

Sure! What do you need to know?

I was only 2 in 1991, but I've read a lot about the show's history and can probably still help you. I have a very good memory. :)

4 hours ago, BBHN said:

We lost Gabrielle that year (for the first time), I think. Which really sucked.

Yes, in March of 1991. Her last scene was great, minus the lack of JDP as Max.


It was also the year Jake & Megan got married, and the year Sarah turned up alive at Bo & Cassie's wedding. Oh, and this bitch drop-landed in town, too. Ugh.



This was the year of the big switch transition from the Rauch era to the Gottlieb era. It was 1991, but this was basically when the show finally left the 80's and reached the 90's. 

Edited by UYI
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On 1/20/2018 at 0:50 AM, TeeVee329 said:

Meanwhile, Gigi was living for free on the grounds of a mansion and Rex owned a nightclub and was still paying rent on a loft he didn't live in.  Boo freakin' hoo.

Gigi did pay rent (although she paid a lot less than a real tenant would).  Viki took all of the money and put it into a college fund for Shane.

A little Friday Kish for ya:

Watching this again, the Kyle/Fish stuff was of course good (Kyle sounding like he's going to hurl when the final piece of the guppy puzzle slides into place is another great little moment from Brett Claywell), but I was really digging the Schuyler/Kim scenes.  Schuyler's open-mouthed awe at how much Nigel loathes Kim is so funny.

But, of course, dragging things down is our leading man Rex.  I had forgotten that, after Gigi picked Schuyler over him, he thought about taking her to court to get full custody of Shane, never mind Gigi had raised him his whole life and Rex had known about him for like a year.  Ass!

And oh, hi there, Not Evil Eli, sigh.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

But, of course, dragging things down is our leading man Rex.  I had forgotten that, after Gigi picked Schuyler over him, he thought about taking her to court to get full custody of Shane, never mind Gigi had raised him his whole life and Rex had known about him for like a year.  Ass!

Very in character for Rex. He was such a dunce, and not in a fun way. Whoever thought the character should become leading-man material was gravely mistaken.

Sidenote: I think I passed Ilene Kristen on the sidewalk outside of Fairway yesterday! (Fairway is a once great NYC market that has lost its specialness because of outside financing that doesn't care about what made the store unique.)

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I had a brief staring match with Ilene at a screening of Puzzle of a Downfall Child at the Anthology Film Archives on the LES years ago; I turned and she was just there. I didn't want to bother her so I broke eye contact, but it was clear she knew I knew who she was.

I think I glimpsed John Brotherton while sitting at McDonald's once, but I wasn't about to rush out after poor Jared.


It made me a hard-core Blair fan because that 'he was mine!' scene with Cord was fucking everything. I did not want Blair to win Max but I wanted her to find someone who would love the shit out of her because she deserved it. Kassie killed that scene.

Does anyone know where I can find a link to this scene?  My youtube search has been unsuccessful so far.  I've been hearing about this scene for years and on multiple forums where posters have said that this was the scene that made them really begin to identify with and feel for Blair.

  • Love 1

That wouldn't be right after she tried to kill herself after turning up the gas in her apartment's stove, would it? After Max rejected her in 1994 after they had sex in Atlantic City/after she followed him to his hometown of Sweetwater, Texas? (And hit Luna with Cord's truck, YAY! I don't care that it was an accident! It still happened and I LOVED IT!) Because Cord was the one who found her and saved her life, and it sounds like that conversation could have taken place right after that. 

Edited by UYI

IIRC, it was in Texas. It was right before the accident. Luna, Max and Al went to the fair to have some attempt at family bonding probably due to Al's demands given that he loved Luna and hated Blair's guts. Cord stayed behind to keep Blair occupied and he confronted her about the whole mess.

Blair had the whole 'he was mine' scene, Cord sort of softened but not too much, and then Blair clocked him over the head with a vase to go find Max at the fair. It was all very desperate.

I've never been able to find the scene online and I remain torn about it. Much like Dorian confessing to killing Mitch to save Cassie, it's a scene that has forever remained gold in my mind and I don't know that it could live up to the memory. At the same time, I wish people could see it. Kassie just nailed that relatable brokenness that we've all felt regarding our most tempting mistakes but, man, I really wanted Blair to fine real love that lifted her up rather than tearing her down. She wound up with both with Todd. And not just oft her up but really celebratenwho she was as opjposed to twisting in knots to fulfill someone else's expectations.

Edited by Dandesun
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Thanks! Do you know if the full episode with Max & Blair's sex scene in Atlantic City is up? 

ETA: @Dandesun, I looked it up; the scene you want starts at about 19:00 in the episode above, with the line "I was just trying to get back what used to be MINE!" starting at 20:53. Hope that helps! 

Actually, wait--she says "He was MINE!"--five times in a row!--starting at 35:45. That scene begins at 33:07. 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 3

Was in the mood for some Kim/Clint today.  I'd been enjoying their interactions to this point, but it's their scenes here - where Clint disarms Kim by revealing he knows all about her worming her way into BE - where I really fell in love with their dynamic.  Siiigh.

There's also the immortal line, "I got boots older than you."  Heh.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Was in the mood for some Kim/Clint today.  I'd been enjoying their interactions to this point, but it's their scenes here - where Clint disarms Kim by revealing he knows all about her worming her way into BE - where I really fell in love with their dynamic.  Siiigh.

There's also the immortal line, "I got boots older than you."  Heh.


I was so surprised that I liked them as much as I did.   But those two were great together!  

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The writing for Kim and Clint was so smart—they were both exactly aware of what the relationship was, especially in the beginning, before their feelings for each other became deeper. It also helped that both JvD and AS played the tone exactly right. It was light and fun, and then became a bit more complicated when they started to fall for each other for real.

  • Love 8

A little GIF from me to you all:


Here's Kim getting ready for a catfight with Rama.  You may recall these ladies did not care for each other, with good reason - Kim had stolen a bunch of money from Rama when they were younger, Rama had schemed with Cutter to frame Kim for the murder at The Spotted Pony.  While it was kinda of a bummer them scrapping wasn't on-screen, what they did go with - both ladies stripping off their coats and jewelry, Rama charging at Kim, and then Aubrey's "Yikes!" faces as we heard them tussling off-screen - was fun.

  • Love 7

I've been dipping a toe back into the earlier, angstier part of Kish and I had some thoughts after watching this one:

1) Brett Claywell's delivery of "He's a coward who's afraid of telling the truth" gets me every time.  It's just so...soulful.

2) The Kyle/Roxy friendship really gets cemented here and I love it so, her sliding down the wall to sit next to him and them sharing that bottle of booze.  And it's a nice touch that, while she feels bad for Kyle, she does sympathize with Fish given she's chest-deep in her lies about Mitch right around then.

3) I had kinda forgotten that, at this point in the story, there's a lot of Cristian snooping around and, hilariously, not being able to put the pieces together.  There's one scene where, like, Layla's dog is sitting on his lap and he's just staring into space trying to figure it out and it is so funny to me.

4) Gigi's hair looks so much better here than the cockatoo situation that happens a few months down the road.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

Hi fellow OLTLers,

This is truly a gossip/rumor that I heard on DD, but has anyone heard anything about TSJ’s personal life these days?  Supposedly he wasn’t wearing his wedding ring at the mini OLTL reunion and on another social media site, his wife said she’s single in her bio.  Just curious if anyone has any info.  

I miss the show so much!  Seeing the pictures from the reunion makes me miss it more.  :-(


Talk of Jason Tam in the Other Roles thread reminded me of how much I enjoyed Markko's dumping of Langston once he found out about her and Ford, both because Tam's good in these scenes and because I super hated Langston by this point and was pleased her chickens had come home to roost: 

That the show cast him aside - and eventually Langston too, once she'd propped Ford enough that they were able to bump him up to Jessica - is so lame.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Dipping into some Rex/Gigi/Schuyler scenes I usually skip over on my periodic Kish rewatches, I stumbled across this amazing moment between Schuyler and Rachel (starts at 3:27):

The pleading way Schuyler says "it's different" when he responds to Rachel's straight talk about his actions being "the junkie move", desperate to convince her and himself, but knowing that she's right, is just so good.  That these two were rewarded for work like this with the axe while JPL and Farah Fath were hamming it up in their scenes, it's just so unfair.  

My dream storyline is STILL that, broken down by all the Mitch/Sierra stuff, Schuyler had gone tumbling off the wagon, with Rachel, Roxy, and Kyle (I envisioned Kyle, driven by guilt over his and Oliver's role in Schuyler's heartbreak, covering up some kind of incident at the hospital) helping him get back on his feet and Rachel and Schuyler finding love along the way.  Siiigh! 

Edited by TeeVee329
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They were so clearly headed for a Rachel/Schuyler pairing and I was there for it. Even if part of me wanted them to remain awesome friends. I love friendships.

In the show in my head, I’ve always seen Rachel with Kevin and Sky with an adult Starr, while remaining BFF’s, even if it is kind of generationally weird. But lately I’ve been musing on Starr with one or both of the Holden twins, which leaves Sky out in the cold, romantically speaking. Jess is with her OTP Brody, Natalie is kinda-sorta his sister now, Gigi is a relapse, Kim is a no-go...Langston? Kelly? Adrianna? Someone I invent? I’ve thought about bringing a Wolek kid into the hospital canvas.

Whoa, didn’t really mean to make this about the #oltlinmyhead. But I have many, many ideas, though most of them aren’t really coherent storylines. I swear, I’m more invested in those than any current stories airing on GH.

Edited by Melgaypet
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23 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

They were so clearly headed for a Rachel/Schuyler pairing and I was there for it. Even if part of me wanted them to remain awesome friends. I love friendships.

That's a fair point, soaps invest in friendships so rarely these days, particularly opposite sex ones.  And the arc of Rachel and Schuyler's friendship is kinda great - it starts light, co-workers cracking jokes and bonding over commonalities, and then it gets deeper and real when Rachel steps up to support Schuyler in the Sierra Rose aftermath, even letting asshole Greg dump her because she refused to turn her back on Sky (and Greg's moral outrage is, retroactively, pretty hilarious given what we end up finding out about him).

I guess, in the show in my head, I envisioned Kyle kinda becoming that person for Schuyler, that they'd become almost brothers through their common "mom" Roxy.  But yeah, friends, more than friends, I would have taken more of Schuyler and Rachel anyway I could have got them. #siiigh

As for non-Rachel options, yeah, I can't really picture Schuyler with anyone else floating around the canvas.  I do have a whisper of an idea of who I'd pair him with in the universe of my Kish fan fic, but maybe I'll just PM that one to ya Melgaypet. ;)

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I know it's a soap, but part of me is happy that Starr never got tied to one of the kids of Max and his second wife (I choose to forget her name whenever possible), in part because they were step-siblings for almost three years (no, I don't care that they were in North Carolina for most of it), and also to save the world from any more future awkward Max & Blair interactions.

My stomach couldn't handle the damage. 

  • Love 3
On 4/18/2018 at 12:10 AM, UYI said:

I know it's a soap, but part of me is happy that Starr never got tied to one of the kids of Max and his second wife (I choose to forget her name whenever possible), in part because they were step-siblings for almost three years (no, I don't care that they were in North Carolina for most of it), and also to save the world from any more future awkward Max & Blair interactions.

My stomach couldn't handle the damage. 

See, where I figured that Frankie/Starr was inevitable pretty much when Manning Baby #2 was confirmed to be female. (Although I'm currently into the idea of bisexual Starr torn between both twins.) I personally don't care about the stepsibling issue since they didn't grow up together at all. I'm not even sure they've even met.

In my opinion, the whole Todd/Blair/Max/Luna history would be side dishes to this story, not the entree. That should be the actual lovers. In my vision, I don't see much interaction between Max and Blair at all. I'm pretty sure Max spends most of his time hanging out in Argentina with Totally Not Dead Gabrielle, anyway.

I'm not advocating any Romeo & Juliet nonsense here. First of all, these kids are grown now. Second, it's been done with Starr. Badly. The problem with Starr/Cole - scratch that, one of the many problems with Starr/Cole was that their story was all about their parents. Mostly Todd and Blair. (EDIT: This should read Todd and Marty. Kind of a big difference there, oops, especially since Blair's history re: Brenden was so completely ignored.) Can anyone tell me why Starr and Cole loved each other so much? That pairing was never about Starr and Cole, it was about Todd's Daughter and Marty's Son. Dena Higley never saw beyond that and Carlivarti was never really able to fix it. Recall how Starr lost most if not all of what made her so distinctive. Recall how Cole was never given any personality in the first place, moving between "violent rageaholic" and "affable stoner" on the whims of the plot.

The Holden twins would be a valuable addition to the canvas, right? They're, well, "legacy kids" might not be really accurate, but they were born onscreen, but not having grown up  onscreen, they could function as new characters, not locked in to a backstory or set of predetermined character traits. Also, they're not related to anyone else. I mean, Starr, since I'm yammering on about her romantic prospects, is related to everyone. The Lords. The Cramers. And most of the Buchanans are also Lords. (Except Matthew. But I'm sorry, even the hypothetical squicks me, because I still envision the Aldersons in those roles, with all due respect to Robert Gorrie.) If Dan Wolek has kids that make their way to Llanview (which they should), she'd be related to them, too.

Ha, remember back on TWoP, pre-Matt Metzger, someone would occasionally suggest Duke/Starr as a natural couple and someone else would point out that they were cousins and the first person would be, "crap, I forgot." I just remembered that myself.

Edited by Melgaypet
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I think so?  Isn't that why Starr was able to lead Matthew around by the nose and get him to do dumb things for her? 

Anyway, all that aside, I think the introduction of Dani closed the door on any kind of Starr/Matthew thing for good.  And the little bit of Matthew/Dani we got - both on ABC before the rise of Old Man Nate and especially the push-pull between them on PP OLTL - was way better than Starr/Cole, IMO.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think they were just supposed to be friends, who ran around hatching their little kid plots. Then when Travis (remember Travis?) showed up, they had Matthew getting jealous and Asa coaching him on how to "get her back" and we were all NOPE. Don't care if they were still little kids, don't care if it was pretend, a world of nope.

2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Anyway, all that aside, I think the introduction of Dani closed the door on any kind of Starr/Matthew thing for good.  And the little bit of Matthew/Dani we got - both on ABC before the rise of Old Man Nate and especially the push-pull between them on PP OLTL - was way better than Starr/Cole, IMO.

Agreed. And, to tie into my earlier point, Dani/Matthew didn't rest solely on BO & NORA'S SON WITH TODD & TEA'S DAUGHTER OMG DRAMA!!! despite there being plenty of ugly history there.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Melgaypet said:

Then when Travis (remember Travis?) showed up, they had Matthew getting jealous and Asa coaching him on how to "get her back" and we were all NOPE. Don't care if they were still little kids, don't care if it was pretend, a world of nope.

Yeah, and the show was like, "Hey, what's the big deal? So what if Matthew and Starr are played by RL siblings? It's called 'acting' for a reason!" Ugh. And ew.

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I guess because YT recommended some related clips during my Kish binge or because I'm gearing up for Baby Swap 2018 on GH, but I've been watching parts of the Jessica/Starr baby switch from 2008 and...it's kinda compelling?  I dunno.  What was the consensus at the time?

Also, stumbled across this:

VicTodd is SUUUCH an asshole in this clip.  It's insane to me, that,- what, 3 months later, 6? - not only had Viki forgiven him, but pretty much the whole town had.  Blech.

Edited by TeeVee329
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50 years ago today.

It's oddly fitting that in a year that included two assassinations of high profile figures and the height of the Vietnam War, a daytime soap about the haves and have nots, that included people of different classes and races, would quietly debut one Monday afternoon on ABC in the midst of all this tragedy and chaos(the riots/protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago were only a month later). And despite some turns away from that concept over the years (hi, Eterna!), that is probably still its most important legacy.


Happy Anniversary!


Unfortunately, there are virtually no episodes of the show from 1968 on YouTube (much less the first episode of the show), but there IS a fan-made approximation of the closing credits featuring the theme used from 1968-1975, complete with an ABC logo of that era, and a promo for The Johnny Cash Show.

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In a complete 180 from UYI's post, something on Twitter today reminded me of how hard I shipped Natalie and Cutter from the minute they re-met in the premiere of PP OLTL (it starts at 18:45):


Sure, the beginning part of their dance is kinda corny, but I love how it starts out with them basically trying to get a rise out of each other, and then they get a little closer, and there's, like, this click.  Gah it's so good, Melissa Archer and Josh Kelly had sooo much chemistry.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, UYI said:

Way to upstage an important anniversary, geez! :P

(OTOH, someone had to mention the anniversary, it might as well have been me. I'm sad no one else seemed to remember it.)

LOL well it does speak to the show's long history and reach, that it lasted long enough to have a web-only version.

I did see a good amount of celebration and reminiscing about the anniversary on Twitter yesterday, that's where I saw an article that reminded me about Natalie and Cutter.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

LOL well it does speak to the show's long history and reach, that it lasted long enough to have a web-only version.

I did see a good amount of celebration and reminiscing about the anniversary on Twitter yesterday, that's where I saw an article that reminded me about Natalie and Cutter.

Well, you certainly sounded a lot less pretentious than I did. :P

I'm just fascinated by the circumstances in which it premiered. 

Edited by UYI

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