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S03.E12: The Horizon Leans Forward

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Finally, an episode where RA isn't a total asshole! Wonders never cease!

I FLOVED VI dragging Nova for going after Remy! Thank you Vi!

Loved Charley's speech even if the council vote didn't go in their favor. Still can't figure out the Ms. Boudreaux's angle. Poor Prosper.

I also loved Micah's friend pointing out his privilege. Ant seems a little too cool for someone facing 6 months in juvie.

I still don't see any chemistry between Charley and Romero but its good to see her smiling for a little bit, so I'll roll with it.

The editing for this episode felt off. The way they jumped from the scenes at the kitchen to the 2nd council meeting was jarring.

Can't believe the finale is next week!

Edited by AgentRXS
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Well the criticism of Charley wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be but I wish she'd called out the farmers for bailing on her and forcing her to make a deal with Landry in the first place. 

I thought maybe Mama Boudreaux was okay but I'm not sure now. 

I shook my head at the woke kids. How fast things crumble when there are serious consequences for their actions. The kid who criticized Micah because of his upbringing should give Micah a glimpse of what they all really think of him. 

Why hasn't Vi hired more people? 

Invitations from Morocco? I really hope someone is watching how much Hollywood is spending. 

If Romero's gonna be a slow build, I'm okay with that. 

I'm glad RA and Darla agreed on an arrangement but didn't Darla request 50/50 episodes ago? 

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I'm over Vi this season. I didn't like her over-the-top criticism of Nova. Nova had it coming, but Vi was late to the party. The situation was over, Nova was repentant, and she and Charlie had reached a detente. When she referred to Remy as "sloppy seconds," she lost me. I *hate* that phrase. This was a time when Vi should have minded her own damn business. All she did was bring up old shit and make everyone uncomfortable. Nova and Charlie are adults. Aunt or not, she does not get to know and give her opinion about EVERYTHING they do.

I have an aunt like that. She and I don't talk anymore.

15 minutes ago, Arcadiasw said:

Why hasn't Vi hired more people?

Seriously, why is she demanding that her family come work at her business and help plan her wedding? She's telling a woman in her 40's "Get off that phone!"? Naw. You want to run a business while you're chronically ill? Get a full staff and pay them. Your nieces and nephews have their own lives.

Part of me wants Charlie to just say "Fuck all y'all" and go back to L.A.

I would have been so mad if Charlie had said no to the chicken mole. I love that dish.

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7 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

I'm over Vi this season. I didn't like her over-the-top criticism of Nova. Nova had it coming, but Vi was late to the party. The situation was over, Nova was repentant, and she and Charlie had reached a detente. When she referred to Remy as "sloppy seconds," she lost me. I *hate* that phrase. This was a time when Vi should have minded her own damn business. All she did was bring up old shit and make everyone uncomfortable. Nova and Charlie are adults. Aunt or not, she does not get to know and give her opinion about EVERYTHING they do.

I have an aunt like that. She and I don't talk anymore.

Seriously, why is she demanding that her family come work at her business and help plan her wedding? She's telling a woman in her 40's "Get off that phone!"? Naw. You want to run a business while you're chronically ill? Get a full staff and pay them. Your nieces and nephews have their own lives.

Part of me wants Charlie to just say "Fuck all y'all" and go back to L.A.

I would have been so mad if Charlie had said no to the chicken mole. I love that dish.

I was like "Charlie you better eat that man's food!" I was glad to see him. Charlie has a stressful life. She deserves some happiness and some peace.

I'd forgotten that Vi hadn't told her family about her diagnosis. She's all up in everybody's business but doesn't share hers. And I cannot STAND the way she barks orders at her nieces. My father does that to me sometimes and it drives me crazy. (My father had an assistant for his entire professional life. He's retired now and I think he's not used to not having an assistant.)

If Hollywood and Vi can afford invitations from Morocco (which is a dumb thing to spend their money on; their guests will throw them out and won't know or care that they're from Morocco), they can afford a wedding planner. Charley and Nova are not her indentured servants.

I thought the Woke Crew would turn on Micah eventually. I never thought they saw him as one of them.

The prison being approved wasn't a surprise but it was sad. Charlie was great in that meeting.

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10 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

I'm over Vi this season. I didn't like her over-the-top criticism of Nova. Nova had it coming, but Vi was late to the party. The situation was over, Nova was repentant, and she and Charlie had reached a detente. When she referred to Remy as "sloppy seconds," she lost me. I *hate* that phrase. This was a time when Vi should have minded her own damn business. All she did was bring up old shit and make everyone uncomfortable. Nova and Charlie are adults. Aunt or not, she does not get to know and give her opinion about EVERYTHING they do.

I have an aunt like that. She and I don't talk anymore.

Seriously, why is she demanding that her family come work at her business and help plan her wedding? She's telling a woman in her 40's "Get off that phone!"? Naw. You want to run a business while you're chronically ill? Get a full staff and pay them. Your nieces and nephews have their own lives.

Part of me wants Charlie to just say "Fuck all y'all" and go back to L.A.

I would have been so mad if Charlie had said no to the chicken mole. I love that dish.

I actually have 2 aunts like Vi ! They don't mind calling my ass out straight up when they need to .  They don't care if I'm grown, because they REAL GROWN!!!  If  I am wrong they will tell me, if I'm confused they will guide me ..Their love is unconditional but they don't mess around.  I really enjoyed this episode  mainly because of RA and Darla.  I will miss Mr. Prosper, he's going home with his daughter now , the time is right for this move. So proud of Charley in spite of everything., her dedication to helping the farmers was phenomenal . Vi, has so much pride.. she is the Matriarch of the family and she helped to raise Nova and RA after their mother died  and also Charley when she was there as well as Blue , she feels like they are her children. Happy she shared her medical condition.

Edited by byrd
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11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I still don't see any chemistry between Charley and Romero but its good to see her smiling for a little bit, so I'll roll with it.

I want to see Charley less stressed and enjoying life... but I have to concur about she & Romero not having really any chemistry, so my ability to roll with them is very limited. 

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Was just talking with some co-workers about the episode and I was glad to find we were unanimous about thinking Vi's "sloppy seconds" comment was not cool -- she wasn't mad about the implicit betrayal, but just that it was "icky?" C'mon, that was not the problem! Anyway, I'm glad she finally let everyone in on her health issues, and lucky for her she has a large staff of free labor to cover the pies when she's out of commission.

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15 minutes ago, gesundheit said:

Was just talking with some co-workers about the episode and I was glad to find we were unanimous about thinking Vi's "sloppy seconds" comment was not cool -- she wasn't mad about the implicit betrayal, but just that it was "icky?" C'mon, that was not the problem! Anyway, I'm glad she finally let everyone in on her health issues, and lucky for her she has a large staff of free labor to cover the pies when she's out of commission.

Her nieces (only nieces, because she doesn't appear to ask RA to do anything) need to tell her no and stick to it sometimes. I know we're raised to be respectful of our elders, but Charley has a teenage son who is acting out, a business, and is taking care of Prosper (although not for much longer). She has shit to do! Nova has a book to write. She has shit to do (although less than Charley)! It would be one thing if she were like "I'm in a jam, can you please help?" and they do and she thanks them for it, but she doesn't do that - she ORDERS them to help her in HER business and doesn't offer a word of thanks. It drives me crazy.

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Charlie gave such an awesome speech, it sucks so hard that it didnt work out. So is that it, the prison is on? That cant be it, its probably the story that I am most invested in. I am glad that everyone wasn't pilling on Charlie too badly, and in the end, everyone seemed to acknowledge that she really is trying to help them. Also, it looks like the Landry sister isnt trying to screw her over, and they could still maybe get a win. I hope we get something before the season closes out. Really, why are people so pumped about a prison? It will employ people, but so would any number of other things that dont involve having to guard people and deal with a bunch of crap around that, and have a big ugly eyesore in their town. 

Charlie and Romero are cute, but they really dont have much chemistry. But, I want Charlie to be happy, so whatever. She has more chemistry with with the Landry cousin, whos name I cant recall, as messed up as that is. 

I figured that the Woke kids would pull a "your a rich kid you dont get it" on Micah eventually, and here it is. I mean, they arent wrong that Micah has more leeway than they do, having rich, famous parents, but Micah is still very genuine about wanting to change thing, and has been ride or die for them for awhile now. At least he seems to have learned his lesson, and is looking into making a difference doing things that are less likely to end in jail time. 

Aunt Vi really laid into Nova! I guess I can appreciate people calling Nova out for her awful life choices, but on the other hand, the situation has already pretty much sorted itself out, so her getting a talking down to is pretty pointless,and just leads to more of Vi being super judgmental of every member of their family. Except for RA, of course. 

Seriously Vi, just hire people! Even without being sick, thats a normal thing to do when your business grows! Of course she is getting worse, she wont hire people, and just drags her already busy with a billion things relatives into helping her!

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3 thoughts from this episode:

1.  I enjoyed Charley’s speech at the meeting, but I was also waiting for SOMEONE to remind all of those naysayer farmers that they all bailed on her Queen Sugar mill at the first hint that there might be a problem, without so much as asking her what was up. 

2. Romero’s cute and nice, but no, the chemistry with Charley just isn’t there. Like someone upthread pointed out, as much as it aims me to admit it, she had more chemistry with Jacob Landry (I think I’ve got the name right).

3. I think we’re seeing the first glimpses of RA (and Darla) growing up, and I’m here for it. For the first time, I’m hoping that this little family can find its way back to each other. We’ll see.

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9 hours ago, TVForever said:

3. I think we’re seeing the first glimpses of RA (and Darla) growing up, and I’m here for it. For the first time, I’m hoping that this little family can find its way back to each other. We’ll see.

I thought the same. I'm not sure how I feel about that them getting back together, and we all know Vi's going to raise holy hell and try to prevent a reconciliation. I am happy to see them maturing. At the very least, they can become good friends and co-parents.

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18 hours ago, TVForever said:

I think we’re seeing the first glimpses of RA (and Darla) growing up, and I’m here for it. For the first time, I’m hoping that this little family can find its way back to each other. We’ll see.

Now that RA knows for sure he's not Blu's bio dad and see's that Darla still wants him in Blu's life as his father maybe things will soften between the two and they will eventually get back together. It wouldn't be a bad thing. They clearly still love each other. 

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16 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

and we all know Vi's going to raise holy hell and try to prevent a reconciliation.

Not just Vi; Charley and Nova don't harbor any love for Darla, and even Saint Hollywood seems to be through with her now too.

Edited by Dee
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On 8/15/2018 at 9:08 PM, Arcadiasw said:

I'm glad RA and Darla agreed on an arrangement but didn't Darla request 50/50 episodes ago? 

I think once they both saw what would happen if they let Vi and [Darla's mom] continue "negotiations" so they were both happy to get to where Darla started from.


I don't want Darla getting back with RA until he matures a bit more, and defends her to his family.

On 8/17/2018 at 1:28 PM, Dee said:

Not just Vi; Charley and Nova don't harbor any love for Darla, and even Saint Hollywood seems to be through with her now too.

I know I harp on this, but Charley was outright cruel when she fired Darla without cause.

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