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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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Has Scottie  mentioned Tyler to Kaitlin? Like, does Tyler know about Sam's power. Oh, he asked if she remebers what the others were. Mentions one was a cloud.  She hasn't mentioned Identity theft.

I think Scottie is pissed, inside, about Sam having a power and not telling him and Tyler probably knowing.

Edited by missyb
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I swear, if I was Scottie i would come away from this convo so confused. She has said so many things and jumped around so much my head is spinning and I actually know everything that's happened! 

Now Scottie is asking her if Sam said what the other powers were and she told him about the cloud but couldn't remember the others.

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I really need Scottie to call Sam up to the HOH before the veto ceremony. "I want this crazy broad out. Would you use your power to save her?" "Nope." BOOM.

If it were Kaitlyn and Brett/Winston otb, I think Kaitlyn would go. Votes to evict: Tyler, Kaycee, Sam, Brett/Winston, Angela, Rachel. Six is enough this week, right? So they wouldn't even have to worry about pulling in JC?

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5 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Wait. The reason Kaitlyn spilled all that is because Kaitlyn had a dream where Tyler's father came to her and told her she needed to tell Scottie? Looooooooooool I can't.

Correction: Tyler's DEAD DAD. I'm fucking done with her. That's SO offensive. Use your own dead relative coming to you in a dream, not his, Krazy. 

I genuinely now think she needs professional help. She's insane.

  • Love 19

So really, the best scenario we can expect coming out of the Veto Ceremony is:

A) Scotty using it on Bret or Winston and him putting up Krazy-Kait as a back door. (But honestly, do we really think the HG's will vote her out over one of the Bros?)

B) PoV not used, one of the Bros gets the boot and Sam uses her power to give them a chance at coming back in.

I vote Option A, it would generate the greatest amount of HG turmoil.

Edited by xKHANx
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3 minutes ago, xKHANx said:

So really, the best scenario we can expect coming out of the Veto Ceremony is:

A) Scotty using it on Bret or Winston and him putting up Krazy-Kait as a back door. (But honestly, do we really think the HG's will vote her out over one of the Bros?)

B) PoV not used, one of the Bros gets the boot and Sam uses her power to give them a chance at coming back in.

I vote Option A, it would generate the greatest amount of HG turmoil.

One more, he puts up Sam and she has to use it.

Omg I’ve been reading the threads while trying to finish last night’s BBAD and all  I can say is my hat is off to all you people with feeds who have subjected yourself to this Kaitlin insanity.  And to the people who have to live in the house with her; and to the people who have hired her to be their life coach and those who have to live with her in real life- YIKES!  Too bad for her that getting the most screen time doesn’t earn her a reward of some kind but I guess hijacking the attention that Scottie was basking in is reward enough.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Sandycat said:

So, nobody has ever brought up to Scottie that Kaitlyn voted to evict Steve? Does he know? I couldn’t keep up with who told who what yesterday!


5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

For some reason, nobody has told him who actually flipped. He doesn't know for sure, but I also don't know if he even suspects it was Kaitlyn. Brinston threw Kaitlyn under the bus, but not for the hinky vote. If they did, I guarantee Scottie would backdoor her.

I have a question for you all.  I have never understood Scottie's math.  Until recently he believed Brett, Winston and Kait voted to keep Steve.  Add his vote and the Swaggy group of Swaggy, Bay, Hay, Rockstar and Fessy that is NINE votes.  Steve got 7 votes.  All this time where did Scottie think the two wandering away votes came from?


2 hours ago, gunderda said:

Has Bay's power been shown on the episode yet? I'm just wondering, if she noms 2 people, she has no power over what happens at veto correct? like she can't put up the replacement nominee so her power could be completely useless if someone on the HOH's side won veto, took one of the nominees off and up went one of the true targets of the HOH. 

Exactly.  Bay's power sound more dangerous than useful since she'd only steal the noms from an adversary, not an ally.  And it is a crap shoot then who wins veto so it could actually hurt her game more than help since a member on her side could well go up at the veto ceremony and be gotten out.


2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

At this point, I'll be disappointed if the power isn't used, if only because using it this week ensures way better feeds for next week. Without the power in play, all bets are off. Next week if the power isn't used, we know it's a dud week so the suspense isn't there, besides waiting for everyone to find out that the eviction may not matter.

I don't think it will be a dud week.  Because of the veto ceremony checkmating Bay like mentioned above or Bay's side wins the HOH.


1 hour ago, xKHANx said:

Sam never told KRaxy-Kat she had a power did she? I thought Tyler was the only one she told...

No one but Tyler and Kaycee know the FULL details of Sam's power.  Everyone else knows something vaguely about her power now that the last clueless person, Scottie, has been told.

1 hour ago, zorak said:

Katilyn says she intuitively feels that she is being received very well by the world.


Edited by green
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