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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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It appears Faysal has dragged himself away from the bathroom couch and is now playing pool in the backyard with JC.

Kaitlyn is trying to hug Faysal and tell him she needs to talk right now.  He said, "What do you mean?  You don't tell me shit."  Zing.

I couldn't hear her because she didn't have her mic on, but it was evident she was getting pissy with him after he rebuffed her.

I'm not sure what just happened with Faysal and JC playing pool but I heard JC say, "It was an accident."  Then, in a direct shout out to last year, Faysal said something about how he was going to throw hot sauce into JC's face.   

Edited by zorak
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Kaitlyn is annoying. She cannot be surprised that people she lied to and backstabbed are rather cool on her right now. They're not banging pots or pans or calling her names, they're just somewhat cool towards her. 

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12 minutes ago, zorak said:

BB voice just randomly said, "Robot" and then stopped.  Is someone drunk in the control room?

That’s a button, Production Dude, not a coffee cup coaster.

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2 hours ago, Ceeg said:

Faysal just said if he wins HOH, Rachel is going on the block for sure. LOL what? 

Rachel mentioned early on that Faysal had tried to get cozy with her during that first week before the cameras were live. 

It would seem he’s still a bit bitter at having been solidly rejected. 

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1 hour ago, green said:

LOL, nothing gets by Swaggy ... until it is way too late to help him.

He actually did say he thought Kaitlyn was the Steve vote like right after it happened, but she won HOH so there was really nothing he could do and it benifited him to pretend he didn't suspect her.

51 minutes ago, zorak said:

More talk from Rockstar about how shady Tyler is.  I kind of want her to win the next HOH because I think Tyler and the bros will for sure be targeted by her.


I want her to win HOH so bad. Those three would flip.

41 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Plus hes alone in the back bedroom again which is one of the reasons he's on the block. I have no sympathy for house guests who isolate themselves and don't at least try. Sam was a freaking Robot on the block and even she campaigned.


It's been 5 hours since he was put up. I mean I don't expect him to really do much, but I'll give him some time to process the fact that he's getting BDed.

5 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Rockstar trying to throw Tyler under the bus to Kaitlyn.

I love Rockstar's Tyler hate so damn much!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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So, somehow Swaggy's taking all of this better than Rockstar and Faysal, from what I read. I mean, he's not taking it WELL, but better than those two whiners. 

I just grew mad respect for Haleigh, who realizes this is a game. 

Swaggy's comment about being sad about being evicted because then he won't be with Bayleigh is exactly why showmances suck. He came to play the game, but will end up being evicted, more sad about the end of his showmance than the end of the game. 

Again, once Swaggy leaves, I'm really hoping for Hay and Bay to join forces and find a new alliance. They got Possessive Stalker Faysal and Whiner Rockstar who's holding both of these women back (but more Haleigh than anything). 

My dream alliance now is Haleigh, Bayleigh, Sam, Brett, JC, Rachel, and Kaycee. I really do love the women this season, except for Kaitlyn and Rockstar. I don't loathe Angela, but she's barely been a blip on the episodes OR the feeds and when she does get the attention, it's because she's said something she shouldn't have. 

And I like Tyler as well, but I wouldn't mind seeing the women run the house for once. Tyler and Scottie can work on getting Winston/Angela/Faysal/Rockstar out. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Rockstar to Kaitlyn:  "Well, I look forward to seeing those tapes of where you needed to stand up for yourself." 

LMAO! Man, I love her. Why can't the people I actually like ever be the ones who play the game best? Ugh, why are the worst people always the best game players?!

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO! Man, I love her. Why can't the people I actually like ever be the ones who play the game best? Ugh, why are the worst people always the best game players?!

I love Angie but also hate her at the same time. I love how honest she is and that she does share a lot of similar views than the online population, but I also just don't like her because she can take it too far and she's only complaining about it and not doing much about it at the same time? I don't know; I both want to see her make it far and also see her evicted in the next few weeks.

Basically, Angie confuses me. I do LOVE her calling Kaitlyn out, though. Kaitlyn's a bigger dumbass. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I do LOVE her calling Kaitlyn out, though. Kaitlyn's a bigger dumbass. 

The best part is Kaitlyn doesn't really get that Rockstar was fucking with her on that 'I look forward to the tapes' comment. She thanked her lol!

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Rockstar:  "The whole thing is about adapting.  But I'm just having a hard time adapting to Winston and Brett."  Rockstar says Winston is a Trumper and she's convinced that he's got Confederate flags hanging around his house.

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2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

So Winston tried to bring a "MAGA" hat and Confederate flag into the house and they wouldn't let him? That's what Rockstar just said.

She doesn't know that she just assumes it because Winston is, well, Winston lol.

ETA: Rockstar would put up Brett and Tyler. Oh man, can we get a natural childbirth comp up in here?!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't think I have ever seen an HOH quite like Kaitlyn. She has done what she wanted to do and will live with the consequences. If she gets put up next week, so be it.  I love it. She has lit a match under everyones game. What could be wrong about that ???

Edited by missyb
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9 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

"I win HOH and everyone's sucking my dick." Kaitlyn assesses her HoH reign.


3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Kaitlyn is standing in her truth, y'all. 

I bet she wouldn't know her damned truth if it came up and smacked her and called her crazy.

Don't forget this woman is a life coach. 

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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

ETA: Rockstar would put up Brett and Tyler. Oh man, can we get a natural childbirth comp up in here?!

Aww wait, no! Not Brett! I get why, but I LIKE Brett and don't want him to leave pre-jury!

At least Angie won't get Least Trending houseguest next week! There's no way they don't air Angie's freakout over the last day.

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Rockstar’s implosion comes down to being pissed at Chakra Con for not doing what she thinks was best for her (Rockstar’s) game. 

I’m convinced she also made up her nickname with the difference between her and Squiggy being she had the life experience to know it sounds better to say “my friends call me (nickname).” 

She would be exhausting to be around for any length of time. Ugh. 

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20 minutes after I put down the headphones, Rockstar and Kaitlyn are finally ending their discussion in the HoH room.

1 minute ago, cork dork said:

Rockstar’s implosion comes down to being pissed at Chakra Con for not doing what she thinks was best for her (Rockstar’s) game. 

LOL New favourite nickname for Kaitlyn.

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11 minutes ago, vb68 said:


Don't forget this woman is a life coach. 

Barely. Per her website, she had two clients when she moved to LA in Feb. And she’ll have been a life coach for an entire year as of next month. Hopefully being on BB will put her focus elsewhere. 

Yes, I spent waaay too much time reading her site a few days ago and now know more than I wanted to about her being a life coach. 

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41 minutes ago, zorak said:

Rockstar to Kaitlyn:  "Well, I look forward to seeing those tapes of where you needed to stand up for yourself." 

I’m not seeing it. Kaitlyn heard things Swagg said about her (which were true), and decided to go with the other group. Maybe Rockstar can “watch the tape” of Swaggy saying this week how he wanted to target Kaitlyn and Tyler, her closest ally. Rockstar can be as self-righteous as she likes, but this was a good game move for Kaitlyn. Even though she’s a total nutter.

So I missed all the aftermath today due to stupid work, and it sounds like I missed.....basically nothing. If today didn’t cause some fireworks, nothing will. I guess I’ll have to stop rooting for drama, and just root for my favorites. Luckily for me, these’s many I still really like. Tyler, Sam, Rachel, Kaycee, Scottie, and even Rockstar at times (today is not one of those times, although I do get it).

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

So I missed all the aftermath today due to stupid work, and it sounds like I missed.....basically nothing. If today didn’t cause some fireworks, nothing will. 

You mean you don't believe Swaggy's promise from earlier today that if he gets a power app before Thursday that he will flip out and fuck this game up?  Inconceivable!

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This move is bad for Rockstar, so I don't mind her being pissed about it. That's something a lot of these folks have to understand is that it is okay for people to not be happy about moves that hurt their games. Rockstar is now in an alliance that is is in the minority. Could that change if she, Bayleigh or Fessy wins the HOH? Of course, but the odds are not in the favor of that occurring, so it is fair for her to not like this. 

As for Kaitlyn, Swaggy absolutely gave her reasons not to trust him. No doubt about it. I'm fine with her move, as well. 

It just occurred to me what the Kait/Rockstar dynamic right now reminds me of. It reminds me of Bridgette with her close friends and how she was telling them that it was going to be all good, even when she was doing stuff that was clearly not helping her close girl alliance. 

"No, no, trust me, Frank knows what he's doing" (Now with Tyler in place of Frank)

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If Not-a-Rockstar had any sense, she’d have sat and thought about things or gone to talk to Bayleigh before running straight to Squiggy to download her talk with Chakra Con. 

It’s unfortunate she has no clue how expendable she was in Squiggy’s pecking order. 

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In the middle of Swaggy talking, Kaitlyn interrupts and says, "What do you mean the world thinks I like Fes?"  I love how that's what she keyed in on.

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Swaggy is swearing that he would never have put Kaitlyn on the block.  But truthfully, even if he wasn't planning to do it himself, he would have absolutely had someone else in the alliance do the dirty work for him.

I think if "intuition" was the word of the day, à la Pee Wee's Playhouse, I'd lose my voice from screaming.  We can add it to the list of words that now need to be banned from the BB house.

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Swaggy is just giving Tyler every reason to make sure Swaggy goes. Like....Swaggy, do you not realize that Tyler is with the other side? I thought you figured it out two days ago.

Now Tyler is jumping in.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Swaggy is swearing that he would never have put Kaitlyn on the block.  But truthfully, even if he wasn't planning to do it himself, he would have absolutely had someone else in the alliance do the dirty work for him.

Didn't he say he was going to, after he guessed that she was the flip? Not that he's obligated to be honest when he's talking to her, of course. 

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Just now, IndyMischa said:

Didn't he say he was going to, after he guessed that she was the flip? Not that he's obligated to be honest when he's talking to her, of course. 

Pretty much.  That's why I think it may be a game of semantics with what he said to her about not putting her up.  I know he talked with the others about how she needed to go.  I don't remember if he actually said the words, "I will put her up."  So maybe in his mind he's being truthful because he himself would never have put her up but he would have made sure someone else did.

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Aw, man, if I was in that house, I'd make a deal with Swaggy that he'd get my vote, but he'd have to go by his real name for one full week.


2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I think I slept through that one. 

To be fair, I think I slept through almost all of the Star Wars movies. 

Don't worry about it.  The prequels are basically clips from the Galactic Empire's version of C-SPAN.

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Right now, Swaggy's trying to redirect the target to Winston by spewing some bullshit about the alliance between the four guys and how Brett/Winston wanted to target the girls first.

Though I'm not sure how true that really is, to be honest. But since we know the deal was fake on Brinston's end, I'm not sure Swaggy is being truthful.

Tyler just called Swaggy out on saying the deal was fake on both ends, anyway, and everyone knew it.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Right now, Swaggy's trying to redirect the target to Winston by spewing some bullshit about the alliance between the four guys and how Brett/Winston wanted to target the girls first.

Though I'm not sure how true that really is, to be honest. But since we know the deal was fake on Brinston's end, I'm not sure Swaggy is being truthful.

Tyler just called Swaggy out on saying the deal was fake on both ends, anyway, and everyone knew it.

I know I've seen Winston and Brett talk about how it was a totally fake deal.  It wouldn't surprise me if Winston and Brett did say some crap about targeting the girls first just because they thought maybe it was what Swaggy and Faysal wanted to hear.  But since Winston and Brett told everyone on their side about the fake alliance, I wouldn't put much stock in anything that they said while trying to make the fake deal.

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Kaitlyn to Swaggy: "The rumour going around that I like Fessy? That's, like, bad. Like, I have a lot to, like, lose."

Also Kaitlyn: *curled up against Tyler in bed less than 24 hours after writing on his arm last night that she wants to kiss him*

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Swaggy says he knew what was about to happen when Faysal wouldn't look him in the eye earlier.

Swaggy just said something about not seeing his girlfriend the whole rest of the summer.  So is he now admitting that he and Bayleigh are a thing?  I think he just swore to Kaitlyn that he won't go after her if he stays in the house this week.

Edited by zorak
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Swaggy to Kaitlyn about Bayleigh: "You're right. She's not my sister. She's my girlfriend."

Fucking finally. I'm so tired of the "she's like my sister!" crap. No one in that house believed you, Swaggy.

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