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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I love Rockstar. Her outlook on life aligns more with my own than the rest of these people (i.e. she isn't racist and a Trump supporter lol.) Not much of a game player, but not many of them are yet. I'm hoping she can turn it on eventually.


I will totally admit that I joined Rockstar and the HoH crew last night on their garden/rainbow/meditation/visualization adventure. My cloud was blue! And then green! And my breath was orange! I have a secret garden!

Whatever. It was a nice break from Winston being Winston at mach speed for like three fucking hours. I'm surprised Brett hasn't been joining them for Meditation Hour. Winston is exhausting (but hilarious).

Edited by Callaphera
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Winston is concocting some plan to tell JC to drink pickle juice, rub hot sauce around his midsection, and then saran wrap it.  They'll tell him it will help him drop a certain amount of weight by the next morning.  Winston wants to see just how far JC is willing to buy into the fitness stuff that Brett and Winston talk about.  I would love for this stupid plan to backfire and lead to Winston getting booted.

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4 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Didn’t someone do the saran wrap thing already last season? Sans pickle juice and hot sauce?

Kevin used to keep himself Saran'd at night to lose weight.

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 Bayleigh walks into the HOH where Haleigh is alone and production changes all four feeds to backyard so we can't see conversation.

ETA: It changed back. She did NOT say anything! Haleigh actually did not spill the beans, she said Angela was going up.

Edited by kellog010
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Just now, Callaphera said:

...wait, did Haleigh tell Bayleigh that Angela is going to be the replacement nominee?

Probably, because that would not raise suspicion amongst Swaggy and the others who aren't in on the real plan.  I'll take that as a good sign that Haleigh is going to keep her mouth shut.

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I'm impressed Haleigh straight up lied to Bayleigh. Good for her for playing the game. (Let's see if she tells Rockstar or Fessy later).

Edited by kellog010
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I really don't get it. I know Kaitlyn legitimately likes Haleigh, but she just went against her LAST WEEK, which Haleigh knows, and is now kicking out ANOTHER member of Haleigh's alliance. It is defensible for Kaitlyn if she hooks up with the other group, but how is Haleigh cool with this?

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Doesn't surprise me she didn't tell Bayleigh. She's closer with Fessy and Rockstar, so I'm waiting to see if she tells them. I assume she'll tell Rockstar for sure. But her and Rockstar never told Bayleigh/Swaggy that Kaitlyn was considering voting out Steve last week. Haleigh/Rockstar don't seem to really give a shit about Swaggy/Bayleigh lol. But they're probably going to regret that soon when it's just them against everyone else lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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13 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I really don't get it. I know Kaitlyn legitimately likes Haleigh, but she just went against her LAST WEEK, which Haleigh knows, and is now kicking out ANOTHER member of Haleigh's alliance. It is defensible for Kaitlyn if she hooks up with the other group, but how is Haleigh cool with this?

She sold it to Haleigh as a chance to reset alliances. That the she made a deal with the Bro's that Kaitlyn, Rockstar and Haleigh are safe if she does this. She told Haleigh that Swaggy drew the line in the sand early for the house divide before people really knew each other and this is like a reset.

ETA: Haleigh just told Rockstar. This is like a game of telephone.

Edited by kellog010
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Swaggy and Bayleigh isolating themselves all day does not help them. They are not getting a proper read on the house or their own alliance.

Rockstar was not happy with the news of Swaggy going up - let's see if she keeps it to herself. Haleigh told her the Bros know she knows, so if the info gets out they are all blown up.

Edited by kellog010
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1 minute ago, Sandycat said:

Will Rockstar tell Swaggy and Bayleigh? Did Haileigh tell her not to say anything to them?

Haleigh told her to not tell anyone. 

1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

Swaggy and Bayleigh isolating themselves all day does not help them. 

I feel like I'm flashing back to Cody and Jessica isolating themselves from the rest of the house whenever I see them holed up in a bedroom.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

So how long until Rockstar spills? Place your bets now! (I'm guessing around midnight tonight.)

I don't know but I think it might be a great night for us feedsters!

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Well, hell, I thought today was going to be boring, so I haven’t watched the feeds at all. I love the whole telephone game, and would love it if Swaggy found out. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good blindside, but Swaggy trying to save his game life with Kaitlyn/Tyler is also appealing. He’s constantly telling me how much game he has, I’d like to actually see it.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

I don't know but I think it might be a great night for us feedsters!

It all depends on who's operating the cameras tonight. Knowing our luck, we'll see Rockstar, Swaggy, and Bayleigh go into a room together and then suddenly it'll be Scottie and JC on all four cameras for the next two hours, with occasional breaks for Winston to be all paranoid with Brett. 

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Haleigh to Rockstar:  "Do you know what kind of reaction is going to happen at this meeting?"

Rockstar said she was trying to decide what kind of reaction she was going to have.

Haleigh isn't happy that Kaitlyn told the bros that she told Haleigh about the plan to backdoor Swaggy.  She said she didn't want them to know that she knew.

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Bayleigh is telling Kaitlyn that the last thing she wants is someone rampaging through the house.

Bayleigh says she thinks it's better for Kaitlyn's game if Angela goes home.  She thinks Angela would come after her if Winston goes.  But if Angela goes, she says that Winston will just go after the boys and not Kaitlyn.

Rockstar is talking to Faysal and says she doesn't have a good feeling about this week.

Edited by zorak
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2 minutes ago, Figster said:

I missed it but per Jokers, RockStar to Haliegh "Fucking White People" about the Swaggy BD plan.  Twitter is having a field day with this apparently.

Yeah... Guess we'll miss Rockstar blabbing to Swaggy/Bayleigh tonight. Thanks, Rockstar. Hope you enjoy your feeds vacation.

ETA: Sorry, edited the quote to spell out the "Fucking". 

Edited by Callaphera
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I missed everything that happened today, it seems. But I'm only back in time for the episode, so I'll have to fully catch up later.

I'm not surprised Haleigh was told, and that she told Angie. I do like Angie and think she has a good head on her shoulders, but I fully expect her to tell Swaggy tonight. I really wanted the blindside.

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No drama in the house can top a good blindside.  Doesn't seem we will get one. 

EtA. Correction.     NOTHING   can top a good blindside!!  My wording was not clear.

Edited by Wings
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I am going to have to admit to a little BB crush on Tyler. I love his DR's. He doesn't yell, he tells us what he is thinking, he almost always has a chuckle in his voice and a bit of wonderment. He style of manipulation is very smooth. We have seen so many bulldozers in recent Big Brothers that he is so refreshing.

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I totally missed what Bayleigh had just told Swaggy.  But I heard her say, "That's why I said you didn't hear that from me because I want them to tell you and I also want Kaitlyn to know that I can hold water (aka not spill secrets) and that I don't go running back to tell you stuff."  Alrighty then.

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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

That is an OP power that Tyler got. No wonder he's making huge moves.

What is the power?  I'm not watching the episode.

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Rockstar had a chance to spill the beans to Swaggy and Bayleigh like 15 to 20 minutes ago.  She didn't say anything.  Bayleigh was asking who she thought Kaitlyn was going to put up.  She said she hadn't talked to Kaitlyn but that Faysal had said Angela was probably going up.  Haleigh came in at some point and didn't say anything either.

Well, I guess it's a good thing Tyler got the newest power because based on the convo that Rockstar, Bayleigh, and Swaggy were having, he is definitely on their hitlist.  Rockstar said if she got HOH next week, she wanted to put up Tyler and Brett.  She says Tyler is extremely shady and he makes her uncomfortable.

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It’s a good power, but not amazing. It sounded like he’d have to choose the cloud before noms, not use it once he’s nominated. So there’s big potential to choose the cloud when he isn’t really going on the block. Or he could use the cloud before noms, and then end up getting backdoored.

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Here's the full description. A good power, and he's going to have to gauge when he's in true trouble. Plus, he has Sam possibly using her power on him in the next two weeks if he's thrown up, so he can save his power for the other six weeks.

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Tyler is smart to tell no one. That way no one can manipulate him into using the power by faking him out.

1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Here's the full description. A good power, and he's going to have to gauge when he's in true trouble. Plus, he has Sam possibly using her power on him in the next two weeks if he's thrown up, so he can save his power for the other six weeks.

Tyler is smart to keep this under wraps. That way someone can't manipulate him into using it to flush it out.

Edited by kellog010
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Yea good but not grade. There’s a chance just like sams. A chance that it might not work.  Because if he’s nommed and doesn’t use it then he can’t use it and if he does use it when he was going to be nommed then he can be backdoored 

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I just love Kaitlyn as HOH. She cracks me up. On the show, there is a clip of Tyler giving her bits of info , including Sam has the power. Cut to Kait in DR, I never would have thought that! Then she is tlaking to Sam, Sam tells her she got the power and Kait says "I new it!".  She is one hot mess.

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So Sam and Rockstar were having a conversation.  I heard Rockstar telling Sam that sometimes there are people who play the game as a character, meaning they're not playing the game as their authentic self.  Then the feeds got cut off.  Sam says she promised herself from the beginning that she was going to play the game with dignity and integrity.  As usual, Sam is doing most of the talking in this conversation.  I feel like Rockstar may be trying to pull Sam in or set herself up to be in good standing with Sam down the road.

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Actually, Tylers power could prove a little tricky. If he uses it to save himself, no doubt on of his allies will have to take the chair. Their nomination would be a direct result of Tylers action. Very interesting. 

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