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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Welp, none of this is looking good for Scottie.  Maybe we'll actually have our fist unanimous vote of the vote?  Unless Haleigh (or maybe JC) wins HoH next week, it's almost a guarantee that she and Fessy end up on the block next to each other, right?  Should be fun to see their faces next week.

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Fessy: finds out his showmance Haleigh was bawling her eyes out, bums around the yard instead of going over there and asking if she's all right or anything.
Also Fessy: "Oh, you're making dinner for us, Haleigh? Bring a plate up to my lazy Kingly ass."

What a catch. Hashtag relationship goals.

Edited by Callaphera
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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Fessy: finds out his showmance Haleigh was bawling her eyes out, bums around the yard instead of going over there and asking if she's all right or anything.
Also Fessy: "Oh, you're making dinner for us, Haleigh? Bring a plate up to my lazy Kingly ass."

What a catch. Hashtag relationship goals.

Ugh, he needs to go before Haleigh crosses a line she's gonna regret for eva.

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Fessy: finds out his showmance Haleigh was bawling her eyes out, bums around the yard instead of going over there and asking if she's all right or anything.
Also Fessy: "Oh, you're making dinner for us, Haleigh? Bring a plate up to my lazy Kingly ass."

I'm sure his excuse will be that he couldn't ask her if she was alright because it would make people think they're together.  Because nobody suspects a thing right now, ya know?

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Just now, zorak said:

I'm sure his excuse will be that he couldn't ask her if she was alright because it would make people think they're together.  Because nobody suspects a thing right now, ya know?

So long as she keeps dipping out of the HoH room at 7 in the morning, no one will ever know!

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My guess why Fessy did not go to comfort Hay is rooted in his culture.  She is to come to him if she has a problem.  I have seen this before in middle eastern cultures and others as well.  It is a sign of needing/wanting control. 

Edited by Wings
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5 hours ago, dizzyd said:

I said before that I thought the cray-cray was Sam's strategy and that she actually knows what she's doing and I felt that from the beginning and felt it was confirmed during her HoH when she got Kaitlyn out. But everyone watching the feeds is convinced it's not strategy but that she's legit batshit. Whoever called her Keyser Sose, I think, nailed it. I mean if she somehow manages to get Hayleigh out this week, Tyler will be thanking her and it will be pure genius and most of us are going to enjoy the entertainment. He will need to get her out though because imo she's playing a very different game and she's playing to win.

Well, Sam either is bat shit crazy (and if that is the case Big Brother has handled her badly, she needs to get out) or she is using craziness as a strategy. 

I never watched Early Big Brother but didn’t Dr. Will use the strategy of I hate you all and go ahead and vote me out. Nobody did.

Well, maybe acting crazy is her strategy. Nobody wants to nominate her because they feel sorry for her, or don’t want to unleash the crazy. Nobody sees her as a threat at all and she acts too nuts to use as a pawn. She basically won’t be nominated until she is the target.

and for being crazy, she was smart enough to get in tight with the two best players in the house, Tyler and JC. And has never disclosed Tyler’s 2 big secrets.

i hope it is strategy and she isn’t just nuts.

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I don't want Tyler to get into a showmance- but I kinda like him & Angela together. Kind of bummed he's a Have Not- but maybe that's good for his game.She's totally not going to bed all week early for sure.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Or he's just an asshole.

Oh he is.  So is the position that women come to the man and you withhold love/attention until they come asking for you to respond.  

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Haleigh is up in the HOH room telling Faysal about how she was crying in the geometry room and why.

Now Angela and Tyler are up there with Haleigh and Faysal.  Faysal is telling them about why he wants to put Kaycee up.

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4:30 Fessy is about to tell Hay about his conversation with Sam this morning and then the doorbell rings. 
Angela and Tyler are in HOH and Fessy is telling them the renom will be KC. She was so cool on the block and she wont go home. 

Aye! I know he was about to tell her about Sam because she prefaced his sentence with, you are not going to like this......

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Haleigh is so dumb.  She just said, "Are we sure that Brett is actually going to use the veto on himself?"

Faysal says that he thinks that Sam knows if Scottie goes this week, she'll be out in the open.  Angela says she really feels like she's lost her connection with Sam.  Clearly Level 6 is jumping on the chance to push for a Sam replacement nom.

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's interesting that L4 thinks Fessy is smarter than he is, and thus they are not confident with Kaycee on the block against Scottie 

I don't think these 3 of L4, Tyler, Angela, Kaycee, are very smart either. I think Sam is smarter than any of them, even though she's having some sort of mental issues and need stabilizing meds, but these 3 are not all that sharp either, although none of them as dense as Fessel or Hayleigh for that matter. I give Hayleigh a break because she's very young. Fesse is just PLAIN STUPID.

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Faysal is starting to tell them all now about his crazy ass convo with Sam this morning.

Now he's telling them about how her pitch was that she would quit smoking if he put Haleigh up and she got evicted.  

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Part of the stupidity is due to not being familiar with the game.  It is complex but you don't see that without some experience watching it and at least reading some feeds.  EQ is more important than IQ and we see low numbers on that scale here.  :>  Partly due to age.    And I LOVE it.   I wait with Scotch and Ruffles ready when Sam's talk with Fessy is revealed to all.   I become giddy at the thought. 

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1 minute ago, Wings said:

 I wait with Scotch and Ruffles ready when Sam's talk with Fessy is revealed to all.   I become giddy at the thought. 

Well it just happened!

Faysal says it's uncool what Sam did and how she brought up his parents in all this.

Angela about Sam:  "Are we just playing house here?  Who can clean the bathroom the best?  Who can contribute the most?"

Haleigh says she doesn't understand why Sam dislikes her so much.

Haleigh just told them all that Sam told Rockstar that Sam likes Brett.  Haleigh said that's why Haleigh's been trying to stay away from Brett.

Haleigh about Sam:  "Well, she's obviously a fucking problem."

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Well it just happened!

Faysal says it's uncool what Sam did and how she brought up his parents in all this.

Angela about Sam:  "Are we just playing house here?  Who can clean the bathroom the best?  Who can contribute the most?"

Yes just watched. Now Hay confronts Sam and Tyler has a chat with Sam.  Sam may be too full of meds for this to be entertaining.  

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Faysal is pitching his 4 person thing now to Angela and Tyler.

Haleigh is telling them that it was never her intent to go after either Angela or Tyler.  And yet, she put Tyler up on the block.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Fessy: "Haleigh's going to respect what I want."


Fessy: "Haleigh's going to respect what I want Sam wants."

Fixed it for him.  ?


Fessy needs to go on yatus.

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Faysal said that after Sam's crazy pitch to him this morning, he was called into the DR and they asked him if Zingbot was right about Sam (Zingbot said something about Sam being crazy).

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Ok so this is based on nothing but a woman's intuition but I think Hay actually really likes Scottie but in the house she's with Fessy. But it's Scottie who makes her laugh, it's Scottie that she really has the deep convos with, it's Scottie who likes her for her and not as a hot chick.

If she were a stronger-willed person she'd stand up for Scottie, put a kibosh to Fessy nominating Scottie, and stand up to Fessy's demands. However she's weak and wishy-washy so she's uncomfortable with feeling conflicted so she thinks the best solution is just to evict Scottie. 

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok so this is based on nothing but a woman's intuition but I think Hay actually really likes Scottie but in the house she's with Fessy. But it's Scottie who makes her laugh, it's Scottie that she really has the deep convos with, it's Scottie who likes her for her and not as a hot chick.

If she were a stronger-willed person she'd stand up for Scottie, put a kibosh to Fessy nominating Scottie, and stand up to Fessy's demands. However she's weak and wishy-washy so she's uncomfortable with feeling conflicted so she thinks the best solution is just to evict Scottie. 

I agree.  

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Haleigh found him and asked what he wanted to talk to her about.  He said he thinks the best thing for her to do is to disassociate herself from him.

He said this is the part where he's going to hate her because he said he's already put it in motion.

He says he's going home and what he was telling people about her was to help her get farther in the game so she can work with other people.

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3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok so this is based on nothing but a woman's intuition but I think Hay actually really likes Scottie but in the house she's with Fessy. But it's Scottie who makes her laugh, it's Scottie that she really has the deep convos with, it's Scottie who likes her for her and not as a hot chick.

If she were a stronger-willed person she'd stand up for Scottie, put a kibosh to Fessy nominating Scottie, and stand up to Fessy's demands. However she's weak and wishy-washy so she's uncomfortable with feeling conflicted so she thinks the best solution is just to evict Scottie. 

I also agree. I suspect she just avoids uncomfortable situations in the outside world. She seems like the type to ghost someone rather than have a difficult conversation. 

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She asked what he said about her.  He said he was telling people that Haleigh was his target.

Scottie said he's tried to play this game with his heart and it getting ripped up.  She asked if he thought she was playing him and he said no.

He said he told himself, "Just fuck it and let her play the game."

Haleigh:  "We don't even know if you're leaving."

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Wow!  Did Hay ever get a sweetheart edit on the show. Not one word about her and JC getting drunk on Fessie's wine and her giving in to Fessy about nominating Scotty.  They edited it to make her look true blue and feedsters know that just aint so.

Edited by Skycatcher
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He admitted that he told Faysal she was like Kaitlyn 2.0.  She said, "You said that??".  He said he did because he wanted it to make them seem like enemies.

He's telling her it's best for her if he goes home.

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Haleigh is telling him that she's defended him and had his back the entire game.  He says that's why she needs to let him go so she can build bridges with other people.

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Haleigh: "I don't understand how this helps my game at all."

Scottie:  "Well, I'm a sinking ship."

Scottie:  "Fess obviously trusts you so now you can get closer to him."

Haleigh asked him what he's going to say in his speech.  He says he's just going to lay down.

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Scottie says that if Haleigh legitimately hates this idea, he'll use his speech tomorrow to apologize to her.

She wanted to know who he said the Kaitlyn 2.0 comment to and he said just Faysal.

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