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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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I'm surprised Rachel hasn't caught on that she's the target with her side of the house giving her the Target Treatment (not hanging out with her, mostly). I haven't seen her hanging around with many people, especially not Angela, and it makes me frustrated that she also won't talk to Tyler. She running into her own eviction.

Tyler/Scottie talking. He brought up the rumours of an all girl alliance but Scottie is not on board with not voting Brett out. 

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I think Tyler is legit worried about this girls alliance thing. The other guys brush it off. He needs to make sure that Brett does not go home Thursday.

Edited by kellog010
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By the way, Scottie mentioned last night he was probably going to take a shower since it’d been a while, opting to wash “body parts, like his arms” individually. I never saw him get in the shower. 

And just now, he was telling Nonstar he “doesn’t care how his skin looks, he’s not going outside and damaging his skin like everyone else, he doesn’t care what anyone thinks.” 

Dear Scottie, 

The sun isn’t your enemy. A few mins of sunlight here and there isn’t going to hurt you. In fact, you might even find the Vitamin D to be beneficial, so give it a whirl.

PS - shower afterwards. 

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2 minutes ago, cork dork said:

By the way, Scottie mentioned last night he was probably going to take a shower since it’d been a while, opting to wash “body parts, like his arms” individually. I never saw him get in the shower. 

And just now, he was telling Nonstar he “doesn’t care how his skin looks, he’s not going outside and damaging his skin like everyone else, he doesn’t care what anyone thinks.” 

Dear Scottie, 

The sun isn’t your enemy. A few mins of sunlight here and there isn’t going to hurt you. In fact, you might even find the Vitamin D to be beneficial, so give it a whirl.

PS - shower afterwards. 

I think he's been avoiding the icy cold Have Not shower and just doing a whore's bath instead. But yeah, as cold as it is, get your ass in there and shower quickly. I did Austin Shower Watch, I'm not doing Scottie Shower Watch ( that's a lie, I'm totally doing Scottie Shower Watch now). 

I'm also a sun avoider, so I feel him there. I slather on the highest SPF possible at all times and avoid having too much sun on bare skin but then I'm so white that I glow in the dark and I burn but never tan. Sun isn't everyone's friend.

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34 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

Sam’s flying a kite and I do believe she is having some sort of wardrobe malfunction. Yep. That’s a nipple. 

What about the children, Sam?! Mercy!

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13 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I think Tyler is legit worried about this girls alliance thing. The other guys brush it off. He needs to make sure that Brett does not go home Thursday.

He really needs to think hard about what he's going to do. I don't think the numbers are there to save Brett.

Edited by vb68
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In addition to Scottie saying no to voting Rachel out, JC is also a hard no (as of now). Tyler gonna have to get Fes or Sam.

Brett - Haleigh, RS, Scottie, JC 
Rach - Tyler, KC, Angela
Swings - Sam, Fes

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Well, add me to the list of people inspired by the food choices in the Big Brother house. Kaycee and Angela were talking about the fish they got in the storage room, $70 packages of halibut and salmon. So now I'm taking my own salmon out of the freezer for dinner tomorrow. On the upside, I'm glad to see that Big Brother buys them wild caught fish. 

ETA: I have no idea if that's a decent price for those fish or not. I don't typically get Alaskan King salmon. I just steal steaks and filets from my brother-in-law after he cleans and butchers his catches. 

Edited by Callaphera
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6 minutes ago, vb68 said:

He really needs to think hard about what he's going to do. I don't think the numbers are there to save Brett.

He's getting really sloppy. He lied to Angela saying he made a deal with JC for his vote for not using the veto, which he clearly did not.

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24 minutes ago, Cutty said:

He's getting really sloppy. He lied to Angela saying he made a deal with JC for his vote for not using the veto, which he clearly did not.

I haven't watched it yet, but according to Joker's he did make JC promise to vote out Rachel if he didn't use veto at about 3:37pm in the HN room.  JC said he is going to lie and pin his vote flip on Scottie.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Faysal is telling Scottie that he, Scottie, and Tyler cannot turn on each other because they are the 3 strongest physical competitors and guys keep getting sent home.  Scottie says that if they get HOH next week, they have to send Rachel or Angela home.  Faysal wants to know if Tyler would be on the same page.  Scottie says he brought it up to Tyler and that Tyler agreed.

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Rockstar is predicting that Faysal is going to win the next HOH.  She says she's going to start pulling her weight, too but her money is on Faysal for the next HOH.  

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17 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Rachel really messed up. JC was going up until she talked herself on the block.

I really don't think he ever was. Even before Rachel came to talk to Bay, Bay told Haleigh she wasn't putting him up bc she didn't wanna hear his mouth all week. 

13 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I see the sensitivity talk with JC had a big impact on Bayleigh.  "Crazy little Tazmanian devil?"  She said that.  Literally.  

She also called him a munchkin. 

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32 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

I've already counted 2 Bayleigh death threats this episode...

And Bayleigh wonders why certain other HGs act like they're afraid of her or call her aggressive. But it's because she's black, right? Not because she's a bitch? Okay then.

ETA: Not meaning you. Just commenting on some whining and kvetching that I've seen Elsewhere about this particular subject.

Edited by Callaphera
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Rockstar just told Faysal that she feels like Tyler needs to be backdoored.  Rockstar says that Sam also needs to go because she is a wildcard.  

Rockstar is still bitter about the fact that Sam put her up.  She said, "Why did she put me up?  There was no fucking reason."

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19 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I see the sensitivity talk with JC had a big impact on Bayleigh.  "Crazy little Tazmanian devil?"  She said that.  Literally.  

4 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

She also called him a munchkin. 

It wasn't on the show and I haven't seen a lot about it on other sites but Bayleigh also used the term "Indian giver" the other night. So y'know, her offenses are piling up but she seems to get a pass on them or you get branded a racist for pointing them out. 

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Rockstar says she knows she loves JC more than he loves her and that that's fine.  He reminds her of Avalon (one of her kids).  Considering that JC hates her guts, it would be pretty hard for her to not love him more than he loves her.

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Oh god, I missed the munchkin reference. 

Yes, Rockstar, you are a special flower, and there is no reason in the world for anyone to put YOU up for eviction.  

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Rockstar thinks it's funny that Scottie keeps saying he doesn't know how people don't know that he, Rockstar, Bayleigh, Faysal, and Haleigh are in a 5 person alliance.  Rockstar thinks it's funny because she really doesn't consider him being in their alliance even though he votes with them.  I really need Scottie to catch a clue about where he stands on that side of the house.   But then again, this is coming from Rockstar, who doesn't seem to realize that Bayleigh is very much over her.

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9 minutes ago, zorak said:

Rockstar thinks it's funny that Scottie keeps saying he doesn't know how people don't know that he, Rockstar, Bayleigh, Faysal, and Haleigh are in a 5 person alliance.  Rockstar thinks it's funny because she really doesn't consider him being in their alliance even though he votes with them.  I really need Scottie to catch a clue about where he stands on that side of the house.   But then again, this is coming from Rockstar, who doesn't seem to realize that Bayleigh is very much over her.

This is part of why Scottie irritates me, because he so devoutly dedicated to an alliance he's not really in. He's like, cocky, about an alliance he's not in!

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Faysal was talking to Haleigh while she was showering.  At one point, he was standing right next to the shower door and Haleigh made a comment along the lines of how she felt like he could see her naked the way he was standing (and I was thinking the same thing).   He said he didn't want to see any of that.  Then he brought up the Never Have I Ever game from the night before.  He said, "I like freaky girls but I don't like openly freaky girls."  Haleigh said, "Well if you don't like freaky girls and you don't like how I was acting, then that sucks for you."  Then after more talk she said, "Well, Fessy, if you didn't like that, you should know I'm generally like that."

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24 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

It pains me to say this but I saw him taking a shower this morning.

Isn’t he a have not again this week? Meh, doesn’t matter. I’m staying on shower watch until he gets booted. 


1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I think he's been avoiding the icy cold Have Not shower and just doing a whore's bath instead. But yeah, as cold as it is, get your ass in there and shower quickly. I did Austin Shower Watch, I'm not doing Scottie Shower Watch ( that's a lie, I'm totally doing Scottie Shower Watch now). 

I'm also a sun avoider, so I feel him there. I slather on the highest SPF possible at all times and avoid having too much sun on bare skin but then I'm so white that I glow in the dark and I burn but never tan. Sun isn't everyone's friend.

If it was January, I’d get the shower avoidance as a have not because cold showers suck balls. However, it’s almost August and it’s been excessively hot this summer, so unless the HN water is being run through some type of chilling system, that water is tepid at the very worst. 

I think he’s just adverse to showering, so shower watch is definitely on. I’d managed to forget all about Austin shower watch, but his grossness is all coming back. Gotta love BB feed memories. 

Awww. I’m sorry you and the sun aren’t on friendlier terms. You know what works for you and what doesn’t and that’s what matters. I’ve noticed Scottie, however, doesn’t go outside when the sun is shining unless they have to and from what I’ve heard them say, SPF 50 is available in the storage room. 

I’m beginning to think this whole never been kissed thing isn’t an accident. Scottie’s doing a terrific impersonation of a slightly odiferous vampire who occasionally wears black leather gloves (which compliment his all black attire) while he works on his Michael Jackson dance moves and ponders if MJ wrote “heeee heeeee” in the lyrics or improvised that part. 

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It kills me that Angela can't acknowledge the possibility that Bayleigh really did say what she said to Rachel but that Bayleigh was lying.  She's giving Brett the rundown.

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Oh, Angela.

She's finally filling Brett in, but I finally get why she wants Rachel gone: she thinks that Rachel was gunning for her to go before the Bayleigh/Tyler talk.

Girl, no. I mean, Rachel did throw your name out to Bayleigh, but not like this. Bayleigh's the cause of this mess.

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3 hours ago, zorak said:

Faysal to JC:  "Even if there were an all girls alliance, they can't do it.  They're girls."


2 hours ago, RagePaige said:

JC : "Sam eventually has to go.  But for now we need someone to clean the bathroom and the kitchen"


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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


Girl, no. I mean, Rachel did throw your name out to Bayleigh, but not like this. Bayleigh's the cause of this mess.

Bayleigh's the cause, but only in the sense that she told an obvious lie that Rachel decided to believe for no good reason. 

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Angela's a moron.  She really thinks Tyler would have used the veto on Brett if only Rachel had not caused any of the current situation to happen.  

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11 minutes ago, zorak said:

He said, "I like freaky girls but I don't like openly freaky girls."  Haleigh said, "Well if you don't like freaky girls and you don't like how I was acting, then that sucks for you." 

Huh.  I wonder what her grandfather (who watches this show! [sob!]) thinks of that?  

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Angela says that Tyler would be pissing so many people off if he used the veto.  Brett wants to know who Tyler would be pissing off.  He says if anything, he should be pissed at Tyler for not using the veto.  He doesn't give a crap what Bayleigh thinks, because Bayleigh won't be HOH next week.  Brett is very nervous about staying on the block.  He thinks JC is constantly in Bayleigh's ear.

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Brett's being the voice of reason with Angela right now. He's pointing out some very logical things about him staying on the block, and he's not wrong. Anything can happen and Brett could still be evicted on Thursday.

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Brett thinks the only people Tyler would be pissing off by using the veto are Bayleigh and Rockstar.

Brett keeps saying that it makes sense for Tyler to use the veto.  He feels like Tyler is getting more blood on his hands by not using it.

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21 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:


Heh. Winston is a lot funnier than I expected. 

That makes Winston the Screech in the relationship because there's no way that he's Slater. 

Actually, he would be Tori. And everyone hates the Tori episodes. 

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26 minutes ago, zorak said:

Faysal was talking to Haleigh while she was showering.  At one point, he was standing right next to the shower door and Haleigh made a comment along the lines of how she felt like he could see her naked the way he was standing (and I was thinking the same thing).   He said he didn't want to see any of that.  Then he brought up the Never Have I Ever game from the night before.  He said, "I like freaky girls but I don't like openly freaky girls."  Haleigh said, "Well if you don't like freaky girls and you don't like how I was acting, then that sucks for you."  Then after more talk she said, "Well, Fessy, if you didn't like that, you should know I'm generally like that."


14 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Huh.  I wonder what her grandfather (who watches this show! [sob!]) thinks of that?  

Depends.  What if  Haleigh decided to lie about her background because (a) she knows what Fozzy wants in a SO and (b) she figures this is an easy way to get him off her back?  Wouldn’t be unheard-of.

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Rachel told Kaycee and Angela that if Tyler tells her that he's not using the veto, it's for his own personal gain.

Rachel says that if Tyler is willing to sacrifice one of the alliance members, then he's not down for the alliance.

It's very obvious in Angela's reactions to everything Rachel said, that she is over Rachel.  Now Bayleigh is in there with the Snapchat glasses.

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