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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Well that didn't go well for Rockstar.  Talking about her baby that shes missing out on was not the way to go there especially after what Angela told Sam this morning.

This is the issue with Sam. HG;s now know that she so likes to wrap herself up in righteous glory and so needs affirmation that she is the wisest, most benevolent judge of all that they know exactly which buttons to push. Sam thinks of herself as SamSolomon. I have a feeling that her propensity to make everything a moral judgment call will only get worse.

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Just now, RagePaige said:

Wait.  Rockstar says shes poor but pays $2,500 a month in rent?  Jesus thats probably why.

Sounds like a basic one bedroom apartment in Vancouver.

Edited by Callaphera
changed two bedroom to one bedroom, because that's closer to reality
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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Sounds like a basic two bedroom apartment in Vancouver.

Like a luxury apartment?  I pay 2.2k in NYC for a 2 bedroom and thats one of the most expensive places in the US.  Regardless that is definitely middle class or even upper middle.

Edited by RagePaige
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1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

Like a luxury apartment?  I pay 2.2k in NYC for a 2 bedroom and thats one of the most expensive places in the US.  

In downtown Vancouver proper? No, just a regular one. 2 bedroom, 2 bath + den and free parking (850ish square feet) is going for $3500 in the downtown core. Obviously it gets a bit cheaper the further out you get but there have been some ridiculous ads in the past, offering up half an apartment to share for cheap if you'll be the original renter's girlfriend. I swear, Vancouver and Toronto look at each other's rental prices and say "Hold my beer" on a monthly basis. 

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So who would go (or "go") in a Kaitlyn/Rockstar vote? Either one boomeranging back with a righteous fury should be fun, but I can just imagine Kaitlyn thinking she's become the living embodiment of karma or some shit.

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Seriously, what is wrong with Faysal's nose? That whistle breathing can't be healthy. Also, it's annoying as fuck when you're a headphones user.

Holy shit, Faysal, get a clue. Haleigh is curled up in bed with a pillow over her head. She didn't want you to climb into bed with her and try to hide under her pillow, too.

Edited by Callaphera
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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Rockstar:  "Let me win HOH because I have a lot to say about the social aspect of the game."

Great. So while Sam makes her noms based on who's the sluttiest, Rockstar will just nominate Brett twice based on him being a straight white male. And since she can't nominate Brett twice, she'll nominate the other straight white male in the house. And if she can't do that, she might self destruct.

A Rockstar HOH would have been funny for only this week. I don't actually want her to be HOH in any other week because she's gonna be as sanctimonious as Sam is.

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar Update: You guessed it, still bitching about Brett.

She's talking about her best friend, Brett?!?! What a surprise!

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24 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

So who would go (or "go") in a Kaitlyn/Rockstar vote? Either one boomeranging back with a righteous fury should be fun, but I can just imagine Kaitlyn thinking she's become the living embodiment of karma or some shit.

I imagine it would have to be Rockstar. Why would L5 get rid of Kaitlyn over her?

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I kind of want Rockstar to get evicted and fail the challenge, just to see how she blames her best friend, Brett, for her failing and how he's winning. 

Rockstar Update: No, it's not about Brett, but it's about how she doesn't trust men, let alone strong dominant men. 

Also, Kaitlyn can't imagine being in a relationship with a dominant man. No surprise there, since she needs her men to be submissive to her feelings.

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Sam the Pious vs Chakra Con in a battle of who’s the most mostess of all, volley back and forth, interrupting the other to continue speaking about their own greatness. 

+1 to Chakra Con for “I always like to tell people what makes me interesting” (three guesses, y’all). 

-1 to Sam the Pious for badmouthing the game, including “I don’t like the lack of rules. It needs rules, there shouldn’t be competition/deception during regular times in the house; that should be limited to the competitions where there are rules.” 

Somewhere, Grodner’s phone just rang with Les Moonves wanting Sam dropkicked now. Happy people don’t make for good rating or feeds. 

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10 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I imagine it would have to be Rockstar. Why would L5 get rid of Kaitlyn over her?

Level 6 has been obsessing over RS since the feeds came on. It's a little bizarre.

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7 minutes ago, cork dork said:

-1 to Sam the Pious for badmouthing the game, including “I don’t like the lack of rules. It needs rules, there shouldn’t be competition/deception during regular times in the house; that should be limited to the competitions where there are rules.” 

Why is Sam even there, then? Why was she not more aware of what this whole thing would entail?

Can she just stop using Big Brother - of all things - as some sort of metric gauge of all things good and right?

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12 minutes ago, cork dork said:

-1 to Sam the Pious for badmouthing the game, including “I don’t like the lack of rules. It needs rules, there shouldn’t be competition/deception during regular times in the house; that should be limited to the competitions where there are rules.” 

And this why I feel all HGs - both recruits and "super fans" - should have to mainline old Big Brother episodes during their initial sequester, A Clockwork Orange style. Does Sam know what show she signed up for?

Edited by Callaphera
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21 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I imagine it would have to be Rockstar. Why would L5 get rid of Kaitlyn over her?

Because they see Kaitlyn can first of all win actual competitions (or come close), she directly could blow up both Tyler and by extension JC's game, and finally they think she has outlived her usefulness.

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21 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Because they see Kaitlyn can first of all win actual competitions (or come close), she directly could blow up both Tyler and by extension JC's game, and finally they think she has outlived her usefulness.

They'd likely want Kaitlyn out over Haleigh just for the headache issues, agreed, but Rockstar is actively coming for Brett while not having any direct connections to anyone in L5, while Kaitlyn is, of course, directly tied to Tyler. It wouldn't make any sense to keep Rockstar over Kaitlyn. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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51 minutes ago, cork dork said:

Sam the Pious vs Chakra Con in a battle of who’s the most mostess of all, volley back and forth, interrupting the other to continue speaking about their own greatness. 

+1 to Chakra Con for “I always like to tell people what makes me interesting” (three guesses, y’all). 

-1 to Sam the Pious for badmouthing the game, including “I don’t like the lack of rules. It needs rules, there shouldn’t be competition/deception during regular times in the house; that should be limited to the competitions where there are rules.” 

Somewhere, Grodner’s phone just rang with Les Moonves wanting Sam dropkicked now. Happy people don’t make for good rating or feeds. 

Sometimes I think Sam the Pious actually had no idea what she was signing up for. Not just in a sense that she wasn't familiar with Big Brother the show. Just that they sold the tv gig as "you get to cook/sew/make beer. Think of it like a Martha Stewart from the Appalachia's." That's the only rationalization I can come up with for her actually finding Big Brother itself "unfair."

Edited by Growsonwalls
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19 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

They'd likely want Kaitlyn out over Haleigh just for the headache issues, agreed, but Rockstar is actively coming for Brett while not having any direct connections to anyone in L5, while Kaitlyn is, of course, directly tied to Tyler. It wouldn't make any sense to keep Rockstar over Kaitlyn. 

Plus Kaitlyn can be manipulated for votes while RS is solidly and entrenched in her S6 alliance as dwindling as it may be.

4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam made some sort of homemade bubble making solution.  Rockstar is overjoyed.

Sam is basically Macgyver  at this point.  Moonshine, bubble making solution, what's next? Her own soap, candles, hair dye, etc? Who knows? The list is endless.

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Sam's shorts are so short that her underwear show when she bends over. I guess she's not a floozy though.

It sounds like Tyler didn't go to finals for the show. He was about to explain but then he got the 'don't talk about production' warning so he stopped.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I can't wait to watch the episode tonight (definitely making myself popcorn in a few minutes for it) but I also need to see this Rockstar makeover.

I picked up a fresh bottle of Crown Royal to crack in to for tonight's episode. I figure it'll either be liquid popcorn or I'll need it to soothe the rage when they give Sam a decent to good edit.

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Laughing at Rockstar's fairy hair.  Peach is correct. We have seen this before.  I can't remember who it was, but someone on here asked if she was wearing dirty plastic bags in her hair when she had it on the other day.  


fairy hair.png

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I wonder how many hours a day Winston will watch feeds for his Bro. I miss him the house. I liked the Bro's together. I do think, without Winston in the house, Brett's bro-ness has toned down some.

ETA: JC pushing Fessy just now to not use veto.

Edited by kellog010
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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Laughing at Rockstar's fairy hair.  Peach is correct. We have seen this before.  I can't remember who it was, but someone on here asked if she was wearing dirty plastic bags in her hair when she had it on the other day.  


fairy hair.png

It basically looks like Rockstar bought out the entire supply of ribbon yarn from Michaels when it was on clearance and wrapped it into butterhorns and stuck them to the back of her head.

Edited by Callaphera
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13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It sounds like Tyler didn't go to finals for the show. He was about to explain but then he got the 'don't talk about production' warning so he stopped.

What show? That TKO show? If so, his episode of that already aired.


He didn't even win his episode. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

And this why I feel all HGs - both recruits and "super fans" - should have to mainline old Big Brother episodes during their initial sequester, A Clockwork Orange style. Does Sam know what show she signed up for?

The Photoshop possibilities are endless...



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