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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Well, after reading and listening to Sam’s comments, I now think that she’s messed up her game. The boys will back up Haleigh and Kaitlin and the other girls will become self conscious about their own behavior. I think,  now, that it   was just personal and she’s really targeted herself. It  apparently doesn’t bother her because she’s going to play this game her own way.

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2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Sam feels shame for masturbating. loooooool. You can't make this shit up. 

Did she say that??


Oh noes!  Scottie and Haleigh are sitting on the same bed while Haleigh reads the Bible.  Stop playing with his heart, Haleigh!


Haleigh and Scottie bed.png

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Kaitlyn to Fessy in her little girl voice:  "What is it about me that makes me such a target?"  Girl, let us count the ways!

Faysal is falling into the trap of trying to answer Kaitlyn's question.

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8 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Sam feels shame for masturbating. loooooool. You can't make this shit up. 

Sam has talked about how she was raised in a family that basically guilted her into being "pure", and that she still has a lot of shame over her sexuality. I think it's a legit internal struggle with her. 

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This would have been the best feeds for this week

1.  Sam puts up Rockstar

2.  Brett wins Veto

3.  Brett uses the Veto on Rockstar and says "Thanks for doing me a solid last week.  I always pay my debts"

4.  Rockstar loses her santity.  Pots and Pans all week.

5.  Sams power goes into effect and we get a tier 1 week of feeds for a dud week

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Faysal says he wouldn't know how to spell "manifestations".  He and Kaitlyn are talking about the spelling comp that they all think is coming at some point, possibly even for this week's veto.

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Kaitlyn told Faysal that she would pick him over Tyler any day of the week.

She says she doesn't want to pick Faysal for the veto only to have him throw the veto.

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Kaitlyn to Faysal:  "Your energy is very conflicted right now."

Kaitlyn says she would rather have Faysal win the veto than her because if she won, he could be the replacement nom.

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34 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Sam feels shame for masturbating. loooooool. You can't make this shit up. 

Someone should tell Sam it is permissible to have some unexpressed thoughts.

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Sam says that actions speak louder than words and she says there have been plenty of times she's been around Haleigh and Kaitlyn and thought what if Haleigh's grandpa saw that or what if Joe saw that.  Haleigh wants to know specifically what Sam has seen that would make her say that.

Sam says to Haleigh, "How many times have you met a guy and then a month later had a sleepover?"  

Sam says this is really the last HOH opportunity where you don't have to do something shitty.  What?  Does she mean preventing someone from making Jury?

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48 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Bayleigh really hitched her wagon to the wrong crew, and now I think she's just stuck. She's the only one I actually actively like from S6, so I'm hoping she can somehow come out unscathed bc I'd like to see her go far (her ignorant comments about gay people notwithstanding).

I was just thinking earlier how she's with the wrong group. Her overall temperament and game play seems more fitted for L6.

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 I would hire a helicopter to shower the house with powdered donuts if Sam could just finish one single fucking sentence without starting a completely different thought .

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10 minutes ago, zorak said:

Sam says that actions speak louder than words and she says there have been plenty of times she's been around Haleigh and Kaitlyn and thought what if Haleigh's grandpa saw that or what if Joe saw that.  Haleigh wants to know specifically what Sam has seen that would make her say that.

Sam says to Haleigh, "How many times have you met a guy and then a month later had a sleepover?"  

Sam says this is really the last HOH opportunity where you don't have to do something shitty.  What?  Does she mean preventing someone from making Jury?

Oh Sam. What a disappointment. I'm going to need her and RS on the block. Preferably by one of the house strumpets.

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OK, I really need Fessy to play in, and then win veto. It would be EPIC. Who would he choose? Hopefully Haleigh, because Kaitlyn’s meltdown would be epic. 

 I’m already bored with the nomination nonsense.

Edited by Katesus7
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Ok here's the thing about Sam. She's admitted to having some addiction issues, and also has "dabbled" with a lesbian relationship while she had a bf. You would think that she wouldn't be so quick to judge others but apparently not.

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20 hours ago, Callaphera said:

It's not even Rockstar's daughter's birthday today? She was actually born tomorrow? You don't count the day you went into labour as the birth day. If that were true, my birthday would be in July but I was born late August.


I just know in like 10 days, she's going to have a fit about something someone does during HER DAUGHTER'S MONTH OF BIRTH.

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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

In the past 24 hours, Haleigh has cried, Rockstar has cried, Scottie cried (from laughing so hard), and Kaitlyn has attempted to flood the house. 

It's been a wet day in the BB house.



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Just now, KootieTaw said:

I just know in like 10 days, she's going to have a fit about something someone does during HER DAUGHTER'S MONTH OF BIRTH.

It's weird because I don't get this whole "birthdays are special and untouchable and must last forever" way of thought lately. I have a friend who insists on a whole week of celebration for her birthday. Me? I'm happy when everyone leaves me the fuck alone for the day and the husband cooks me perogies and bacon for dinner. It's a day, and not even a very big one at that unless it's a special number (which okay, Rockstar's daughter is turning 10, which yay double digits but I remember when 13 was the big birthday, not 10). It's not a national holiday. Get the fuck over it. 

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Boy, for someone who said that she wasn't going to have one-on-ones, Sam sure is having a lot of them today.

Now it's Haleigh's turn!

ETA: I counted nine "like"s from Haleigh in less than two minutes.

Edited by Callaphera
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Sam saying Fessy "blossomed" once Swaggy left, Sam now wondering what would happen if Haleigh were "free"? Is she trying to say that Haleigh would be a better person if evicted?

Sam says she wants Haleigh's "turn to shine." I guess ... out of the house?

Edited by Growsonwalls
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1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

Brett may not be perfect, but I really don't understand the hate towards him. He is so completely mild compared to some of the dudebros who have been on this show before. 

No one here hates him except me and maybe 2 other people and no one in the house hates him except RS. He gets no real hate on any of the other sites I've gone to either.

I can't even watch the Sam/Haleigh convo. Sam makes me straight-up uncomfortable at this point.

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Sam saying Fessy "blossomed" once Swaggy left, Sam now wondering what would happen if Haleigh were "free"? Is she trying to say that Haleigh would be a better person if evicted?

I think Sam's trying to say that Haleigh should be "free" by not slutting around? Like this is a warning that Sam is watching her and she can still clean up her act? I am so fucking lost when Sam starts talking. 

Edited by Callaphera
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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can't even watch the Sam/Haleigh convo. Sam makes me straight-up uncomfortable at this point.

I've had the mute the feeds like 3 times already.  Its so cringe.

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think Sam's trying to say that Haleigh should be "free" by not slutting around? Like this is a warning that Sam is watching her and she can still clean up her act? I am so fucking lost when Sam starts talking. 

I have no idea what Sam is saying at this point. 

Now she;s saying "There is a soulmate out there for you and he is Channing Tatum and perfect and he might see this show." Wtf?

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6 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Sam saying Fessy "blossomed" once Swaggy left, Sam now wondering what would happen if Haleigh were "free"? Is she trying to say that Haleigh would be a better person if evicted?

Sam says she wants Haleigh's "turn to shine." I guess ... out of the house?

Maybe she means Fessy would "blossom" more if Haleigh was gone too?

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I checked the Sam feed but I couldn't do it. Like legit she's crazier than Kaitlyn lol.

hahaha I wouldnt go that far.  Shes still only half as crazy as KrazyKait.  But still twice as crazy as the next house guest.

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Sam: "I have nothing against you. You're a wonderful, beautiful person inside and out. Do you. Blah blah blah peace and love."
Also Sam: "But their clothes don't fit and they play with their hair and the men aren't to blame because they can't help themselves."

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