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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Kaitlyn is telling Brett she's happy he apologized to her on national television. She is so giddy. He did good there. But now I have to leave this feed lol.

Rockstar is still crying lmao. So embarrassing. They need to just vote her out and let it be over with. She's probably the least likely to come back anyway.

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Rockstar standing there in the kitchen totally put me in mind of what Toni Collette would have looked like if she had played Carrie and got the bucket of blood poured on her. Now she’s crying in the bathroom. Boo frigging hoo.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Guys, it couldn't have been Tyler.


Oh, thank God. For a second there, I thought his dad's grave was dead too. I mean, two in one season? What are the odds?

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh man, if he really did that, that's low. But it's coming from Kaitlyn so I'm not so sure it's true lol.

He did swear on his dead dad, I'm sure. But, to be fair, she told him that she dreamt all this stuff about his dead dad and how he was abrasive, and he didn't seem happy at all about that, so I don't actually mind him doing this. Girl shouldn't be talking about Tyler's dead dad at all.

Brett/Kaitlyn talking right now. Kaitlyn's now turning on Rockstar. Heh, L6 is brilliant at manipulating S6.

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And honestly, I don't mind Brett playing his ass off here and convincing Kait of this elaborate lie. Go for it. Why not ? Through everyone into chaos. We haven't had this kind of game play in forever.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Oh wow, that's really gross.

Actually...now thinking about it, I wonder if Kaitlyn said something like "swear on your dead dad" and he was like "sure, yeah". She just said something similar to Brett about needing Rockstar to swear on her kids, or something (I might be completely wrong).

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Just now, PoshSprinkles said:

Aren't they technically L4 now? ;-)

They're L5, but with Sam and JC as their puppets.

Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Actually...now thinking about it, I wonder if Kaitlyn said something like "swear on your dead dad" and he was like "sure, yeah". She just said something similar to Brett about needing Rockstar to swear on her kids, or something (I might be completely wrong).

That makes more sense actually.

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8 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I am so fucking tired of Rockstar going on and on about how much money Brett (allegedly) has. Honey, this is not Queen For a Day. This is a show dedicated to famewhores willing to do anything to be on TV, and hopefully make some cash while doing so. You are all at the exact same level as far as I’m concerned. And yes, this goes for Sam and her weird interviews as well.

Oh man, Queen for a Day references are almost as good as Meet Me in St. Louis references!

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

KaitIyn to Haleigh and Brett: "I can't work with her (Rockstar) going forward."

You can't might this shit up.  Im so sold on Brett now at least making jury if not F6 when I didn't think he was going to last 1 more eviction

Edited by RagePaige
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

That makes more sense actually.

And....yep, I feel 100% convinced Kaitlyn told Tyler to swear on his dead dad. She just said that Haleigh needs to swear on her mom that she didn't flip.

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OMG, she is now accusing Hay of being the vote. She says, we cannot move forward unless  you tell me the truth. 

She says you wont swear on your Mom. I wont swear on my Mom. I wont use her as a tool.

Kait insists she is lying. Wow! Hay should want to evict her ass ASAP.

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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

LOL, Kaitlyn has swayed back to Brett now.

This is hilarious.

Winston being gone is the best thing to happen to Brett's game. It's like he can actually play now.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Ugh, can one of Tyler or Brett leave soon, please BB God! I can't take this!

Do you not like their play or just them?  They both have great play.  I dont like Tyler but I like Brett

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9 minutes ago, missyb said:

And honestly, I don't mind Brett playing his ass off here and convincing Kait of this elaborate lie. Go for it. Why not ? Through everyone into chaos. We haven't had this kind of game play in forever.

Isn't it great?!  I'm loving this!

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

Ugh Haleigh needs to flip and find better allies. She'll never win with the braintrust of Kait, Rockstar and Fessy.

It's too late. She has no relationship with anyone else. And L6 has it so good, they don't need her.

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1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

Do you not like their play or just them?  They both have great play.  I dont like Tyler but I like Brett

I just generally despise the both of them. It's BEC level. Tyler's playing a hell of a game. Brett, not so much.

Ew, ew, EW at Brett holding Kaitlyn on his lap.

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Hayleigh totally knows the score, but she also knows that a) Kaitlyn is a complete nutter, b) Sam doesn’t really like her, and c) Tyler is super close to both of them. So she is going to keep her mouth shut, and try to get through the week.

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