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S02.09: Champs vs. Stars: Crossed Words and Mixed Signals 2018.06.12

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It was hilarious how Drake trashed Wes, saying Wes is no longer competitive.   Um Drake, you had to climb on the cube and let a hundred pound girl flip you through the challenge because you're so weak.

CT really needs to work on that huge gut.  He looks like he's entering his third trimester.

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Good challenges.

But looks like the Icy Hot one may involve luck if one set of clothes is more frozen than the other.

And from the previews, the finale will have a eating challenge.

I guess the vacation resort is kind of a nice prize, especially for Tony who could use it as a honeymoon.  But there must be other incentives for people to get so hacked off about possibly being eliminated before the final challenge.

Kailah was really pissed but is it a big surprise that the non-winning teams would all want to go up against her and Drake in the final elimination before the final challenge?


I know CT is good at puzzles but I didn’t expect the oldest person there to know so many current slang words, and to come up with them so quickly.

@dangwoodchucks that was hilarious! I’m pretty sure they’re just stupid. I don’t think the majority of the MTV audience would even know the difference.

Edited by Rebecca
12 hours ago, mccartygirl said:

BWAH Casper - I don't care about trips, I've traveled everywhere. I'm neither here nor there about Casper, but that was hilarious. 

This was one of my favorite parts...especially the deadpan way in which he said it.

My second favorite part was Kailah realizing too damn late that she got played.  She always thinks she's such a master strategist.  If she was so confident that CT and Tony would save her team, she should have immediately voted in Wes and Boobie.  Then Wes and Boobie would have had no choice but to either choose Casper and Louise or create a 3-way tie.  I'm sure Wes considered both options.  Her team would have probably still gotten selected during the tie-breaker, as Casper and Louise won the last elimination, but she still would have had more of a chance than from the way she voted.      

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4 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

This was one of my favorite parts...especially the deadpan way in which he said it.

My second favorite part was Kailah realizing too damn late that she got played.  She always thinks she's such a master strategist.  If she was so confident that CT and Tony would save her team, she should have immediately voted in Wes and Boobie.  Then Wes and Boobie would have had no choice but to either choose Casper and Louise or create a 3-way tie.  I'm sure Wes considered both options.  Her team would have probably still gotten selected during the tie-breaker, as Casper and Louise won the last elimination, but she still would have had more of a chance than from the way she voted.      

Totally! I'm telling you, I rewound it and played it again just to make sure I heard that. 

Kailah is okay to me but she has really been grating lately. And with all those muscles/abs Drake has, you'd think he would be able to flip that box. I know she was on it but come on. 

Anybody else thinking that most of the charities involved will do what I figure Special Olympics did this season? "Yeah, thanks for offering to represent us and raise money, but we're gonna double down on cold calls. Thanks, though!"

It just feels so needless. Nobody should have to give a shit watching this. Aside from CT and Tony's "Dad Bod" salute, what good was there? And Tony is still an asshole. I don't want to hear about giving Alyssa a ring.

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I don't understand why Wes and Kailah were sucking up to CT and Tony. Did they really think it was going to be a save. Only Wes thought about who he would vote it. Lol looks like CT didn't get an invite to the wedding because of this. His wasn't in the one and only photo I say but Devin was.

Aw Drake all that steak you were eating and it's done nothing for you. Lol Kailha has an "alliance" with Tony. "We either went home together or made it to a final together" Tony you idiot you only made one final. 

10 hours ago, mccartygirl said:

And with all those muscles/abs Drake has, you'd think he would be able to flip that box. I know she was on it but come on. 

Not to defend Drake, because that was pretty sad, but I don't think Kailah's position on the box was helping. She was too far forward, making the box harder to lift.  Everyone else (including Drake, once they switched places) had their knees almost at the far end of the box, but Kailah was squarely in the middle.

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13 hours ago, strippedhalo said:

Not to defend Drake, because that was pretty sad, but I don't think Kailah's position on the box was helping. She was too far forward, making the box harder to lift.  Everyone else (including Drake, once they switched places) had their knees almost at the far end of the box, but Kailah was squarely in the middle.

Yup. I noticed this too.  Unlike the other teammates on the box, she wasn't distributing her weight enough to help him lift it.


22 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

And Tony is still an asshole. I don't want to hear about giving Alyssa a ring.

Me either.  I think I guffawed out loud when he started talking about a honeymoon. That's one wedding I know for a fact won't last more than a year or two.

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They’re really working overtime to spin nothing into storylines here. This should’ve ended weeks ago; it’s just a snooze now with so few people. I would kind of like if they redivided into champs and stars for the final, but it doesn’t look like that will happen. 

On 6/13/2018 at 8:27 PM, Lantern7 said:

And Tony is still an asshole. I don't want to hear about giving Alyssa a ring.

Totally. This is not some star-crossed lovers, tale of charmed lives we’re witnessing here, despite how they all try to convince us otherwise. If anything, Tony has gone downhill since “recommitting” or whatever the hell he would call it to that hag. When ammo eliminated him on D30, i thought he was done. But they brought him back and now he thinks he’s hot shit again. He’s not.

It also seems kind of sad that but for the existence of this trip, who knows if or when a proposal would happen? I don’t even care whether it happened or not. More lipstick on the mess.


On 6/14/2018 at 5:21 AM, strippedhalo said:

Not to defend Drake, because that was pretty sad, but I don't think Kailah's position on the box was helping.

I was shocked when Kailah hopped off and pushed the box like it was nothing, but of course that’s the reason why. Drake was also kind of flinging his weight to the back edge of the box, too.

On 6/12/2018 at 11:23 PM, BK1978 said:

Kailah has been really annoying me this season but I still find her to be uber-hot.  I need help.

Horrible red lipstick and tattoos of hot air balloons aside, I’ve never minded Kailah and she certainly is photogenic. She’s none too bright, but generally I’ve found her reactions to not be completely insane. At least she’s not Camila.

Maybe that’s where the overarching Tony story is going. Some off season disaster that causes him to never be referenced again. 

CT really has gone to seed. I guess CTs baby mama/gf/whoever doesn’t get a ring/sandals vacation, since he passed it off so quickly.

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