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I.am.so.over.the.Eva.drama. She is irrelevant and annoying. I say this every week but her Jonathan creeps me out. He's like a pageant mom. If WWE thinks of her as their next cash cow and Divas champ, good freaking luck to them because she is just not interesting and I will not watch her.


Brie and Bryan are the sweetest. They just adore each other and it's so clear. It is so wonderful to see. I look forward to their baby news because they will be great parents. I'm glad they showed segments of Connor, he had such spirit and it was so amazing to see him with Bryan. If you've never seen the video WWE put out, watch it. Connor pins Triple H in the middle of the ring and it's the best. 


Paige getting emotional over her WrestleMania moment was also nice. I'd probably be emotional everytime I walked down the ramp if I were a Diva, haha. 

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It seems like the girls are envious of that A.J Lee wrestler. There was a lot of side eye going on when they were watching her wrestle. Do they not like her?

I am so sick of the Eva storyline. Her and Jonathan are just so odd. Between her blank stares and slurring of words and his creepy persona, they both just suck.

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Bryan and Brie are so adorable! I love Brie's attitude towards Eva. Damn, Nikki shot Eva down. They all have her number and know she prepares what she is going to say beforehand and can't deal when someone talks back to her. I was worried about where this was going this season. It seemed like they were setting Eva up to be the hero.


WWE has changed up the Divas division. I don't think Eva will be even brought up from NXT unless she improves a lot. And even then, there are so many girls who really want to be there, a lot more than she does.


Were Trinity's step-kids mentioned before?

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Love the elegant black-tie affair - everyone dresses to the nines while sitting around in what appeared to be a basement rec room, eating steaks off paper plates and salads without forks. Classy!

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They all have her number and know she prepares what she is going to say beforehand and can't deal when someone talks back to her. I was worried about where this was going this season. It seemed like they were setting Eva up to be the hero.



She is definitely someone who can't think on her feet. Like when they were all yelling at her and she keeps trying to break in with her "WWE is about empowering women" spiel. She's just so dumb. Every time anyone asks her a question-any question- she just gets this deer in the headlights look and her answers always come out uncertain. Also, for a thirty something woman, she sure talks like a 13 year old girl.


I would hope whoever edits this show realizes they can't sell Eva as a hero. She's lazy, not very bright, and a total famewhore. She also doesn't appear to be a very good wrestler and doesn't seem that interested in improving.


Other than Trinity and maybe the Bellas, all these girls just seem so obnoxious. I never really liked Eva or Ariane much, and Paige and Foxy are just downright irritating. I don't think I could handle being around Paige for an hour. She's just so over the top. Nattie is just so desperate and sad and catty.

Edited by Tatum
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That's exactly what Eva is, everything you said Tatum. It's funny how she can't seem to keep a friendship going on this show. She reminds me of Kim from Real Housewives of Atlanta. No talent, but thinks the world owes her everything.

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Eva is a gorgeous girl, but that's all she has going for her.  I feel like she's best suited as an interviewer/ring announcer for the WWE.  A job where she doesn't have to think on her feet and her lines can be fed to her.


I usually tend to watch the WWE more when Total Divas is on.  I need to watch and see whats up with this explosion of girls from NXT.  Not sure I like all the "teams" that they've created.  I don't understand how Alicia Fox became part of Team Bella.

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The only reason I can see for Alicia being on Team Bella is this show. It really came out of nowhere.  Natalya wouldn't have fit, and she's mostly taking time off because TJ had major surgery not too long ago.

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Eva is a gorgeous girl, but that's all she has going for her.  I feel like she's best suited as an interviewer/ring announcer for the WWE.  A job where she doesn't have to think on her feet and her lines can be fed to her.


I don't get why they wouldn't go that route to begin with. The best I can conclude, is that Eva is getting a lot of interest from sponsors/potential sponsors that WWE wants to work with, with the expectation that Eva continues her career as a Diva wrestler. The WWE somehow thinks a few weeks/months of intensive training can bring Eva up to speed with those who not only have more natural skills but also have had years of training to refine those skills. I guess it worked for The Karate Kid? It's a dumb idea. It might work for someone like Trinity or even Summer Rae, who seem to have more coordination and athleticism and a general base knowledge of the sport, but Eva Marie is basically a beginner without any of the foundation skills. The WWE is creating bad feelings in their employees and wasting a ton of money on an exercise in futility.


It's the WWE's fault, not Eva's, but since I absolutely can't stand Eva, I don't mind watching her take the brunt of the other girls' resentment.

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It's not Eva's fault that they put her in this position, but it is her fault that she had no desire to train before this. It's also her fault that she is so obnoxious about it all. She's been obnoxious and called everyone else jealous and flaunted anything she's been given since the show started. Nikki is right, when it comes down to it, she has to eventually work with "the girls" and having everyone hate her isn't going to make for a very nice work environment for anyone. 

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It's not Eva's fault that they put her in this position, but it is her fault that she had no desire to train before this.


True enough. I remember last season Eva and Summer were training together, and Eva was doing everything half assed, to the point where at best it was a waste of Summer's time, and at worst, could have caused injuries, and when Summer finally exploded, Eva was like, I'm too busy to practice. You mean, you're too busy going on modeling and promotional gigs that you're getting DUE TO your affiliation with the WWE, Eva? Yeah, I get that posing for pictures is a little more your speed than actually doing your job (actually, I'd say posing for pictures is more Eva's speed than pretty much....anything else, but I digress), but you're not going to keep getting these offers without the WWE. Ugh, she bugs me so much.


Has anyone figured it out, is Eva on some kind of mood pills, or is she just really that stupid? It's like, you say hello to her and she's stumped for an answer. She appears to be incapable of talking about anything other than herself and whatever self created drama she's got going on.

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I wonder.  They are drug tested but it's probably easy to get around. I heard years ago that some of the Divas (no one who is currently working there) used some asthma drug to lose weight. Eva might be on something that's prescription. 


If I had the patience I'd like to go back and watch the earlier seasons again. She only knew Jonathon for a very short while before he proposed if I remember correctly?

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I believe Nattie made a reference during an early season that Jonathan was looking to lock her down stat, in regards to proposing and then eloping in very short order. But I don't know how long they were actually dating. I used to feel sorry for him because he had to put up with so much abuse from her family and Eva just sat there and cried and didn't make a move to defend him (and actually thought it was appropriate to ask him to convert religions, not even because she cared, but because Daddy had a problem with it), but now I think he's pretty much getting what he deserves. He wants a vapid trophy wife that he can control, then he can put up with her being spineless and her overbearing family.

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Yeah, I just googled, he had only known her for a few months.  I feel like he has an air of desperation about him.


I just went on her Instagram. Didn't she say that she got some hot shot agent? Why is Jonathon still taking care of her business inquiries? I wasn't paying attention to it, is it a movie agent or something?

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Yeah, I just googled, he had only known her for a few months.  I feel like he has an air of desperation about him.


I just went on her Instagram. Didn't she say that she got some hot shot agent? Why is Jonathon still taking care of her business inquiries? I wasn't paying attention to it, is it a movie agent or something?


Very bored at work today. Anyways, I don't know anything about a professional agent, but I hope Eva is not delusional enough to think she has a shot at a film career. Maybe a straight to netflix B-list with next to no lines if she's willing to do partial nudity, which seems to be all anyone wants her for anyways. I can't even see her getting a hostess/interviewing job at E! because of her flat affect and inability to have a conversation. Even if they could feed her lines, remember how bad she sucked at announcing for the WWE because she couldn't remember anyone's names? Her voice is also super grating and she says like about a thousand times in any given conversation. She's lucky she's pretty because she seems to suck at pretty much everything else.




Finally watched the show last night. Eva really did come off as quite the smug bitch. I laughed during her argument with Nikki, when she was like, but your reactions prove you're guilty, don't they? Guilty of WHAT, Eva? Making fun of you for not being able to wrestle and pointing out you're not that invested in the WWE? Yeah, they uh, kind of said that right to your face already. And it's not like you never said anything shitty about a coworker behind her back or joined in on one of the thousand pile ons for Summer Rae that took place behind her back last season.


Also, you're a "lion" Eva? Really? You don't even have the balls to stand up to your unemployed sleeveless shirt loving husband, and you can barely string together a coherent sentence, even when you've had 24 hours to prepare said sentence.

Edited by Tatum
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No comments, not a glowing review for thus show. Nattie better not get divorced, she's already halfway to crazy cat lady territory.

I did not care for Paige much at first, now she and Trinity are about the only Divas I can tolerate. I get so tired seeing and hearing about Nikki's expensive shoes and clothes!

Edited by Texasmom1970
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I can't believe (real or not) that was the resolution between Bryan and Nikki. "He did something nice for me four years ago so he can be a total asshole to me now." I really like Nikki and Brie when they're in scenes together. They naturally play well off each other. 

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
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No comments, not a glowing review for thus show.

With this season, pretty much everyone outside of Naomi, Uso, Bryan, Tyson, and Eva keeps going down in likeability.  The show needs a visit from Yoda Cena, soon.

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Well, on the plus side, no Eva last night. Looks like she's back next week though with new drama.


On the minus side, way too much Paige and Foxy. I don't think I could handle hanging out with Paige for more than 5 min, and I would have to be drinking to last the five minutes. Foxy is not much better but at least she's quieter than Paige (which isn't saying much).


I think Daniel Bryan is being a dick to Nikki. It's fine to tease her a little, but continually calling her stupid and shallow is not funny. And how exactly was she living like an animal at their house? She was staying in the guest room and hung her clothes up in the guest room closet. That sounds pretty normal to me. I don't like how Brie never seems to stand up for Nikki either unless the person insulting Nikki is someone Brie already doesn't like, like Eva.


I think Brie seems really bitchy this season. Nikki can be annoying but I like her much better than I did when the show first started.


I wish Trinity and her husband were on more. I realize TPTB probably think the viewers find Trinity boring because she's so logical and low drama, but I love watching Jon and Trinity together. Jon must look at all the catty, whiny, attention whore divas and wonder how Trinity is so normal.

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Why would Nattie agree to foster new cats when she knows she is leaving (or maybe that's why she did it since she assumes her parents will take over the caretaking duties)


Or maybe, I don't know, ASK the director how many cats need to be fostered? Granted, the director should have volunteered that information but if she didn't, you can bet I would have asked.


That said, it feels like a lot of the storylines involving Nattie and TJ are made up, and E! is going for an I Love Lucy vibe with Nattie's zaniness. It's really not very amusing though.


I wish they'd focus on the wrestling side- the traveling, the training, the marketing, etc, and forget about trying to make up storylines about the Divas personal lives.


Wonder how much liquid eyeliner Paige burns through in a month.

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I love Jon and Trinity. The two of them teasing each other in the car about the moon/stop sign was the highlight of the episode.



He seems to sway between being amused by her nuttiness and being irritated by it.

This is where the vast age difference (in appearance, not chronologically) really stands out to me. If I knew nothing about their relationship, I would guess that he is a sullen teenager embarrassed by his kooky mom's crazy antics.



I don't think I could handle hanging out with Paige for more than 5 min, and I would have to be drinking to last the five minutes.

I find it fascinating that in her world it's perpetually 5 am and she's wrapping up a wild night of partying. Regardless of surroundings or time of day, she invariably looks like she needs a bath, a nap to sleep off whatever stimulants she's ingested, and a dose of penicillin.  

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I don't follow wrestling...who was the fellow with the guyliner and accent?  He seemed like he was doing a Capt. Hook imitation.  I don't remember seeing him on the show before.

I don't watch this show, but the description sounds like Adam Rose (catchphrase= "Don't Be a lemon, be a rosebud!")

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That said, it feels like a lot of the storylines involving Nattie and TJ are made up, and E! is going for an I Love Lucy vibe with Nattie's zaniness. It's really not very amusing though.


I wish they'd focus on the wrestling side- the traveling, the training, the marketing, etc, and forget about trying to make up storylines about the Divas personal lives.


Wonder how much liquid eyeliner Paige burns through in a month.



Agreeeeeed. Nattie is very desperate to stay on this show. Look at how crazy I am! I'm such a nut! Look at my marriage problems! Look at my dad's problems! SEE. INTERESTING INTERESTING INTERESTING!


I don't watch this show for the friend drama, relationship drama or family drama. I would watch Real Housewives or Kardashians for that. What this show has unique that the zillion other reality shows don't have is the WWE aspect. WWE is so fascinating and a whole other realm of entertainment. Focus on that. 


I want to know how long it takes Paige to do her makeup. I find her so grating on the show but the men of WWE looooooove her.

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I agree about Trinity and her husband...they seem to have the best relationship. I guess Daniel and Brie have a decent relationship with each other, but they are not very good about dealing with Nikki. The women on this show, not all but most, seem to go out of their way to prove that they aren't very bright. Why would Nattie agree to foster new cats when she knows she is leaving (or maybe that's why she did it since she assumes her parents will take over the caretaking duties). That was one road trip that I would never want to go on. Normally I don't have a high tolerance for sulky men, but Nattie's husband has some justification for his. He seems to sway between being amused by her nuttiness and being irritated by it. I don't understand her; I don't want to. I know the storyline is that she has a kind heart, but her inability to say "no" has gone to something of an extreme.

Glad there was no Eva this week. Too much of Paige and her tongue.

I don't follow wrestling...who was the fellow with the guyliner and accent? He seemed like he was doing a Capt. Hook imitation. I don't remember seeing him on the show before.

To the last question, yes its Adam Rose. He plays a type of guy you would find in raves all dressed up and stuff. He had a e:60 documentary on espn done on him. It's on YouTube as well. His journey to his success is very touching.
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OMG these girls are so immature.  The Paige and Alicia Fox drama was so high school.  I do think Paige moves too fast with guys.  Also her dig about having a boyfriend and Foxy not having one was stupid.  However annoying, Foxy was in a committed 2 year relationship with Wade.


Was so happy there was no Eva.  I continue to ffwd through all of Nattie's scenes. 

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The lack of Eva Marie and her lame drama was nice. 


Daniel was being a dick to Nikki and I hate how Brie never stands up for her sister. It seems to me that Brie and Nikki are more alike than they are different...I doubt Brie is itching to drive around in a Lambo but I'm sure she wouldn't mind having thousands of dollars worth of clothes if her husband weren't so appalled by excess. She doesn't seem nearly as money hungry as Nikki but I remember last season it kind of came across as her settling for less than she wanted because of Bryan (iirc).Brie and Nikki both strike me as people willing to mold to whatever their significant other is into. 


Paige and Alicia are crazy immature. But somehow still entertaining and likable. 


Am I the only one that can't stand TJ? I know this shit is scripted, and Nattie is always doing ridiculous shit...but he is seriously such a freaking sour puss. 

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The lack of Eva Marie and her lame drama was nice. 


Daniel was being a dick to Nikki and I hate how Brie never stands up for her sister. It seems to me that Brie and Nikki are more alike than they are different...I doubt Brie is itching to drive around in a Lambo but I'm sure she wouldn't mind having thousands of dollars worth of clothes if her husband weren't so appalled by excess. She doesn't seem nearly as money hungry as Nikki but I remember last season it kind of came across as her settling for less than she wanted because of Bryan (iirc).Brie and Nikki both strike me as people willing to mold to whatever their significant other is into. 


Paige and Alicia are crazy immature. But somehow still entertaining and likable. 


Am I the only one that can't stand TJ? I know this shit is scripted, and Nattie is always doing ridiculous shit...but he is seriously such a freaking sour puss. 


Brie may be more grounded than Nikki, but I totally think her environmental and animal rights activism are basically her parroting Daniel Bryan and she likely didn't give a shit before he came along. Now she wants to act all judgmental when Nikki buys eggs or chicken and doesn't check to make sure it was free range.


I also think some of her snipes about Nikki's clothing budget stem from sour grapes. Nikki doesn't have any living expenses so she can blow a lot more money on luxury items. I don't even think she had to buy her car- didn't Cena buy it for her?


I think TJ is okay. He does frequently come off as dour, but being married to Nattie must be so exhausting.

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Alicia, anticipating that her ex-boyfriend may be single again soon, toys with the idea of confessing her love to him; Jonathan takes heat for Eva's bruises; and Paige is offended by Nikki's classy take on her home turf.

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I don't know why but it bothers me that Nattie calls her parents Mommy and Daddy.  Jesus, grow up.  She's just so . . . weird.


That GIANT guy sitting in the front seat of the car with TJ was just gross.  It must have smelled like hell in that car.

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I don't know why but it bothers me that Nattie calls her parents Mommy and Daddy.  Jesus, grow up.  She's just so . . . weird.




Yes! It is so annoying. Although not as annoying as Nattie's mother is. Does she have some kind of mental disability? My husband thought maybe she suffered a stroke, but to me it seems like something else. She just seems so...befuddled by everything, and she can't have an irregular bowel movement without calling up Nattie to discuss it with her and ask for Nattie's help. She just walks in and has this blank, bewildered look on her face at all times.


When Nattie's dad was getting mad at Nattie for being up in his business about his drinking, I thought she should remind him that while she's a huge busybody, it's his wife (Nattie's parents are still married right?) that is constantly calling up Nattie and getting her involved in whatever issues her parents are having. Just a weird,unhealthy dynamic all around. I think TJ's family is weird too. That must be the tie that binds them.

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I am blind, apparently. Sorry for the double post!


Why is Nattie giving relationship advice? She's had one boyfriend in her life. She's causing trouble! "I'm the shadiest bitch in town" was the most honest thing we've heard from her. Fox is so immature.  Rosa was so right. How were they so shocked when Rosa called her a homewrecker?


Paige was acting like a real asshole.  Nikki looked like her feelings were genuinely hurt.


I am NOT looking forward to this fake storyline coming up with Dolph and Nikki at all.

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Gads, is there one brain in this group?


No guarantees unless Trinity is in the room. Every once in a great while Nikki says something insightful, but it's not a given.


Ariane, Eva, Brie, Paige, Rosa, Paige, and Nattie are just really, really dim. Honestly I don't know if Eva could correctly answer the questions posed on SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy.

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Wade's girlfriend was adorable! And a very good sport. I thought at first it was one of the other wrestlers, I thought they were saying that she was on the opposite tour.   But she's a Canadian TV host, Rachel David.



Honestly I don't know if Eva could correctly answer the questions posed on SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy.


She probably couldn't even answer if the questions were about her. It seemed like she was angry at that woman who was concerned for her. And how weird was Jonathon saying "I'll do whatever you want" when talking about her? What was he going to do? Confront her? He seemed smarter about it later in the car.

Edited by BellaLugosi
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Then there is the Eva show...Eva is not very smart if she thinks people wouldn't assume the worst if she posts bruises on Instagram.  Gads, is there one brain in this group?  And what sad thing does it say about me that I'm still watching this thing?

Apparently someone else other than Eva had custody of the brain this week. Could someone please tell Johnathon those low cut t-shirts are awful. He looks like some sad Jersey Shore wannabe.

Who would have thought Rosa would be the voice of reason about the Wade/Fox mess.

WTH is Maria Menounos (sp) doing there, she irritates me for some reason.

And last but certainly not least I had to stop eating while watching. Hearing Nikki and John bots plans for after dinner made me nauseous. We get it he is not gay, ya'll love sex, but do we have to hear about it, eww.

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Yes, Maria is a huge fan, her afterbuzz tv network covers all of wwe shows and did some interviews during the wrestlemania season. She also wrestles sometimes. And I think it's a gigantic stretch labeling whatever goes on with this Ziggler/Nikki thing as a stalker storyline. That have a history. The question is just out there if one of them is interested. No way he is and even he was and going after the number one stars girl is career suicide.

Edited by Racj82
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Nattie and Ariane are shit stirrers.  I wonder if Emma is one as well.  Foxy listens to them because they are telling her what she wants to hear.  A little surprised but glad that Rosa was there to be the voice of reason.  Foxy needs to stop with Wade.  Yes, we understand that you were in love and your heart got broken, but she is really coming off as pathetic.  Have some pride girl.  Don't throw yourself at a man who has a girlfriend.


I'm glad that Nikki is in a position now that she can afford the finer things in life, but talking about it constantly is annoying.  Paige should've just stuck up for herself earlier.  She should've said this is not who I am and this is not what I want to do. 


Continuing to ffwd anything involving Eva.

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Then there is the Eva show...Eva is not very smart if she thinks people wouldn't assume the worst if she posts bruises on Instagram.  Gads, is there one brain in this group?

But if they follow her on Instagram they'd know she's a wrestler.  She even told that one lady "I'm a wrestler."  So I don't blame Eva for that, it would be like Brie getting hurt in the ring, mentioning it on Twitter, and people thinking D-Bry hit her.


I hate Total Divas Nattie.

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The girls usually have bruises but not huge bruises like that.


The lady in the bathroom was concerned for her; she doesn't know Eva or Jonathon, she saw a woman with huge bruises on her that she thought looked like handprints. Eva saying "I'm a wrestler" doesn't mean much to that woman, someone who is being abused isn't going to admit it. I thought Eva's reaction was so weird, like the woman was out of line or something.  Pointing her out when she came out and Jonathon looking at her, looking like he was going to go over there.....way to convince her Eva. They should have just laughed it off. I almost expected her to call out to the woman across the restaurant.


Now on the Instagram, people are just being stupid. The first comment was just commenting on the bruises and the first part of the comment is blocked out. The second was probably a joke and the third was just a dummy.  She clearly stated that it was from training on the photo. If people are so stupid to think that, why would she even care? It's not like it's a ton of people.  It was 1 or 2. What a drama queen she is.

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I thought Eva's reaction was so weird, like the woman was out of line or something.  Pointing her out when she came out and Jonathon looking at her, looking like he was going to go over there.....way to convince her Eva. They should have just laughed it off. I almost expected her to call out to the woman across the restaurant.


Think she was just looking for drama. Eva explained the situation, end of story. To continue to ruminate about it just seemed ridiculous but Eva likes to make mountains out of molehills. Also was rolling my eyes about her Pride over having bruises. Um, anyone can get their ass kicked, or have a bad fall, or be in a car accident, or just be extremely prone to bruising and it has nothing to do with how "tough" they are. Eva's just smug she has tangible evidence of actually doing the job she's been slacking on for the last 2.5 years. I really wish they'd get rid of her.



Paige was acting like a real asshole.  Nikki looked like her feelings were genuinely hurt.


Paige is an asshole. Listen up, Paige- I'm about as unclassy as they come. I've worn trackpants out to eat, my favorite "nice" restaurant is the Red Lobster, I say the word fuck more than anyone I know, I drink Bud Light, and oh yeah, I watch Divas and other trash TV.  Yet, if I were in the UK, and a friend was like, hey, wouldn't it be fun to dress up and go have high tea? I'd be down for it and I don't consider that being "fake" to occasionally try something new/different. And if I found the idea of high tea so incredibly off-putting, I'd simply say, no thanks, you guys go ahead and have fun. I wouldn't come along and whine about how I wasn't being true to myself for being there.


I think Nikki was being tongue in cheek when she called herself Classy Spice. I mean, this is a woman who regularly dresses like a hooker. Or maybe instead of classy, she meant "glamorous", as she is usually fully made up and accessorized. Either way, I don't see how Nikki is being fake by saying she likes to wear high end labels and drink tea and expensive wine, just because she grew up working class.


OMG, I hope the Nattie/Foxy thing was scripted for the show. If not, Nattie is a horrible friend. Who, at age 30, tries to talk their inebriated friend into making an ass out of herself in front of a guy who is clearly not into her? When ROSA is telling you it's time to simmer down, you know you've hit rock bottom. And she was absolutely right- showing up drunk at your ex's hotel room door late at night is inappropriate. Glad Foxy ran off but she still needed the reality check.

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Nattie is a strange one. She loves to shame people for what they are wearing. Yet she shows as much skin as anyone else. Ok, maybe not Nikki! ;) But when they were out walking around everyone else was bundled up, looking casual,  and she had on shorts & thigh hight boots.


They should just make Emma a cast member. I think it would be interesting to see someone who is on both WWE & NXT.  I'd love tos ee Renee Young on there too. I saw her in the preview for next week, and she went to a weekend concert event with Brie & Nikki that is going to be on the show.

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Nattie is caught in a web of lies after she invites her sister to move in with her; Nikki is concerned that Brie isn't taking Bryan's health seriously enough; and Trinity's future hinges on her inner bad girl.

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