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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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The demise of Jiz/Samtrick and Jakeson remembering just who the fuck he is is one of the main things I hope SA/JP resolve in a hurry. It is long past its expiration date.

That should be in the Top 2 of their list. I still can't believe Ron turned the Jason story into a clusterfuck of Jakeson/Liz/Patrick/Robin/Sam/Helena/Fluke/Nik/Ric/Hayden/Demon Jake/Laura/Lucky. My goodness. Keep it simple, stupid.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 3

Get out the stones if you must, but I don't necessarily need to see these two couples destroyed, though Jake(son) being Jason must be revealed immediately.  But I'd have him not recall his memories and love for Sam.  That way, there's a lot of soapy drama to play as everyone is torn between different paths and partners.

  • Love 4

Get out the stones if you must, but I don't necessarily need to see these two couples destroyed, though Jake(son) being Jason must be revealed immediately.  But I'd have him not recall his memories and love for Sam.  That way, there's a lot of soapy drama to play as everyone is torn between different paths and partners.


But Jakeson's not torn NOW. Because he doesn't know who the hell he is and doesn't seem to care. He can be torn by knowing who he is, having memories of both Sam and Liz (even as I am already sick to death of the mess as it is), especially since he now shares kids with both, and have him make a decision with all the facts and his faculties.


As for the Samtrick equation, it just needs to end because Patrick needs his balls back. Not that it is Sam's fault, but as long as he exists just to be her cuddle toy and not his own character, it's a total loss. Even if he is just once more a single father who just plays GH surgeon again and remembers he used to be sarcastic and smart, it would be a big improvement. And IMO, it doesn't seem like Samtrick has this groundswell of support, anyway.

  • Love 5

Get out the stones if you must, but I don't necessarily need to see these two couples destroyed, though Jake(son) being Jason must be revealed immediately. But I'd have him not recall his memories and love for Sam. That way, there's a lot of soapy drama to play as everyone is torn between different paths and partners.

The reason I don't agree with Jason not remembering Sam is because I feel like the reveal story has already taken too much time. If your story happened months ago, I'd get it. Now? I just want Jason to remember everything. That's where it's dramatic for me.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

And RC ruined the idea of a choice with this Nik/Liz story.

I do agree with this completely, although I know Liason has a load of fans. Liz is too far gone for Jason to choose to be with her in any logical, real way.

And the Patrick part of Samtrick can DIAF, so I don't even see him as some spoiler for anything.

  • Love 1

But then what's the story?  Sam and Jason immediately dump Liz and Patrick and get back together?


Honestly? And I say this as a non fan of JaSam or Liason: Yes. Because the goodwill to wait this out is long gone. People have been WAITING FOR AGES with not a damn thing happening. It needs to be resolved and move on to something else.


Like Heatlifer said, RC dragged this out for too long to wait until yet another sweeps to go to the next plot point.


BM has been here now for almost a year if not a year already. And still doesn't know he is Jason? No. Time to wrap this up.

  • Love 12

I don't like Jasam either (at least, the Burton/Monaco version - this one has real chemistry, IMO), but yes. End it. Both couples (Jasam and Scrubs) need and deserve payoff. I'd go from there and take risks with them as a foursome, risks Passanante likely has no stomach for, but at least start by ending this fucking debacle. I feel confident Ron would've kept it stringing along til November.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8

But then what's the story? Sam and Jason immediately dump Liz and Patrick and get back together?

I kinda have two answers to this:

1. Yes. Because there has to be an end to the story. Jason has to remember and reunite with his wife and Danny. Whether or not it lasts is another topic.

2. This is where Ron fucked up (again). If Sam and Patrick were made to be a real deal couple and if Liz wasn't completely deranged, maybe the story could be more of a triangle/square.

  • Love 5

I can't imagine Liz in a relationship with anyone right now. She's a disaster


The only relationship Liz needs now is with a psychiatrist. Pity it won't be real Kevin Collins since Jon Lindstrom has rightfully been finding prime time work. But Liz has never existed without a man.


I hate Liz, but even I could be intrigued if a new regime would take a much-needed chance and let Liz learn to define herself without a man. It's her only real hope of being salvaged. At least that is how I see the character.



I think admitting she was wrong and her and Jason were never supposed to be together would be a start, honestly. The last thing the character needs is for the reveal to happen and she's still begging for Jason to choose her.


Now I see Liz just like Meredith Grey during the whole Mer/Derek/Addison shitfest:


"Pick ME, choose ME, love ME!"


I naturally quit watching then.

  • Love 10

I have absolutely no fucking idea where Liz can go from here, and I like Becky Herbst a lot. I would keep her around, though. The roots of her issues are her affair with Nikolas, her loss of Lucky and Jake, etc. and they have to be dealt with. I would drum her out of the hospital, at least for a couple years; it's been a good place for her, but it's just not plausible she could continue. She needs serious therapy, and then I'd move her to a new man (possibly rich, possibly bad news) and to a foundation for her art (not unlike Mac and Rachel on AW, not that Liz, who I like, is in any way comparable to Victoria Wyndham's Rachel Davis). Something very different. I'd also have Jason cut her off, beyond providing for his son and maybe seeing to it that Jake's primarily in someone else's custody - Laura's, the Quartermaines, I don't know. It isn't plausible that any Jason in any form would keep putting up with this crazy shit.


I also would bring on Sarah Webber as a doctor (which she was, when we last saw her) with a very strong actress. Originally, the story I came up with for her several years ago had her happily married with a successful husband and a couple children, and she would bring the whole family on, not unlike the British soaps sometimes do. Liz would sort of wilt in the face of their presence. And then, slowly, we'd see several cracks in Sarah's seemingly-perfect life appear (for one thing, her adopted daughter was going to turn out to be Starr Manning's daughter Hope, but that's obviously out). I also wanted to bring on their domineering, phantom mother, Jeff Webber's wife. The ideal choice was Melody Thomas Scott, who is never leaving Y&R, so I dunno, I'd settle for Colleen Zenk.


This totally isn't spoilers.

  • Love 4

I would be interested in seeing a triangle with Sam/Patrick/Jason after Jason regains his memory. But only if Sam and Patrick were treated as a real couple and Patrick became his own character again. Liez can stay single and in therapy for a good long while.


I think it was Ron's intention to probably give them a false payoff and then break them up into a new quad. It usually is, he likes to do it. It's what I'd do - with Sam struggling to deal with a new, different, Quartermaine-skewing Jason who questions his whole life with Sonny and hates the underworld - but I think at this point they're owed a long, long build to that break. I'd also put Jason with Robin, and Patrick with Sam, but in the end you would (eventually) go back to the originals. I think there are ways to play those four different couples around each other, off and on, for years without it being what Ron likes to do, which is an endless, contrived cocktease.

Edited by jsbt
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I cannot believe I am even semi-defending Liz's existence, but the fact that her parents have not been on in 18 years of Liz as a character tells me no regime really gives a shit about her. She is a utility character. Yes, L&L2 put her in the spotlight, but in most everything else, Liz has morphed into "spoiler for the destined couple" and not much else.


I think she is only still here because of her fanbase. Especially since BH was fired, at one point. But unless the character has some sort of epiphany, even if she stays, I think she is basically screwed as she is forever stuck in that rut.

  • Love 4

I don't think there's enough of Patrick/Sam to sustain a triangle. I'd find it as ludicrous as I found the idea that Patrick would give half a fuck about Sabrina after Robin walked into the church.

RC spent much less time and effort on Patrick/Sam and there's not a huge difference in Jakeson/Patrick because both have been stripped of intelligence and personality so these "storylines" could "work"

  • Love 5

I think something jsbt mentioned in the episode discussion thread might be a better direction for Liz - after this Jake(son) debacle blows up in her face, she decides to swear off romance altogether for the moment and focus on her fractured family. with Cameron now SORASed up to teenager and little Jake's reentry into life not going as peachy perfect as it first appeared.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

I think something jsbt mentioned in the episode discussion thread might be a better direction for Liz - after this Jake(son) debacle blows up in her face, she decides to swear off romance altogether for the moment and focus on her fractured family. with Cameron now SORASed up to teenager and little Jake's reentry into life not going as peachy perfect as it first appeared.


I like Jake being alive, but there is plenty of room for him to turn out to be brainwashed and go all Bad Seed on people for awhile, with no one believing crazy-ass Liz.

RC spent much less time and effort on Patrick/Sam and there's not a huge difference in Jakeson/Patrick because both have been stripped of intelligence and personality so these "storylines" could "work"


I could buy it if they devoted the kind of time to character the old day to day writers pre-Ron used to. The fact is, after the way Patrick treated Robin last year and what she's been through, their marriage cannot be the same. She's spent the better part of four years in captivity, tortured, fearing for her life. They cannot go back to how they were. Jason and Sam cannot go back to how they were. It's a process and it can be shown.

  • Love 1

I don't think there's enough of Patrick/Sam to sustain a triangle. I'd find it as ludicrous as I found the idea that Patrick would give half a fuck about Sabrina after Robin walked into the church.

RC spent much less time and effort on Patrick/Sam and there's not a huge difference in Jakeson/Patrick because both have been stripped of intelligence and personality so these "storylines" could "work"


And, also...Samtrick don't have the chemistry, IMO, There's no hot, longing, can't stay away from each other connection that's needed for a triangle. JT doesn't even TRY anymore; boy doesn't even open his mouth for a kiss, please and next.

The fact is, after the way Patrick treated Robin last year and what she's been through, their marriage cannot be the same. She's spent the better part of four years in captivity, tortured, fearing for her life. They cannot go back to how they were.

Yup. He needs to be shown to be the asshole he is. Don't want that character near Robin, for real. Way past that.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 2

I think JT tries with what little he's given at the moment. This is nothing compared to the dog days of Princess Sabrina, where he looked like he'd been listening to a lot of Joy Division before every take and might deliberately hurt himself on-camera to End The Struggle.


I don't think Patrick is an asshole, but I do think Robin has every right to be over it and him after last year. I think he'd have to earn her back, and I think he can do that. But I'd rather see Robin get that hot Jason frontburner love for a good long while, since I'm sure some motherfuckers thought it could never happen again!

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

I think JT tries with what little he's given at the moment. This is nothing compared to the dog days of Princess Sabrina, where he looked like he'd been listening to a lot of Joy Division before every take and might deliberately hurt himself on-camera to End The Struggle.


I don't think Patrick is an asshole, but I do think Robin has every right to be over it and him after last year. I think he'd have to earn her back, and I think he can do that. But I'd rather see Robin get that hot Jason frontburner love for a good long while, since I'm sure some motherfuckers thought it could never happen again!

Bwah. I actually want Jason to save her, if anything. I think her character is owed that much.

  • Love 2
Bwah. I actually want Jason to save her, if anything. I think her character is owed that much.


I say this with the greatest respect, Heatlifer (mwah!), but fuck that. Let Robin save herself. She isn't a shrinking violet! Besides, and I know this is all just our wants, but JaSam are IT as far as things go, if Liz being cuckoo for cocoa puffs to Sam's saintliness is any indication, and I don't want Robin as their third wheel.


If she needs to forget Patrick, it goes double for Jason.

  • Love 3

Oh, it's not about Robin being too weak to save herself or being in a love triangle with JaSam or whatever. It's that she gave up a lot over the years for Jason and I'd like to see him do the same for her. I've said this before, but Patrick's line to Robin about how Jason would never! leave! his family to save her was obnoxious. Robin deserves to have the respect reciprocated.

  • Love 3

Oh, it's not about Robin being too weak to save herself or being in a love triangle with JaSam or whatever. It's that she gave up a lot over the years for Jason and I'd like to see him do the same for her. I've said this before, but Patrick's line to Robin about how Jason would never! leave! his family to save her was obnoxious. Robin deserves to have the respect reciprocated.


Maybe the line was obnoxious. I'm just not sure he was wrong. Jason put his mob shit with Scum and Michael ahead of EVERYTHING and in the rare times he went all in for Sam, it was at Robin's expense (hi, Vulture Bastard!).


So, yeah. I still say Jason is WORSE than Patrick. Because Patrick may be an asshole, but I do see his side that Robin DID sacrifice for Jason more than once (SBu years) and he couldn't give enough of a shit to reciprocate when the chips are down and just goes on about his life; BM's is a question mark, but I see that pattern continuing. He already has Sam and Liz's shit to juggle - and Carly. He has no more room for another.) Patrick lets his poison out and is at least pretty upfront if not douchey about it. Jason is too happy to go play Merry Mobster. Which is a fucking waste of Robin to save him for him to go and (likely) return to going back to status quo.


I realize the final time Robin was coerced, and she should ice Patrick out and go on with her life. But from Patrick's (lack of) POV, he isn't privy and just sees it as Robin again choosing to save the worthless idiots over her family. Even if it's wrong.

  • Love 3

I disagree, partly. I don't think if Robin was dying or her life was in danger that Jason wouldn't care.


We'll agree to disagree. Because Robin WAS dying without the serum in 2006, and Jason was too happy to wait and take that vial for adult Danny without hesitation. Oh, well. Onward to the next GH topic to bitch about! Woot!

  • Love 2

We'll agree to disagree. Because Robin WAS dying without the serum in 2006, and Jason was too happy to wait and take that vial for adult Danny without hesitation. Oh, well. Onward to the next GH topic to bitch about! Woot!

Lol, I'm not sure that was ever about Jason choosing between Danny or Robin...

And, ultimately, I'm just not interested in seeing a story about how Robin left her family and was a prisoner to save a guy who doesn't give a shit and, oh yeah, the wife she wanted him to reunite with is sleeping with Douchebag. Not exactly a feel good ending there!

  • Love 4

Lol, I'm not sure that was ever about Jason choosing between Danny or Robin...

And, ultimately, I'm just not interested in seeing a story about how Robin left her family and was a prisoner to save a guy who doesn't give a shit and, oh yeah, the wife she wanted him to reunite with is sleeping with Douchebag. Not exactly a feel good ending there!


Well, we agree there. RC REALLY fucked the character over. I just wish KMc would not keep coming back. (And I know you don't want it, but from the show's perspective, for some reason, I think Scrubs is endgame whether it should be or not. But if they do/must reunite? In the final episode, we just see the back of a short brunette female stand in with Patrick saying, "Robin"? And let the viewers imagine how the rest goes either way. No need for KMc, and if folks don't want Scrubs, they can imagine "Robin" blows Patrick off! Win-win.)


Disclaimer: I love Robin and know she has a TON of history before Scrubs or Patrick, but I am simply working from the current show mindset as it now stands.

  • Love 6

After watching this week, I'd kinda take Jason getting his memories, but hating Jason Morgan. He's obviously developed a relationship with Sam, Liz, Carly, and Michael. I want a Jason who's desperate to make up for Jason Morgan's mistakes, yet has feelings for all of the people, like a merge of Quartermaine and Morgan. I'd put Liz with Patrick because I can see him hating Jason, blaming Jason, yet understanding Liz. I like the chemistry between BH/JT, so since KMc can't be back ft, I'd like Liz/Patrick together , dealing with SORASD Cameron/Emma and the weirdness of Zombie Jake.

  • Love 5

I'd rather just Robin pop on home to be honest. I don't want to see a big to-do about her needing to be rescued again. Just have her punch whatever goon is keeping her and come home.


It's an especially good thing because there was a rumor that Nikolas knew all Helena's secrets and I really don't want Nikolas to have known about Robin's captivity.

  • Love 3

At this point, I'd be ok with Mac wandering into a scene, all "hey, so Anna called and she and Robert found Robin in Paris and apparently somebody erased her memory so she forgot to come home for months but otherwise she's fine and will be calling Emma shortly. Ok, carry on with what you were doing ..."

  • Love 6

Actually I'd kinda like the truth about Jakeson to come out in one big blowup and spin off a couple new stories. I'd have the catalyst be NotDeadJake doing something evil to either Sam or Liez at the time everyone is gathered and the truth is coming out and fallout is happening during the Carson wedding from hell. Patrick steps in the line of fire & is injured. Liez is of course guilt stricken but Jakeson remembers about Robin and wants to go find her to bring return the favor & bring her home to her family. Sam joins him in the rescue (thus dimming the 'adventure buddy' bullshit with Patty...blech) and they bond & work thru this new truth while Liez stays back and deals with brainwashed NotDeadJake and tries to ease her guilt by caring for Patty as he struggles, ooh maybe by poisoning. And Helena has the antidote and Robin. Meanwhile we see Robin being shown what's happened/happening and begins the serious process of freeing herself, not knowing Jason and Sam are trying to help her.

Meanwhile everyone back in PC is left to deal with the fallout and what it means to have this new hybrid Jason that has both memories and is repulsed by the Morgan ones. Sonny has a sad, BUT it convinces him to leave the mob for good after Jason blasts him for killing AJ. He goes to Anna to help him get out, but doesn't tell anyone else yet.

Its not the best idea but at least it does try to right a couple of these wrong dumb ass storylines.

  • Love 3

At this point, I'd be ok with Mac wandering into a scene, all "hey, so Anna called and she and Robert found Robin in Paris and apparently somebody erased her memory so she forgot to come home for months but otherwise she's fine and will be calling Emma shortly. Ok, carry on with what you were doing ..."


Hold up, you lost me...what's a Mac?


(But seriously, I don't hold any much hope for Mac and Felicia to emerge from off-screen with this switch in writers.)

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

I'd rather just Robin pop on home to be honest. I don't want to see a big to-do about her needing to be rescued again. Just have her punch whatever goon is keeping her and come home.

It's an especially good thing because there was a rumor that Nikolas knew all Helena's secrets and I really don't want Nikolas to have known about Robin's captivity.

I'm just gonna need Jason to care and tell other people they suck, in whatever form that comes in. I'm not asking for a weeks-long or months-long search. Ron ruined that by already prolonging the story as much as he did. But I CANNOT with no one giving a single fuck about where Robin is or not asking, "Hey, Patrick, how do you know Robin is 'happy in Paris?' Have you talked to her?" It's insane and I want it addressed. A huge part of the problem with Ron is he never explained anything because he didn't care about the audience. "Accept this or stop watching!" was his motto.

  • Love 2

I don't think Jakeson should immediately return to Sam when he's told he's really Jason. They're endgame, clearly, and that's fine, but Jakeson and Liz need to have it out, and Jakeson should be able to deal with that before plunging into a life with Sam and Danny. He shouldn't avoid those two, but they all need to get used to one another. And there's the handful known as Carly.


Liz has been so screwed with this. She's going to catch hell from everyone, rightly so, but I don't need to see days on end of people ragging on her. She shouldn't be forgiven for quite a while, but it's tiresome to watch people yell about the same old thing. Let her be shunned and have to deal with what she's done. Let Nik stay away from her and get his own day of reckoning. He should be raked across the coals as much as Liz. Sam, at the very least, needs an opportunity to read him the riot act. He's the one who knew the earliest who Jakeson really was. 

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