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Continuity, Nitpicks, Unanswered Questions and Timeline Headaches: When Did That Honeycrisp Apple Come From

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4 minutes ago, KAOS Agent said:

The map works where there's magic, just like the globe does. There was magic in Storybrooke.

The map might not be able to seek out someone in a place without magic, though. Rumple also had the crystal ball, but he didn't bother to use that either. So my best guess is that the globe was super rare because it was more powerful.

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5x10 brought a whole new round of plot holes.

* How did Merida and Camelot lose their memories in the curse if Emma only stole the memories of everyone "who knew Hook became a Dark One"?
* How could Nimue be in the Underworld if she "lives in all Dark Ones"? If her DO essence was separate, how was it able to communicate with her soul?
* If Merlin wasn't preparing the Dark Curse (as implied in dialogue), what the heck was he making?
* Why was Mary Margaret defending Emma in Camelot but slapping her wrist in Storybrooke?
* There's no flipping way Clippy!Rumple would not have referenced anything in Storybrooke about Emma turning Hook into a Dark One. If the writers needed to keep it a surprise, they should have left him out completely after the curse.
* If Clippy!Rumple is just in the head, how could Emma see Hook's clippy?
* Why does every Dark One get a sparkly transformation but Hook? All he got was a black cloak.

A side note: Wouldn't Hades be mad that all the Dark Ones left his domain without a trade? That would have given him reason to torture Hook, since he's the one who insured that. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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4 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

* If Merlin wasn't preparing the Dark Curse (as implied in dialogue), what the heck was he making?

Goodness knows! So, some random potion Merlin was making could be used to cast the freaking Dark Curse?? It's like making a broth base apparently. Add chicken--it's chicken stew. Add beef it's beef stew. How convenient! 

Going back to the discussion on tracking, did Rumple ever know Baelfire had ended up in Neverland? When the Dark Curse was cast, Baelfire was still in Neverland. He left only about 7 years or so after the Dark Curse brought everyone to the Lw/oM. How was Rumple so sure Baelfire would be alive in all the centuries in the Land Without Magic? Did he trust in the Seer's prophecy so much? Or was he keeping track somehow that told him his son was alive somewhere?  

There was a globe thing in the Dark Castle that Neal used to track Henry to Neverland. So, Rumple could have used that as well. Maybe Rumple did use it, but thought the blood magic was just pointing him to his father Pan (ironic, considering he tried to track Neal in the UW and ended up seeing a pregnant Belle in Storybrooke). Or did he wonder whether Bae had ended up in Neverland? After all, Pan did attempt to take young Baelfire with him at one point. Was it Rumple’s fear of facing his father that kept him from considering that idea too seriously? I guess we’ll never know. Apparently it was more important to have Lacey/Tamara drama than talk about all this.

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The only explanation I have for Rumple not looking to see if Bae was in Neverland is that he was so set on the prophecy that he automatically gave up on every other avenue because those would just be speculation but the curse was a sure thing. But that's an awful lot of work to go through when the alternative would have been just grabbing Jefferson's hat (which he would have easily been able to acquire since Jefferson worked for him and is the one who obtained the crystal ball), lugging along a dead body (like his student that Regina killed), and sneaking up on Bae and throwing him in the hat. I don't believe he was so scared of Pan that he wouldn't have attempted it. The crystal ball showed the user what they wanted to see most IIRC, so I don't think that blood magic would have been a factor, although Rumple mistaking Pan for Bae would have been a great explanation. Maybe Pan was somehow blocking Bae's presence or maybe Rumple looked very early on (although not with the crystal ball since he didn't have it yet), saw Bae in our world during the original six months he stayed with the Darlings, and just assumed he'd stay there and never bothered checking again, but that doesn't explain why he though Bae would still be alive 100 years later. 

Without the prophecy, Rumple's grand plan would have been madness. It was entirely dependent on when Pan, Rumple's enemy, planned to release Bae as part of his own plan to produce the Truest Believer from Bae and Emma's "torrid love affair," a plan Rumple knew nothing about and would have probably stopped if he had known that Henry was also the boy he had foreseen as his undoing. I'm still wondering how Felix had a picture of Henry in Neverland's equivalent of the late 1800s.

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That's the problem with the mythology of the show. The writers take very little care to make sure it fits as a whole. Most of the time, they're only concerned with what works for a given episode and/or the new character/story they want to tell. Rumple's convoluted plan and long wait makes no sense with all that's happened later, the only way to make sense of it is to say "destiny". 


 I'm still wondering how Felix had a picture of Henry in Neverland's equivalent of the late 1800s.

I was expecting to find out it was the Apprentice's doing. The Apprentice/Merlin did all kinds of stupid stuff--it would have been  just like them to hand the drawing over to Pan in return for getting him out of the EF or something like that.

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One of the (many) frustrating things about the whole Rumpel/Nealfire/Neverland story is that they built a perfectly decent emotional underpinning for the whole thing,  but then didn't follow through.  At all. 

They blatantly paralleled Young Rumpel/Malcolm in Think Lovely Thoughts with Bae/Rumpel in The Return. In each case, the child uses a magic bean to open a portal to take their father to a land where they can start over, only to end with the son abandoned by the father who wants to hold on to magic.

There's no reason they couldn't have thus paralleled Neal's avoidance of Rumpel in "Manhattan" with a brief scene or a few lines about Rumpel not being strong enough emotionally to look at Neverland and face the pain of seeing what his father had become.

It would have been a simple way to explain an obvious plot - hole and it would have given Neal and Rumpel a shared emotional footing. It would have explained to Neal how his life had taken the path it had taken. It would have underscored how both Neal and Emma's lives had been molded by magic and magical agendas without them ever realizing it.  It also would have further highlighted Pan's depravity relative to Rumpel's humanity, because while Rumpel had always wanted to find Bae to try to reconcile, Pan's only interest in his descendants was their usefulness as spare parts. 

But, nooooo. 

They in fact *undercut* the premise from the get-go by showing in Nasty Habits that Pan had tried to snatch Bae away to NL chronologically just before Bae opens the portal. It's hard to handwave/ignore the idea that Rumpel wouldn't even *look* in NL. Instead of highlighting Rumpel as a determined father,  it makes him look even more stupid than he was already becoming, with characters suddenly popping between worlds like it's a weekend trip upstate. It puts all the burden on Rumpel believing in the specificity of that one prophecy, even though he also voices how imprecise and mutable these prophecies can be. 

Then, they simply avoided it by never bringing it up. To preserve the Shocking!Twist! of Pan being Rumpel's father, they clearly felt they couldn't have Rumpel or Neal address anything about Neal's time in NL, because it gets too close to WHY Neal was held there in the first place. Instead, they put Rumpel/Neal and Rumpel/Pan in two seperate containers and treated them almost as two isolated stories, rather than the single story it actually was.

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About the timeline, didn't Bae leave Neverland before Hook did? That's the impression I was under (I'm not even sure it's actually canon), but then the time travel in the season 3 finale completely debunks that notion, and he would have left there something like 18-20 years into the curse instead.

Is it me, or was something hinted at on the show?

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Baelfire left Neverland after Hook did. Otherwise he'd be in his mid-forties. Going by Tallahassee, he was 24 when he met Emma. He was around 13/14 when he went to Neverland I think. So, he must have left Neverland and come to our world about 7-8 years after Storybrooke came into existence.

Edited by Rumsy4
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I wish we'd had flashbacks to when and how both Hook and Baelfire finally left Neverland. Did Hook do anything more than go on cake runs for Pan? How did Bealfire adjust to the modern world? How did Pan get that drawing of Henry (was it the dumb Apprentice?). How did Pan know that the Truest Believer's heart could save him, and how did he zero in on Henry finally? How did Tink end up in Neverland? How did Tink and Bae meet? How did Tink and Wendy meet? Was Wendy allowed some amount of freedom? So many interesting questions with no answers. That's why I started writing a fic to fill in all the gaps of the Neverland arc (it's been very slow going mainly because I don't have many readers). 

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7 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

I wish we'd had flashbacks to when and how both Hook and Baelfire finally left Neverland.

How old is Dylan Schmid looking these days? It would be awesome to have one episode (Just one! The seasons are 22 episodes long, it shouldn't be that hard to find time.) where the flashback explains how Bae and Hook got off the island. They could even hand wave Dylan and Robbie's aging by having a plot where all the Lost Boys are aging rapidly to the ages they should be (Hook could be going gray by the end of the episode, and then somehow they all get aged back to "normal"), which was the first sign of the island's magic disappearing. They could even bring back MRJ and finally explain how he got to NYC.

6 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

That's why I started writing a fic to fill in all the gaps of the Neverland arc (it's been very slow going mainly because I don't have many readers). 

I'd read it.

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2 minutes ago, Curio said:

I'd read it.

Here's a link. :-) 


They could even bring back MRJ and finally explain how he got to NYC.

...and turned into a shiftless lowlife so different from who Baelfire was. Did Neverland turn him bitter, or was it the real world? Instead we get stupid retcons about him trying to destroy magic...in the land without magic. 

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45 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

I wish we'd had flashbacks to when and how both Hook and Baelfire finally left Neverland. Did Hook do anything more than go on cake runs for Pan? How did Bealfire adjust to the modern world? How did Pan get that drawing of Henry (was it the dumb Apprentice?). How did Pan know that the Truest Believer's heart could save him, and how did he zero in on Henry finally? How did Tink end up in Neverland? How did Tink and Bae meet? How did Tink and Wendy meet? Was Wendy allowed some amount of freedom? So many interesting questions with no answers. That's why I started writing a fic to fill in all the gaps of the Neverland arc (it's been very slow going mainly because I don't have many readers). 

I think Eddy's quote about Regina's story would be perfect here, but I can't find it :-)

Edited by RadioGirl27
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5x13 plot holes. Oh boy.

* Why did Snow have no advisors telling her what she should do while her father was away? 

* Couldn't Snow send some knights or give the villagers refuge? 

* How was the princess able to run out and into the woods? Were no guards protecting her?

* Regina smiled in front of everyone in the throne room... Did no one catch that?

* Sending Snow to stop the bandits was a stupid idea. You don't put young royals in avoidable, life threatening situations. You just don't.

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2 hours ago, RadioGirl27 said:

I think Eddy's quote about Regina's story would be perfect here, but I can't find it :-)

Plus the ever-useful "Your questions are pointless" quote of Rumple's. Very meta. They had to have put that in on purpose. :-p 

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On 9/18/2016 at 4:00 PM, Rumsy4 said:

There was a globe thing in the Dark Castle that Neal used to track Henry to Neverland. So, Rumple could have used that as well. Maybe Rumple did use it, but thought the blood magic was just pointing him to his father Pan (ironic, considering he tried to track Neal in the UW and ended up seeing a pregnant Belle in Storybrooke).

That's always felt like a plot hole to me. Neal had no magic whatsoever and was dumber than a box of hair, but he managed to find Henry in Neverland about five minutes after he landed in the Enchanted Forest with a gunshot wound, using something Rumple had in his castle before the curse. A blood magic confusion could still have happened with Henry and Pan. But Rumple, who is supposedly so clever and who has Dark One powers, couldn't find Bae in a century? I could believe that Rumple was so afraid of his father that he was willing to go to all the effort of the curse rather than take the easy solution that would have been more personally painful, but that would have needed to be addressed.

12 hours ago, Curio said:

It's too bad we couldn't have had an arc completely dedicated to Neverland that could have filled in these mysterious plot holes.

Yeah, wouldn't that have been cool? With Peter Pan being Rumple's father and Rumple's son having spent a century or so in Neverland, and then also with Captain Hook being Rumple's oldest enemy and in love with the former girlfriend of Rumple's son, there was enough material to do an entire arc relating to Neverland.

10 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

Sending Snow to stop the bandits was a stupid idea. You don't put young royals in avoidable, life threatening situations. You just don't.

That was just weird, acting like the princess was personally responsible for dealing with the bandits. Did they not have police or guards, or anyone like that, to deal with bandits? What kind of kingdom has to depend on a teenage girl to fight all their crime? And did sending the bandits away from that one town stop them forever?

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Since we're talking about Neverland, it continues to bother me that Tink told Hook she had lost her wings when she met him, yet Hook clearly believes in Quite a Common Fairy that Tink has magic. Snow wonders why Tink needs a ladder to her treehouse if she's a fairy and we get no reaction from Hook, he even tells Charming that he believes Tink's magic can heal the dreamshade. We know Hook wouldn't have been lying about that since he was clearly invested in saving Charming's life. So either Hook thought Tink had somehow regained her magic while he was away or he thought she was lying to him about losing her wings so she didn't have to help him get out of Neverland, I guess? Or maybe he was drunk when she told him about not being a fairy anymore? That would explain why he and Smee seemed to still be blindly stumbling around Neverland 100 years into their stay. 

Also, why did Pan trust Tink? She seems like she would have wanted nothing to do with him, yet their original plan involved Tink sneaking into Pan's camp because she was someone he trusted. We never even got a scene between Pan and Tink in Neverland, not to mention Tink and Bae. Tink and Hook would have only been on Neverland together for a short time, while Tink and Pan would have been there for 30 plus years together and Tink and Bae for at least ten. If they hadn't included the scene of Tink meeting Hook in Going Home, which occurred after Regina married Leopold, I would have just assumed that Tink was traveling back and forth from the EF to Neverland for years before she lost her wings. The dialogue in that  meeting makes no sense. Hook tells Smee, "We've dawdled here for too long. Now that I know there's a dagger can end the Dark One, we must return to our land." Hook, you learned that from Baelfire a century ago! (Hmm maybe this supports the theory that Baelfire was on the Jolly Roger for like 50 years) "I was a fairy a long time ago, but then my wings were taken away." It would have only been a couple years at most at that point, since Hook returned to the EF before Charming met Snow.

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5 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

Since we're talking about Neverland, it continues to bother me that Tink told Hook she had lost her wings when she met him, yet Hook clearly believes in Quite a Common Fairy that Tink has magic ... maybe he was drunk when she told him about not being a fairy anymore? That would explain why he and Smee seemed to still be blindly stumbling around Neverland 100 years into their stay. 

Oh goodness, yes! That bothered me too. Maybe Hook didn't believe Tink when she told him she had no magic. Or maybe the writers are the one who drink before writing an episode. That's why they don't remember what they've written from one epsidoe to the next!


The dialogue in that  meeting makes no sense. Hook tells Smee, "We've dawdled here for too long. Now that I know there's a dagger can end the Dark One, we must return to our land." Hook, you learned that from Baelfire a century ago! (Hmm maybe this supports the theory that Baelfire was on the Jolly Roger for like 50 years)

That made no sense either. Maybe it's a side-effect of time flowing "differently" in Neverland. One day seems like a 100 years, and a 100 years like one day. The writers wanted a scene where Hook met Tink in Neverland for the first time, but apparently they couldn't be bothered to make the dialogue plausible. None of the writers seem to have any sense of time or continuity in the Show,

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Or maybe he believed she was still a fairy even if she didn't have the magic? They had that whole cutesie dialogue in 3x11 after Tink caught the shadow, "look who's still a fairy."

Plus Tink technically still had magic with her, she just didn't believe enough to make it work.

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On 7/15/2016 at 11:42 PM, KingOfHearts said:

The only real continuity error with it being pre-OUATIW is that the first episode takes place in the aftermath of (or during) the wraith attack. When Will is introduced, there's a thunderstorm in Storybrooke with wind blowing everywhere. But that's not too hard to headcanon differently. 

I seem to recall some discussion back on the TWoP OUaTiW thread about the first episode not taking place during the wraith attack. I would love it if the events of season 4 were pre-Wonderland and I think it fits much better. I think the confusion comes from the original pilot which showed the White Rabbit appearing during the wraith attack.

However, when they aired the first episode on ABC, the scene had changed and I actually think it makes it seem less likely that the White Rabbit appeared during the wraith attack because that event happened on the same day the curse was broken and the scene they actually showed on broadcast tv has Ashley and Leroy leaving Granny's like it's just any other day. Leroy actually says "Storybrooke's under attack" so it actually does seem like it's just any other day. 

If the curse had just been broken and they remembered their true selves, I find it unlikely that Leroy was just hanging out at Granny's "closing down the joint again" after just being reunited with his brothers and spending part of his day traipsing down Main Street with the main characters. Same for Ashley, even though she was already with her prince when the curse broke. The only other OUaT "character" we see is Emma's bug, which again, could be seen driving down the street on any given day, except for parts of 2A, 3B, or season 5.

Later in the season, when Alice, Rabbit, and Cyrus go to Will's apartment in SB to retrieve his heart (if he left right after the Curse broke, how did he have time to find and hide his heart in the wall behind a picture of Ana as the Red Queen as I doubt it was hidden that way in his apartment for 28 years?), we see both Gold and Ruby's cars. Even though neither Ruby and Gold are in Storybrooke at the moment both of their cars are still there. They also leave a hole on Main Street which I think was shown on the mother show at some point, but that could really be from anything, with all the catastrophes Storybrooke has seen over the years. Heck, it could even be from Gold's tethering of the crystal in the Season 5 finale. 

On 9/20/2016 at 9:09 AM, Rumsy4 said:

That made no sense either. Maybe it's a side-effect of time flowing "differently" in Neverland. One day seems like a 100 years, and a 100 years like one day. The writers wanted a scene where Hook met Tink in Neverland for the first time, but apparently they couldn't be bothered to make the dialogue plausible. None of the writers seem to have any sense of time or continuity in the Show,

That's part of my issue with Neverland. Except for Wendy's original trip, they never gave us a good description of how the passage of time felt to those who stayed there. I've read fanfic where characters without a goal just lost themselves in Neverland, eventually not realizing that hundreds of years had passed, while characters with strong motivations like Bae with his desire to get back to the Darlings or Hook with his quest for vengeance felt every minute of those years. The show, however, didn't really make it seem that way. It made it seem like Neverland was just another Cora!dome, or Box, or Urn that those characters were stuck in until they needed to catch up with the current timeline. 

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41 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:

I've read fanfic where characters without a goal just lost themselves in Neverland, eventually not realizing that hundreds of years had passed, while characters with strong motivations like Bae with his desire to get back to the Darlings or Hook with his quest for vengeance felt every minute of those years. The show, however, didn't really make it seem that way. It made it seem like Neverland was just another Cora!dome, or Box, or Urn that those characters were stuck in until they needed to catch up with the current timeline. 

They did show Bae's cave filled with hash marks counting the days, so he seemed to be aware of the passage of time. Not that we saw that in the actual character, but they did make a moment out of it in which Emma realized what must have been going on with him.

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2 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

I seem to recall some discussion back on the TWoP OUaTiW thread about the first episode not taking place during the wraith attack. I would love it if the events of season 4 were pre-Wonderland and I think it fits much better. I think the confusion comes from the original pilot which showed the White Rabbit appearing during the wraith attack.

It was also the general belief since that was how Eddy explained it:

They also shared a little more context for the series. “‘Wonderland’ takes place post-curse, so the pilot of ‘Wonderland’ actually starts when magic comes and the wraith happens, and then it runs concurrent,” Kitsis told reporters. “So we are in Wonderland post-Queen of Hearts. And just like we saw in the Enchanted Forest, we saw pockets that were saved.”


I do agree it would make way more sense for Will's character, if Once Upon a Time in Wonderland happened afterwards, and that's the reason why he's MIA now...

All we have left is how well they will mess up the continuity with Jafar now.

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Shouldn't Hook have had bruises on his neck by now from Hyde nearly choking him to death? It's been at least a day since then, and bruises would be starting to show. But they're really bad about writing realistic passage of time. People were treating Regina like there was something wrong with her not being entirely over Robin when his funeral was maybe two days ago. Emma and Hook weren't acting at all like he was dead just a couple of days ago -- in fact, there was no sign that he's just come back from the dead after going through all kinds of terrible trauma. No one seemed to remember that Emma has just driven to and from New York and maybe that could have been why she was a little out of sorts and shaky. None of the group who went to the Land of Untold Stories seems to have told anyone else what happened there, or else Emma and Regina would have known not to bother making jazz hands at Hyde. Maybe they should have switched up who was in which car on the return trip so that the two groups could have briefed each other. And how much did Jekyll know about what Hyde was up to? It seemed like Hyde was unaware of what Jekyll was doing (pre-split), but Jekyll seemed to have more awareness of what he did when he was Hyde. So why didn't Emma try talking to Jekyll before she got advice from Hyde? Did everyone forget that until just however many hours ago, they were the same person?

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If Dorothy is from Fictional Kansas, how did she age? 

Edit: Nevermind. I just answered my own question. When she went to Oz, she was only a little younger than Snow. It always gets me how much time passed between Regina marrying Leopold and casting the curse. It seemed like only a couple years for some reason, but it had to be at least 15 years or so. It's weird to think Zelena was in control of Oz that entire time. The Our Decay flashbacks to be really close to the curse. Neither Zelena or Regina looked very different before and after their reign.

It still bothers me that the Darlings and the Connecticut Yankee were the only fairy tales from our world. Everyone else is in "Fictional Victorian England" or "Fictional Kansas".

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Why were Emma and Regina running after the dirigible with everyone else?  Couldn't they have poofed themselves there at the same moment it crashed?  

Where did the Land of Untold Story people get so many torches so quickly?

None of them had possessions on the dirigible which could be used with a locator spell?

Why couldn't Jekyll tell them that the people on the dirigible likely didn't like Hyde and were scared of him?  

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So anytime someone was wounded or poisoned in the EF they could have just been sent to the Land of Untold Stories if they had the means to travel there? Talk about cheating death. Can it turn out that Papa Hook went there and came back with a son so it undoes the true love nurse story? 

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I love that Rumpel had a freaking portal key. So Bae was in Neverland for centuries and he never bothered to use the silly key to go and grab his kid? Or does the key only go to one specific land because reasons.

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This is annoying me. When Leopold was poisoned by the Agrabahn viper, his face was blighted and turned a darker color. But when Arthur's servant drank the poison, he just poofed into smoke. When it came for Charlotte's turn, she died just as Leopold did.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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5 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

This is annoying me. When Leopold was poisoned by the Agrabahn viper, his face was blighted and turned a darker color. But when Arthur's servant drank the poison, he just poofed into smoke. When it came for Charlotte's turn, she died just as Leopold did.

Maybe it's where they were poisoned? 

I've got nothing else.

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14 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

If Regina was such an expert at sword-fighting, why did she have so much trouble fighting MM in the Shattered Sight episode that she cheated and used magic?

Because she didn't believe in herself. ;)

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So when the dirigible crashed, Edmond carried Charlotte away that quickly?  If he left her there, why didn't anyone see her before?  Did all the people from Untold Stories come over?  If not, why would Hyde bring someone who was half dead along?  Rumple said if Edmond left The Land of Untold Stories, Charlotte's story and the poison will resume, but why?  Charlotte's story would still be frozen while she was within the Land of Untold Stories, wouldn't it?  

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It seems like the Writers were trying (in their nonsensical clunky ways) to explain how the Land of Untold Stories worked.

RUMPLE: This is the key to the land where all stories come to a screeching halt, including Charlotte's story. You know the one where the poison reaches her heart.

EDMOND: I go through there, she lives?

RUMPLE: Indeed! As long as you remain there.  If you should ever leave, her story and the poison shall r-r-resume.  And I hate to spoil the ending, but it's really quite tragic.

Edited by Camera One
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Did we ever get an explanation of why the portal door was hijacked and drug Snowing, Hook and Zelena to the land of untold stories? I rewatch every ep at some point (some dozens of times) and I'm pretty sure I've seen the finale twice but I don't recall if that was covered.

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2 hours ago, daxx said:

Did we ever get an explanation of why the portal door was hijacked and drug Snowing, Hook and Zelena to the land of untold stories? I rewatch every ep at some point (some dozens of times) and I'm pretty sure I've seen the finale twice but I don't recall if that was covered.

The "explanation" was solely one line, as per typical:

"It must have something to do with magic being tied to that bloody crystal!"

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Henry was showing Emma/Hook the storybook story about Corinder.  So what was the version in the book?  How was her story *supposed* to play out?  Did the book have the version with Corinder living her happily after with the footman inside the book?  Or the one where that meanie Cinderella ruined Corinder's life showing how they ended up in the Land of Untold Stories?  Or was the book showing the Evil Stepmother murdering Cinderella?  Since the Evil Queen wanted the story to "play out" as well and Hyde kept saying having the stories "play out" was dangerous.  Three episodes in, and I still don't understand the concept of untold stories playing out.

Why Corinder and not Drizella?

Edited by Camera One
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