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The Alldredges

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Jeff, Vanessa, and Sharis Alldredge are a fundamentalist Mormon family. Jeff met Vanessa and Sharis within a year of each other, and spiritually married both. They have seven children combined, all under the age of seven, and they live together in one house where the women share the household duties. As polygamists, the Alldredges believe their family is never complete and they plan to expand their family as large as God sees fit. They are actively dating and in search of their third wife.

17 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I guess they get a "calling" from the big guy upstairs.

Disguised as a calling from The Big Guy Upstairs, The family patriarch gets a calling from a cute young thing he sees. He gets bored with what he has at home. Each wife is tied up with eleventy billion kids and he needs something new. Alldredge was 44 when he decided to marry these two. One of two scenarios happened. I am betting he had been married to someone else for 20 years, had been reading up on polygamy for 10 years or so and finally decided he wanted to bring in more women into the marriage. After trying to wear down his wife for a few years, she 1) agreed, they tried it, it failed HORRIBLY and wife #1 and #2 both left. He had to start over again. OR, 2) he spent years trying to wear down his wife, she said pack sand and divorced him. It may have taken him a couple more years to build up the courage but he finally did, found these two and he was off to the races.

There is a sect that is an off-shoot of the FLDS that claims the women themselves decide who they will marry, but the old withered up men of the sect have the final say. A good percentage of the time, their first choice (a cute young thing their age) is ixnayed and they are actually told to marry an older guy as a 4th, 8th or 13th wife. Occasionally they get their first pick (like when television crews are filming them, cough*HYRUM*cough) but not often.

  • Love 11

They are nowhere as compelling as the bigger family.  I prefer the redheaded wife at this point (go figure), but that may change.  The blonde looks like a trouble maker, or maybe just a smartass.  Maybe it was for the cameras, but they really seem to be specifically two different families.  Wife number one had all her kids lined up next to her, and wife number two had all her kids lined up next to her.  I liked how the Brady family (My Five Wives) got together five nights a week for dinner, and all the children mixed up.

The wife they're seeking seems like an odd cookie.  Something just seems off, but it may just have been how the broken footage translated on the computer screen. 

What did shock me was the tiny little family room.  There are two adults, no kids, and two cats and a dog in my house, and my living is three times that size.  And I still feel it's a little cramped.

  • Love 3

I'm already forgetting, but did Melina say she's FLDS or just interested in polygamy?  Religiously, I don't see the point of bringing her in as she can only populate his planet with 1.  Unless you count her cat.  Unless he tries to use her as an excuse to get a 4th wife.  Still searching for a breeder!  Compared to some of these plyg men, he's actually pretty good looking.  He just doesn't seem to have a sense of humor or seems like the type that is a little anal. 

I agree with a previous poster that I did not totally dislike them---but I do find it strange they would add a wife that cannot have children. I thought they even mentioned they would like to add more children.  It's also a little icky that he's so much older than his wives. The second wife was 18 when they met? And he was in his 40s? 

Also-I think the first wife is not as sold on adding a wife. 

I do like that they alternate the dinners/breakfasts. Sounds like they have the schedule worked out. A third wife is going to screw that up. 

  • Love 4

1. Alldredge appears to be Jeffs real last name.

2. Someone on reddit's seekingsisterwifetlc posted a photo dated 2010 of Jeff and an older woman who appears to be his wife. Image: https://imgur.com/W3IHAlw

3. There is another photo of Jeff and the same older woman I came across while searching Jeff's name. The woman uses her maiden name and "Alldredge".

4. The older woman has children who appears to be older.

5. No info on whether the older woman is Jeff's wife (the picture I came across LOOKS as if they were a couple). No info on whether or not the possible marriage ended or if there is a separation (she uses "Alldredge" on FB). No info on whether she was in a polygamous relationship with Jeff.

The Alldredges are Independent Fundamental Mormons. No info on whether Jeff converted (If they said so on their show, I apologize. I find them to be boring so it is hard to pay attention to details when they are on).

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Rainflower said:

1. Alldredge appears to be Jeffs real last name.

2. Someone on reddit's seekingsisterwifetlc posted a photo dated 2010 of Jeff and an older woman who appears to be his wife. Image: https://imgur.com/W3IHAlw

3. There is another photo of Jeff and the same older woman I came across while searching Jeff's name. The woman uses her maiden name and "Alldredge".

4. The older woman has children who appears to be older.

5. No info on whether the older woman is Jeff's wife (the picture I came across LOOKS as if they were a couple). No info on whether or not the possible marriage ended or if there is a separation (she uses "Alldredge" on FB). No info on whether she was in a polygamous relationship with Jeff.

The Alldredges are Independent Fundamental Mormons. No info on whether Jeff converted (If they said so on their show, I apologize. I find them to be boring so it is hard to pay attention to details when they are on).

Thanks for this info!  This certainly makes sense- it would be unusual for someone with Jeff's belief system to remain unmarried into middle-age.  I hope that the first kids are still able to be in contact with him, if they want this.  

If this first wife left him because he was "called" to polygamy I admire her.  See, April and Ashley, you did/do have a choice!

Edited by prunieprune
  • Love 4

Awesome info!  That still makes me wonder why Sharis is listed as an Allred?  Maybe she was an Allred.  That would make her Sharis Allred Allredge.


3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

It looks like Sharis had a makeover prior to taping the season.

Right? She looked close to straight out of the Crick plyg wife on FB.  She's actually quite pretty on the show.

  • Love 2
On 1/25/2018 at 12:20 PM, prunieprune said:

Thanks for this info!  This certainly makes sense- it would be unusual for someone with Jeff's belief system to remain unmarried into middle-age.  I hope that the first kids are still able to be in contact with him, if they want this.  

If this first wife left him because he was "called" to polygamy I admire her.  See, April and Ashley, you did/do have a choice!


There is a photo of Jeff and his (first?) on the Provo High School reunion class of 1979 page (Provohigh79.com)- so it does appear that he has been married prior to the wives on the show.

Edited by Adiba
deleted name
  • Love 1
19 hours ago, lettsjetts said:

His first wife is still close with the Brown family and a lot of other plygs.  Maybe they are still together but she didn't want to be involved with the show???     



How many wives are in this picture? Some look older than kids...so did he have multiple wives before this? Or maybe it's just one wife and the rest are kids? Now that I look closer...I suppose just the one next to him in white sweater is the wife? The one behind him in blue looks like a wife too. Maybe even red skirt. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, MoodyGirl said:

How many wives are in this picture? Some look older than kids...so did he have multiple wives before this? Or maybe it's just one wife and the rest are kids? Now that I look closer...I suppose just the one next to him in white sweater is the wife? The one behind him in blue looks like a wife too. Maybe even red skirt. 

Totally agree about all three.    I hope those children never see the show.   It's like they don't even exist.

  • Love 2

In the link that rainflower provided above, the older woman in the white sweater and the younger woman in the blue striped shirt are in the picture with the six children. The younger woman in the red skirt is missing. So maybe two wives in the past? I'm as curious as the rest of you; where are these wives and children and why no mention of them? And good god man, you already have at least fourteen kids. I was just going to ask how is he supporting them all and I think I just answered my first question. Alldredge and Company are bleeding the beast, so that is why the other families are under cover. Bet he divorced his first wife and isn't legally married to any of them.

  • Love 5

This guy is so shady.

The Melina story line was contrived. He gave up too easily at the airport, not worried about her, not trying to find her or if she took another flight, etc. They were not surprised, especially not him, & that one wife had no real tears (hence the long shot of her 'crying').

Not sure what the point was except to play a sympathy card for them... didn't work for me.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

In the link that rainflower provided above, the older woman in the white sweater and the younger woman in the blue striped shirt are in the picture with the six children. The younger woman in the red skirt is missing. So maybe two wives in the past? I'm as curious as the rest of you; where are these wives and children and why no mention of them? And good god man, you already have at least fourteen kids. I was just going to ask how is he supporting them all and I think I just answered my first question. Alldredge and Company are bleeding the beast, so that is why the other families are under cover. Bet he divorced his first wife and isn't legally married to any of them.

No, the woman in the blue striped shirt is one of the their children, she lives in Las Vegas and is married with 2 kids.  She loves Bernie Sanders, knitted a pussy hat and wore it to the woman's march.  I don't want to say her name but if you creep on facebook you will see lots of pictures of her.   

  • Love 8
On 1/29/2018 at 7:07 AM, Adiba said:

There is a photo of Jeff and his (first?) wife ------ on the Provo High School reunion class of 1979 page (Provohigh79.com)- so it does appear that he has been married prior to the wives on the show.

I didn't want to post her name. According to the Seeking Sister Wife fan FB page, she wanted nothing to do with the reality TV show and has asked for privacy (on FB, her name was never mentioned so I cannot confirm it that is her or not).

  • Love 2

I know that most reality tv has levels of fakery, but this is shady.  Why bother going on tv to promote your lifestyle (or other such nonsense) when everything is a total lie?  I get that other family members don't want to participate, but it's easy enough to do a talking head and say "I actually have 1-2 other wives but they aren't interested in being on TV".  

If they thought that this wouldn't all come out, they are in deep denial about the power of the interwebs.  The lies make the situation more interesting, not less.  

I think that the woman in the red skirt is a daughter- she looks a lot like the lady in the white blouse. 


ETA: And now I know of a new thing to be thankful for in my life- that nobody would look at a picture of my father and mother with their three daughters and wonder how many were kids vs. wives.  So gross.  

Edited by prunieprune
  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, prunieprune said:

I know that most reality tv has levels of fakery, but this is shady.  Why bother going on tv to promote your lifestyle (or other such nonsense) when everything is a total lie?  I get that other family members don't want to participate, but it's easy enough to do a talking head and say "I actually have 1-2 other wives but they aren't interested in being on TV".  

If they thought that this wouldn't all come out, they are in deep denial about the power of the interwebs.  The lies make the situation more interesting, not less.  

I think that the woman in the red skirt is a daughter- she looks a lot like the lady in the white blouse. 


ETA: And now I know of a new thing to be thankful for in my life- that nobody would look at a picture of my father and mother with their three daughters and wonder how many were kids vs. wives.  So gross.  

Right-- why not just say this in the beginning of the show? It was so easy to just find info online. Going on a reality show means (usually) viewers are going to be curious about your life/lifestyle and the backstory. Or why watch? Not to say that every little detail needs to be shown or that they don't deserve some privacy and boundaries, but this little tidbit of info is relevant to the storyline, imo.

  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, prunieprune said:

I think that the woman in the red skirt is a daughter- she looks a lot like the lady in the white blouse. 



Yup, she is a daughter!  

44 minutes ago, prunieprune said:

ETA: And now I know of a new thing to be thankful for in my life- that nobody would look at a picture of my father and mother with their three daughters and wonder how many were kids vs. wives.  So gross.  

I know, right?!!!  Did Jeff say he was 44 when he married an 18 year old or did I hear that wrong? 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, prunieprune said:

I know that most reality tv has levels of fakery, but this is shady.  Why bother going on tv to promote your lifestyle (or other such nonsense) when everything is a total lie?  I get that other family members don't want to participate, but it's easy enough to do a talking head and say "I actually have 1-2 other wives but they aren't interested in being on TV".  

If they thought that this wouldn't all come out, they are in deep denial about the power of the interwebs.  The lies make the situation more interesting, not less.  

Maybe they think many viewers will just take this all at face value. Silly people. Most viewers will likely be seasoned Sister Wives watchers, and many probably watch other reality shows as well - like we aren't going to dig a little (or alot) and find out the real deal!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, lettsjetts said:

Yup, she is a daughter!  

I know, right?!!!  Did Jeff say he was 44 when he married an 18 year old or did I hear that wrong? 

I know he was in his 40s at least. I know I heard the second one say she was 18 when they met or married. Gross. His daughters are probably older than them. 

This is deceitful. The first wife is not the first wife but they call her that and she says she is. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, lettsjetts said:

Did Jeff say he was 44 when he married an 18 year old or did I hear that wrong? 

I can't remember if he married the the 22 year old first or the 18 year old, but he was 44 when he started marrying the two wives we are seeing on the show. He married them fairly close together. Either way, marrying them at their ages was skeevy since he had kids from his first marriage that were older than them.

  • Love 6

Oh it gets even better (or worse)...found the following on reddit:



Hi (redacted poster name), Sharis Alldredge here. I just thought I would tell you that we know the Brown family really well. Jeff and Kody go way back.

Later she writes:

Before they moved to Vegas we would go to their house about once a month to watch UFC. Jeff and Vanessa accidentally met at Kody’s!

acctually not accidentally, stupid auto correct.


So Vanessa and Jeff met at the Brown family home. Makes me wonder:

1. Did Jeff court Vanessa while she was underage and wifed her up when she turned 18.

2. Was Vanessa a friend of one or more of the Brown kids.

3. Why didn't Jeff find women closer to his age? 

Something about him grosses me out. 

  • Love 10

Wait one moment.

Aspyn Brown is engaged to Vanessa's brother! Talk about keeping it in the family. Jeez. So maybe Aspyn and Vanessa were friends. Which would mean Vanessa would be over at the Brown family home to visit Aspyn. She meets Jeff and the rest is history. Barf.

Also turns out Jeff was at Robyn and Kody's wedding. Someone posted a screenshot of him taken from Sister Wives tv show.


  • Love 4
54 minutes ago, Rainflower said:

Wait one moment.

Aspyn Brown is engaged to Vanessa's brother! Talk about keeping it in the family. Jeez. So maybe Aspyn and Vanessa were friends. Which would mean Vanessa would be over at the Brown family home to visit Aspyn. She meets Jeff and the rest is history. Barf.

Also turns out Jeff was at Robyn and Kody's wedding. Someone posted a screenshot of him taken from Sister Wives tv show.


Wait - who is that dark haired lady he has his hand on?  Is that the mysterious missing first wife?

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Wait - who is that dark haired lady he has his hand on?  Is that the mysterious missing first wife?

Yes it was confirmed by Jeff Alldredge himself that is a pic of the first wife. And she does not want to be on tv. No mention if they are still married but I assume so as he is only ‘spiritually married’ to the newest two wives so is probably legally married to the first dark haired wife. 

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, prunieprune said:

I just can't get over how creepy this is.  How must his adult daughters feel about this?  If more wives=your own planet in the celestial kingdom or what the belief is fine- that's your belief.  But why do they need to be less than half your age and younger than your children?  

Because they are more likely to be virgins, perky young breasts, smooth tummies and inexperienced.  Some religious leaders are the biggest hound dogs.  Sorry if that offends anyone, but the news headlines (throughout history) kind of proves it.

Edited by Kyanight
Needed to clarify.
  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Because they are more likely to be virgins, perky young breasts, smooth tummies and inexperienced.  Some religious leaders are the biggest hound dogs.  Sorry if that offends anyone, but the news headlines (throughout history) kind of proves it.

That may be part of it, but I think the bigger reason is that younger women = more babies. It's all about having tons of kids, isn't it? That's why I now think it's possible the storyline with Melina was bull - once they learned she couldn't have children, it was game over. I could be way off base, but that's the feeling I get.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

That may be part of it, but I think the bigger reason is that younger women = more babies. It's all about having tons of kids, isn't it? That's why I now think it's possible the storyline with Melina was bull - once they learned she couldn't have children, it was game over. I could be way off base, but that's the feeling I get.

OHHHHHHHHH!  VERY good point!!

  • Love 4
53 minutes ago, DippityDo said:

Seems everyone has related some how. Aspen Brown is engaged to Vanessa Alldredge Brother (Thompson). Madison hubby Brown’s husband Caleb is like a 3rd cousin or something. Janelle Brown used to be married to Meri Browns brother. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg I’m sure. 

The polygamy pool might be rather slim since a lot of women are educated, proud, independent and have a healthy enough self-esteem that they don't go off seeking a husband that wants a harem full of brood mares.   That leaves less women for these guys to choose from - so it helps to have the girls groomed for this lifestyle from childhood.

  • Love 3

I realize they have taken some liberties with this "reality" show, but it's still deceptive pretending like he has only these 2 wives and children and that is their home.  Clearly that has not been his home all this time. If this is his second and third wife and the first one doesn't want to be on tv, then just say it. It's not that big of a deal. This guy is so skeevy---creeping on these girls younger than his daughters. So gross. 

  • Love 8
51 minutes ago, MoodyGirl said:

I realize they have taken some liberties with this "reality" show, but it's still deceptive pretending like he has only these 2 wives and children and that is their home.  Clearly that has not been his home all this time. If this is his second and third wife and the first one doesn't want to be on tv, then just say it. It's not that big of a deal. This guy is so skeevy---creeping on these girls younger than his daughters. So gross. 

Does first wife even still live with him?  Because there was that big drama over the master bedroom.  Wouldn't first wife get that room?  I don't know.... I highly suspect first wife isn't even in the picture any more.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, DippityDo said:

Seems everyone has related some how. Aspen Brown is engaged to Vanessa Alldredge Brother (Thompson). Madison hubby Brown’s husband Caleb is like a 3rd cousin or something. Janelle Brown used to be married to Meri Browns brother. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg I’m sure. 

Well, there is a possibility that Aspyn is marrying her cousin.

  • Love 1

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