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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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4 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I feel like I learned nothing from that panel except a couple things about The Flash. 

You are not wrong. It was fun to see the actors in person, but other than that, kind of a waste of time, really. No insight into the shows and only time for superficial questions. Maybe that's what it was supposed to be, but I remember going to the Supernatural and Veronica Mars panels and how interesting they were. 

Edited by calliope1975
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What I felt from the tweets/photos:

  • Stephen looked really bored throughout the panel
  • Kevin is terrible
  • No one asked any good questions
  • Nothing new came out of it

Thanks for doing the recap @calliope1975

12 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

There was zero reaction when DR mentioned Felicity, but her scenes in the reel (which was all (maybe) from the crossover) got lots of yells.

IDK if this is a good thing or a bad thing haha

13 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

That ratings comment by MG might be the dickest thing I've ever heard a producer say to a cast member in a public setting.

I'd like to unkindly tell MG to STFU because the actors give it 100% - the writers/EPs on the other hand half ass it. I thought maybe he jokingly said the thing about ratings but maybe not... And if he did say that - the ratings this season for Arrow must've been a deep cut for him.

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23 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

That ratings comment by MG might be the dickest thing I've ever heard a producer say to a cast member in a public setting. DR was joking around about the difference between the Arrow and Flash sets (bright lighting, laughing, etc.) and that they didn't have sodas like The Flash does, and MG threw that out. The whole audience was all "ooooooooo," and I felt so bad for DR. I can't think of the right word for the look on his face. Not chastised, not pissed, but it totally killed the dynamic. Like, the EPs are responsible for the story lines that are getting shitty ratings. WTF? Why would you say that in this setting?

Sadly DR couldn't even turn around and be like..."well you write this shit". Always sucks when you have a dick for a boss. 

ETA - just found out what that "quote this" pop up did! I love it! 

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That ratings comment by MG might be the dickest thing I've ever heard a producer say to a cast member in a public setting. DR was joking around about the difference between the Arrow and Flash sets (bright lighting, laughing, etc.) and that they didn't have sodas like The Flash does, and MG threw that out. The whole audience was all "ooooooooo," and I felt so bad for DR. I can't think of the right word for the look on his face. Not chastised, not pissed, but it totally killed the dynamic. Like, the EPs are responsible for the story lines that are getting shitty ratings. WTF? Why would you say that in this setting?I'm glad I didn't clap for MG when he came out. /petty

Thank you for not clapping. Hearing about it makes me feel ragey and helpless.  Saying what he did was just plain MEAN.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Maybe it's just me, but while 100 was a nice milestone, on a short panel with multiple shows like this, I don't think it was necessary to talk about it? Why not talk about the fact that they just revealed Prometheus' identity/Talia connection and Oliver was kidnapped? If they could talk about The Flash's big bad, why not Arrow's?

And I feel like there was barely anything about LoT other than being the misfits and Ray's suit? 

I get that it's a shared universe but maybe don't do a shared 1-hour panel? Could they not decide one show to invite or felt like they couldn't just invite one or two/have four separate panels?

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I wasn't a fan that Arrow is reduced to a "crime" show.  Really none of the show is just one thing.  All of them need the teams to be a family so I really hate that only The Flash gets to claim that category.  Maybe LoT is the best off since they can't be pigeon holed.  

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Thanks @callilope for the recap.

If I didn't  already think MG was  an arrogant a-hole, he sure proved today he is a bigger one. How embarrassing DR must of felt. What kind of a loser treats his hard working cast like a piece of sh$t.  SA looked completely checked out -at least in the pictures. This is going to sound strange but I have never heard of KS and for me he leaves alot to be desired but then again maybe if I have heard of him before maybe he wouldn't be so bad.

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2 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Guess I'm gonna be watching LoT

Anyone know what was going on in this image?  Why is SA looking that pained while others are doubled over laughing? 

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12 minutes ago, ladylaw99 said:

I have never heard of KS and for me he leaves alot to be desired but then again maybe if I have heard of him before maybe he wouldn't be so bad

I highly recommend Clerks, Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Mallrats is a personal favorite of mine but, it's viewed as the weakest of his Jersey Movies.

They're all connected in a single universe so you might miss some in jokes if you don't watch all the movies but, I wasn't a huge fan of Chasing Amy and Clerks 2 sucked, IMO.

However, in order Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma (fantastic), Jay and Silent Bob (excellent) and finally Clerks 2.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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6 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Guess I'm gonna be watching LoT

"Near" the finale. So not the finale. (Can't click on Deadline articles without virus warnings popping up, so tell me if they mention the episode in it.) Wasn't there a tease about the penultimate episode of LoT and someone from another show? Maybe she's part of Doomsworld? So a different version of Felicity?

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I am not at all doubting the Felicity intel and will be thrilled to see it, but wasn't Katie Cassidy filming some episodes of LoT?  Or maybe Im thinking of some different episodes?

Edited by thegirlsleuth
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I have no idea what's happening in that pic but I wonder if it's when MG made his "joke." Just by the way GG seems to be looking at DR. I don't know. I hope someone positively identifies that moment. 

Yep, SA looked like that most of the show. But then again, so did everyone when they weren't speaking. I did notice DR and GG were making little comments to each other throughout.

Hopefully, we'll get spoilers from the interviews since we got nothing from the panel.

Edited by calliope1975
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1 minute ago, thegirlsleuth said:

I am not at all doubting the Felicity intel and will be thrilled to see it, but wasn't Katie Cassidy filming some episodes of LoT?  Or maybe Im thinking of some different episodes?

Yes, she's in the finale.

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1 minute ago, thegirlsleuth said:

I am not at all doubting the Felicity intel and will be thrilled to see it, but wasn't Katie Cassidy filming some episodes of LoT?  Or maybe Im thinking of some different episodes?

KC filmed for the finale, that quote is about the penultimate episode. Also the Paps already spoiled KCs appearance. It's a 1 scene vision cameo.

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Ooooh. So either it's evil!Felicity or she'll be suited up or maybe even both? Yassssss. I'll be watching.

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8 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

KC filmed for the finale, that quote is about the penultimate episode. Also the Paps already spoiled KCs appearance. It's a 1 scene vision cameo.

Is it wrong that I will laugh if EBR ends up with a bigger guest appearance than KC after all of the hype about her cross show contract?

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7 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Just keep in mind, KS is basically dick and fart jokes. He's great if you get his sense of humor but, not everyone does.

So it is a movie to watch with my husband=:) Great

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On 3/17/2017 at 2:00 PM, way2interested said:

I thought it was MB and a tba second guest (now revealed to be Chris Wood)? Was someone else going too?

Of course it's the show eater Mon-el instead of Alex or Winn SMH

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1 minute ago, Sakura12 said:

So Felicity is going to be in Doomworld that should be interesting. That's the one where the Legion rewrites reality and all the Legends are different people. 

Sounds like. So she could be anything I guess. Hero, villain, mousy librarian, etc. I rule out Goth Felicity since we've already seen her.

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At least MG realizes that it will"send fans into squeals of joy".

I'm trying to figure out which is the more crass remark, MG saying they'll get soda at 1.0 (I remember when they had it before the writing became crap)  or Kevin Smith dismissing 12 year old girls in favour of his comics dude bros.  I'd say it's a tie.

Edited by statsgirl
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40 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I have no idea what's happening in that pic but I wonder if it's when MG made his "joke." Just by the way GG seems to be looking at DR. I don't know. I hope someone positively identifies that moment. 

I'm about 98% sure that pic up there was after MG made that "joke" of his about his own show--the ratings blame of which is actually his (I, too, did not clap for him because petty). I kept taking pics of DR throughout the panel (him and SA, mostly, and because I just love DR lots) and I think I caught his reaction after MG made that remark. Melissa and Grant were laughing at the face DR made.


I gotta say, I really missed Aisha Tyler. She was really prepared as a host, was very engaging, asked questions where we learned things, made things light and fun, and kept the focus on the panelists.

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Yeah, girl! I was there, way up in the Mezz area, otherwise I would've snatched Guggie's face fuzz bald after he made, what I think he thought was a "witty remark" to DR. Heh. My camera is really nice (34x zoom capability) so some of my pics turned out pretty good, despite the distance and the fact that I'm a terrible photog.

The whole panel was okay, not great but good enough, I guess. But the 2015 ones were waaayyy better. Not only because each show had more time to talk but the whole "feel" of the room was more pleasant, probably, partly, due to Aisha having a better handle at the moderating thing and the casts just being more upbeat with each other back then. I just feel like Aisha made the 2015 panels more about the shows and KS made this one more about how much he loves comic books/The Flash (and, to me, his bias was kinda obvious since he seemed like he barely knew much about Arrow, Legends, and Supergirl other than the basics). I dunno. My opinion of KS was certainly not helped by his really long intro about himself (sorry, I know you liked that part!) because I came to Paley for the shows and I really couldn't care less about him. I just got a weirdly underwhelmed vibe from this panel and it certainly didn't help that some of the actors looked visibly bored and like they weren't sure what they were doing there, at some points.

Confession time: I clapped for Mericle! *ducks at the tomatoes* Of all the EPs on that stage, I only clapped for Mericle and Klemmer. Klemmer because I don't have as much beef with LoT and that show is actually fun to binge (I never watch weekly, though). And Mericle because she was the only female EP up there and, despite her obvious lack of skills at giving any good interviews, she co-wrote some of the more seminal Olicity episodes so I had to give her some props--3x20, 4x01, 4x09,


now 5x20.

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Don't worry, I clapped for Mericle, too. Not very enthusiastically, heh, but I clapped. 

Yeah, I wasn't bothered by KS because I'm used to him, but I can totally see that he wasn't a good moderator. You could tell he's never watched Arrow or LOT. If the shows were in their first season or had never had panels before, this would have been fine, but with where they are now, and a room of die hard fans, I wished we'd gotten more about what's currently happening on each show. Really though, each show should have had their own panel. 

I'm glad you caught that DR picture; I didn't see him right after MG made that comment. I was horrified that he'd said that so I must have face palmed and only saw DR's face a few moments later. 

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

At least MG realizes that it will"send fans into squeals of joy".

I'm trying to figure out which is the more crass remark, MG saying they'll get soda at 1.0 (I remember when they had it before the writing became crap)  or Kevin Smith dismissing 12 year old girls in favour of his comics dude bros.  I'd say it's a tie.

I give the face palm award to KS this time since while I find what MG said as just really thoughless and mean,  KS also couldn't tell David Ramsey and David Harewood apart.  So yeah.  There's that.  

1 hour ago, SleepDeprived said:

For all you Arrow fangirls (I know this thread is a spoiler-friendly one, mods, because it's labeled as such, but I feel like this photo deserves the spoiler bar...): ✌️️

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Their body language doesn't not scream "unity" now does it.  Both leaning away from each other.  Legs crossed away from the other person.  Looking in opposite directions. 

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Published on Mar 18, 2017, by prince mojo

Published on Mar 18, 2017, by prince mojo

-- (At around 12:55 mark) Little girl fan said that she's been watching Arrow with her entire family for the past five months and just started watching The Flash, but she had a question for Arrow (audience laughed and GG had visible reaction), and she then asked: "Will Felicity and Oliver be together?"  In response, SA said: "That's - that's really not up to me. Um, but I will say that they have some really, really cool stuff coming up." (Visible, positive audience reaction)

DCTV/Arrowverse Paleyfest 2017 Panel - The Flash, Supergirl, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow
Published on Mar 19, 2017, by TheDCTVshow

-- (At around 7:38 mark) Moderator Kevin Smith commented on how Diggle is so serious on Arrow, but then when he crosses over, he gets the funny lines. In response, DR said: "You know, every time I get to go to The Flash, I get to have so much fun... You know, John Diggle was kinda funny the first season, like, all these one-liners. And every time Oliver says something, I would say, 'No' (makes deadpan facial expression) ... so there was some levity there. But, you know, I think, after when - probably when Felicity came, it kinda changed things, it really lightened the show up. But every time I go to The Flash, John Diggle needs to be lighter... It's actually a lighter atmosphere with Flash... There's bright light... Everybody's smiling, everybody's happy... And we're literally separated by a wall... By the way, they have cans of soda on their show. We don't...." (This was when MG interjected something about how if Arrow got 1.0 ratings - and then there was visible cast/audience reaction.)

Edited by tv echo
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There's more to JB's interview (go to link to read)...

Experience The Flash-Supergirl musical crossover through John Barrowman's eyes


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How did you feel when you first found out there would be a musical?
: Well, when I found out about the musical, I thought immediately, “I really hope I can be a part of it,” and then I put forward the feelers out to Warner Brothers, to CW, everybody. I hadn’t heard anything, and I just basically then said, “I think you would be daft or stupid not to have me in this. Really.” But they planned on it all along and so they then came and said, “You’re going to do this, you’ll sing this song, and you’ll be in the big dance number.” And I was like, “This is awesome!” But then, all of a sudden, they show me the dance steps and I’m not a hip-hopper, no way. I panicked, but it’s fun. It’s all good. I’m loving it.
*  *  *
Tell us about the movie musical.
What’s interesting is you have in this different world — whether you want to call it an alternate universe, or in the musical world, or the Musical Meister’s world — we are all within the minds of the two truths that go through the story, which are Grant and Melissa, Flash and Supergirl, and they’re going through it as the truth and the rest of us are what’s in their head. That’s why Barry knows me as Malcolm Merlyn, but Supergirl doesn’t know me as Malcolm Merlyn. Everybody makes an appearance. It’s just ironic that everyone who does make the appearance in this world is from the musical world. We’ve got a couple people from the other shows who are a little bit, “Why wasn’t I asked to do it?” which is really awesome. But this world it’s a creation of a couple of musicals put together and also very much like Romeo & Juliet. This is all existing in their heads, not in reality. It’s very bizarre.


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One other Flash moment I remembered - when AK said there wouldn't be a speedster villain next year, the audience cheered, and the EPs looked super surprised. Like, how do they not get that doing the same thing over and over again is boring for the audience?

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