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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Thanks for bringing that over catrox.  It was something I wanted to see.  But, I gotta say, I REALLY glad this one didn't actually work out.  Because I think you're right, there's literally no other role besides barkeeper buddy and Ajax - which means Ajax.  And IMO, I wouldn't want him in the role of Ajax. And it's not because Ajax is a villain, although I would prefer he was a hero role vice villain.  It's because Ajax was a weaksauce villain.  I'll post the rest under a spoiler for those who haven't seen the movie.  That Ajax is a villain is pretty clear right from the start. 


But as villains go, he was a guy who tortured people and didn't like being called Francis.  Now MAYBE Jensen could have made a more complicated character out of this but this was a Ryan Reynolds star vehicle.  I don't think they wouldn't have really scripted a better variant of Ajax.  Sure Ajax had a semi-brilliant evil scheme - make mutants by injecting people with some drug and then torturing them until latent mutant genes took over.  But the script had him pretty cardboard.  His motivation was money.  And not being called Francis.  Maybe Jensen saw him as a Marvel version of the Joker ... but Deadpool already has the corner on the market of crazy in this series.    

Let me be perfectly clear - Jensen has given us nearly 250 hrs of solid hero entertainment over 11 years.  If he wants to pursue something and it makes him happy - I won't begrudge him the experience.  But I think the gal in the video was right - he sells himself short.  He shouldn't be a C-list villain.  I appreciate his humility but he's a better actor than many getting some of the A-list roles (hero OR villain). So, I'm glad he didn't have to owe favors to the studio just to get a part that was not that memorable.  JMO, YMMV.

I do think we are approaching Superhero saturation.  There's a new X-men film out and I'm actually kinda "meh" about taking time to go see it.  Which is pretty unusual for me.  It's not that I don't care for the X-men or the plot or whatever... I just don't have that sense of "oooh, I'm ready for the next chapter".


I thought the other comment in that video link was interesting.  The questioner kind of implied that "Accidents don't just happen accidentally." was a bad line and how does he spit those lines out.  I think it's a pretty damn funny line.  Then again, perhaps she isn't a Yogi Berra fan (or even knew he existed).  And I think Jense LIKES those lines.  But his answer also revealed how much they are re-writing some of their own stuff.  Personally, I think they've earned the right.  I'm not 100% sure that every choice they make is what I like (the "who" regarding Jules Verne comes to mind), but after all the script saves and the performances that elevate the scripts.... I'm not going to complain.

As another example - Jensen mentioned how much they collaborated with the writers for the finale.  Here's my guesses on where the actor influenced the script and where they did not:
- Not involved: anything to do with Lady Toni.  I'm sure they read it but I'm fairly certain they stayed out of that
- The graveyard scene. I bet it was scripted more "talky".  I bet the boys convinced them that less words were better.  The boys were right. That scene was SO well done and so spot-on from the characters' perspective -- there was an investment there that relied on the actor's performances.  And I think they probably were all over that scene. 
- They said Mark and Misha also got involved.  Both had very little to do in the finale, so I'm thinking it was just a few personal touches (like Crowley rejecting the decantur scotch and hunting about a bit in the backgroud to find the right bottle). For Cas, perhaps it was something in the car scene.  
- I bet they had little to no commentary for the Amara & Chuck closure dialog.  

Which leads me to another "hmmmmm"... Jensen mentioned at a convention that he was playing Dean's relationship with Amara as 'confused' versus 'desire' and he had discussed this with Phil Scgriccia.  I have to wonder... did Jensen put the kabosh on more non-con sex moments?  Like, he went through with the kiss in EP 9 but told them that it was just the wrong vibe for actually having more of that?  For example, many people got a bit panicked when Dean went to be bait while they rescued Lucifer.  ("Rescued Lucifer"... now THERE'S an odd concept). Anyway, what if Carver's original intent WAS to make it more sexual and that after he left, it was steered differently because Jensen thought it was wrong for the character.  Too salacious when the emphasis should be on Dean's inability to kill her.  So... in that case, maybe he was with catrox on the squick factor.  


Sorry... comments all over the map... the video evoked them....

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13 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

Getting multiple new writers next season could actually be a very good thing.  It'll be a new story for them, so there'll be some freshness there.  As long as they do their homework where Sam and Dean's personalities are concerned, we might be in for some good storytelling next season.  I'm actually pretty excited.

There are (or were - I'm not sure if some of them write for the show anymore...) several writers of long tenure who still don't know Sam or Dean, so new writers can only be a good thing.

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20 minutes ago, Pete Martell said:

There are (or were - I'm not sure if some of them write for the show anymore...) several writers of long tenure who still don't know Sam or Dean, so new writers can only be a good thing.

I think it really depends on what aspects they choose to enhance or diminish. And sadly I think that will come down to plot more than character. Samsel or dumb!Dean probably won't go away . :(


OMG. OMG. OMG.  Okay. Look. Y'all don't know how much I LURRRRVVVE Lance Reddick. Like I will watch any and all things he is in. And I totally squee'd when I read this tweet from him. I think he is incredibly talented and feel like this is a HUGE compliment from one amazing actor to another. I'm ridiculously happy about this. LOL.

And now I DESPERATELY need Lance Reddick to be on Supernatural. OH GODS PLEASE MAKE IT SO

Oh Gods. He could be the new Death assuming Billie is not really actual Death. Reddick's voice and demeanor and talent and just all the things.

Edited by catrox14
I'm squeeing. Sue me
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Jim Michaels Retweeted Georgia

As of now, no

Jim Michaels added,

Georgia @GeorgiaofHyrule

@TheJimMichaels any news on Jensen directing in season 12? Will he?

Just thought this was interesting and didn't know if anyone had seen this.  Hasn't he directed an episode every year except that year that his daughter was born since the 6th season?

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18 minutes ago, Diane said:



Jim Michaels Retweeted Georgia

As of now, no

Jim Michaels added,

Georgia @GeorgiaofHyrule

@TheJimMichaels any news on Jensen directing in season 12? Will he?

Just thought this was interesting and didn't know if anyone had seen this.  Hasn't he directed an episode every year except that year that his daughter was born since the 6th season?

Yes. It could be with the change-over of showrunners, they haven't finished slating their directors for S12 yet, though. They usually do that around this time of year. Also, him directing requires he come back a couple weeks early, maybe he just didn't want to do that this year? Someone should ask Jensen at an upcoming con.

Edited by DittyDotDot

I don't believe that he directed an episode in S9 which I think he mentioned his disappointment in a con. That season, if I'm not mistaken, Misha directed one, so maybe they didn't want two non-staff directors to do one. That was Carver's second season, so that's not the reason he didn't direct. 

Jensen mentioned at one of the recent cons that he wasn't scheduled to direct in 12, but he would maybe again in 13.  He said if they approached him about season 12, he'd have to talk it over with Danneel.  Someone also asked him about whether he was planning to have more children, and his response led me to believe they might be trying, so who knows.  

11 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

Jensen mentioned at one of the recent cons that he wasn't scheduled to direct in 12, but he would maybe again in 13.  He said if they approached him about season 12, he'd have to talk it over with Danneel.  Someone also asked him about whether he was planning to have more children, and his response led me to believe they might be trying, so who knows.  

I remember that but I also have a recollection that s12 might still be an option.

I think I'll give myself a week or so, and then I'm going to re-watch season 11 the way I watched prior seasons 1-9...by streaming multiple episodes a night.  It's a difficult adjustment to go from that type of viewing to watching one episode a week.  I'm hoping that I'll come to appreciate the season a bit more that way.

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Well, good for Richard.  I have to assume that if Jensen had expressed an interest in directing again this year, they'd have worked it out.  It does cut his hiatus short, so maybe he just opted not to do that this year.  It's time away from his family, and now that JJ is getting older, I'm sure he wants to maximize the time he gets to spend with her.

He could have directed an episode within the Season. It`s not so outrageous that other actors on myriads of other shows don`t do it. There are so many episodes that are Winchester-light/guest-star-centric within a Season now. One of those can easily serve to free up time for pre-production. And Jensen couldn`t really work on post-production in previous years either when they gave him episode 3. So, if they really wanted it, something could have been worked out. My impression just like working out some scheduling conflicts, either filming or directing, is that when it comes to Jensen, they just don`t try hard enough.  

As for Richard directing, well, hopefully he won`t give asshole interviews this time.  

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Jensen has always directed the same episode number each time so that he has the lead in time he needs to prepare.  He's said that doing anything during the season would be too difficult for him, and I'll take him at his word. I personally think that if he had said he wanted in this year, they'd have made it happen.  He talked about it at one of the recent cons, and said he'd have to have a conversation with Danneel, if he were going to do it this season. I'm not privy to the inner workings of their marriage, but I can see where it's a bit of a sacrifice to let him do this every year.  It definitely cuts into the time they have together, as a family.  Even if she goes with him, like I think they might have done last year, he's still working pretty much all the time.  I don't blame him or them for taking a year off.

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Based on this one tweet, I don't think we can jump to the conclusion that this means they've finished slating all the directors for the season. Looks to me it's something Richard said at All Hell Breaks Loose in Sydney, which only means they've confirmed Richard, but that leaves 21 other episodes we just don't know about right now. So, it may not be all over for Jensen. 

I'm also not jumping to the conclusion the show didn't try hard enough. Perhaps Jensen didn't ask to direct one this year? 

  • Love 1

I personally think that if he had said he wanted in this year, they'd have made it happen. 

I think he would have really been interested to do it but for years now the PTBs have not given me any impression other than "luke-warm" and "half-assed" when it comes to him. My opinion of the lot of them couldn`t really be lower these days. 

2 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

Well, good for Richard.  I have to assume that if Jensen had expressed an interest in directing again this year, they'd have worked it out.  It does cut his hiatus short

They respect Jensen.  Every time he has directed they have supported him with positive affirmations and shown that they think he's a great director.  I think he's the one that expresses when he wants to direct.  I think he knows his limits and I think he's the driving force on his schedule for directing.  I wouldn't be surprise if he also wants to spend more time with family.  He may want to do it next year or not. 

Robert Duncan McNeill started directing in the same way.  He and Jensen's experience of directing is very similar.  Robbie is now known as a director even though he's an excellent actor.  He only directed 4 shows for the entire run of Star Trek Voyager.  So I wouldn't jump to they don't respect Jensen when he isn't directing every year.  JMV

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

Jensen has always directed the same episode number each time so that he has the lead in time he needs to prepare.  He's said that doing anything during the season would be too difficult for him, and I'll take him at his word. I personally think that if he had said he wanted in this year, they'd have made it happen.  He talked about it at one of the recent cons, and said he'd have to have a conversation with Danneel, if he were going to do it this season. I'm not privy to the inner workings of their marriage, but I can see where it's a bit of a sacrifice to let him do this every year.  It definitely cuts into the time they have together, as a family.  Even if she goes with him, like I think they might have done last year, he's still working pretty much all the time.  I don't blame him or them for taking a year off.

I think it's totally Jensen's call.  I'm sure they'd love him to direct EP3 again. But perhaps that's the issue: EP3 or not at all.  

I'm going to take the rest of my thoughts over to TPTB thread.

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1 hour ago, DittyDotDot said:

Based on this one tweet, I don't think we can jump to the conclusion that this means they've finished slating all the directors for the season. Looks to me it's something Richard said at All Hell Breaks Loose in Sydney, which only means they've confirmed Richard, but that leaves 21 other episodes we just don't know about right now. So, it may not be all over for Jensen. 

I'm also not jumping to the conclusion the show didn't try hard enough. Perhaps Jensen didn't ask to direct one this year? 

It's been said here before that all the directors slots are determined before filming begins. If Richard is announcing this now, then I think it's reasonable to think all the spots have been slated. It's a two-week prep for production, 8 to 9 days of filming and then any post-production.

Since the pattern has been Jensen directs first regardless of when the episode airs it seems more likely that he's not directing this season. Misha can direct during the season because he's not scheduled to be in every episode.

From SuperWiki:



eason 12

Supernatural was renewed for a 12th season on 11 March 2016.
Filming should begin sometime in July 2016 and run through April 2017.
Possibly Season 12 will start on Mon, 11 July 2016 -- based on 2 tweets at the end of Season 11 saying they had 82 days from the end of Season 11 to the start of Season 12. But often the production office opens one day before actual filming starts, so filming could begin on Tues, 12 July.

Ep #   Filming Start Date      Filming End Date   Notes

12.0112 July 2016
(guess)July 2016

12.02July 2016July 2016


12.22 or 12.23?April 2017April 2017


Jim Michaels tweeted this a few days ago.

Could Jensen et al announce something within the next week or so that Jensen is directing or Jensen tweets he's heading back up to Vancouver at the end of June  to start his prep work? Of course. I just think it's unlikely at this point.

Tumblr is batshit crazy town. I don`t think it`s a good idea from anyone from any show to get an official tumblr. Twitter interactions have been going sideways more and more for some show-folk but tumblr is a step beyond. Maybe he views it as another experiment in social media interaction but my reaction remains "hell no". 

Misha isn't the only cast member to join Tumblr. Matt, Rob, Osric, Briana and Kim Rhodes all joined before Misha (but I actually think Misha's been on it since last year. I think this is related to GISHWES, RandomActs or YANA/AKF.  He's pointed out Saturday as an important date. Saturday he'll be in Phoenix for the convention. I'm totally interested in what he's up to. I'll bet they may announce something to do with the helpline he and Jensen were trying to get going for SPN fans.

I personally don't think Tumblr is all batshit crazytown. It all depends on how you curate your own timeline. Tumblr is what the users make of it.  Easy enough to not follow blogs that have things you find offensive, objectionable, or just uninteresting. I've read some fantastic meta on various tv shows, movies, character studies. I see beautiful fanart as well. Sure there are cesspools of crap that might slip into your timeline via bad tagging but just drive around all that and leave them to their own spaces.  Don't have your ASK open. Don't allow anonymous asks. There are ways the actors can curate their blogs.  They or someone that helps them will have to learn how to tag and blacklist.  But as a platform, I think it's pretty interesting. 

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On 6/9/2016 at 0:19 PM, catrox14 said:

Misha isn't the only cast member to join Tumblr. Matt, Rob, Osric, Briana and Kim Rhodes all joined before Misha (but I actually think Misha's been on it since last year. I think this is related to GISHWES, RandomActs or YANA/AKF.  He's pointed out Saturday as an important date. Saturday he'll be in Phoenix for the convention. I'm totally interested in what he's up to. I'll bet they may announce something to do with the helpline he and Jensen were trying to get going for SPN fans.

I personally don't think Tumblr is all batshit crazytown. It all depends on how you curate your own timeline. Tumblr is what the users make of it.  Easy enough to not follow blogs that have things you find offensive, objectionable, or just uninteresting. I've read some fantastic meta on various tv shows, movies, character studies. I see beautiful fanart as well. Sure there are cesspools of crap that might slip into your timeline via bad tagging but just drive around all that and leave them to their own spaces.  Don't have your ASK open. Don't allow anonymous asks. There are ways the actors can curate their blogs.  They or someone that helps them will have to learn how to tag and blacklist.  But as a platform, I think it's pretty interesting. 

I -ts for "wank" "hate" "nsfw" and one particular user who just grates me and many repost her stuff.

On 6/8/2016 at 10:02 PM, catrox14 said:

This is already hilarious. Tumblr peeps are in a panic that Misha is going to see all Destiel/Cockles/Samstiel/Mishalecki fics and posts. 

Did they think they were somehow hidden simply because he wasn't on tumblr? A simple google could have directed him to some of those things without him being on tumblr. If people are afraid of what he might see, maybe they shouldn't have posted it in the first place.

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