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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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So, I was watching the latest con videos and somebody literally asked Jensen how he would feel if Jared died. They were referencing Dean's mindset in Red Meat and Jensen would feel if that happened to Jared. Like WTF? JFC.  Like okay some of the shit they ask them I just roll my eyes...but this is too personal, too intimate. Unreal. I mean what the actual fuck. I was embarrassed for ERRYONE. And poor Jensen, like why make him even think about something like that during a fun thing like a con. I would say the same thing about anyone being asked that about a real person they know and love during a convention. I mean WTF kind of answer did they expect? Why would they need to hear Jensen declare to anyone how he would feel if Jared died?


Sorry that just really pissed me off. 

Edited by catrox14
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That kind of question seems in really poor taste to say the least catrox. Maybe the person was nervous and the question came out differently than it was intended or at least I would hope so. Do you have a link? Or maybe I shouldn't watch it anyway because then I won't be able to give the con goer a plausible reason to ask such a horrible question. I mean WTF is he supposed to say to that?

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That kind of question seems in really poor taste to say the least catrox. Maybe the person was nervous and the question came out differently than it was intended or at least I would hope so. Do you have a link? Or maybe I shouldn't watch it anyway because then I won't be able to give the con goer a plausible reason to ask such a horrible question. I mean WTF is he supposed to say to that?




She said "In the last episode, um I know you said it was hard for you to  imagine Jared dead before, so I was wondering how you coped with doing that scene in the last episode". Jensen says "Jared dead or Sam dead?" She says "Either one, they're the same thing. " (wait, what? UM NO, one is character and one is his BEST FRIEND). Jensen said "Let's be clear about this"


Jared tried to make a joke of saying how would Jensen react to Sam being dead, which Jensen made a joke about 'What do you mean I'm in every scene".  He went on to answer the question as to how he would feel if it were Jared and then said Dean would do stupid things. 


I think she was asking Jensen about Jared and tried to walk it back and play it off when Jensen was like "Wait, what"


She didn't seem particularly shy or tongue tied to me.



I marked this to start at the question




Edited by catrox14
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She said "In the last episode, um I know you said it was hard for you to  imagine Jared dead before, so I was wondering how you coped with doing that scene in the last episode". Jensen says "Jared dead or Sam dead?" She says "Either one, there the same thing. " (wait, what? UM NO, one is character and one is his BEST FRIEND). Jensen said "Let's be clear about this"


Jared tried to make a joke of saying how would Jensen react to Sam being dead, which Jensen made a joke about 'What do you mean I'm in every scene".  He went on to answer the question as to how he would feel if it were Jared and then said Dean would do stupid things. 


I think she was asking Jensen about Jared and trying to play it off when Jensen was like "Wait, what"


She didn't seem particularly shy or tongue tied to me.

Thanks for the link, I'll brace myself before watching. Some people, I swear.


At the earlier cons I attended, they had a moderator for each line of people asking questions (on either side of the hall). Those moderators asked what the question was for the guys before it was asked. Sounds to me it's time to go back to that. There is no reason to have personal questions of that nature to be asked. No reason to ask the same questions over and over. Time for a change, I think. 


ETA: It would also eliminate all the "woe is me stories" and other attendees personal stories. Sometimes I've felt they were just looking for sympathy or a hug from the guys. Poor taste, either way since it's not the time or place. Of course this is my opinion only.

Edited by FlickChick
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I haven't watched any of the con videos from this past weekend, but I agree, that was in poor taste.  I also agree that they need to moderate the question asking at this point, both to keep it from being so redundant and to keep the personal questions out.  Asking about whether they're planning to have more children, or how they feel about their wife's nude scenes is just ridiculous.  I might be imagining it, but I watch Jensen's face during some of these questions and I get the impression he'd rather be anywhere else than there sometimes.  I can't say that I blame him.  

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I might be imagining it, but I watch Jensen's face during some of these questions and I get the impression he'd rather be anywhere else than there sometimes.


Well, the 50K per con probably mitigates his desire to leave LOL.  But I do agree there are times when I think he's doing his best to not just go "WTF is wrong with you people" LOL

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Yes, Catrox, I'm sure the money is the big motivator for most of them.  It would be for me, too, but it would be hard for me to not let my feelings show on my face sometimes.  I get that people are nervous when they're in the same room with these guys, but you'd think that if you were planning to ask a question, you could give it a bit more thought than that.  This is your one opportunity to ask something interesting!

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Is that a guess 50k per con?



I'll have to find the article I read where it listed that as the price, but that might be for the panels and the photo ops combined. I'll see if I can find it again.  It'll take me awhile because I can't remember where I saw it. It was like a link in a post somewhere to another link, but the info looked pretty legit to me.

Rant Warning

So, I was watching the latest con videos and somebody literally asked Jensen how he would feel if Jared died. They were referencing Dean's mindset in Red Meat and Jensen would feel if that happened to Jared. Like WTF? JFC. Like okay some of the shit they ask them I just roll my eyes...but this is too personal, too intimate. Unreal. I mean what the actual fuck. I was embarrassed for ERRYONE. And poor Jensen, like why make him even think about something like that during a fun thing like a con. I would say the same thing about anyone being asked that about a real person they know and love during a convention. I mean WTF kind of answer did they expect? Why would they need to hear Jensen declare to anyone how he would feel if Jared died?

Sorry that just really pissed me off.

I was ASTOUNDED at that question and really impressed that Jensen managed to answer it without serious grumpiness.

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I am re-posting the TNT re-run information here as well: For all those who do not have Netfix accounts and haven't bought Season 10 DVDs, TNT is going to run the entire season 10 beginning this coming Tuesday, April 12 at 9:00 am Eastern/8:00 am Central. It will begin with the finale from S9, and show four episodes each weekday, ending on Tuesday, April 19



The AV Club drives me crazy with how it will write an occasional piece on SPN but dropped it's weekly coverage. And barely gets mentioned in the "What's On Tonight" either. Bah.  wishy washy

Edited by catrox14

At this point, I`m pretty sure this will be the first Season without a single one Dean-centric episode. The character has been so weirdly passive and in the background the entire year, I have to diagree with the AV club on just about everything. In retrospect I liked Seasons 9 and 10 miles better than Season 11.

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At this point, I`m pretty sure this will be the first Season without a single one Dean-centric episode. The character has been so weirdly passive and in the background the entire year, I have to diagree with the AV club on just about everything. In retrospect I liked Seasons 9 and 10 miles better than Season 11.


Imagine if they ran with demon!Dean for at least 6 or so episodes, I would have given all the props to the writers.

I'm still conflicted as to if they could have.There's always a risk... It was like the Angelus arc on Angel. They loved the idea of revisiting Angelus on Angel, but then they practically neutered him. I don't think he even stalked and killed anyone - and that's one of Angelus' favorite things to do! Sure he said a lot of scary things, but it seems they were afraid to actually let him do anything. I think it was the same for them with demon Dean... I think having Dean as a demon for that many episodes without Dean doing some major damage  would start to skirt credibility - especially once he "broke up with" Crowley. Crowley made sure demon Dean got demons and the occasional asshat to kill, but once they parted ways, how was Dean going to satisfy the mark while a demon without falling off the wagon?


So I personally think that was why they didn't do it. In general, they've gone there with Sam - Sam killed the innocent nurse, for example - and Sam went dark and started an apocalypse (and later started another one) but they don't really have that kind of thing for Dean, because I don't think they want to take him to that dark a place or have him make that kind of mess up. Dean did kill people when he went crazy with the mark, but they were all horrible people. There wasn't a deliberate "innocent" like we had with Sam in season 4. Also, with the mark of Cain, Dean could show guilt for his actions. It would've been completely silly for them to show Dean have guilt/remorse as a demon, and I don't think they wanted to go to that place with Dean at all - i.e. remorseless killer - so they decided to cut the story short before it would seem silly that demon Dean was such a saint compared to other demons.

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Crowley made sure demon Dean got demons and the occasional asshat to kill, but once they parted ways, how was Dean going to satisfy the mark while a demon without falling off the wagon?


He went off the wagon anyway with the Mark, he slaughtered Randy and the Rapists.  They could have had Sam hunting Dean for like 4 episodes. Had a real confrontation between Dean and Sam about their lives like they touched on in Soul Survivor.  Have some demons come to Sam for help because Dean is a threat to Crowley. Enlist Cas to work with Crowley instead of the stupid shit with Hannah.  demon!Dean could have hunted other demons or monsters for pay.  He didn't have to save people if he didn't want to. 


Dean was taking a dark turn in Reichenbach that was really setting up shit between him and Crowley.  Soulless Sam was not the same as demon!Dean and to me that would have resulted in different stories. But they just didn't want to do it.



I honestly believe that the reason behind cutting the demonDean storyline so short was because of the 200th episode they planned. They could hardly send in a demon for a high school musical! The bottom line is that the showrunner/writers don't plan things out as they should. ;(

I honestly believe that the reason behind cutting the demonDean storyline so short was because of the 200th episode they planned. They could hardly send in a demon for a high school musical! The bottom line is that the showrunner/writers don't plan things out as they should. ;(


Oh, I've said that for a long time. 


I can think of several ways right now to put demon!Dean at that high school that are not dangerous to the students or have Dean trying to perve on the girls. He doesn't do that anyway and I don't think demon!Dean would either. 


He could have been boning the teacher that disappeared and he hears she gone, decides to check it out for himself.

He could have been chasing down a demon that screwed him over who works as a janitor.

He could have been sent by Crowley to kill the male school janitor like he was sent to kill Mindy.  (this is my first choice)


demon!Dean was only partly cured by Sam but he's ready to try hunting because he's got a battle within himself to be human or demon.  So they do the whole 200th. As they drive away we see Dean's eyes in the rear view mirror flash black so quickly it's hard to say if it happened or not( just like in Inside Man)


Literally everything else in s10 would stay the same except all of Dean's actions are shrouded by the mystery of did we see those eyes and we wonder if and when Dean turns back into a demon. 


Or they could have just made it clear that the 200th was a one off alternate meta episode. and was like a dream demon!Dean was having since he did apparently sleep.


There's all kinds of things they could've done to have their 200th epi and continue the demon Dean story. Which is why I agree with Awesom0 that the writers didn't want to go to a seriously dark place with Dean and that's why it was over so quickly. And I'm good with that because I didn't want to see dark Dean. But if it's true that they weren't willing to take Dean to a dark place, they shouldn't have made him a demon in the first place. Because I do feel like viewers who were looking forward to that were cheated a little.

Edited by Bessie
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 And I'm good with that because I didn't want to see dark Dean. But if it's true that they weren't willing to take Dean to a dark place, they shouldn't have made him a demon in the first place. Because I do feel like viewers who were looking forward to that were cheated a little.

I agree with this so much. First off I was pissed that they made him a demon because really? Then I was even more pissed it was just done for shock value IMO because the only repercussion I've seen of Dean being a demon is that he blames himself and feels angsty. He was doing that seasons ago without black eyes.

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And I'm good with that because I didn't want to see dark Dean. But if it's true that they weren't willing to take Dean to a dark place, they shouldn't have made him a demon in the first place. Because I do feel like viewers who were looking forward to that were cheated a little.


The crazy thing is they DID take Dean to a dark place anyway.


I loved that Jensen had a chance to really do something different with demon!Dean. And he was surely having fun doing it. And the HAIR was awesome.   I did laugh that Jensen made a point in the most recent con that demon!Dean had higher ratings...I don't know if that was true but he and Jared were both pretty salty about demon!Dean not running 6 to 10 episodes. 


I figured if they were going to the trouble to kill Dean and make him a demon...DO SOMETHING WITH IT! Bah.  missed opportunties.


Taking the rest of my reply to the bitterness thread

Edited by catrox14
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I agree with this so much. First off I was pissed that they made him a demon because really? Then I was even more pissed it was just done for shock value IMO because the only repercussion I've seen of Dean being a demon is that he blames himself and feels angsty. He was doing that seasons ago without black eyes.


Taking my reply to the Bitterness thread

Holy crap.


So J2 was out in Austin this weekend apparently drunk af...


Jensen kissed a fan on the forehead and gave another fan $200 because it was her birthday.  Where was Jensen on my birthday??




sara ‏@sararofl

I cannot believe this happened though



Edited by catrox14

Man, they looked like they were tearing it up. Then the next day the whole gang of Padackles went to the zoo. I love how they all hang out together all the time.


The zoo trip was for Thomas' birthday.  I would think at some point Jared and Jensen would get sick of each other.  LOL I mean they spend 12 hours a day working together, live near each other, go to cons every other weekend, and go on vacation together.  I swear they spend more time together than most married couples. 

Man, they looked like they were tearing it up. Then the next day the whole gang of Padackles went to the zoo. I love how they all hang out together all the time.


Seriously? I missed them at the zoo by a week. What's a girl gotta do to run into Jensen and Jared in her hometown?!

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Oh, man- that stinks! I think it's pretty awesome that they are so approachable. Though it kinda is a bummer that they can't go anywhere without getting mobbed...but I think it was Jensen who said that if you saw them out and about to always feel like you can come say hi to them. I don't know of any other "fandom" so to speak that is like this one, especially with the two biggest stars (maybe some of the other actors aren't as approachable as them? I have no idea.)

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Seriously? I missed them at the zoo by a week. What's a girl gotta do to run into Jensen and Jared in her hometown?!


Go to Jared's bar?


Hahaha, yeah I was just about to say:  go bar-hopping?


But honestly, I would LOVE to go to Jared's bar. If I'm ever in Austin, I am definitely going to turn up.


I mean, it would be great to run into him (and Jensen), too, but mostly because it looks like a cool place and I'm really curious about it. I wonder how involved he is in how it's run? Or even the bookings it gets? Probably not very, because he's nothing if not busy, but the whole thing is really neat.


Says the person who manages a restaurant. But come on, it's cool!

Edited by rue721
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