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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Bethy, I think that depends on whether or not they are going to use (what I believe is) Kripke's original ending of the "five year plan". That would be a "Butch & Sundance" end with both brothers sacrificing themselves to save the world - yet again. I believe that that scenario was the original concept of "Swan Song" with both brothers overcoming their vessels to sacrifice themselves to save the world, thus redeeming themselves for starting the Apocalypse.


But since Kripke's not in the picture, but Bob Singer is, who knows? My personal headcanon is that they are in a TV show called "Supernatural" since the end of "Changing Channels" when they said that they wished they were still in a TV show. Wish granted by Gabe, aka The Trickster. Don't mind me, I'm a little crazy at times...

This is kind of interesting. According to AdWeek SPN is amongst the top 5 Tweeted about shows set to premiere.





A pair of veteran CW shows in Supernatural and The Vampire Dairies are among the top five most-tweeted about returning programs, along with ABC's Grey's Anatomy and Once Upon a Time. The zombies of AMC's behemoth The Walking Dead round out the list.

I've heard rumors of the Butch and Sundance ending, and while I know there are people who want that and think it would be a fitting end, I'm a sap and want a happy ending for the boys.

I just want it to end in such a way that we can get a Supernatural movie!

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So, what you are telling me is that you really do want the Winchesters to be immortal...


what if it takes both of them going fully demon or fully dick angel for that to happen? I would pay all the money for a King of Hell!Dean and dickAngel!Sam.


I will never understand why you want to damn Dean's soul for all eternity.  I thought you loved Dean.

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I will never understand why you want to damn Dean's soul for all eternity.  I thought you loved Dean.



/looks for "I love Dean Winchester" fancard.

/Mumbles to self : Ah yes. There it is.  I still have it.  Whew.


Because it would be fun. Plain and simple.  Jensen himself talked about being disappointed with how quickly they wrapped it. That he enjoyed playing demon!Dean. Flexing those other acting muscles.  Dean Winchester being murdered and turned into a demon broke my heart which I think my comments were pretty clear on that point. Something to the effect of YOU GD M"FERS. F THIS SHOW "


Yet once I saw what Jensen was doing with demon!Dean especially in Reichenbach and Soul Survvior, it was one of the most compelling performances he's ever given. He was Dean by not Dean. It was brilliant and  I want more of it.  And this time let demon!Dean DO something meaningful with that power.


/ turns card over:  Wait, why did no one tell me the other side is "I hate Dean Winchester because I want interesting things for Jensen Ackles to do"  Dammit.

Edited by catrox14
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Catrox, I LOVE the character of Dean Winchester, one of the best fictional characters ever on TV. The depth brought to the character by Jensen is phenomenal. However, I am sad to say, that if you want "interesting things for Jensen Ackles to do", I believe that will only happen once the series ends and Jensen takes on other projects. The writing on this show is so sub-par, that Jensen won't really have an opportunity to showcase all of his talents. Frankly, it has amazed me that he hasn't gotten to the point of just phoning it in. :(

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Catrox, I LOVE the character of Dean Winchester, one of the best fictional characters ever on TV. The depth brought to the character by Jensen is phenomenal. However, I am sad to say, that if you want "interesting things for Jensen Ackles to do", I believe that will only happen once the series ends and Jensen takes on other projects. The writing on this show is so sub-par, that Jensen won't really have an opportunity to showcase all of his talents. Frankly, it has amazed me that he hasn't gotten to the point of just phoning it in. :(





I feel like I need to clarify.


Just because I want to see Jensen do even MORE with Dean, show different gears =/= me no longer having the love and respect and admiration for the profound and wonderful work in making Dean Winchester into one of the most iconic characters on TV.  It's adding to the already remarkable work he's done.


I don't think he will ever phone it in with Dean. He loves that character too much to do that.

Edited by catrox14
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what if it takes both of them going fully demon or fully dick angel for that to happen? I would pay all the money for a King of Hell!Dean and dickAngel!Sam.


Heh... and I would go the other way with Boy King Sam and dick Angel Dean. (Sam can then taunt Lucifer, and Dean can hang out with Cas.)


Interesting that we would both give the King of Hell part to the character we each favor... what does that say about us?

I guess we're Buffy... good to know. ; )


Buffy: And the thing is, I like my evil like I like my men - evil. You know, straight up, black hat, tied to the train tracks, "soon my electro-ray will destroy Metropolis," bad. Not all mixed up with guilt and the destruction of an indigenous culture.
Edited by AwesomO4000
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/looks for "I love Dean Winchester" fancard.

/Mumbles to self : Ah yes. There it is.  I still have it.  Whew.


Because it would be fun. Plain and simple.  Jensen himself talked about being disappointed with how quickly they wrapped it. That he enjoyed playing demon!Dean. Flexing those other acting muscles.  Dean Winchester being murdered and turned into a demon broke my heart which I think my comments were pretty clear on that point. Something to the effect of YOU GD M"FERS. F THIS SHOW "


Yet once I saw what Jensen was doing with demon!Dean especially in Reichenbach and Soul Survvior, it was one of the most compelling performances he's ever given. He was Dean by not Dean. It was brilliant and  I want more of it.  And this time let demon!Dean DO something meaningful with that power.


/ turns card over:  Wait, why did no one tell me the other side is "I hate Dean Winchester because I want interesting things for Jensen Ackles to do"  Dammit.


So what you're saying is -- you love Jensen Ackles.  You want him to have interesting things to play.  It doesn't sound, to me, like you love Dean.


Of course, you don't have to love a character the same way I do.  But when I love a character, I want good things to happen to them.  I don't want Dean to become the King of Hell, or a demon again, because of the horrible things it will do to his soul.


I want him to keep doing what he's doing; I want him to try to be the best man he can while saving people and hunting things.  He wants to be a good guy; I want that for him, too.


I'm just confused, that's all.

Well, when you put it that way..


Yeah, I guess I don't want Sam to be "evil." I guess I want my cake and eat it, too. I would want him to be a "good" Boy King of Hell. (I'm not sure how that Boy King thing was supposed to work anyway, because wasn't Sam supposed to stay "human" to do things that demons couldn't? I was never entirely clear on that.)


But I mostly don't want him to fade away... so if getting rid of the Darkness means he gets obliterated into nothingness - I'm not for that. For either brother.

So what you're saying is -- you love Jensen Ackles.  You want him to have interesting things to play.  It doesn't sound, to me, like you love Dean.


Of course, you don't have to love a character the same way I do.  But when I love a character, I want good things to happen to them.  I don't want Dean to become the King of Hell, or a demon again, because of the horrible things it will do to his soul.


I want him to keep doing what he's doing; I want him to try to be the best man he can while saving people and hunting things.  He wants to be a good guy; I want that for him, too.


I'm just confused, that's all.



What's to be confused about? 


We can debate, argue, disagree, want different things for the characters and by extension the actors, and the story lines or the debate the quality of said work or characterizations but to me  bringing into question the level of "love" or "like" a character or an actor in that role, is no better than questioning someone's sports true fanhood because you disagree about the trajectory of the team.


I think my history of commenting here about Dean Winchester 1.0 and 2.0 makes it quite clear how I feel about Dean Winchester the character and how Jensen Ackles has portrayed Dean Winchester.  If a reader chooses to draw the wrong conclusion that I no longer love that character because it would be fun to see King of Hell!Dean from a story perspective, not much I can do about that. 


ETA: I deleted the first part of my post because that's not really what I wanted to say. If anyone read that please refresh because I thought more about what I wanted to say.

Edited by catrox14

So what you're saying is -- you love Jensen Ackles.  You want him to have interesting things to play.  It doesn't sound, to me, like you love Dean.


Of course, you don't have to love a character the same way I do.  But when I love a character, I want good things to happen to them.  I don't want Dean to become the King of Hell, or a demon again, because of the horrible things it will do to his soul.


I want him to keep doing what he's doing; I want him to try to be the best man he can while saving people and hunting things.  He wants to be a good guy; I want that for him, too.


I'm just confused, that's all.

I have been trying to explain why I am fine with Dean not being a Demon anymore and you nailed it!  Thanks for speaking my mind :-)

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For me the time to do the storyline "Justice" with Demon Dean has passed.  They failed.  So no I don't want to see it revisited. 


I did wonder if Death was trying to set up Dean to be his replacement at one point but that too has passed, and I don't think the current writers will go there.


My interest now is Dean being the best hunter and man that he can be.  I want good things for him. 


I think Jensen will always give his all to any project he is doing and I hope when he decides to leave Supernatural we will get to see something new and exciting on screen.  I don't want him to disappear behind the camera as many other actors have done.  But only time will tell what will happen.  :)

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No movies.  They have twenty two eps a year to do something interesting with the Winchester story and I can't see any reason to think they would do anything better with a two hour big screen adaptation.  They would have to try to water down the mythology to make it "accessible" for non-SPN fans to go see.  A movie simply wouldn't work.  I'm ok with that. 


I fear the boys will die in the very last ep, but that would be so tragic.  If they do, I expect a thirty-second scene tacked on of them in heaven together, with Mom, Dad, Bobby, Kevin, and Cas, and maybe, if their heaven is still at the Roadhouse, they can bring back Ellen, Jo and Ash too.  I want to think the boys will be happy in their afterlife!

  • Love 1

For me the time to do the storyline "Justice" with Demon Dean has passed.

Every time I see the word Justice (especially capitalized) in association with Supernatural, I seen Jensen Ackles on a Con stage putting his hands on his hips and saying "For Justice!" (speaking of his daughter).  I cannot un-see it.  I think that word may be ruined for me now. 

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Exactly. You know, they work 14 hr days 5-6 days a week. They fly to a convention 13+ weekends a year and spend and entire day engaging with literally 1000's of fans.

And yet they seem to ALWAYS do some sightseeing the day before a convention.

Exactly what go-juice are they drinking and can I have some?

I've traveled 75,000 airline miles this year. Over 100K last year. And I see the airport, the hotel, work, the hotel, and the airport. That's it. I seriously need to step into some adventure shoes and do more sightseeing when I travel.

I was wondering why so dressy in a tie and blazer not why was he was in NYC since I know they are there for the Jersey con. My geographical skills are not that bad.  LOL


But mostly I'm lamenting why I can't just run into him on the street.  Oh well.

They're on the Upper East Side.  You can see the Dolce and Gabbana store behind them.  I'm not saying that the clothes horse is looking for some new duds... but I can see Jensen dragging Jared out to some nice NYC clothing stores and Jensen DOES like nice suits.  What better time to get a new something-or-other than when you can shop on 5th avenue in NYC? 


Just random speculation here, of course.  And if I was their wives, I'd be expecting something nice in a little blue box (Tiffany's) or something for themselves.  

Edited by SueB
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They're now at the theater, and Jared is now wearing a blazer too:

RT @JensenAckles: Three stooges at the theater. @jarpad looks nervous. @bodyguard4JandJ http://twitter.com/JensenAckles/status/647940591578443776/photo/1

So that ALSO explains the duds.  Wonder what they're seeing?



I really don't understand what Clif does for them. I know it says bodyguard for J&J but wasn't their driver to and from set. If he's bodyguarding them how can he do that when a lot of the time they are in separate places. Like who's body guard is he really? That's always bugged me.

I hope they are seeing Hamilton. Just because erryone has raved about it.

And here's another one





Sue B, did you just call Jensen a clothes horse because he likes nice suits? LOL wut?

Edited by catrox14

I think he's just their bodyguard at the cons, around set and when they're doing official functions. And I do believe he drives them to and from set a lot. i don't think he goes home with either of them or anything like that. But, when they're in public together and stuff, I think he's just there to be a bit of a buffer so they don't get mobbed and such. I wouldn't be surprised that he's just hanging out with them as friends, tonight though.

I'm changing my guess to Book of Mormon at the Eugene O Neill theatre. That's my final answer


Why you ask? Because apparently just bored enough to look at images pics of the inside of the theatres and I think they are at the Eugene O Neill theatre. 


That's how it goes when your baseball team is the suckiest sucks that ever sucked and it hurts to watch them.

Edited by catrox14

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