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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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That show is still going to be on? Hmm, I thought that it was going to be canceled after the first season.


I think JDM talked about it in his panel at the Vegas Con. Something about TPTB not getting to tell the story they wanted so they fired everyone except Halle Berry and hired some new folks and are going to try it all again.




Supernatural Parody.  This is so much fun. TW:




Bless these fart blossoms. Bless them all.


Osric in that wig...I was laughing so very hard. Thanks for that, I really needed a pick me up!

  • Love 4

Holy shit. Adam Glass is leaving the show. 


Adam Glass @AdamGlass44  ·  3m 3 minutes ago

5 years, 15 episodes, 4ever in my heart. I love #SPN and I thank everyone 4 the kindness you've shown my family and I through the yea


Adam Glass @AdamGlass44  ·  2m 2 minutes ago

But it is time 2 move on and go back to what I was b4 I started writing on the show. A FAN. So, this is not goodbye, because #SPN is family
27 retweets 42 favorites


Adam Glass @AdamGlass44  ·  55s 55 seconds ago

And for those who reached out and asked if I was leaving I didn't want to say to the #SPN season was over so as not to take away from it
2 retweets 10 favorites


Adam Glass @AdamGlass44  ·  now 15 seconds ago

I will 4ever be grateful to @serathegamble for hiring me. #SPN changed my life. And my fellow writers are friends for life. I love them.


Adam Glass @AdamGlass44  ·  25s 25 seconds ago

A special thanks to @andrewdabb @rthompson1138 my brothers from another mother. I loved being in the fox hole with you and dreaming r dreams


I am not happy about this like AT ALL :(.

Edited by catrox14
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I wondered. It was really weird how Robbie Thompson had two episodes so close together and Mr. Glass should've had one around the time of Angel Heart. I thought something might be hinky there.


Anyway, good luck to him. He was always hit and miss for me, but he was one of the few left that seemed to have a bit of passion for the material, so I'm sure he will be missed.

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He was hit or miss but I loved his two young Dean episodes which gave so much more wonderful history to Dean's characterization. 


dam Glass ‏@AdamGlass44 3s4 seconds ago

I knew while writing it that "ABOUT A BOY" would be my love letter to the #SPN fans. And I'm so glad you all dug it. That and BAD BOYS favs

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That's really too bad about Adam Glass. His scripts were clearly written with a lot of care, and his episodes have been some of the highlights of the last couple seasons because of that imo.


So TPTB are apparently pissing off Robbie Thompson, losing Adam Glass....what is the writers' room going to look like next season?!


I'm sure Ross-Leming and Buckner will still be there, god help us.

Supernatural Parody.  This is so much fun. TW:




Bless these fart blossoms. Bless them all.


Thank you so much for this!


I hereby nominate you for Supernatural's number one fan! I always look for your posts, and you never let me down! Keep it up.

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DANG. Jensen throwing some shade at AHBL re Charlies death.

RT @redteekal #AHBL6 JAs response when he read the Dark Dynasty script: Oh Come On! Went to talk to Singer about it. 1/2

#AHBL6 2/2 Singer's response: It's where the story takes us. JA: Well that's just bullshit.They just needed to throw a grenade, spice it up.

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I'm wondering if Jensen being quiet is to see how fans are responding.  Many loved it but many didn't.  The question will be, does Jensen love it next season???


But if they got rid of the boys, this show would be so easy to quit.  Not even the Dukes of Hazzard's could go on with Bo and Luke Duke.  lol


Oh Jensen. He really is too much. There are very few AHBL con videos due to the strict rules but someone captured Jensen speaking about Jared...and man this is pretty wonderful

Guh. Also, shallow note...gods I LUUUUVVVE Jensen's normal voice.  Jeebus......./swoons




Transcript of his comments. 

Speaking of continuing to fight, Jared got – he  got tuckered out. His batteries ran a little low. As you know he is a big guy and he gives a lot of himself to a lot of people. Emotionally and physically and then just, well not physically, that’s weird. Scratch that. Scratch that.


Seriously though, he is an emotional man and I love him for that. He is my brother, he is my best friend and he happens to be a co-worker. So it’s all – it’s all good. He is back home. He is getting some rest. He is with his family, he is with his kids. I am excited to head back that way and check in on him and make sure he is just getting recharged the way he needs to be. He just - he has a problem with you know reserving, keeping some in the reserve tank and in my opinion that’s not a bad thing. But when it gets a little low sometimes, I have to be like, hey back to the filming [sic] )station. (pretty sure that is "filling"). So that’s where he is and I knew he wouldn’t be able to give as much as he would have wanted to, to you guys and that would have really upset him and I know you would have wanted him at his best and I would have wanted him at his best and he would have wanted to be at his best, so he is excited to hopefully see you guys in the future. I know he was really, really looking forward to coming here. So keep him in your thoughts, keep supporting him, keep sending him good messages. He gets them. He knows the love is out there. He knows the support is out there and I will remind him when I get home.


He is just a big dumb emotional Moose. Sometimes the smart little squirrel has to tell him what to do    
Jensen on Jared at AHBL6 Sydney
Edited by catrox14
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I know a pic has already been shown of Jensen showing his little tummy by accident, but I really laughed watching his reactions during this section of the con panel with Misha.  Hope you enjoy.


Of course rewinding to peek at one section doesn't say anything about me at all does it?  :)



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I think that is another reason why I kept rewinding it catrox 14.


Another reason I might not be able to stop watching the show is I love these guys at cons.  Jensen admits that the last 2 years the conventions have been different for him.  He finally is able to let the love in and share more with the fans.  He credits it with the birth of his daughter...Everybody say ...awwwwwwwwwwww now.  :)


I swear if they would package the best of the conventions together, they could make a mint.  I know I would buy something if it was reasonable.  :)

I love thT Jensen is not too proud to admit he struggled with shyness and feeling the need to protect himself. I'm actually a bit like that. I mean I'm friendly and will shoot the breeze but I also feel guarded too. Basically trust issues. Plus we've seen him change and goddammit, he's an inspiration for on that front.

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I love that she speaks about how hard it is and depressing.  When you start out you don't get that, not really you think you'll be able to over come it.  But it does take a toll on your soul and only a few lucky ones get their dreams.  The rest of us quit for sanity and try to find something that fulfills that dream that is now missing. 


There are more opportunities today, but it doesn't mean it's an easy field and that you still won't have your heart ripped out.  Somehow you have to get the rejection isn't personal, but it sure feels like it.  :(

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That interview makes me like her a lot better. For one, because finding out that she was homeschooled as a kid makes so much sense in retrospect (not in a bad way, she just has a "hothouse flower" vibe to me), and for two, because she's so frank. In interviews like that with a successful actor, if they reference struggling, it's usually in this artificially lighthearted way, like:  "I had forty-five cents and an eviction notice to my name the day I got my ~big break~! I was so ~bohemian~!" I like that FD was frank that having nothing and knowing nobody and being treated like she was worthless was hard on her. (How could it not be?!) And also that she was frank about being an escapist and diving into WoW to keep herself going. Can't help but have a soft spot for a fellow escapist :)

It's the behind the scenes stuff with the cast that keeps me coming back plus I do love Dean and finally like Sam again.


I know that some actors are NOT fun to work with, they have a big head and create havoc so I can see both Jared and Jensen saying as long as this is fun, why not stay.  When it becomes a job then it's time for them to go running elsewhere.  Plus it's hard to get jobs.  I think they could but I seen many of a fan favorite not get another job after the hit show they were on ended. 


It was fun to read how Jensen reacted to the parody

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