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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Can we talk about the guys' acting abilities here? Which season do you feel they were best at, other times you felt they didn't quite deliver?


I think my favorite JP episode remains Born Under a Bad Sign. Overall, though, I think S3 was JP's best season. 


I don't think I can pick a best season for Jensen, though I personally have a preference for his pre-growl voice of S1-S3 :) I'm not sure JA ever moves me more than when he's holding StabbedSam in All Hell Breaks Loose. 


Both boys impress me more than I always expect them to in It's a Terrible Life. 

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I cannot think of any moments where Jensen was bad as an actor in this series or most anything else either. The projects might not be great but he's never the problem. I loved him on Dark Angel almost as much as love him as Dean Winchester.  He can sell the worst shit they ever write for him here, even that stupid coffeemaker!Kevin prayer/confession. For me personally, Jensen Ackles is in the top 10 best actors I have ever laid eyes on in either TV or movies (I'm old \).  I put him right up there with the Bryan Cranstons and Russell Crowes and Cary Grants of the world.  He's pretty nearly ruined me for most all other actors.  Every role I see someone else in now, I think, dammit, Jensen should be playing this part!  I just think he makes the most interesting, compelling and BELIEVABLE acting choices I have ever had the pleasure to watch.  I'll stop gushing now.


Jensen has so many great moments in every episode that it's virtually impossible for me to list them all. That said I think his best overall performances during an entire episode are
"The End"(which I also give to Jared for his best performance ever as Samifer")
"On the Head of a Pin"
"What Is and What Should Never Be"
“In My Time of Dying”
“No Rest for the Wicked”
"Lazarus Rising"
"Yellow Fever"
Everything with Purgatory!Dean
"First Born"
"Do You Believe In Miracles" (fuck that episode :()

  • Love 5

I think my favorite JP episode remains Born Under a Bad Sign. Overall, though, I think S3 was JP's best season. 


I don't think I can pick a best season for Jensen, though I personally have a preference for his pre-growl voice of S1-S3 :) I'm not sure JA ever moves me more than when he's holding StabbedSam in All Hell Breaks Loose. 


Both boys impress me more than I always expect them to in It's a Terrible Life. 


Yes, agreed about the It's a Terrible Life. I'd love to see what Jensen can do post Supernatural, playing a totally different character.


I have mixed feelings about "It's A Terrible Life"...Dean Smith reminds me a little too much of scared/drunk "Yellow Fever" Dean. I prefer the Dean Smith in fanfic. But that whole episode feels oddly unfinished to me. I really needed to see more of the early stuff with Dean Smith schmoozing.


I think Jensen's best work varies and isn't tied down to any particular season. I actually feel like this past season had some of his best work yet, and extremely nuanced, difficult work, because he was acting by himself much of the time, since Sam was often gone (via possession) and then when Sam came back full time, they were at odds.


I've always said that "Pac-Man Fever" has some of his best work, because he's in a completely supporting role, yet his reactions are the lynchpin of the entire episode. The scene where Charlie asks him if he's ready to give up on his crutch, and he says, "Never," is heartbreaking to look back on, because that sets up so much of the deal with Gadreel and the aftermath.


I think Jared's best work was "Houses of the Holy," "Born Under a Bad Sign," and "Sacrifice."


More Misha photos for Whose Line? 



Edited by Pete Martell

Looks like another case of Jensen Ackles being used to sell products. This time it's a piece of fanart someone drew a few years ago.



Edited by Pete Martell

Poor Jensen, he will have to make sure never to google himself but most of all teach his children to do the same.  I agree he doesn't want to be on it in the first place and Jared has put his foot in his mouth several times.  Luckily for him society will forgive and focus on the next dumb statement if you give them some time.


I'll have to reflect on my best acting for both, but I've always thought Jensen was a strong actor, Jared is a strong personality actor which is why I'm interested in seeing what choices Jensen makes next season.


I wish Jensen would get on whose line and looking forward to seeing Misha's performance.

So, Jared broke his shoulder at the JIB con a couple weeks ago while wrestling with Osric like a 12 year old.  He's been wearing a sling ever since.  Hopefully he won't have to have surgery or anything, but it makes me wonder if it will affect filming since they go back in about a month.  They might have to write it into the show like they did with his broken wrist in season 2.


Oh, Jared.


Someone asked Clif on twitter if he dislocated or broke his shoulder and he said, "both."


I'm just going by Jared's comments and he said it was dislocated.


There are some pics of him out and about in Austin with his arm in a sling from the past two days. There is a great one of him at Best Buy.  Can you imagine, you just work at Best Buy doing Best Buy job things and this giant gorgeous guy walks in with an arm in a sling and is all 'Hey, I need to buy a phone, can you help me?'   And you're like 'HOLY SHIT, it's Moose!'  


There is a really cute one of Jensen with a fan at a random Starbuck's in Austin.  I think I need to move to Austin...soon.


Say what you want about these guys but man they sure do seem to be gracious with fans.   

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Yeah, I think at the con they thought it was just dislocated, but when he got home he probably found out it was a little more serious.  Either way, boy seems accident prone.


I feel like I must be missing something here. Was there some other more recent news from Jared himself that it's a worse injury than a dislocation or that he's going to require surgery? I'm confused. Jared seems pretty open with fans about this stuff.  He broke his wrist on set because he tried to do a stunt himself. 


Jared himself hasn't said anything.  I'm just going off of what Clif said on twitter (that he both dislocated and broke his shoulder) and that Jared's been wearing a sling in all of his pictures with fans for the past two weeks.


Nothing has been said about surgery at all.  I'm just speculating.  I have no idea how bad it is.

Edited by kimrey

I think dislocated shoulders recovery time varies from a couple of weeks to 12 weeks. but then I'm not a doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn....a couple of times.  Even if it's not completely healed easy enough to write in that Sam had a fight with Crowley or better yet got super drunk after Dean's demise and fell and hurt himself in the lair.  

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Speaking of on-set shenanigans, I was watching a video of Misha and Jensen's panel at JIBcon and apparently this season they tormented Misha to the point that Jensen actually apologized for it the next day. O_O.   Jensen said the studio called to ask if they could include on the gag reel and they all agreed they could. That should be interesting.

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Speaking of on-set shenanigans, I was watching a video of Misha and Jensen's panel at JIBcon and apparently this season they tormented Misha to the point that Jensen actually apologized for it the next day. O_O. Jensen said the studio called to ask if they could include on the gag reel and they all agreed they could. That should be interesting

Wow, it must have been really bad. I imagine at the end of an intense season they just get a bit punchy.

He's not just in the top 25, he's in the top 10! He's number 8.  That's my boy!  HELL YEAH!....(...ermm)


I love Carver's comment but at the same time WTF ARE YOU DOING, CARVER?

If he thinks he's so cool why the hell would he make his everyman hero into a fucking demon ( I remain bitter until it's fixed)

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Man, I am bummed out.  I just was reading that Arrow submitted Stephen Amell for lead actor fo the Emmys. which good for them because I love Arrow.


As part of my reading about that there is a link to the Emmy site which has a list of all the potential nominees and Jensen is not even on the list. So, that makes me wonder is that the actor's decision to not submit or the networks?  Either way I am really disappointed because I thought Jensen did some of his best work this season.  Maybe they didn't submit because they don't want to split between Jared and Jensen?  If that is the case then I hope that is Jensen's decision (even though I think it would be a foolish decision for his career).  


Godsdammit, Jensen deserves so much more recognition for his work as Dean. :(

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When was the last time they submitted for an Emmy? Was it back in Season 5 with the End? I don't think it's because they had to pick between Jensen and Jared, since that time they only submitted Jensen, if I recall. I think it's based more on the likelihood of winning. I don't watch, but from what I know, Arrow is a newer series, and more critically acclaimed, with a premise that's easier to understand for the people voting? I dunno. IMO Jensen is one of the best actors on TV, but genre shows don't tend to get the Emmy nod. I can understand them pushing the candidate with (IMO) a better chance of winning - which is not always the most talented actor (disclaimer that I have never seen Arrow, and Stephen Amell may well be Oscar material for all I know - not commenting on him specifically). 


I agree that Jensen is very underrated, and absolutely deserves more industry recognition. 

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When was the last time they submitted for an Emmy? Was it back in Season 5 with the End? I don't think it's because they had to pick between Jensen and Jared, since that time they only submitted Jensen, if I recall. I think it's based more on the likelihood of winning.  I can understand them pushing the candidate with (IMO) a better chance of winning - which is not always the most talented actor (disclaimer that I have never seen Arrow, and Stephen Amell may well be Oscar material for all I know - not commenting on him specifically). 


I agree that Jensen is very underrated, and absolutely deserves more industry recognition. 


I think to be honest they unrated Jensen when they first started.  With Jared what you see if what you get.  He is that actor that has improved a little but he has mainly stayed the same.


Jensen however has so many layers.  He is that actor that wows you and because he has layers he has created a Dean that is so much more than was written on the page.


I know I've auditioned actors and trying to move them up isn't possible.  I have given them coaching but they are closed minded and not open to it, so I can't help them.  Jensen strikes me as someone that will listen and go for it as long as he believes you know what you're doing.


I agree he will have to move on to another show before he can get recognized.  But for now he is just plain enjoying what is going on.


Mark Shepperd talked about where else can you have the opportunity to go to conventions to have people tell you how much they love your work, and love what you're doing.  Only stage offers that glimpse into the actor's work.  Because in TV & Film no one is there.  So they can only do the best they can do and hope it is well received.  I think Jensen is totally in agreement with that, which is why after 9 years he still isn't phoning it in.


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Arrow is more critically acclaimed and overall I think it is one of the best shows on TV, but with all due respect to Amell, who I think is great as Oliver Queen, he is not an equal actor to Jensen, but then not many are IMO.  And submitting Arrow is about as genre as you can get.  I can see the political reasons because Arrow is out of the DC universe and it's going to be fighting off SHIELD for a long time, I guess I don't understand why the CW can't submit two leading actors.

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The 2013-14 Season in One Depressing Chart -- unless you're Supernatural, whose viewership grew by 27%!


ETA  Add that to the previous year, when SPN gained 22%.  Pretty impressive for a show that has been on as long as it has.

Edited by Demented Daisy
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As much as I hate the new developments re Dean, I do think it's going to boost the ratings. I mean yes I ranted and swore off the show but I was lying to myself.  I want to see what's going to happen. What I worry is that there will be a spike because of it and the showrunners will think SEE , viewers LOVE this...and they won't make it right.  Mileage varies as always,

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Man, I am bummed out.  I just was reading that Arrow submitted Stephen Amell for lead actor fo the Emmys. which good for them because I love Arrow.


As part of my reading about that there is a link to the Emmy site which has a list of all the potential nominees and Jensen is not even on the list. So, that makes me wonder is that the actor's decision to not submit or the networks?  Either way I am really disappointed because I thought Jensen did some of his best work this season.  Maybe they didn't submit because they don't want to split between Jared and Jensen?  If that is the case then I hope that is Jensen's decision (even though I think it would be a foolish decision for his career).  


Godsdammit, Jensen deserves so much more recognition for his work as Dean. :(


I agree. I don't think anyone from a CW show will ever get a nomination, so this is likely more about buzz. Stephen Amell tends to act with his ab muscles, but Arrow is a show that gets a lot of buzz, so they play into that. SPN is a show that has been on for a long time and never got award recognition even in the years when they were trying to give the show more PR (like season 2).


This is why I really really wish Jensen could win the PCA, which isn't likely, as Ian Somerhalder, Nathan Fillion, etc. have bigger fanbases or are also on "hot" shows (if TVD is still seen as hot), but it's more likely than the Emmys or the Globes nominating him.

Stephen is OK (the character and the obsessive focus on his character's love life make me reluctant to watch that often), I just don't think, "That's an Emmy winner." But the Emmys are a shell game anyway. I think SPN used to try some award bait episodes, and no one took the bait. I wish Jensen got more recognition, but I gave up on award shows a long time ago. I'm hoping he will maybe win a PCA at least before SPN is over, because he's put so much work into Dean. When SPN is done, if he wins ten awards for other roles, I'll be thrilled for him, but Dean's one of the best characters I've seen on TV, and he's a big reason why.

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I find the Emmy's are less about actual talent and more of a popularity contest. I mean look at Tatiana Malsany, she played like nine distinctly different characters--so much so that one forgets they are all the same actress--and not even a nod. Jensen has put out many nomination-worthy performances over the years, but I think the bigger problem is that genre shows rarely get any recognition for these sorts of things. The Emmy's are very outdated that way.


In some ways I get it. If, back in S5, all these people who were judging had only The End--which was a very nuanced performance by Jensen--to judge by and have never actually seen the show, probably one would just move on to a more standard show that you wouldn't need some background on to follow. I mean when you break down the plot--doppelganger, time travel, angels, demons and the freakin' Devil--it really does sound like one of the worst things out there. I know it's supposed to be based only on performance, but I'm sure most folks have a hard time setting that aside.


I'm also imagining that it's probably rather expensive to submit a nomination so they probably are reluctant to submit to a category they aren't likely to even end up as the final few. I think that's why many of the same shows end up circling around, year after year, they have the money to throw at these things.

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I find the Emmy's are less about actual talent and more of a popularity contest. snip - Jensen has put out many nomination-worthy performances over the years, demons and the freakin' Devil--it really does sound like one of the worst things out there. I know it's supposed to be based only on performance, but I'm sure most folks have a hard time setting that aside.


If I wasn't watching this show, I would have a certain belief as well.  Some things are never considered as strong acting.  Comedy is easier compared to drama.  But if you really are trained you know it isn't true.  So the acting world has their rose colored glasses on and they look through their filter. 


Daytime soaps are considered awful actors, and yes they do have a lot, but the amount of pages they have to get down in a day is a full 2 hour play.  That's a lot of lines to memorize.


Then again it could really be who do you know not how talented you are, that would be my guess along with how much money the show has to push your talent.


On a totally different topic, I really hate to see all the trash they throw at Jensen because he doesn't like destiel.  I imagine now that he has a little girl he is getting more conservative and that's okay with me. 


I know I had an opportunity to talk with a writer of a show, actually writer and producer, and we all knew don't bring up fanfiction.  In fact the minute that person popped into chat, all fanfiction discussion would immediately stop, never would we ask them about it, because we respected their feelings.  It didn't stop us from writing fanfiction, we just didn't cross the line with that person.


Jensen has made it very clear that he doesn't ship destiel and nor would he ever support it.  This last convention left zero doubt.  Misha likes to avoid answering it and will even egg it on sometimes but it will never become cannon on the show.  I think they have no problem with people creating it, but don't ask Jensen about it, because he is no longer trying to please the fans on the topic, period.  JMV


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I don't think Jensen dislikes it because he is conservative about the subject. Wasn't he and Jared just sighted at a gay bar in the last few days, sporting the bars T-shirt and everything? And he played an implied bi character in Blonde. I don't think his personal beliefs have anything to do with it.


I think it's more likely he (and Jared) get annoyed with the amount of attention shipping gets from some of the fans, how it kind of overshadows everything else? They work hard, and do a lot of amazing work, especially this season it took a lot out of Jensen and he was getting burned out from the intensity/workload. Then they get to the conventions, and it seems like a portion of the people aren't even interested in what they saw on screen, they just want to hear about that relationship. I can understand the fans being passionate and invested in Destiel, but I can also understand the actors' frustration. This season, Dean went through so much crap, Sam and Dean's relationship has pretty much hit rock bottom, and a LOT of this stuff is important too, and not just about Dean and Cas, yano? Even I feel this way as a fan at times, and Jensen is probably much more protective of the character. And Destiel might just feel out of character to Jensen, with how he interpreted Dean, which I think he is perfectly entitled to have his own opinions about. I'm not against canon Destiel (I think it's highly unlikely though, ten seasons in?), and think that seeing it as romantic is a perfectly legitimate interpretation, but I do feel a lot of annoyance towards people who claim that any other interpretation is a sign of homophobia. I don't think the actors deserve the kind of crappy, unfair accusations that get thrown their way.

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The question he was asked was about friendship, I believe. He answered about the friendship between them while saying Dean/Cas was not going to happen. 


I've seen some inappropriate questions about Dean/Cas directed at Misha, but not as much toward Jensen, at least not in recent years. 


I don't think Jensen is homophobic, and I think when people say he is they're seriously doing a disservice to those out there who face discrimination every time they leave their front door, if they're even lucky enough to have a front door. I think that at times hurtful things have been said by a variety of actors at these cons, but I don't feel that was the case at the last Jus in Belo one that stirred up such controversy. I think if people feel hurt they should blame the show, because the show has kept baiting them long after they should have stopped and said, "OK, it's not happening, Dean is straight and won't be with any men."


With that said, there are many inappropriate and embarrassing, degrading questions at these conventions. For some reason shipping ones get the negative attention, while things like sexually aggressive questions and questions that reduce the actors to pieces of meat (which I believe Jensen has complained about in the past), are just seen as business as usual.


I really wish these actors had another forum to answer questions about their character motivations and acting choices. I wanted that a lot for Jensen this past season. Unfortunately the convention atmosphere seems to be mostly about the actors playing versions of themselves, and talk of the characters is few and far between.

the question was about Dean being bi, and he totally make a joke and refused to answer.  He also stated that they have only played it as friendship and it will never be more.  I think before he became a father he didn't care as much. 


Looking at my own brother, I'm a little shocked with some of views that didn't fit with what I know about him growing up, so I guess that's why I said he is becoming more conservative.


Honestly, I don't care and to be honest I'm sick of the politically correctness that is really causing more harm than anything else.  You can't control someone's feelings, you can only make them not answer. I think he respects people's view and beliefs, but he isn't for Destiel and his answers makes it plain he is against it from what I've seen.  JMV and I respect other's views but I only see Dean and Cas as friends and those that want more...keep having fun looking for those moments that make you happy.  But I think the show made it harder this year, especially with the line, Cas is such a weird little man.  (Not exact words)


Looking at one recent con, Jensen even complained about how the convention use to be about talking about their characters and now it is just acting silly.  Of course he made it sound like a joke and he is very sarcastic. I don't know Jensen at all, nor do I claim to, I like what I see when he answers questions and he entertains me so I'll keep watching his career.


I was hoping to get more insight into next year, but so far I haven't found much to help me formulate any ideas, yet.

the question was about Dean being bi, and he totally make a joke and refused to answer.  He also stated that they have only played it as friendship and it will never be more.  I think before he became a father he didn't care as much. 


I only heard part of it but the one where he was most open about Dean/Cas being blown out of proportion, I thought the questioner mentioned only friendship. I can't find a transcript but this is from someone who was there.




I know there was someone at a con last year who was talking about being bi, and then were going to ask about Dean being bi, and fans booed them out.


There have been comments for several years that Jensen doesn't want to hear about this and doesn't see Dean and Cas that way, especially based on things like the Jus in Belo con where he and Misha talked about rewriting some of their lines in Cas' season 7 return episode. Whether he's become more vocal, I don't know, but the whole thing was just surreal, as the tone shifted from saying that the Dean/Cas relationship was overblown to (fake; he had his hand over his mouth) making out with Misha onstage. So on the one hand, I 100% agree that he shouldn't be asked these questions, and the idea shouldn't be encouraged, but then I feel like the actors also sort of encourage it when they do things like that.


Going back to SPN, I think the show tries to have it both ways and it's well past time they stopped.

I suspect if Destiel was put in canon by Carver, he'd play it with as much commitment as he does everything else about Dean. There is little he can do about it if Carver wants to make that happen, short of quitting the show.


If he's going to try and shield his daughter from homosexuality via Supernatural, she shouldn't be watching that until she's like 10 anyway. But even moreso, his aunt with whom he's very close is gay, so I can't fathom he'll end his relationship with his aunt.


I don't get the sense that he was too happy about Purgatory!Dean being tabled so quickly and the demise of his relationship with Benny or that he thought Lisa and Ben was a great idea. He hated that Baby was put in a corner for a long time. All of those things impact Dean's character and how Jensen plays him. I don't get the sense that Jensen is super happy about demon!Dean, but he realizes there is something new for him to do and he'll go with it.  He's not stupid.  IMO, for an actor who is as protective of Dean's character as Jensen has been, I would think Dean becoming a demon is about as far from "Dean Winchester" as it could be.

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I just think Jensen's probably tired of getting the question and no matter how he answers it he gets backlash, so I think he's moved into making it a joke. I think he's been pretty clear on his position that Dean isn't supposed to be gay or bi, and that's not how he's ever played him, but if people want to interpret it differently he seems fairly supportive of the idea. I don't know, these cons are supposed to be relaxed entertainment, I think he's just trying to stay within that tone.


Anyway, here's a link to the video of Misha an Jensen's panel, make of it what you will.


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I think it would be hilarious if Destiel was already the end game in the long run and that Misha and Jensen have known this all along and can't say anything because why ruin the surprise and are totally trolling both the Destiel and notDestiel groups at all these conventions.  Then they can both say, "Well, of course, it was there all along"!  

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ut I think the show made it harder this year, especially with the line, Cas is such a weird little man.

ut I think the show made it harder this year, especially with the line, Cas is such a weird little man.

Taking this to the Dean/Cas thread if anyone wants to come. I'm enjoying the discussion.

I suspect (and I may have said this before, somewhere else) that the surge in viewers can at least partially be attributed to teenagers.  10 years ago, when the show started, my daughter was only 8 and entirely too young to watch the show.  But over the past couple of seasons, she and her friends have really gotten into it.  (She's particularly fond of Castiel.)  


I might add that the SPN merchandise flies off the shelves at the Hot Topic near us.  *ahem*  It's not on the website, but they currently have life-size cardboard cut-outs of Sam, Dean, and Castiel.  

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But even moreso, his aunt with whom he's very close is gay, so I can't fathom he'll end his relationship with his aunt.


He never seems to express his views that he dislikes something that has happened to his character until it has passed then he might say something.  But it is too different things, you can respect someone that is gay, love them unconditionally but he did state that he has never played Dean with anything more than friendship.  I can't find the vid so I can't provide the link.  It had Misha and Jensen both saying they only played for friendship.  But my views came after watching several vids that had a similar theme to them.  The vids were from 2012 to 2014.  I noticed this year was stronger than last years and my suspicion it had to do with protecting his baby girl.  I could be wrong.


And yes, I can see the mixed messages because last year they had outtakes that poked fun of destiel.  Not wanting to play a bi or gay character doesn't necessarily mean you dislike or hate gays.  Nor does it mean he has any negative views about them.  


I would never do a nude scene, but that doesn't mean that I disrespect someone that does.  I just felt he is really tired of the whole conversation.  So I'll agree to disagree and stop talking about this.  The truth is I can only sense what he might feel, I don't know anything for sure, cause I don't know him.  So yes I can be very wrong.

I might add that the SPN merchandise flies off the shelves at the Hot Topic near us.  *ahem*  It's not on the website, but they currently have life-size cardboard cut-outs of Sam, Dean, and Castiel.



Hee! You have to take a picture of those the next time you're there to share with us. I'm interested to see what they look like.

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