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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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1 minute ago, DeeDee79 said:

Wow! If only I had that kind of money to burn! Do the proceeds go to Jared's or Misha's charity? Or are the funds distributed between both?

No idea - that's the only tweet I saw. I know they've done these impromptu auctions before. Can't wait to see the full vids!

7 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Was that the winning bid?? JFC

I thought that's what I heard at the end of the video.

2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

No idea - that's the only tweet I saw. I know they've done these impromptu auctions before. Can't wait to see the full vids!

Interesting! I saw something on tumblr once regarding another auction for a shirt that Jensen was wearing but I don't remember where the proceeds went for that one either. 

  • Love 1

It was the sweatshirt Jared wore in the dance video (above) and then all day at the con.  Jensen wore it after the bidding started so it would have both their ‘musk’.  It went for 7.1K and 100% of proceeds went to ‘I Am Enough’ charity.  Jensen threw in his beanie as well. 

Edited by SueB
  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, SueB said:

It was the sweatshirt Jared wore in the dance video (above) and then all day at the con.  Jensen wore it after the bidding started so it would have both their ‘musk’.  It went for 7.1K and 100% of proceeds went to ‘I Am Enough’ charity.  Jensen threw in his beanie as well. 

Thanks for the info SueB!

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, scribe95 said:

The final bid was $8,000. Jensen strutted around in the sweatshirt as well. It was Jared's beanie they threw in. The girl came to the stage, got fawned over by the boys and they signed it while she was wearing it. 

Here is the auction part of the panel.


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6 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Possible spoilers for this week's episode in both of these Entertainment Weekly articles.

Jensen and Jared on what make's a good season.

Supernatural earns #1 spot on this week's MUST LIST.

I like this from first link


Looking back, which Supernatural season is underappreciated?
ACKLES: Season 10 had Demon Dean, [who was] underappreciated and underused.
PADALECKI: Season 7 has “Death’s Door,” which might be my favorite episode, but I’ll go to season 1. We went off in so many different directions. The writers really explored a lot of avenues that set the stage for what we’ve been able to do since then. There was a lot of good television that was made because we hadn’t yet made the rules.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I'm so confused. I thought Jensen was saying he couldn't choose which comment to make about the picture. Are you saying he was choosing between Shaggy and Scooby?

It's a comment. In the video it shifts to him next to Jared/Misha and he says "Zoiks"

Collins and Padalecki* are always so extra.  Ackles is an actor. He's acting. He's pretending to be grumpy. It's his schtick.

Edited by catrox14
Henceforth I am using only last names. I still like them all. Just deciding to try it out for a while. I might go back to first names or initials. We'll see.
  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Ackles looks so grumpy in the video. At least Jared and Misha look like they’re having fun LOL 

I would love to see you meet these three in person some day and call Jensen 'Ackles' to his face, while addressing Jared and Misha by their given names.

  • Love 1
Just now, gonzosgirrl said:

I would love to see you meet these three in person some day and call Jensen 'Ackles' to his face, while addressing Jared and Misha by their given names.

Ackles might take it fine, since Padalecki calls him 'Ackles'.  Maybe it's really an endearment :)

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I would love to see you meet these three in person some day and call Jensen 'Ackles' to his face, while addressing Jared and Misha by their given names.

Oh I think I’d rather just meet the other two and avoid meeting Ackles. That way I won’t have to worry about mentioning I’m bi-sexual and having him tell me not to “ruin it for everyone else” by mentioning it.

  • Love 1
Just now, Wayward Son said:

Oh I think I’d rather just meet the other two and avoid meeting Ackles. That way I won’t have to worry about mentioning I’m bi-sexual and having him tell me not to “ruin it for everyone else” by mentioning it.

I'm familiar with that con incident. I don't think it's as cut and dried as you're suggesting.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I'm familiar with that con incident. I don't think it's as cut and dried as you're suggesting.

My take on it was that Jensen made an assumption based on the prefacing of the question based on past experiences of where it was headed and cut it off. MO is that it would most likely have gone either one of two ways, one something about Dean secretly being bisexual or two something about depression, both of which I seem to recall hearing were at that point strongly discouraged at cons, not that it stops some people. I personally feel there were valid reasons for discouraging both. In the first situation there is a no win answer that gets him labeled as homophobic simply because he doesn't view or intentionally portray his character that way, in the second people pay a lot to attend cons and probably/maybe don't want to have to listen to everyone's personal stories so that can get hugged and given emotional support by Jared, who struggles himself.

Personally I wish they would strongly discourage "what's the funniest/best prank" questions as well.

  • Love 5

Just because Jensen doesn't think Dean is bisexual doesn't mean he has anything against the LGBT community. It means he knows the character he has played for 13 years and the show has shown him only being interested in women. Not that there's anything wrong with that. 

Edited by scribe95
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Wayward Son said:

Oh I think I’d rather just meet the other two and avoid meeting Ackles. That way I won’t have to worry about mentioning I’m bi-sexual and having him tell me not to “ruin it for everyone else” by mentioning it.

I don't for one minute think Jensen has an issue with anyone being gay, bi-sexual, or otherwise.  But they are asked these same questions over and over, and most instances that I've listened to were pretty much deliberate baiting.  It's a no win for the actors in those situations.  He's been asked point blank about Dean being gay or bi, and he's given his answer.  Since he's the actor who has portrayed this character for 13 years, he should know what is in his head when he plays the character.  That certainly doesn't preclude someone from seeing something else, or interpreting things differently, but to continue to ask the same question just so you can then run back to social media and cry foul is a little disingenuous, IMO.  And by "you", I in no way mean you, Wayward Son.

I'm relatively new to the show, and haven't followed the cons from the beginning.  I have no idea when things started to get personal at these events.  I know that Jared has been open about his own issues with depression, and that sort of opened the floodgates for people to tell their own stories.  In the beginning, it was actually heartwarming to hear people tell about how much the show or actors meant to them, and how it helped them through a rough time, but then it got out of hand.  I think they were very smart (and compassionate) to set up a hotline that people can use to call and discuss whatever is happening with them.  These are actors, not psychiatrists, and listening to fan after fan talk about their thoughts of suicide, or other heartbreaking things, really took a toll on all of them, but I think Jared, especially.  

I'm also assuming these guys are well aware of what is discussed out on social media, and it can't be fun to read some of what is said about them.  Again, it doesn't make you homophobic just because you don't like reading about how your wife is a beard and you're in some secret love tryst with your co-star.  I hope they ignore most of it, but it can't be easy. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I'm familiar with that con incident. I don't think it's as cut and dried as you're suggesting.

I'm sure it isn't either but I suppose it's easy to jump to conclusions when you want to believe the worst about someone.

18 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

Again, it doesn't make you homophobic just because you don't like reading about how your wife is a beard and you're in some secret love tryst with your co-star.  I hope they ignore most of it, but it can't be easy. 

This is an excellent point.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

But they are asked these same questions over and over, and most instances that I've listened to were pretty much deliberate baiting.  It's a no win for the actors in those situations.  He's been asked point blank about Dean being gay or bi, and he's given his answer.  Since he's the actor who has portrayed this character for 13 years, he should know what is in his head when he plays the character.  That certainly doesn't preclude someone from seeing something else, or interpreting things differently, but to continue to ask the same question just so you can then run back to social media and cry foul is a little disingenuous, IMO.  

Once an absolute answer is given to *any* question, it should be accepted without questioning, dismissing or trying to change it.  I find it incredibly disrespectful to *anyone* when people keep pressing for a different answer, as if rephrasing or asking often enough will either make them change their minds or just give in and agree to whatever the other wants.  "No means No" should apply to *every* question and every person.    

  • Love 3

The funny thing is the fans question had nothing to do with bisexual Dean. Their question was going to be “As a bisexual I had to learn to get comfortable with parts of myself I was initially uncomfortable with. Would you say Dean has been getting comfortable with parts of himself as he has settled into the bunker?” Or something to that effect. The question was about growing more comfortable with yourself in Dean’s case expressing himself and finding somewhere to live for the first time. 


Unfortunately, Jensen was completely ignorant and encouraged a booing crowd before she could even finish her question. The entire incident was disgusting and appalling on both Jensen and the audiences part. I mean how dare someone be bisexual. 

Edited by Wayward Son
11 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

The funny thing is the fans question had nothing to do with bisexual Dean. Their question was going to be “As a bisexual I had to learn to get comfortable with parts of myself I was initially uncomfortable with. Would you say Dean has been getting comfortable with parts of himself as he has settled into the bunker?” Or something to that effect. The question was about growing more comfortable with yourself in Dean’s case expressing himself and finding somewhere to live for the first time. 


Unfortunately, Jensen was completely ignorant and encouraged a booing crowd before she could even finish her question. The entire incident was disgusting and appalling on both Jensen and the audiences part. I mean how dare someone be bisexual. 


And this is the tumblr post from the person who asked the question.  I would just advise folks read her take on the experience and then decide what you want. The tumblr is not hers, but the reblog of it is on this post.


To that end. it's been 5 (FIVE) freaking years since that incident. IF and its a BIG IF, Jensen had issues with gay or bi persons, he's changed (and I FTR don't believe he ever did given he had no problem playing a bisexual character in the movie "Blonde".) He supports the LGBT community both in word and deed. He has proudly done photo ops for con goers showing him posing with the bisexual flag.  Yes, it's paid but if he was THAT uncomfortable with it, he could squash those ops. 

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 10
8 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Once an absolute answer is given to *any* question, it should be accepted without questioning, dismissing or trying to change it.  I find it incredibly disrespectful to *anyone* when people keep pressing for a different answer, as if rephrasing or asking often enough will either make them change their minds or just give in and agree to whatever the other wants.  "No means No" should apply to *every* question and every person.    

I also think it's either naive or disingenuous to think that people who have paid that much to go to a con would be unaware that a question prefaced by that phrasing would be an issue.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Unfortunately, Jensen was completely ignorant and encouraged a booing crowd before she could even finish her question. The entire incident was disgusting and appalling on both Jensen and the audiences part. I mean how dare someone be bisexual. 

Cool, he's Jensen again instead of Ackles :)

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

The funny thing is the fans question had nothing to do with bisexual Dean. Their question was going to be “As a bisexual I had to learn to get comfortable with parts of myself I was initially uncomfortable with. Would you say Dean has been getting comfortable with parts of himself as he has settled into the bunker?” Or something to that effect. The question was about growing more comfortable with yourself in Dean’s case expressing himself and finding somewhere to live for the first time. 


Unfortunately, Jensen was completely ignorant and encouraged a booing crowd before she could even finish her question. The entire incident was disgusting and appalling on both Jensen and the audiences part. I mean how dare someone be bisexual. 

I remember that con very well.  Jensen's comment may have seemed harsh, but this was in the midst of a lot of these same questions being asked.  His answer was more of a "here we go again, so let's just not" thing.  Did he shut the girl/woman down, yes, but it had nothing to do with the fact that she happened to be bi-sexual.  The reality is that a Supernatural convention isn't really the place to discuss your personal sexual preferences, is it?  I think this is a sensitive topic, and the actors are damned either way.  Misha plays into the Destiel thing, and I think he does it so as not to offend people who ask about it, but he's also doing a disservice, IMO, by keeping the topic open for debate.   

  • Love 4

IMO Ackles handled the entire situation incorrectly. Not allowing someone to finish their question, allowing them to be intimidated by the crowd and then telling them to “‘not ruin it for anyone else” was appalling on his and the crowds part. 


IMO there were far better ways of ‘shutting down’ the questioner for example letting them finish the question and if it’s objectionable simply stating “Since I’ve discussed this topic of Dean’s sexuality on previous occasions and my opinion has not changed I will not be answering further questions on it”. 

Edited by Wayward Son
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

And this is the tumblr post from the person who asked the question.  I would just advise folks read her take on the experience and then decide what you want. The tumblr is not hers, but the reblog of it is on this post.


To that end. it's been 5 (FIVE) freaking years since that incident. IF and its a BIG IF, Jensen had issues with gay or bi persons, he's changed (and I FTR don't believe he ever did given he had no problem playing a bisexual character in the movie "Blonde".) He supports the LGBT community both in word and deed. He has proudly done photo ops for con goers showing him posing with the bisexual flag.  Yes, it's paid but if he was THAT uncomfortable with it, he could squash those ops. 

Based on this, I firmly believe that when the audience heard "bi-sexual", they groaned because they knew what was coming, and not because the audience was filled with homophobic people.  This woman may have thought her question was innocent enough, but it had been asked and answered repeatedly, and that's where the audience's reaction came from.  According to her, Jensen wasn't even aware of what she was asking.  It's unfortunate that this incident was misinterpreted and made anyone feel uncomfortable or singled out for ridicule, because I truly do not believe that was anyone's intention.

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