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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Maybe the writers wanted a tat as a "key" to get in and out of the AU without Jack or complicated rituals (spec, not spoiler) so Jensen chose one that he'd like on his own, like the Zeppelin "wings" logo, that can be connected to both angels and his son.  (Later he can add an arrow and maybe a scale of justice :) )  

  • Love 2

I'm sure folk here have tattoos.  I have three.  The healing process is not that long and not bad at all.  It wouldn't interfere with shooting in any way.  And, as many have pointed out, when do we EVER see these guys in less than 4 layers?

It's a bit odd that Jensen's doing it NOW.  But he's unpredictable.  Never in a million years would I have thought he'd go for such unusual names for his kids - Danneel maybe, but not Jensen.   So he surprises me every day.  I just love the guy.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, Diane said:

I think it's either about Texas, his kids, or the beer business. 

Agreed. I will be more than shocked if it's anything to do with the show (or at least the show as it is now, related to this season). Even a 'Dean' relevance will surprise me. Possibly something to do with brotherhood, but again - I'll be surprised.

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, Diane said:

think it's either about Texas, his kids, or the beer business. 

I agree too.  I'd be VERY surprised if it has anything to do with the show.  His kids' initials would spell JAZ which is cool, but he's a REAL Texas boy, so maybe the lone star??

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I'm going to go with something child related, but it could be absolutely anything.  I know what he's said in the past about waiting to get a tattoo, but based on the response of some of his co-workers regarding this tattoo, it seems like something they've heard him talk about getting.  My guess is that he's been thinking about it for a while and was convinced by friends/family to just go for it.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I agree too.  I'd be VERY surprised if it has anything to do with the show.  His kids' initials would spell JAZ which is cool, but he's a REAL Texas boy, so maybe the lone star??

The picture shown looks like wings (the reason for my spec).  Maybe there'll be a star or initials or something similar in the middle.

Again, to me it's the timing that's the question, not the fact of him doing it.

Edited by ahrtee
  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I agree too.  I'd be VERY surprised if it has anything to do with the show.  His kids' initials would spell JAZ which is cool, but he's a REAL Texas boy, so maybe the lone star??

It already has wings of some sort so maybe wings and a star? And it could be used in show and IRL.

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

What's going on with Mark P and this #OnlyLove hashtag that's all over twitter (well, my twitter... )

Can't wait to see Jensen's tattoo 

He is very much playing the victim in the whole Shatner/Lua/Jared's tweet thing - and from what I gather, his fans decided to start this hashtag in support of the poor dear.

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An anonymous someone started a change.org petition to have Mark P. fired from Creation events. There are about 1200 signatures so far. I assume - but I don't know - that you can sign multiple times with sock accounts.  A named someone else started a petition to keep Mark P., and that one has 2100 signatures.

And so it goes in SPN-land.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, auntvi said:

An anonymous someone started a change.org petition to have Mark P. fired from Creation events. There are about 1200 signatures so far. I assume - but I don't know - that you can sign multiple times with sock accounts.  A named someone else started a petition to keep Mark P., and that one has 2100 signatures.

And so it goes in SPN-land.

You're not kidding.  SPN is the first show I've ever watched where I paid any attention to social media.  I had no idea there could be so many different factions out there, and just how heated some of these battles get.  It's bizarre to me.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, auntvi said:

An anonymous someone started a change.org petition to have Mark P. fired from Creation events. There are about 1200 signatures so far. I assume - but I don't know - that you can sign multiple times with sock accounts.  A named someone else started a petition to keep Mark P., and that one has 2100 signatures.

And so it goes in SPN-land.

Good grief.

16 minutes ago, Diane said:

So if that's from today, maybe it's not finished yet?

  • Love 1
Just now, Diane said:

No it was from yesterday, the guy just posted it today

Ah, thanks. I had read a few tweets saying he (the artist) was going to post a pic of it today, which I thought was kind of strange - you'd think that would be up to the tattoo-ee (lol) to reveal. I really hope Jensen himself shares a pic, now that he's let us in it happening.

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Wow...it's very pretty, but I'm surprised it's so big.  He's going to have to do something equal in size for his other children, I would think.  That could get interesting.  I agree that we'll be seeing Dean in the usual 3 layers from here on out.  That's depressing...

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

Wow...it's very pretty, but I'm surprised it's so big.  He's going to have to do something equal in size for his other children, I would think.  That could get interesting.  I agree that we'll be seeing Dean in the usual 3 layers from here on out.  That's depressing...

I think a t-shirt would cover the majority - they'd have to make-up the tailfeathers and rays. And if it was a shower or a sex scene, they can always shoot his right side. Where there's my a will, there's a way :)

  I was thinking he could add Arrow and Zepp under her wings. Love the blindfold.

ETA: do you think there's a significance to the single falling feather?

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, catrox14 said:

That's beautiful. That's going to take a lot of coverup. And it makes me think Dean will never be shirtless again, dammit. LOL 

Jensen must be getting a few days off.  A tatt like that will take some healing.  It can't get wet and it has to be covered up for a few days.  I thought that they were not going to get tattoo's until the show was over.....is it over?

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Jensen must be getting a few days off.  A tatt like that will take some healing.  It can't get wet and it has to be covered up for a few days.  I thought that they were not going to get tattoo's until the show was over.....is it over?

That's what I mentioned upthread. I think it could be a sign that it won't go past 300 eps.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Myrelle said:

Wow. So beautiful, intriguing, and unique. Just like his first-born, I'm sure. I SO! love that JJ was his inspiration and that he let everyone know that.

I wonder if it's really that dark, or if that photo is filtered - because wow, that is much darker than Jensen's IG. Given that I know those photo frames are 'black', I wonder if the tatt really is this dark.

Me too (to the bolded). I wish I was surprised to see that the Tinhat faction is scoffing at the very idea, because of course he's lying - it's really all about his OTL, Jared. Ugh. I shudder to think about what his kids, and Jared's for that matter, are going to have to read/see/hear once they are old enough to be online. How do you even prepare a kid for that?

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I wonder if it's really that dark, or if that photo is filtered - because wow, that is much darker than Jensen's IG. Given that I know those photo frames are 'black', I wonder if the tatt really is this dark.

Me too (to the bolded). I wish I was surprised to see that the Tinhat faction is scoffing at the very idea, because of course he's lying - it's really all about his OTL, Jared. Ugh. I shudder to think about what his kids, and Jared's for that matter, are going to have to read/see/hear once they are old enough to be online. How do you even prepare a kid for that?

The delusion is strong on all sides then. I've seen Cockles and Destiel shippers also claiming the single feather is a nod to Castiel/Angels LOL. Why are some fans of this show the worst? 

* I'm not saying this applies to all Destiel / Cockles / Tinhatters just some of them. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

That the tatt is about Jared "Jay" Padalecki.

Oh jeez.

I mean if it were really ABOUT Jared, why would it the bird have  blindfold? The blindfold on the bird is to reflect 'Justice' as in Justice Jay. LOLOL. And even under nutty tinhat rules if J2 are together then they are coparenting all 6 kids and that tat would be about bio dad!Jensen, and adoptiveDad!Jared's daughter, Justice Jay.  Like in no scheme does it make sense for that tat to be about anyone other than Justice Jay Ackles.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Oh jeez.

I mean if it were really ABOUT Jared, why would it the bird have  blindfold? The blindfold on the bird is to reflect 'Justice' as in Justice Jay. LOLOL. And even under nutty tinhat rules if J2 are together then they are coparenting all 6 kids and that tat would be about bio dad!Jensen, and adoptiveDad!Jared's daughter, Justice Jay.  Like in no scheme does it make sense for that tat to be about anyone other than Justice Jay Ackles.

I think it depends on the tinhats you’re talking to. According to some J2 have no interest in anyone but each other and Danneel and Genevieve do all the parenting as they were the only ones to want kids. 

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

I think it depends on the tinhats you’re talking to. According to some J2 have no interest in anyone but each other and Danneel and Genevieve do all the parenting as they were the only ones to want kids. 

well that seems absurd LOL. Like even If J2 were together and didn't want kids  why would they agree to be sperm donors and take on the financial burden of those kids? like they never had to marry at all if it was just about them. they could have lived a closeted life and just serial dated for PR until the show was over.

Is there a sex tape that Gen and Danneel have of the boys  to blackmail them into being  sperm donors? Cause that's the only reason for them to do that if they only care about each other.

7 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

well that seems absurd LOL. Like even If J2 were together and didn't want kids  why would they agree to be sperm donors and take on the financial burden of those kids? like they never had to marry at all if it was just about them. they could have lived a closeted life and just serial dated for PR until the show was over.

Is there a sex tape that Gen and Danneel have of the boys  to blackmail them into being  sperm donors? Cause that's the only reason for them to do that if they only care about each other.

Hey don't bring logic into this, LOL

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

That the tatt is about Jared "Jay" Padalecki.

I thought Jensen was the one called Jay, hence Justice "Jay" Ackles?  I've never heard anyone refer to Jared as Jay. I can never tell whether these people actually believe half this stuff, or whether they're just being trolls.  I suppose it's a little of both.  Obsessed fans have been around forever, but the internet has taken things to a whole new level.

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

well that seems absurd LOL. Like even If J2 were together and didn't want kids  why would they agree to be sperm donors and take on the financial burden of those kids? like they never had to marry at all if it was just about them. they could have lived a closeted life and just serial dated for PR until the show was over.

Is there a sex tape that Gen and Danneel have of the boys  to blackmail them into being  sperm donors? Cause that's the only reason for them to do that if they only care about each other.

I think from their perspective the marriages are a business arrangement organised by their managers and PR. So the boys get to be together as often as they like with no one, except the all knowing tinhats, suspecting they’re gay. The wives are there to escort them to certain events and create the perception of a loving family and happy marriage. In return J2 will financially provide for them and they will get to raise the kids they want in a luxurious lifestyle.  They will often argue that is why the boys choose to spend the time they could spend at home doing conventions instead, or attending things like golf etc with other cast members. It allows them to avoid the wives and kids as often as they can get away with. Theyre also anticipating a quiet divorce once Supernatural ends and J2 can leave acting and go set up a bar together somewhere. 

But as Diane said it’s probably not a good idea to try and apply logic here. 

Edited by Wayward Son
  • Love 5

Ornithologically speaking, the bird in the tat is not a jay (beak is wrong, tail is way wrong, proportions are off).  It looks kind of like a scissor-tail flycatcher (the Oklahoma state bird) but that doesn't make sense.  I'm going to go with artistic license to make it fit better and be more dramatic (though there really is no explanation for that tail...  :) ) 

Because, even taken out of context, this hold true: 

2 minutes ago, Diane said:

Hey don't bring logic into this, LOL

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ahrtee said:

Ornithologically speaking, the bird in the tat is not a jay (beak is wrong, tail is way wrong, proportions are off).  It looks kind of like a scissor-tail flycatcher (the Oklahoma state bird) but that doesn't make sense.  I'm going to go with artistic license to make it fit better and be more dramatic (though there really is no explanation for that tail...  :) ) 

Because, even taken out of context, this hold true: 


I'm guessing the bird just represents 'Birdie', which seems to be the nickname Danneel uses for JJ. And man, this child has a LOT of nicknames!

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:


I'm guessing the bird just represents 'Birdie', which seems to be the nickname Danneel uses for JJ. And man, this child has a LOT of nicknames!

I'm just sad that they missed the opportunity for such a perfect visual pun (or homage to JJ), not to mention adding some color.  Maybe Jensen had to pick from the artist's book of premade designs, and this was the closest he could come to a jay?  :)  

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I'm just sad that they missed the opportunity for such a perfect visual pun (or homage to JJ), not to mention adding some color.  Maybe Jensen had to pick from the artist's book of premade designs, and this was the closest he could come to a jay?  :)  

Maybe colour will be added down the road? I kind of dig the shaded look though.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I'm just sad that they missed the opportunity for such a perfect visual pun (or homage to JJ), not to mention adding some color.  Maybe Jensen had to pick from the artist's book of premade designs, and this was the closest he could come to a jay?  :)  

 He might go back to have more color added over time. :)

Maybe Jensen designed this himself or someone else did. So they made a bird that isn't exactly a Jay but something he just likes. I mean Jensen seems like he would do something more customized to that extent.

1 hour ago, Diane said:

Hey don't bring logic into this, LOL


  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

 He might go back to have more color added over time. :)

Maybe Jensen designed this himself or someone else did. So they made a bird that isn't exactly a Jay but something he just likes. I mean Jensen seems like he would do something more customized to that extent.

I don't think they'll add color later except maybe in some of the blank areas.  Color (except transparent washes) added on top of shading tends to make everything muddy (in art, anyway--no experience with tats :) )  In paint, though, you can do it the other way--add shading on top of color to add depth.  (Sorry--my long-ago art background comes out in strange ways.)

IA that Jensen would like something more customized, but I'd think (JMO) that if he *were* going to customize it, he'd make it more like a Jay, not less.  But maybe he didn't want it so obvious.  (Can someone ask him that at the next con? :) )

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Wayward Son said:

I think from their perspective the marriages are a business arrangement organised by their managers and PR. So the boys get to be together as often as they like with no one, except the all knowing tinhats, suspecting they’re gay. The wives are there to escort them to certain events and create the perception of a loving family and happy marriage. In return J2 will financially provide for them and they will get to raise the kids they want in a luxurious lifestyle.  They will often argue that is why the boys choose to spend the time they could spend at home doing conventions instead, or attending things like golf etc with other cast members. It allows them to avoid the wives and kids as often as they can get away with. Theyre also anticipating a quiet divorce once Supernatural ends and J2 can leave acting and go set up a bar together somewhere. 

But as Diane said it’s probably not a good idea to try and apply logic here. 

I know some of that and there are probably cases in Hollywood where maybe for some big movie stars they might go to those lengths and I think even back in the Rock Hudson days, studios were complicit in those arrangements. But these guys are kind of small potatoes for that kind of ordeal even. Even at the apex of SPN before they married they weren't such big cheeses on the WB and then the CW to warrant network, studio and PR involvement. And even now they aren't bigger cheeses than the DCTV verse on the CW.  And 6 children would be hundreds of thousands if not millions to support even if only until they are 18.

Honestly I can understand why actors beard and meard even in today's Hollywood, so serial dating actors of the opposite sex or even a marriage with one child done quietly for personal reasons maybe I could buy but the level of collusion those hats are describing is monumental!

Oh man, what a thing

3 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I don't think they'll add color later except maybe in some of the blank areas.  Color (except transparent washes) added on top of shading tends to make everything muddy (in art, anyway--no experience with tats :) )  In paint, though, you can do it the other way--add shading on top of color to add depth.  (Sorry--my long-ago art background comes out in strange ways.)

IA that Jensen would like something more customized, but I'd think (JMO) that if he *were* going to customize it, he'd make it more like a Jay, not less.  But maybe he didn't want it so obvious.  (Can someone ask him that at the next con? :) )

Do those same rules apply to skin art? Not being snarky. A friend of mine gets tattoos and they do the color in stages.

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