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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Okay, I think my heart just stopped beating...He just keeps getting better and better...loved the comment he only had to be in makeup for 10 minutes.  Just not fair and how can I decide which one is the best one?  ;)

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Kingswinchester on Tumblr put up a full transcript: http://kingswinchester.tumblr.com/post/94426905438/jensens-interview-with-harpers-bazaar-china


Q: Had the thought of quitting ever crossed your mind in past 11 years? Were there any moments that made you hesitate?

A: Definitely not. I spend 10 months a year on doing Supernatural. There is not much time left for me to take other offers. Because we work together so well, I usually sign up Supernatural firstly each year to ensure its time requirements. Most of the companies in the entertainment industry know my schedule, so generally they approach me for short-term activities. I ask my agent not to inform me even it’s a really good offer. Since I have already decided to work on Supernatural, why should I be bothered by things I am definitely not able to accomplish? I always tell my agent to just inform me works we decide to do and nothing else.

So that's interesting.  He has his agent screen the work and make decisions.  It's probably a good idea (why angst over a 'could have been').  This seems different than in the past.

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Actually he has always said something along the lines of don't send me work I can't do.  I've read that many times.  Now whether he seriously looked at any of the marvel stuff or not I don't have a clue.  But his commitment to Supernatural has gotten stronger since Gamble isn't the show-runner.  Not sure that Gamble is the reason as much as he made the decision to run with this show for as long as the show is enjoyable.


He also said he was leaving the show when Krikpe left and well as we know that didn't happen.  I think as long as he enjoys the environment and the show, he will stay.  Why leave a definite pay-check if you're having the time of your life.  But it will be interesting to see what he does after he leaves Supernatural, I just don't think this show will go on forever. 

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NOOOO NOT BABY!!!  (nd Frank :(


Jared Padalecki        ✔ @jarpad

.#SPNFamily , we had an accident involving our friend Frank& our beloved impala. Both will be well, but please keep them in UR thoughts.

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Jared PadaleckiVerified account ‏@jarpad

.@KylieWhite234 Frank takes care of the cars. He was surrounded by support (except from our Transpo Coord. Mark, who is a real prick)


10:20 PM - 11 Aug 2014

Now, I want to know who Mark is and why is Jared calling him a prick.

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People were asking Jared on Twitter if it was a joke about the Mark person but he never answered. You could be right that maybe it's an in-joke about this Mark person.  But then Jared was ripping American Airlines to shreds on Sunday on Twitter, so who knows with him. 


Just as long as Frank and Baby are not badly hurt.

Edited by catrox14
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Someone should really revoke his twitter privileges when he gets near an airport. He routinely is bullying airline workers on twitter. I don't think he realizes that people remember that sort of behavior and they talk about it with their coworkers, I doubt he's getting the reaction he wants out of this. They probably are less likely to want to help him knowing his past behavior. You catch more flies with honey and all that...

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Per Steven Amell's FB page:


I accepted Robbie Amell's Ice Bucket Challenge and nominated Grant Gustin, John Barrowman Official and Jared Padalecki. Couple things to remember before the video... All this good fun is supposed to benefit ALS. So go and donate $5 (or more) to a really good cause. http://www.alsa.org/donate/



C'mon, Jared.  Show us what you're made of!  Steven even did it shirtless.  ;-)


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John Barrowman did it and challenged Misha and David Tennant to follow suit. Just thinking about Captain Jack, the Doctor and Castiel at the same time makes me feel like I need to dump ice water on *my* head, shameful as that makes me feel to admit.

Edited by Amerilla
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So, there is a big rumor out on Twitter than Jensen might be getting his own account.  It's hilarious how much people want that to happen.

But how, he can't even have his own name...so many people are already using it.  But yes it might be fun to see him on twitter especially since he likes to play but I'm computer challenged.  What a big tease for those of us that would enjoy it though.  But I doubt he will do it, since he seems to be a private person.

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Apparently the person that took @JensenAckles  has given it up saying that he/she would only relinquish it for the actual Jensen Ackles.  Someone tweeted at Suzanne Gomez at the CW if this was happening and she responded....SOON.  So either something is happening or she is trolling the SPN Family

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Oh I can't wait for Jensen's video. Misha's was adorable mostly for his kids plus he challenged Hillary Clinton. I loved Jared's mostly because it was simple and he kept it in house getting Jensen do poor the water.

I still think Chris Pratt's was the best.

Osric did the challenge and challenged Mark Sheppard, JP and Misha but adds a caveat at the end. This was really cute.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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This is important information. Misha is trending on Twitter

United States Trends

    Bruh Nicki Minaj
    Happy Birthday Misha
    Mo'ne Davis
    Keyshia Cole
    Under Armour

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Random Jensen discussion:


I find that I insert Jensen into so many roles now. Like I can picture him easily in certain(most) roles. So much so that when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy a couple of weeks ago which was fantastic, and Chris Pratt was great, but I couldn't help thinking the entire time "This was ready made for Jensen...GRRRR" . Peter Quill/StarLord is Dean Winchester, without ALL the angst.  Although, would Dean Winchester BE Dean Winchester without all the angst?


But you know, I got over it. So I thought. Then this morning I see scuttlebutt on Twitter that he had auditioned and screen tested for the role. Now I don't know whether that's true  but it doesn't seem like a far reach considering half the actors in Hollywood under 40 probably tried for the part. But man, if that is true and he got as far as a screen test...BAH!


Anyway, just found that interesting and annoying if true LOL.  Back to waiting on Jensen to do the Ice Bucket challenge.

Edited by catrox14
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I do believe it's true. I remember the discussions over at TWoP last year surrounding it. It sounds like they really wanted him to do it, but couldn't work out his scheduling conflicts with Supernatural. I also think Jensen being a new father and his wife having a gig at the same time played into it as well. But yeah, the rumor is true.

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I had a hard time for the first half hour of the movie getting over my pique.

But then GROOT. So. I couldn't stay irritated at the movie and Chris Pratt did an excellent job.

I want a GROOT.

Edited by SueB
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Well, I think I can die now. I have seen shirtless Jensen at a baseball game.




My only issue, part of the view is blocked by a hand.  LOL.  


It would be fun to see Jensen in something else and hopefully it will happen soon.  They found a way to do it for Jared and it would be nice if they could do it for Jensen, maybe the second half if they take away Jensen's storyline once again.

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If it's a big picture like Avengers or Batman or something big like that then I wouldn't mind Jensen being absent but I don't want him to lose the Demon!Dean storyline prematurely just to make that happen.  I don't want him to take time off to make another Ten Inch Hero or My Bloody Valentine.

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I'm curious, @7kstar, what did they find a way to do for Jared? Did they work his shooting schedule around taking a filming opportunity?

What I remember is vague.  I do know that he was light in many eps of early season 4 and was finishing up a movie that he started on break and vacationing as well while Jensen had a really heavy load.  Jensen has talked about it in cons giving Jared a hard time, but never as if he really was upset about it. 


As far as them doing it right now, I doubt either would due to wanting to spend time with family.  As far as I know neither is really looking for gigs right now due to the time needed to do supernatural. My thought was more along the lines if they wanted to let them do it, they could but they would have to be able to schedule it so it didn't harm Supernatural story lines.  Which is why Jensen hasn't been able to do any major movies.  A TV movie might work.  That's a big if too.  :)

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There were a few rumors that Jared was light in The Beginning because he was finishing up a movie, but on the commentary Kripke said that they just felt they needed it to only be Dean that got sent back to see what had happened. If I remember right he said, Jared spent the time off in Hawaii or something like that, so I don't think those rumors are true. They've always worked any extra projects into their time off, I don't think the show has ever rearranged their shooting schedules to accommodate any of their outside projects. I think the reason  Jensen was so heavy at the start of S4 was his story was heavy and they were trying to keep Sam's story a mystery. It kinda changed around in the second half, Sam's story became a bit more present while Dean's wasn't as much. That's just my personal observation of how most of the seasons have went. Usually Dean's story seems more dominant in the first half and Sam's becomes more apparent up in the second.


I'm not sure it's the show's responsibility to work around these side projects anyway. Maybe it's just my personal work ethic, but if I sign a contract to do something, I wouldn't expect them to work around my side-project schedule. I understand why they do it with guest actors--they haven't ponied up a contact with them, so they have to work around whatever schedule these actors put forth. That's the double edge sword of being on contract--you have the guaranteed work, but then it also limits you to being able to take on other projects.

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Thanks guys! I didn't think that they would work shooting schedules around a side project for the boys. But I wonder if this will be the last season of the show. If not, I would think it would be increasingly difficult for the guys to move on to future good projects.

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Welp, Hell has apparently, frozen over. Jensen joined Twitter. He announced it a VanCon this morning @JensenAckles.


Jared Padalecki ‏@jarpad now

It's official! I am hereby confirming that Jensen Ackles IS now on twitter. U R welcome :) @jensenackles #JensenAcklesOnTwitter




Alright twitter...you win. #VanCon2014 #SPNFamily
10:37 AM - 24 Aug 2014

Edited by catrox14
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You guys thought I was joking about how big a deal this is in SPN Fandom. It's already the number one trend worldwide.  I don't know why I find this so fascinating and hilarious.


Worldwide Trends
· Change

    Suge Knight
    Welcome Jensen
    If T.I. 50



United States Trends
· Change

    Suge Knight
    If T.I. 50
    Matt Prater
    Gregor Blanco

Edited by catrox14
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This is so fascinating. He had 17k followers even before it was confirmed it was his Twitter account. That number has gone from 17kto 52k since he sent his first tweet which was like 15 minutes ago. I predict he'll have 1 a million followers before the middle of the week. Hell that might happen overnight. This is madness and hilarious.


And Misha welcomes him as only Misha could


11:11 AM - 24 Aug 2014 · Details

Misha Collins ‏@mishacollins 3m

There goes the neighborhood... RT @JensenAckles: Alright twitter...you win. #VanCon2014 #SPNFamily


Edited by catrox14
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@Amerilla. Thank Gods someone else is amused by this. I started thinking, this is kind of weird. Like why do I even care. And it's because I just think he's kind of awesome and he's so stinking talented and it kind of confirms that our island of SPN Jensen fans is not as small as I think.

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I haven't been on twitter in a very very long time so for Jensen I went back in and started following him.  His count is now 256k.


I was already following Jim Beaver and he also took the Ice Bucket challenge and challenged Erick Krikpe and some others.  It's personal for him since he lost a good friend last year.  But is vid is a riot.  You should watch.  I don't know how to link it but it shows up as a youtube vid but if you follow him you can find it easily.  I wonder if he will give Jensen a hard time for not following him.  lol.

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Here ya go 7kstar...It's hysterical and touching and I love it.




ETA: earlier today I was commenting to someone that these actors need to get more creative with their challenges...way to go Jim, way to bring awareness to an important cause and entertain us too.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I just saw the worst ALS Challenge ever...the actor I won't name was sleepy and having trouble with his thoughts and well my respect for him is gone.  If he was trying to be funny it was awful and worst an insult to the cause.  He should have just donated the money and done nothing. 


At least everyone I've seen from the show has been really funny, interesting or at least just wanting to support it.  I'm still waiting on Jensen.  There is hope right? 


It's funny how a little tidbit can make your night better.  :)  I never thought Jensen would join twitter but he promised he would let you know if he ever did.


Oh and now Jensen is following Jim, so that report is now false.  Unfortunately Jensen is no longer on top as world or US trends.  But that may change...who knows.


Thanks @Dittydotdot for providing the link to Jim's. 

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