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Just finished season two, and am on season three, so I am just posting these as they come up. All right, this is probably a big one. While I don't love Ana Lucia....I wish she had stuck around longer and I feel sympathy for her. I hated her at first because she killed Shannon, but I think she would have been an asset to the ensemble. I would have loved to see her and Juliet face off in season three instead of Kate and Juliet; with Kate it seemed like a petty fight over Jack rather than not trusting Juliet because she was so shady, and I think AL would have been a more intense/complex rival for Juliet. AL did NOT take crap from the others and I liked how she was unabashedly a leader and cared about keeping her group safe. I would not want to be in her group on the island be because she was so militant, but I think she was fascinating to watch.

I DEFINITELY wish Libby had stuck around, she wasn't a wife, mom, or "kickass" girl, and I think Lost needed a female character like that. She was empathetic and calm, and good with people. She may or may not have been lying, and I think the show dropped the ball big time with killing her off becuase there just seemed to be so much more to her story. Charlotte too, it would have been good to have her around. But not sure how popular/unpopular that is.

I think Mr Eko is kind of boring.....ducks from the onslaught.

For the most part, even when I feel annoyance for the characters I do feel a basic affection for them all. When they piss me off (which happens a lot), my thought is more oh x character, why did you do that?!

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I am pretty grossed out by Sawyer on rewatch. He was never my favorite, but he borderline sexually harasses the women in the beginning, particularly Kate. I don't see the chemistry between the two of them and never really did. I wish they had gone with a Jack, Kate, and Sayid triangle if they were going to do one, I see something between Kate and Sayid early on, which I don't think is a popular opinion.


I do love me some Sawyer.. and yes he does say and do some terrible things, he is sort of a villain after all.. I just like seeing whether he'll get away with it and I did really love him with Juliet, I think she was the right person for him to be a good man.


I think Sayid and Kate would have gone well together, I don't know if a triangle was needed at all but I think Sayid would have been a good match against Jack but Sayid already has so much else going on.

I like Desmond, and the Desmond and Penny romance is the only fully successful one on the show IMO. 


But, I think Desmond is way overrated as a character, and I think The Constant is extremely overrated as an episode. It's not bad, but as far as LOST goes that was average at best. I've never understood why people (including D&C) loved that episode so much. I also feel they shoehorned Desmond into the last season when he didn't really belong, he should have left the show after leaving the island and reuniting with Penny, his story was over.

I love love love that episode. I loved learning more about Desmond, I think it's my second favourite to The Long Con and maybe Ab Aeterno because Richard. I agree though, Penny and Des have the best love story of the show. It was the most grown up to me.


Just finished season two, and am on season three, so I am just posting these as they come up. All right, this is probably a big one. While I don't love Ana Lucia....I wish she had stuck around longer and I feel sympathy for her. I hated her at first because she killed Shannon, but I think she would have been an asset to the ensemble. I would have loved to see her and Juliet face off in season three instead of Kate and Juliet; with Kate it seemed like a petty fight over Jack rather than not trusting Juliet because she was so shady, and I think AL would have been a more intense/complex rival for Juliet. AL did NOT take crap from the others and I liked how she was unabashedly a leader and cared about keeping her group safe. I would not want to be in her group on the island be because she was so militant, but I think she was fascinating to watch.

I DEFINITELY wish Libby had stuck around, she wasn't a wife, mom, or "kickass" girl, and I think Lost needed a female character like that. She was empathetic and calm, and good with people. She may or may not have been lying, and I think the show dropped the ball big time with killing her off becuase there just seemed to be so much more to her story. Charlotte too, it would have been good to have her around. But not sure how popular/unpopular that is.

I don't know if I could deal with more Ana Lucia, I just didn't like her as a character but it would have been interested what happened between her, Sawyer and Kate.


I do really wish Libby had made it, there are so many questions about her that will never be answered now!

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I guess this is the best place for some thoughts I have been having on rewatch.

Something that bugs me about Lost is that there is not a lot of room for female relationships. Yes, we see Kate get along with Claire and Sun, but the men on the show had so many complex relationships. Jack and Locke had antagonism, Ben and everyone, Sayid and Sawyer, Eko and Locke, the list goes on and on. They clashed because of personality differences, philosophical differences, and sometimes these conflicts were seasons long. I guess the closest female antagonists were Kate and Juliet, but it is hard to ignore that their antagonism was probably colored by their feelings for Jack and then Sawyer. Claire and Rousseau had a bit, but in that case it is hard for me personally to ignore that it was because of their babies.

I think it's partly because the writers kind of focused more on women and romantic relationships or motherhood. And don't get me wrong, I don't really have anything against those things, but the men on the show were allowed to care about those and bigger questions, except maybe Jin and Michael. But they missed the opportunity for the women to be more. Ana Lucia was not a popular character, but she was a leader and had she been kept around, she would have been a good antagonist for many of the characters. Sun, had she not gotten pregnant, or had her storyline not entirely focused around her pregnancy, could have been more involved since she was towards the end of season one. Libby, was a people person, and pretty diplomatic. While she is agreeable, I think she could have been involved in all of the decision making on the island.

Idk, I am all for showing women getting along, but it would have been cool to have one relationship between two women on the island like Jack's and Locke's. Not fighting over a man, but fighting because of personality differences and philosophical differences.

Edited by Janet Snakehole
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The reason Richard had only one flashback is that the actor wasn't a regular and in fact spent very little time on set.

Actually, he was a regular for the final season and appeared in more than half of season 5's episodes. There was time.

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Oh, totally. The women generally got the shaft throughout the whole series. I wish they hadn't killed of Charlotte. Despite her little romance with Daniel, because that's not why she was there on the island. Of course, she ended up being a proxy for Daniel to lose his marbles and try to rewrite history. She had some good scenes with Juliet and Kate (not to mention her knocking Kate unconscious) but they mostly stuck her with Daniel during her limited time on the island.

Kate and Juliet certainly came closest but, just as you say, a lot of that had to do with Jack, unfortunately. They kinda tried to do something new with Claire in the final season but that went straight to shit really fucking fast.

Shannon, Libby, Ana-Lucia, these were all perfectly fine characters they could have developed hadn't the writers been so shortsighted and apparently unable to imagine a female-female relationship that had nothing to do with men or children.

Even when the group wound up in the 70's the only new female character that got something to do (and even a name, I think) was Reiko Aylesworth's character and, obviously, her story was about a pregnancy.

Ugh, it's something that irks me the most about the show, frankly.

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I think Sawyer and Juliet was the only couple I was invested in even a little. I generally find romance and love triangles an utter bore but I really did like the happy home they had made for themselves. Calm, serene and without drama. Juliet dying and Sawyer's agony over it was heartbreaking. Then Sawyer reverted back to being an ass again. Whatever.

I recently rewatched and Desmond wore very thin, very fast. The use of "brotha" ten times an episode became nails on a chalkboard.

Edited by joelene
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Excellent point about Charlotte, she was from the island and had good reason to be there. I am ok with romance, and liked her and Daniel, but I would have loved to see her and Juliet interact more in season 5. They were both intellectuals and I think they could have had a good rapport.

Claire, I think they just didn't know what to do with her, especially after Charlie left. Which is sad. I loved so many of the characters on Lost, and I feel like there was just so much lost potential because the runners had no idea what to do with women other than make them play second to the men.

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I forgot about them when I said in another thread I only liked one couple on the show, but I did like Charlotte and Daniel's little romance as well, particularly since it played second fiddle to both of their stories and reasons for being on the island. An it helped that Charlotte was a strong, no-nonsense woman while Daniel was an odd, more damaged individual. Their relationship didn't feel "done". And they felt like friends just as much as they did a romantic couple. They could even have switched genders between the characters to incorporate a woman with grander story (though it would have been a shame not to have Rebecca Mader and Jeremy Davis, who were both excellent), but I bet that when they thought up Faraday they didn't even for a split second think about making the character a woman.

Claire was kind of always screwed because of "MAH BAYBAY" but I always liked her and longed for her the get a proper story, or any story apart from hanging with Charlie all the time. So I was very excited when he died (mostly because I couldn't stand him but because it meant something for Claire too). Obviously this meant getting rid of her for a season but I was still optimistic because they said she'd be back. And I enjoyed crazy Claire (even if De Ravin couldn't entirely pull it off) in the beginning but then nothing really came of it. Sigh.

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I always liked Juliet, she was pretty bad-ass but had a soft side too. I like the part in season 3, where Sawyer had no doubt that Juliet was going to shoot Kate (and she would have). I would say that she was probably best written female character of the main characters.


I agree they didn't really know what to do with Claire, and her storyline in season 6 came out of nowhere.

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I think Mr Eko is kind of boring.....ducks from the onslaught.

Wow I thought I was alone in the not liking Mr Eko. I really didn't care for his character and cared less when he died actually I remember thinking "about time".

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Thought this would be a fun topic!

The title one is a clear one for me, as best. It changed the whole third season for me and made me feel engaged in the show again.

Another one would be in the season one finale, when Tom tells Jin, Sawyer, and Michael that they would have to take the boy. My stomach dropped. Lost knew how to do finales.

Worst? To start, lots of Jack/Kate/Sawyer moments. One that particularly made me cringe was Kate's attempt to flirt with Jack by licking a spoon. And when he didn't respond, she ran to Sawyer.

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I loved the season 5 finale.. the show could have ended like that for me, I'd have been so sad but I did really like it. 


Worst, a lot of Charlie, especially his flashbacks, I just couldn't care less about some has been junkie. And of course the 'baaaaybeeee' and 'Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllltttttttttttttttttttttt'

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Nice thread!

The title one is a clear one for me, as best. It

Worst? To start, lots of Jack/Kate/Sawyer moments. One that particularly made me cringe was Kate's attempt to flirt with Jack by licking a spoon. And when he didn't respond, she ran to Sawyer.

Bwah! I forgot about this. When did it happen?

Agreed on all of the above.


Everything involving Dogen, the japanese speaking arsehole in need of a translator, later to be revealed speaking perfectly good English but used a translator because he was so above the rest of them. Seriously, fuck Dogen.

Sun and Jin speaking English in their final moments. I just couldn't buy that. Took my right out of the scene.

Charlie attacking Sun, because plot(?). Mostly everything involving Charlie from midseason 1 to the end of season 3.

I have difficulty remembering details of when and where and how but pretty much all the love bullshit between Jack, Kate and Sawyer. At least until season 5.

Everytime Desmond said "brotha" past season 2.

Ilana blowing herself up, making her hinted at importance obsolete and her character pretty much just plot device.


Sun hitting Ben over the head with an oar.

The Smokey defense attack in New Otherton in The Shape of Things To Come.

Juliet smashing the bomb.

Locke in Jacob's cabin with Not!Christian and Claire.

The chaos at the beach in the Pilot.

The time traveling crew seeing the intact statue in This Place Is Death. Makes you wish they would've stayed in that time period for an episode.

Edited by joelene
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It happened Catch 22. One triangle moment I did love was in Eggtown when Sawyer called her out, saying if she left she would just come back when Jack started ignoring her. Ha!

Agree with all of the above. Dogen was the worst, he made the original group of Others seem pleasant and forthcoming.

One moment I love from Season One was when Locke is banging on the hatch door, breaking down, and then light appears from inside. We know it's Desmond now, but it was pretty effective at the time.

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Oh I also love the shot when they're looking down into the hatch after blowing it up. Also the recognition between Jack and Desmond when they first meet again.


and agree Juliet smashing the bomb was awesome as well as Sawyer telling her not to let go and them kissing in the end.. one of my favourite parts of the whole show even though I was endlessly sad Juliet wasn't a regular anymore.


Dogen was a dick, I much preferred the flash sideways in season 6 than most of the stuff that happened on the island. It was good to learn about Jacob though.

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Locke banging on the hatch door and the light coming on.


He wasn't on the plane...Ethan revealed!


I dug up that grave, and found a man...named Henry Gale!


We have to go back, no question, but also its follow-up at the end of S4, after a whole season we come back to that moment and Kate slams on the brakes and comes back to say "what do you MEAN, "we have to go back"?!?". 


It only ends once...the Jacob reveal, it blew my mind. It's hard to imagine now, but Jacob was such a mysterious enigma before season 6. 


Also, make your own kind of music, Desmond in the hatch, and its mirror Juliet at the others book club into the plane crash. 


Cabin Fever and Richard Alpert at Locke's birth, almost everything in that episode, the test, the science camp, the scary dream, the cabin, Claire, Christian, and "we have to move the island."


Catch a falling star-the scary remix, with the temple destroyed. 


Ben's monologue at the end of Dr. Linus. 


His name is Jacob, (another baby pops out).........I only chose one name...


The final reveal, for better or worse, it was a surprise.


These are my favorite moments.

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Locke: "How do you have electricity, anyway?"

Ben: "We have two big hamsters running around in this giant wheel in our secret underground lair."


Ben: "You couldn't find the anthuriums, could you?"

Locke: "I don't know what they look like!"

Ben shakes plant at him.


Locke: "Is he talking about what I think he's talking about?"

Ben: "If you mean time-traveling bunnies, then yes."

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I was wary when I saw they were going to put Juliet and Sawyer together, but they ended up being my favorite ship.


For me it was Sawyer and Kate and James and Juliet. James became the man he wanted to be with Juliet. She accepted him and all the terrible stuff he did because she did some terrible stuff too. Kate always acted like she was above him even though she was the one on her way to jail. Her going back and forth just became annoying and made me hate her. 

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I've started re-watching and am almost done with Season 1 (sooo good). Was it ever explained how Locke knew so much about hunting and tracking and well, everything? I feel like none of his flashbacks (that I can remember) really explain it.

I think he says "my Dad and I used to go hunting" back when Anthony Cooper was pretending to be a decent guy before he stole his kidney.


From the walkabout stuff too it seemed like he did reading up on it.

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I'm at the beginning of Season 6 of my re-watch. I understand the flashbacks and flashforwards, but I don't understand what we as the audience are supposed to make of the flashsideways. This is only the second time I've watched this season and I am already confused.


I loved Juliet and Sawyer together and I hate that she died. I can't stand Kate and how she had to ruin it.

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I wish they had done more with Shannon. I liked that despite how much she acted like she didn't care, being called useless bothered her and so she tried in her own way to be useful, though it usually took a lot of prodding before she agreed. I'm rewatching s1 and I'm actually surprised by how involved she was. She went to find the radio tower with the group and later she was helping Sayid with the maps. She could have had a nice story outside of any romance, but once Boone was killed off I knew it was over for her because they weren't going to keep bringing the actor back for her flashbacks. It's too bad, she had a lot of potential. 

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I always felt like she did the extra things so she could show Boone rather than that she actually wanted to do them. Granted, I was happy to see her go. 


That being said I felt it more when she died than say, Charlotte. Charlotte's death was sort of a nothing thing, they didn't build her up to be someone you cared enough about.. other than if you were meant to care about her like Daniel did.. not enough back story for me to do that, sorry show.

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That's what Kate does. She's a ruiner.


I actually really like the flash sideways. It's fun to see the characters how they wish they were (that's how I took it anyway) and how some are better people (Sawyer) and some are much the same (Kate). I also liked the Jack/Juliet/Sawyer relationship. 

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I never really knew what to make of the flashsideways either. That it was about how they wish they were makes sense I suppose. It just becomes very confusing when you think about all the side characters, like Mikhail and whatever all their names were, that aren't included in the church. Were they "real" in the flashsideways? I don't think you're supposed to think about that and you'll fall down a rabbit hole if you do, but I find it really distracting.

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One theory said it was all in Jack's head, but how would he know everyone's backstory? 


Why was Desmond tasked with "waking everyone up" from the alternate universe?


I finished the Jacob and brother backstory re-watch. I don't know what to make of it really. I wish the show had just stuck with the Dharma Initiative using the island for experimenting and not gotten into this weird religious, good and evil story.

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And what about the survivors lives off the island? That bothers me too. I guess what happened to Kate, Claire and Sawyer then didn't matter. I wonder what happened to Alpert. I don't remember if Miles or Lapidus showed up in the sideways. Kinda sucks for everyone's parents not to be able to go with their children in that glorious afterlife. Maybe they all met up anyway *shrug*

Ugh, I really prefer not to think about the sideways, they will never make sense and they just plain sucked.

I really did like the mythology up until the last season. They should have just skipped the sideways and made something more epic on the island instead of all the meandering bullshit. They'd done the flashes. They didn't have to come up with something new just because. I know that it would've spoilt the finale somewhat but they could've made some more flashforwards of the survivors. They wouldn't have to have done them every episode or so often.

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And what about the survivors lives off the island? That bothers me too. I guess what happened to Kate, Claire and Sawyer then didn't matter. I wonder what happened to Alpert. I don't remember if Miles or Lapidus showed up in the sideways. Kinda sucks for everyone's parents not to be able to go with their children in that glorious afterlife. Maybe they all met up anyway *shrug*

Ugh, I really prefer not to think about the sideways, they will never make sense and they just plain sucked.

I really did like the mythology up until the last season. They should have just skipped the sideways and made something more epic on the island instead of all the meandering bullshit. They'd done the flashes. They didn't have to come up with something new just because. I know that it would've spoilt the finale somewhat but they could've made some more flashforwards of the survivors. They wouldn't have to have done them every episode or so often.

Mile was Sawyer's partner in the flash sideways.


This is how I interpret the flash sideways:


The characters are dead and in some state (purgatory maybe) and don't realise they're dead.. so at this point they've lived their lives off the island (or on it as the case may be for Hurley and Ben) and died however that happened and they're living their dead/flash sideways lives as they want to/think they should be remembered (kate think she deserves to be punished and is much the same in real and flash sideways world)... granted that theory doesn't work for Aaron because I doubt he'd want to live his undead life as a baby.. obviously when it gets to these issues, the answer is just Lost.. 


So Desmond's job was to 'wake them up' to the realisation they were dead.. why were they all sharing the same dead world? Who knows, maybe that is what people in purgatory do. Then everyone gets to be happily ever after.


My biggest issue with how it ended is that Sayid was with Shannon in the church!! As if Sayid would be with Shannon, that is just crazy talk. He would 100% definitely be with Nadia.



And yes, I'd love if the show ended in Dharma world.. Juliet lets off the bomb and boom. Lost! End.

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Yeah, Sayid with Shannon instead of Nadia was total and utter bullshit. Poor purgatory Nadia! Who did she get to go with heaven with? She wasn't married or had any kids when she died and it seems romantic couples are mostly the norm i heaven. Guess she was doomed to purgatory for all of eternity. Unless she had her own purgatory were she did get Sayid only we didn't experience it. But that doesn't make any sense, how can Sayid be with BOTH Shannon and Nadia in heaven? My head hurts. I'd like a written statement from Lindelof, thanks.

In regards to Aaron, maybe he was such a disappointment to himself and his mother growing up that him reverting back to an infant was the only way they could be happy.

Edited by joelene
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You're right. I think Christian says something about the most important times of your lives were spent together. Which, sure. But I don't think they can blame viewers for calling bullshit on something like Sayid/Shannon when Sayid spent most of four seasons pining after Nadia, then went in a murder spree and was almost too depressed to live when she died but then ends up with a girl he spent a month with. Which isn't anything against Shannon because I really liked her.

Ah, well.

Edited by joelene
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I always felt like she did the extra things so she could show Boone rather than that she actually wanted to do them. Granted, I was happy to see her go.


Hm, that may be the case a lot of times. But there was a point when she was helping Sayid with the maps and he said something to her and she blew up at him about it and made a comment about everyone thinking she was useless. That made me think that it might have been getting to her and she really did want to be helpful but she didn't know if she could. To me, she seemed self conscious about trying to help because she was worried she would fail at it.  ymmv though!

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Just because it's all island related doesn't mean he needed to be coupled with her.


They could have acknowledged their time with each other and maybe Shannon and Boone could have been together instead and Sayid could have mentioned how he's so happy he can be with Nadia now forever.. assuming Nadia even exists in this "nothing is as special as the island" world.

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Still doing my rewatch. I got to the episode where Shannon died last night. Right before she went, she was crying to Sayid and told him once they got off the island, he would leave her. He promised her that he would never leave her.  I guess he was a man of his word! 

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I never watched 'Lost' when it was first on (I missed the first couple of episodes, and then just never got around to playing catch up).  So, I basically just finished a marathon of all six seasons over a period of several weeks.  All in all, pretty great.  By watching this way, I didn't have to wait for days (or months) to see what happened next and could get past the occasional bad episode and quickly get to a good one (I even liked the finale, which I know some people didn't care for).  It had some flaws and some unanswered questions, but I thought it was very good.  The only problem with watching all episodes in such a short time is that I really got involved with all of the characters.  I'm going to miss them.  My favorites were Desmond, Hurley, Sawyer, Mr. Eko, Miles, Jin/Sun and Rose/Bernard, but I won't miss Jack or Kate.  I even got to like Ben at the end.  Also, I know that the Smoke Monster's role seemed to change from the beginning (from possible security system to one form of the MiB?), but I loved it.  It was creepy, especially the distant 'whoooing' you would hear in the distance and then that little clickety sound as it got closer.

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At least you liked all the right people :D


I never really thought of Smokey's role changing. He allowed some people to live for reasons and sacrified the rest. Maybe he allowed the ones to live that would get him free... perhaps Ben promised him something? I can't even remember now :P Maybe I should rewatch.

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I saw Smokey as being shown at first to be a separate entity, but later I assumed that it was one form that Jacob's brother could take.  His physical body washed up on the creekbed, but before that, Smokey came roaring out of the cave.  I probably wouldn't have necessarily connected the two, but since Not!Locke could change into Smokey, I assumed that they were one entity, not two.  Anyway, I liked ol' Smokey.

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I don't think I could ever stomach a rewatch, knowing how it ends and knowing that the show never really explains anything.  It just ends up turning the island into one giant MacGuffin.

Edited by Dobian
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I loved Lost, and, in my opinion, one of the most amazing things was Michael Emerson's acting.  I hated, with a rage I should not have for a fictional character, hated Ben throughout!  Then along came the scene outside the church where he said he wasn't ready to move on yet.  That character I loathed had me blubbering like a baby.  It's just so unbelievable how an actor can evoke such emotions, as well as such a turnaround of emotions, in a viewer.

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