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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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There really was something abou them. But now I wish they hadn't been so interesting to watch. Maybe they wouldn't have eaten the show.

But wow watching old 80s storylines you forget how many watchable people were on AT THE SAME TIME. In one scene there was Frisco and Felisha, Luke and Laura, and Robert and Holly. (And Sean Donnelly although I'm confused. He's the BAD guy right now?) And I'm sure the other scenes had Tony and Tanya and man... This does not make me in any way ever want to watch the current GH.

So is Maxie technically an Aztec princess?

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They were one of those instances where I might not have necessarily liked either character, but there was still something watchable about their story.


I think the show has forgotten that viewers don't have to like every character to find them watchable. These days, how many characters do we like but hate watching because the stories are so terrible? Most if not all of them.


It's ALWAYS about the writing.

  • Love 7

I always loved these scenes of them putting together something for Emma (ignore the Lisa portions - I do)




Patrick: Robin, it's going to be fine. That extra bolt was just that - it was an extra bolt.

Robin: Isn't a brain surgeon supposed to be more concerned with quality control?


I also love that they keep finding bolts as they pick up because that is exactly what happens when I put something together.

Edited by cmahorror
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I wish the actors had 10 minute interview/clip shows that explained their character's history and relationships - And that watching them was mandatory for every new HW & script/breakdown writer because they're obviously not reading character bibles and it could not be clearer that they have no idea who the characters are. The writers should still have to read up on the characters but maybe spending a day with a cheat sheet would help.

It's really clear from every pre-RC vid that baby rabies!Lulu makes ZERO sense in terms of character history. We've 'talked' ad nauseam about the OOC behavior of Dante, Patrick, Nik, Sam and Liz - but it's true of every character including Carly (fucking Cranco is and will always be an abomination)

Edited by Oracle42
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There really was something abou them. But now I wish they hadn't been so interesting to watch. Maybe they wouldn't have eaten the show.

But wow watching old 80s storylines you forget how many watchable people were on AT THE SAME TIME. In one scene there was Frisco and Felisha, Luke and Laura, and Robert and Holly. (And Sean Donnelly although I'm confused. He's the BAD guy right now?) And I'm sure the other scenes had Tony and Tanya and man... This does not make me in any way ever want to watch the current GH.

So is Maxie technically an Aztec princess?


Sonny and Carly were semi-tolerable together at first, because they made each other miserable.  Which was what they deserved ... and at first you had hope that Jason would learn his lesson, stop trusting both of them, and get away from the mob once and for all.  But, alas, no.  


Sean Donnolly was the bad guy in '84.  It was funny for me to go back and watch some of his scenes (still haven't watched the whole story straight through, but I most certainly plan to) ... because what I'd seen of him in the late 80s and 90s was good guy Sean.   But in '84 and '85, he was ... leering at Felicia, groping Anna at one point, kidnapping half the town, and getting into a brutal physical fight with Robert.   I guess he sure changed his tune!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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So I decided to look up pictures of Coltin Scott Stephen Martinez and Jacob Young and look at some of these gems








Okay this isn't Jacob Young and Stephen Martinez Ninja turtle, but JJ and Tyler with Jennifer Skye, aka Sarah Webber




Sheesh, she looks older than Tyler (and I know she wasn't). No one could have thought Sarah/Lucky could be an actual thing


How cute are Lucky and Liz here? (although I'm sure Liz haters will have a field day with the pigtails :p)



Edited by ulkis

That. Was. Amazing.


I mean, it's agonizing to watch the performance but the actual event looks great. The room looks so full.


My favorite part was what someone described as Gia's "pity face" at 55 seconds:



I dunno. I'm pretty sure ulkis posted FLuke having Teh Sex in the history thread



only for a teensy moment! it's a promo!

  • Love 1

If I had to come across this so do the rest of you



where the hell did they hook up? why the silk sheets?


WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO MEAN?--Taylor and me



Even a few seconds of them fucking is too much. THIS is why Fluke should have been reserved for them as a nickname, and not given over to Fake Luke. 


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jennifer Sky and Tara Lipinski could be sisters.

Edited by UYI
  • Love 1

Ahahahaha. Robin in that outfit is forever EPIC.

And my fave part is Patrick knowing that Robin would be mad at herself for not getting take out, deciding to eat cereal, and reading medical journals, and Robin confirming that. Heee.


Robin: is there any food on this planet sexy.




It kind of cracks me up that Maxie is always giving relationship advice to people who have had actual successful long-term relationships (Sam, Robin, Lulu). At least, more successful than Maxie.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

Robin: is there any food on this planet sexy.


It kind of cracks me up that Maxie is always giving relationship advice to people who have had actual successful long-term relationships (Sam, Robin, Lulu). At least, more successful than Maxie.

Maxie has to give her "I was the other woman; you need to please your man sexually and I will give you tips" speech once every three months.

But it cracked me up during the Lisa stuff, I can't lie. Like she literally told Robin, "You better pay attention to Patrick or another woman will come along and sympathize with him and one thing will lead to another..." And Robin was like, "Bitch, if he sleeps with another woman, we're done, WTF, GTFO."

  • Love 2

Luke and Laura's wedding made an appearance tonight on CNN's documentary series, The Eighties. It covered the decade in television and what was popular and impactful.


I figured it would. No segment on TV in the 80's would be complete without it.


Tony Geary can piss up a rope for all I care when it comes to this. 

  • Love 4

Fell in my Scrubs/Lante hole, 2010-style.

Robin: What?

Patrick: Just remembering all the times I used to stare at you at work...back when you hated me.

Robin: I never hated you! You were just this everyday annoyance that I had to deal with.

Patrick: Oh, really? Well, I thought you were sexy in that self-righteous, snob kind of way.

Robin: Well maybe because I was the only woman who didn't fall all over herself when you started working there.

Patrick: Like I said, sexy and a challenge.

Robin: Do you still think I'm a challenge?

Patrick: Mmm hmm. And still very sexy. I think you're the most amazing woman I've ever met and I'm the luckiest guy in the world to be with you...and Emma.

Dante: Wait! Stop right there. I love it.

Lulu: Love what?

Dante: You. What you're wearing, the way the sunlight's hitting your hair, the fact that you brought me a gift.

Lulu: Can I move now? OK. This is something that no self-respecting human being can live without. I know it's terribly unoriginal, but you'll thank me every morning.

Dante: It's awesome. Thank you.

Lulu: Wooow. I'm gonna bring you presents more often.

  • Love 3

Dante: Wait! Stop right there. I love it.

Lulu: Love what?

Dante: You. What you're wearing, the way the sunlight's hitting your hair, the fact that you brought me a gift.

Lulu: Can I move now? OK. This is something that no self-respecting human being can live without. I know it's terribly unoriginal, but you'll thank me every morning.

Dante: It's awesome. Thank you.

Lulu: Wooow. I'm gonna bring you presents more often.


The beginning of that clip cracks me up because it's the epitome of Every Day Dante syndrome. I mean, I loved the guy and all but even I'm a little embarrassed that he got 10 seconds of screentime to sit and stare satisfied at his apartment lol.


That reminds me of this clip though



(at about 5:30)

Lulu: You didn't answer your cell phone so I was just gonna leave you a note - I mean if you want to be alone - 

Dante: No, no let me read the note.

Lulu: No (stuffs the note into shirt awkwardly) I'll just save it for another time that you're not around

Dante: Is that a tease or a challenge?



Dante: So why don't we just turn up the heat, hop in the shower, and pretend we're in our own tropical storm

Lulu: Where did you get this music? 

Dante: It's from a bachelor party of a detective friend from a few years ago.

Lulu: Really? Were there hot, uh, hula strippers?

Dante: Oh yeah. There was one. You woulda loved him, his name was Douglas.

Lulu: YUM.

  • Love 3

There was a period of time Dante was on WAY too much. It was insane. But I still liked Lante. It was a curse and a gift.


It was right around then - I'd say from after he got shot to when Brenda came on. I mean, he was still on way too much when Brenda came on, but it was an actually story at least? After Sonny shot him he should have gotten a breather but instead he was just rolling into scenes even though there was no point to him being in about 70% of the scenes. And he and Lulu just had endless sex scenes that blurred together.


this is just a random Scrubs scene that I always liked, really short, but it's Robin checking up on how Patrick handled her patients while she was away visiting Anna



Robin: You prescribed him a medication

Patrick: He was complaining of pain

Robin: He doesn't have any, he just likes the attention.

Patrick: Which is why I prescribed him a placebo. One for me!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

I really didn't like the Dante/Brenda stuff. :/ I think that's what made it more annoying than anything.

And, Ah, LOVE!

Robin: She doesn't trust you.

Patrick: Cranky, whiny broad.

Robin: She said you were too cute to know what you were doing.

And his little dance when he won the competition. Lolololol.

JMB killlllled that confrontation scene with Lulu/Liz. She's so great.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I've decided it's better for my rage problem if I just pretend Current TFGH is a crappy remake or revisit of an old classic.   Like the Channing Tatum 21 Jump Street movie was to the old tv show ... although, admittedly, I did laugh at parts of the movie.  But the tone, writing and overall message is completely different, and it's really just using the title for name recognition.  


That's how I feel about this show -- shitty revisit of an old classic.   At this point, they don't even try to pretend they didn't run out of all their decent story ideas in about 2001.  


I suspect they don't really do good intentional humor anymore because (1) writing witty, fun dialogue requires smart writing and giving a shit about characterization, and (2) if it were actually funny, the actors would have a hard time with it -- what with the no rehearsal time / getting yelled at if you have to do re-takes, because it's all about the $$$$$$ and cheap-as-possible production.

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Sonny is an asshole. That is all. (And remember, this was the year before Emily died.)


The one thing I liked about the Qs (and to a lesser extent Scotty), especially Monica and Edward, is that they really saw Sonny for what he was : a manipulator, especially of the vulnerable. It came to a point that Sonny couldn't see it in himself even in the midst of doing. He came to believe that he was helping these people, when he was simply taking advantage of an opportunity. I am sadden that Anna has sided with Sonny and I wish Anna would lay at least a portion of the blame for Duke's demise on Sonny. Duke was imprisoned by the mad man Faison and was probably feeling pretty powerless, and unlike AJ whose was giving a job to someone that needed a leg up and nothing more, Sonny took advantage of Duke's need to feel empowered after he had been imprisoned, and luckily for Sonny, his enemy du jour was Duke's past enemy.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

While RC, FV and the new head writers are terrible when given freedom, I will never forgive Frons, Guza and JFP for all Jason&Sonny/all the time, with Carly mixed in for good measure. It would have been a good show if it was even 50% out of J&S's collective asses, but it wasn't. All the time Jason had to be the big hero. He always won the girl. He was always right. Everyone from cops, to other Qs, to doctors had to be shown as being somehow inferior to him. Characters were shredded to prop him and Sonny up. It is a lie that Spinelli was the great truth teller. Spinelli was Guza, end of story. Spinelli told the audience what to feel, even if our lying eyes told a different story, probably his efforts to "train the audience". It wasn't an accident that characters greatly improved or were written more fairly if their story didn't hurt J&S's stories. Night Shift showed the quality of GH improved when Jason was taken out of the story. 


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