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These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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Just wondering, does Jensen really care what they do?  I didn't get excited about Michael because I knew it would be over quickly and didn't hope for much this time.  Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on ME!  JMO.

If Jensen is wanting a simple way to have time to act and spend time with his kids while they are really young, doesn't this fit the bill especially if they expand and he gets more time off?  He's already been through the experience of a lead demanding that his character is shrunk so that the lead wouldn't feel bad.  He enjoys his work.

I wonder if for those that marathon through the seasons, does it feel better than watching it live?  Is that the audience they are trying to hook?

I predict that Nick/Michael join together, I mean he just killed a man and Dean is let go?  Doesn't that seem to convenient?

11 minutes ago, 7kstar said:

Just wondering, does Jensen really care what they do?  I didn't get excited about Michael because I knew it would be over quickly and didn't hope for much this time.  Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on ME!  JMO.

If Jensen is wanting a simple way to have time to act and spend time with his kids while they are really young, doesn't this fit the bill especially if they expand and he gets more time off?  He's already been through the experience of a lead demanding that his character is shrunk so that the lead wouldn't feel bad.  He enjoys his work.

I wonder if for those that marathon through the seasons, does it feel better than watching it live?  Is that the audience they are trying to hook?

I predict that Nick/Michael join together, I mean he just killed a man and Dean is let go?  Doesn't that seem to convenient?

I think Jensen cares about Dean.  He clearly cared about the demon!Dean and Purgatory arcs being truncated sooner than he preferred. And he had JJ at that time as well. And I think he cares to an extent about good story as much as he can.  I can't imagine that he thought the early end to the aforementioned was good storytelling for Dean.  He may not be as invested in playing Michael for as long as we might like, but I do think he would care about how it will impact Dean.  JMHO

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Oh, I think he cares about Dean or else he wouldn't talk about the poor fight scene on wires and how bad it was.  But he also knows the fans want the show to continue, at least for now.  So if he gets say three or four really good stories out of the season, ex Scooby Doo, or Baby...he may think it is worth it and suck it up for the rest.


My real question if you binge watch do you think about all the issues we see when we watch it live?  Does it read better than I think it does?

2 minutes ago, 7kstar said:

Oh, I think he cares about Dean or else he wouldn't talk about the poor fight scene on wires and how bad it was.  But he also knows the fans want the show to continue, at least for now.  So if he gets say three or four really good stories out of the season, ex Scooby Doo, or Baby...he may think it is worth it and suck it up for the rest.


My real question if you binge watch do you think about all the issues we see when we watch it live?  Does it read better than I think it does?

I think the longer arcs are more evident in binge watching and minor issues are easier to gloss over.

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On 20/10/2018 at 2:16 PM, ILoveReading said:

DARE TO DREAM – After a hunt gone wrong leaves Maggie’s (guest star Katherine Evans) whereabouts unknown, Sam (Jared Padalecki) Dean (Jensen Ackles), Mary (guest star Samantha Smith) and Bobby (guest star Jim Beaver) race to find her, but what they find are their own worst nightmares. Darren Grant directed the episode written by Meredith Glynn (#1405). Original airdate 11/8/2018.


Synopsis for episode 5.



- Why are they still taking Maggie on hunts

- I though she was cute last season, but before pushing for characters as part of the team, how about we get to fucking know them first

- Are they going to carry the Bobby carboard cutout with them in every single episode ? At least real Bobby wasn't following them around like a horny fangirl. Also idgaf about his nightmares, dude's a cheap knock off who's only there to spout Bobby-isms for nostalgia.

Cool concept for an episode though. Since it's Glynn writing I think she'll mostly go for comedy, that's what she tends to do for episodes that should have a serious tone (Regarding Dean, Scorpion & Frog, Unfinished Business). Especially since the episode before that is already horror-themed, I expect this one to be more light-hearted.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, BoxManLocke said:

- Why are they still taking Maggie on hunts

I don't give a flying fuck about Maggie, or AU Bobby or anyone from the AU but Michael.  JFC this is so frustrating!  This feels like how they tried to keep X Files going without Mulder or Scully....sigh.   

  • Love 6

Who release spoilers and why are they not checked? We have had: the impala won’t be driven til dean gets back. In the first episode sam is driving her. We have had Michael will be the big bad but hang on then we are told he is not going to be but rather he will be taught a lesson by other monsters.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I don't give a flying fuck about Maggie, or AU Bobby or anyone from the AU but Michael.  JFC this is so frustrating!  This feels like how they tried to keep X Files going without Mulder or Scully....sigh.   

I know it's a really low bar, but I think she's the most interesting one from the AU because she's actually new, and because of the resurrection thing, which I hope comes back into play at some point.


I like to give new characters a chance. Emphasis on NEW. The show has a character problem because it keeps bringing back old ones, they're the ones who need to go.

54 minutes ago, BoxManLocke said:

I like to give new characters a chance. Emphasis on NEW. The show has a character problem because it keeps bringing back old ones, they're the ones who need to go.

I'm not convinced she is really NEW per se.  I feel like she's the same kind of character we've seen before.  But I get that's all interpretation and taste in characters.  I find the actress really dull, weak and uninteresting so that doesn't help either LOL

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So I was thinking about Kelly's parents weird reaction.  I think they suspect Kelly is dead. I think they are going to think Jack is the father. I think they are going to start investigating her whereabouts and think he killed her and the baby and it will parallel Nick looking for the killers of his wife and child. 

2 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

I'm even more annoyed because we're right back to Dean just fussing over Sam

Ugh ugh UGH.  I am so not interested in Dean being All About Sam AGAIN when he's back. Just get a cardboard cut out of Jensen and a recording of him saying a few Sam supportive phrases, because that's all they really need from him. It's not like Dean has a story of his own or anything. Then maybe Jensen can go off and do another role on a show that DOES want him! Win win!!

  • Love 9
25 minutes ago, Maren said:

Ugh ugh UGH.  I am so not interested in Dean being All About Sam AGAIN when he's back.

It sounds to me like that could be saying that Dean is supportive of Sam not wanting to be a leader or be in the fight? ...or if Sam is the "leader" it's more in a coordination type role and that Dean would be the field leader?

There are too many "he"s in that statement and not enough information to explain to whom those "he"s are referring for me to know what that actually means.

12 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

It sounds to me like that could be saying that Dean is supportive of Sam not wanting to be a leader or be in the fight? ...or if Sam is the "leader" it's more in a coordination type role and that Dean would be the field leader?

There are too many "he"s in that statement and not enough information to explain to whom those "he"s are referring for me to know what that actually means.

I had the same reaction.  Dean is the subject in the first sentence, which would suggest the "he" in the second refers to him but that would be a sea change in the characterizations of the two brothers.  I assume that JP means "Sam" when he said "he" but it definitely caused a moment of whiplash at first read!

This actually matches up with something JP said before, that Sam prefers to do the research etc.  And based on the descriptions of some of the upcoming eps, Sam doesn't seem to be doing much with the Bunkerites.  I had criticized the fact that the "troops" (so to speak) were doing ordinary hunts that other hunters (who are not, presumably, aware of the Michael situation) could handle, and not out there looking for the (assumed at the time but clearly incorrect) Big Bad.  I'm thinking now that it might have been set up that way so that the audience doesn't ask why Sam isn't actually leading the Bunkerites anywhere (or frequently engaging with them at all); they're all off on hunting assignments.  

I also suspect that doe-eyed Maggie--Jack's future love interest?--is a stand-in for the entire AU contingent.  That's why she keep going along on excursions they should never let her join.

Edited by Lemuria
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They uploaded the whole EW panel.  I posted it over in the media thread.

Sounds like Dean mocks Sam for the whole chief/sir thing but I can't help but feel that will ultimately end up being a lesson for Dean. 

It also sounds like Dean will have issues with the AU people.  Good that is far more organic then them dumping Bobby and Mary and suddenly shifting the alliances to Sam.  I want Michael to take them out.  I dont like them in Dean's home.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

They uploaded the whole EW panel.  I posted it over in the media thread.

Sounds like Dean mocks Sam for the whole chief/sir thing but I can't help but feel that will ultimately end up being a lesson for Dean. 

It also sounds like Dean will have issues with the AU people.  Good that is far more organic then them dumping Bobby and Mary and suddenly shifting the alliances to Sam.  I want Michael to take them out.  I dont like them in Dean's home.

More organic, agreed - but I don't see any way this goes well for Dean.

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Jensen's statements on Dabb giving him no direction is pretty awesome. "I was an island unto myself."


And would have liked Jensen to be able to finish his thoughts on filming that scene with Danneel but Jared went off on some stupid tangent. 

Edited by Bobcatkitten
  • Love 4
54 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

Jared says "The bunker has been sovereign to the Winchesters." What show are they watching? Every demon and evil character just walks the fuck right in!!!


52 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Jared also said the writers know the canon and the lore and they pay attention to it. 



46 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

Jensen's statements on Dabb giving him no direction is pretty awesome. "I was an island unto myself."



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2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

So Dean is back and hunting already in 14x03. Any bets on how long into the episode before he defends Nougat Baby's declaration that [Dean] doesn't matter when it came down to ending Michael? I'm guessing less than 10 minutes.

And no one will dare say that is what Nougat Baby said explicitly.  They will completely disregard his shitty comment and of course that will get twisted into,   "See, Dean agrees that he doesn't matter".  Probably even have someone remind Dean that he was willing to stay dead...but then that changed after Cas came back and Dean got his win.  But that won't ever be addressed in the narrative you can bet your bottom dollar.  Or Not Bobby will probably lay into Dean telling him to suck it up or some other bullshit, when Dean speaks up for himself or deigns to even speak of his own suffering, which likely won't happen since ERL already said, Dean has an evil immunity so it won't affect him- translation: Dean will not be given a voice about his own experience and will apologize for doing it ...

ETA:  And the writers will play it as "nostalgic" to have Not!Bobby be a "Dad figure" to Dean.  I'll bet you an internet dollar that happens.  Or worse, Not Bobby will wonder, why Dean couldn't over power and kill Michael or some other garbage, that the writers will use to invoke that "nostalgia".

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

And no one will dare say that is what Nougat Baby said explicitly.  They will completely disregard his shitty comment and of course that will get twisted into,   "See, Dean agrees that he doesn't matter".  Probably even have someone remind Dean that he was willing to stay dead...but then that changed after Cas came back and Dean got his win.  But that won't ever be addressed in the narrative you can bet your bottom dollar.  Or Not Bobby will probably lay into Dean telling him to suck it up or some other bullshit, when Dean speaks up for himself or deigns to even speak of his own suffering, which likely won't happen since ERL already said, Dean has an evil immunity so it won't affect him- translation: Dean will not be given a voice about his own experience and will apologize for doing it ...

This is what I'm expecting as well.

Edited by ILoveReading
last response sounded too bitch vs Jerk
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I swear Dabb and BRL have two different plans for this season and have no clue what the other is doing.  This completely contradicts everything ERL said in her other article.  But it does sound as if Michael has truly left Dean.

Sounds like Sam will make a mistake as leader.  But I expect that will be just end with more Sam pimping.

Dean's in a dark place in episode 4 but shakes it off because of a hunt, sounds like another dropped plot point.

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

I swear Dabb and BRL have two different plans for this season and have no clue what the other is doing.  This completely contradicts everything ERL said in her other article.  But it does sound as if Michael has truly left Dean.

Sounds like Sam will make a mistake as leader.  But I expect that will be just end with more Sam pimping.

Dean's in a dark place in episode 4 but shakes it off because of a hunt, sounds like another dropped plot point.

Sounds like damage control to me - he knows his boss Eugenie fucked up and was too honest, too soon, about Dean's actual place in the story and now they are trying to walk it back. Shame it's all filmed already. Pfffft.

I think that is the first time I have ever read a compliment, mild as it is, about Jensen from Dabb. Yep. He knows they poked the bear just a little too hard this time. Damage control.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 4

From the article.....


“For him to vanish at the end of episode 2 and never come back, or to be defeated at the end of episode 7 and never come back, would not only do a disservice to that character and to Jensen who does a great job of playing him but also to us for taking time to tell that story,” Dabb says. “We’re certainly not in a position where we’re going to say this is the final season and Michael is the be-all-end-all, because I don’t think it is, and I don’t think he is, but…he is the biggest looming threat [now].”

So, if it's doing a disservice to what Jensen did then why are you taking it away.  And NO, Dabb, fans are not a monolith and don't all want the brothers back together right away....sigh.



The 14th season is also a slightly shorter one with only 20 episodes, so Dabb says the writers’ room has had to accelerate the plot a bit. For the time being, Michael has left Dean’s body, and he’s not the kind of being that will “show up for dinner every Thursday night or anything like that,” Dabb admits. But because the world of the show hasn’t seen anything as threatening as him, “our guys are very much aware that [he] could rear his head at any given time.”

So how is this not removing the Michael arc other than he might randomly appear?  More baiting of fans to keep them around for any further Michael!Dean, is what that spin is and I don't believe for a minute that Michael!Dean will ever show up again.  Lying liars who lie. 



“Sam has taken on a role that Dean is proud of him for but wasn’t there to see him grow into, so he’s kind of coming into everything mid-stream,” Dabb points out. “Sam is in the role of leader, and being the leader is great — until you make a mistake or someone you’re leading gets killed.”

No no no no no, Dabb.  Sam already grew into insta-General in s12 when you wrote an episode specifically for Dean to tell Sam he was ready for leading his team of hunters and he could handle it.  Sounds like Dean is being regressed...again for the sake of plot. See also, DabBleming don't remember nor care about anything that went before. 


Castiel will also continue to take the lead on helping Jack deal with the fact that he lost his powers. “Cas has been looking to grow into a larger role in the show. He’s been looking for his place for many years, and he wonders if he found it as a father to this kid,” Dabb says.

Sorry, Mr. Dabb.  Cas had his place with the Winchesters and he's had it for a long time until you and your writing staff decided he needed to not be there for sake of plot and/or the obsession with bringing Lucifer.



Meanwhile Nick (Mark Pellegrino) will “be on his own for a little while,” Dabb shares, as he and the show unravel the mystery of what really happened to his family.

Nick can’t make up for all of the terrible things Lucifer did when he was in his body, but what he can do is do right by the family, which is a very ‘Supernatural’ motivation,” Dabb says.

While Nick’s version of “doing right” by them has thus far proven to be more violent than the Winchesters might approve, Dabb says that comes as a consequence of being tied to Lucifer for as long as he was.

“Lucifer definitely lingers in Nick in terms of the trauma that he’s undergone,” Dabb says. “You can’t have something possess you for years and years and not absorb something from them, even if it’s just muscle memory.”

No, no, no no no...Mr Dabb. 


This is fucking a huge ass retcon.  It was never suggested until this obsession with having Pellegrino in the show that Nick was ever alive during all of this. RETCON RETCON RETCON and not a good one. And NICK didn't do this. Lucifer did. This is IMO an attempt to lowkey redeem Lucifer.  There is no way the audience will not continue to associate Pellegrino with Lucifer. 



While these overarching stories come with a lot of questions and complications for the characters on the mythological level, Dabb is still excited to bring some standalone “short story” episodes to the season to allow the characters to grow emotionally.

Dabb points to the fourth episode of season 14, “Mint Condition,” as a good example, noting that “Dean is in a very dark place in the beginning of that episode” but quickly gets into the “cool ’80s nostalgia throwback” feeling when he comes face-to-face with his hero from an ’80s horror movie franchise. Dabb reveals that the episode was inspired by “Halloween” and “Friday the 13th,” and the “hero” Dean loves is “our version of Jason, basically.”


Wait, wait, wait, wait wait.   Is Dabb saying that Dean thought a literal murderer of teenagers was a hero.  UM.....what the fuck? No, there is no fucking way I accept that a tween or teen Dean, who had already seen all the horrors of monsters in HIS REAL LIFE would say that Jason from Friday the 13th is a fucking hero. 

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Leaders aren't perfect.  They shouldnt' be.  But I'm sure it will be an opportunity to remind Sam of that and talk about how good he is at it and how strong he is

That's not what happened last time Sam screwed up as leader, so I don't see why it would show up this time. I think it could just as likely be a set up for Sam to learn a lesson about how being leader is difficult... which Sam had already learned, in my opinion, a long time ago. And I wouldn't even care, except that Dabb is making this an issue... such as here:


“Sam is in the role of leader, and being the leader is great — until you make a mistake or someone you’re leading gets killed.”

In my opinion, Sam shouldn't even be thinking of being leader as great, because I don't think that's really how Sam would think based on what I've seen of his character previously. And I wish Sam could just be left that way without him having to learn these stupid lessons he's already learned - starting way back in season 2 with "All Hell... Pt 1" all the way through to the end of season 13.

And of course someone will have to (likely) die for Sam to learn this lesson, because... well never mind... I'll end up in "Bitch vs Jerk" territory if I continue that train of thought, so I won't.

24 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Wait, wait, wait, wait wait.   Is Dabb saying that Dean thought a literal murderer of teenagers was a hero.  UM.....what the fuck? No, there is no fucking way I accept that a tween or teen Dean, who had already seen all the horrors of monsters in HIS REAL LIFE would say that Jason from Friday the 13th is a fucking hero. 

Okay, yeah that sounds bad, though there is one - admittedly dark humor - way I could see this. It's best to use something from This Is Us last night to demonstrate. On that show last night Randal was explaining why he had wanted to run for local office, telling a story about how in his neighborhood he helped this kid who had been selling lemonade at a lemonade stand in the winter, and he was getting all emotional talking about it, ending with "he almost froze to death!" And Beth, his wife, said (paraphrase, but close) "yes, Baby, but he was stupid," and in that moment Beth was my hero - again - because she often says awesome (in my twisted opinion ; ) ) stuff like that.

So if teen Dean saw the slasher guy as his "hero," because the teenagers were just too stupid to live and did everything wrong, I think I could live with that. But then again my best friend went with me to "Avengers: Infinity War" and rooted for Thanos, so I'm not maybe the best one to comment. ; ) .

I know it's Dabb and he is atrocious but I think it was just poorly worded. Just like people watch  the Halloween movies for Jason, the Elm Street movies for Freddy etc, Dean watched this fictional horror series for character X. I don't think "hero" in this context means "hero" but fave character.

Other than that Dabb and the Nep Duo work in two different shows. Both are meh.

  • Love 4

I saw this posted on Tumblr...it cracked me up.  So accurate....


"TPTB press releases be like

"Dean is but isn’t going through big trauma and Michael is and isn’t our biggest bad and Cas has and hasn’t found his place yet and the show is and isn’t just about the brothers and they are and aren’t driving the Impala without Dean.

"Thank you TPTB, these interviews clear everything up.

"Seriously though, I’m starting to wonder if they’re just intentionally releasing interviews for different ends of the fanbase to beat each other with and pacify different quarters of standom because LITERALLY what they say in one interview is DEADASS OPPOSITE said two days later and I’m starting to think this is some wild ass hunger games fandom shit they’re doing to fuck with everybody"

  • Love 5

The fuck is wrong with Dabb? Why would he spoil so emphatically that Michael has vacated Dean? I guess there's something to be said for lowering expectations, but this clown has lowered mine right out of watching.


  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The fuck is wrong with Dabb? Why would he spoil so emphatically that Michael has vacated Dean? I guess there's something to be said for lowering expectations, but this clown has lowered mine right out of watching.


I'm calling it...it was Kaia.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

I saw this posted on Tumblr...it cracked me up.  So accurate....


"TPTB press releases be like

"Dean is but isn’t going through big trauma and Michael is and isn’t our biggest bad and Cas has and hasn’t found his place yet and the show is and isn’t just about the brothers and they are and aren’t driving the Impala without Dean.

"Thank you TPTB, these interviews clear everything up.

"Seriously though, I’m starting to wonder if they’re just intentionally releasing interviews for different ends of the fanbase to beat each other with and pacify different quarters of standom because LITERALLY what they say in one interview is DEADASS OPPOSITE said two days later and I’m starting to think this is some wild ass hunger games fandom shit they’re doing to fuck with everybody"

A perfect synopsis. Especially the fan part. Dabbernatural sucks.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Sounds like damage control to me - he knows his boss Eugenie fucked up and was too honest, too soon, about Dean's actual place in the story and now they are trying to walk it back. Shame it's all filmed already. Pfffft.

I think that is the first time I have ever read a compliment, mild as it is, about Jensen from Dabb. Yep. He knows they poked the bear just a little too hard this time. Damage control.

Sounds like Eugenia either provide a foiler that caused too much backlash or just spouted bullshit.  I’m thinking foiler cause she doesn’t mind lying to the audience.  

  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

I saw this posted on Tumblr...it cracked me up.  So accurate....


"TPTB press releases be like

"Dean is but isn’t going through big trauma and Michael is and isn’t our biggest bad and Cas has and hasn’t found his place yet and the show is and isn’t just about the brothers and they are and aren’t driving the Impala without Dean.

"Thank you TPTB, these interviews clear everything up.

"Seriously though, I’m starting to wonder if they’re just intentionally releasing interviews for different ends of the fanbase to beat each other with and pacify different quarters of standom because LITERALLY what they say in one interview is DEADASS OPPOSITE said two days later and I’m starting to think this is some wild ass hunger games fandom shit they’re doing to fuck with everybody"

This is fantastic and about exactly right LOL

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Casseiopeia said:

I saw this posted on Tumblr...it cracked me up.  So accurate....


"TPTB press releases be like

"Dean is but isn’t going through big trauma and Michael is and isn’t our biggest bad and Cas has and hasn’t found his place yet and the show is and isn’t just about the brothers and they are and aren’t driving the Impala without Dean.

"Thank you TPTB, these interviews clear everything up.

"Seriously though, I’m starting to wonder if they’re just intentionally releasing interviews for different ends of the fanbase to beat each other with and pacify different quarters of standom because LITERALLY what they say in one interview is DEADASS OPPOSITE said two days later and I’m starting to think this is some wild ass hunger games fandom shit they’re doing to fuck with everybody"

Yeah, the most recent "press releases" have only left me wondering how many "showrunners" this show actually has.

The Nick/Lucifer stuff makes me want to barf and both include that nonsense in their speechifying, so neither works for me. 

They need a purge/cleanse of the entire writers' room, IMO and AFAIC.

Edited by Myrelle
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6 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Wow, never saw that coming. *sarcasm*

I don’t honk your wrong.  Pretty sure Maggie gets killed.  But I think it’s also likely that dean has no tolerance (certainly not with his current issues) for leading these people — which means Insuspect that he’ll help Sam get back up on he horse.  

Just look at the Wonder Woman plot from the Justice League movie (hidden for spoilers) 


She got Steve killed, in her mind, by leading.  So she dropped out of a hero role for several decades.  She just now is coming back.  That’s her big DC character arc.  

It’s a pretty standard concept but still worthwhile IMO. 

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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