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These Spoilers Suck: Bitter Speculation About SPN Spoilers

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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19 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Leave it to Dabb & Co to actually make me dislike the idea of an "all-woman demon-wrecking crew". I would love to see that on my tv, but damnit, that distinction has to be earned, not just magically endowed upon characters we already know. IMO this is not a step forward for empowerment, it's a joke.

My whole issue with WS was why do we have to have an all-female anything or an all-male anything? Why can't we integrate people?

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Bobcatkitten said:

My whole issue with WS was why do we have to have an all-female anything or an all-male anything? Why can't we integrate people?

Exactly. Why can't they work with and learn from experienced hunters, male or female? And I'm even cool with Jody being a great hunter now, Donna too. But being great shouldn't mean just being better than Dean and/or Sam. Dumbing them down to give the female heroes the win isn't winning in my book.

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Leave it to Dabb & Co to actually make me dislike the idea of an "all-woman demon-wrecking crew". I would love to see that on my tv, but damnit, that distinction has to be earned, not just magically endowed upon characters we already know. IMO this is not a step forward for empowerment, it's a joke.

This. They are sadly getting female empowerment all wrong. Jody and Donna have earned something akin to hunters.  Claire got her ass turned into a werewolf because she had a petty teenage response to Sam's sage words and ran off wearing headphones and playing her music so loud she couldn't hear anyone.  And where were her Hunter instincts telling her to maybe NOT do that and be aware of her surroundings.  No, I am not "victim blaming" Claire, because she straight up knew better.  And if they want me to respect and like her as a hunter then they have a long way to go. And her showing up at a werewolf lair being snarky isn't it.

Stop shorthanding hunting, show.  Make them damn well earn it. Show them earning it and not via flashbacks or training montages.  Also, don't shortchange me on TFW 1.0 (Jack I don't much care about either way). Claire is just annoying and obnoxious.

Alex is okay but if they keep writing them as just magically badass, I won't like her either.  Jody and Donna have my respect because they earned it. They had years of  law enforcement experience to at least bolster their arguably faster elevation to hunter status.  I've seen  nothing but stupid combined with hubris, out of Claire from her reintroduction in s10. Yes, she's damaged and angsty and rebellious but that doesn't mean she needs be stupid, too. And she had to be rescued each time she did something stupid.

Remember back when Jo and Ellen were badass without anyone telling us they were badass?  If you have to tell me repeatedly someone is a badass and you do nothing to show me this being true, I don't believe you no matter what.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Exactly. Why can't they work with and learn from experienced hunters, male or female? And I'm even cool with Jody being a great hunter now, Donna too. But being great shouldn't mean just being better than Dean and/or Sam. Dumbing them down to give the female heroes the win isn't winning in my book.

One of the reasons I really like Donna and Jody is that they fit well into the existing SPN world. They have jobs that would prepare them for hunting more than the average civilian. They work WITH the boys rather than upstage them. Jody has been a much better mom than Mary in that she validates Dean's feelings and offers unconditional comfort and a listening ear. Donna thanks Sam and Dean for their help and has an overall likable and humble attitude toward them because they're obviously bigger experts in hunting than she is (or was). They feel like real people who aren't written to appeal to a specific demographic or to fulfill a checklist of traits for maximum marketability.

I can't say the same for their gang of attractive teens. I probably like Alex the best because she's more low-key and less in-your-face "look how awesome/cute/sympathetic I am," despite her exceedingly tragic and traumatic past. Incidentally, she's also the only one of them with an anchoring job (nurse) within the community. 

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

And God I miss Ellen and Jo.

I recently started following Sam Ferris on Twitter and she posted something random I could have totally heard coming out of Ellen. It made me miss her even more. Part of me is very glad she wasn't one of the AU dopplegangers. Along with Benny, I don't think I could take it if Dabb ruined them, too.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, BabySpinach said:

One of the reasons I really like Donna and Jody is that they fit well into the existing SPN world. They have jobs that would prepare them for hunting more than the average civilian. They work WITH the boys rather than upstage them. Jody has been a much better mom than Mary in that she validates Dean's feelings and offers unconditional comfort and a listening ear. Donna thanks Sam and Dean for their help and has an overall likable and humble attitude toward them because they're obviously bigger experts in hunting than she is (or was). They feel like real people who aren't written to appeal to a specific demographic or to fulfill a checklist of traits for maximum marketability.

I can't say the same for their gang of attractive teens. I probably like Alex the best because she's more low-key and less in-your-face "look how awesome/cute/sympathetic I am," despite her exceedingly tragic and traumatic past. Incidentally, she's also the only one of them with an anchoring job (nurse) within the community. 

While I completely agree with most of your post, I have the UO that I really don't care for Donna. Jody is okay but not someone I get excited about. While Jody might be more mom like to the brothers than Mary, let's be honest, that's not really a high bar. Also, while she might have validated, comforted, listened to Dean regarding Mary at one time, she completely disrespected him and his expertise in front of the psychic girl. She basically put him in the same category as her controlling, lying father which IMO was a complete betrayal of him. She's reminding me more and more of Bobby, and that's not a good thing. 

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, Res said:

While I completely agree with most of your post, I have the UO that I really don't care for Donna. Jody is okay but not someone I get excited about. While Jody might be more mom like to the brothers than Mary, let's be honest, that's not really a high bar. Also, while she might have validated, comforted, listened to Dean regarding Mary at one time, she completely disrespected him and his expertise in front of the psychic girl. She basically put him in the same category as her controlling, lying father which IMO was a complete betrayal of him. She's reminding me more and more of Bobby, and that's not a good thing. 

I let Jody slide on her disregarding of Dean's valid advice because I really enjoyed all her previous appearances. It annoyed me, but I won't be too bothered unless it becomes a pattern. I definitely don't want her to be the new sage who is always framed to be right no matter what.

2 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

I had a feeling Dean would be back by the end of the third episode when the fourth is called Mint Condition

It will be just like I figured it would be a la Cas' return at the end of 13.3.

And I think Jensen has been being a good corporate shill. I think his "surprised" was both about it being a little longer than demon Dean and it not being nearly as long as he wanted.

He's cagey that way.

  • Love 1

Heh. Maybe Sam drives her and wrecks her or something  and it annoys Dean so much he fights back and makes Michael go get her.

One thing they could do, which I doubt we would be that lucky, is a twist wherein we get "Dean" but it's Michael pretending to be Dean  so we  could have Jensen playing Michael playing Dean. And he would be slightly not like Dean but not enough for Sam to ping it right away. Fat chance it happens, though.

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Heh. Maybe Sam drives her and wrecks her or something  and it annoys Dean so much he fights back and makes Michael go get her.

One thing they could do, which I doubt we would be that lucky, is a twist wherein we get "Dean" but it's Michael pretending to be Dean  so we  could have Jensen playing Michael playing Dean. And he would be slightly not like Dean but not enough for Sam to ping it right away. Fat chance it happens, though.

If only but I agree fat chance of that.

2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Heh. Maybe Sam drives her and wrecks her or something  and it annoys Dean so much he fights back and makes Michael go get her.

One thing they could do, which I doubt we would be that lucky, is a twist wherein we get "Dean" but it's Michael pretending to be Dean  so we  could have Jensen playing Michael playing Dean. And he would be slightly not like Dean but not enough for Sam to ping it right away. Fat chance it happens, though.

That's pretty much what they did with Casifer.

14 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

That's pretty much what they did with Casifer.

So that's probably what happens since they love a good repeat, lol


2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Heh. Maybe Sam drives her and wrecks her or something  and it annoys Dean so much he fights back and makes Michael go get her.

That's the speculation I'd *prefer to see since as I posted above they love to be repetitious and it would compliment SS in that it's all about the Impala saving the day MMV.

*By that, I mean it's preferable to me to have Dean regain control and save himself as opposed to him being passively saved via dubious means by others; which he'll undoubtedly flog himself for ad nauseam, backed up by his "family" who will be the ones wielding the dubious means and be blameless and/or shameless in their continuous blame shifting cycle of co dependence.

  • Love 4

This is why I think the writers are lazy. Instead of spending 5 minutes and trying to come up with a different way to tell the Michael story it seems like they're just repeating Demon Dean. Sure we might get flashbacks but what's the point since we already know Michael's motivations.  What exactly are the flashbacks going to reveal except Michael kills people who didn't deserve it.   They're even borrowing from from Lucifer (the TV show) again with the whole, "tell me what you really want.' thing.  Lucifer does that, with "tell me what you really desire." 

Someone on the writing staff must watch Lucifer.

6 minutes ago, trxr4kids said:

By that, I mean it's preferable to me to have Dean regain control and save himself as opposed to him being passively saved via dubious means by others; which he'll undoubtedly flog himself for ad nauseam, backed up by his "family" who will be the ones wielding the dubious means and be blameless and/or shameless in their continuous blame shifting cycle of co dependence.

Id like to see Dean save himself too.  Maybe Dean hears the rattle of the lego in the heaters and has lots of flashbacks with memories of his brother.   That allows him to to be able to kick out Michael.  They do love repeating themselves. 

I am dreading the aftermath.  I'm worried the flashbacks will lead to Dean freezing in critical moments so Sam can continue to be super, duper, leader extraordinaire.   I'm expecting another Dean needs to learn Sam is a big boy lesson, with the end result of Dean following meekly behind Sam, like s12.   They dragged that oldie, but favorite out again at the last season for a reason.   

  • Love 3


Here is the real reason for the Michael storyline:


According to executive producer Eugenie Ross-Leming, Sam's new solo mission will actually be the perfect opportunity for growth, since he'll be forced to fend for himself in such dire times.

"He grows into the part of the leading brother and organizing and doing all the stuff he would share with Dean ordinarily," says Ross-Leming. "It's sort of an exercise in separation and maturity. They both have to mature separately from one another."

Leader Sam.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:


Here is the real reason for the Michael storyline:

Leader Sam.


I wouldn't even mind this if these nimrods didn't always seem to think it has to be either/or. A zero sum equation. Sam leader = Dean weak (or dumb, or drunk, or missing from the action altogether). Why can't they both be great hunters, leading and teaching in the areas each excel in? Is it really so hard to imagine? They're supposed to be creative people ffs. I loathe them.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
can and can't: not the same thing
  • Love 5
22 hours ago, ILoveReading said:


Here is the real reason for the Michael storyline:

Leader Sam.

No surprise to me.

21 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I wouldn't even mind this if these nimrods didn't always seem to think it has to be either/or. A zero sum equation. Sam leader = Dean weak (or dumb, or drunk, or missing from the action altogether). Why can't they both be great hunters, leading and teaching in the areas each excel in? Is it really so hard to imagine? They're supposed to be creative people ffs. I loathe them.

If Dean, and only Dean, retains the supernatural connection within the myth-arc to Michael throughout the entire season, there might be some hope for the character(and for those in the fandom who don't want to see a redux of S12) after the first 6. And if Dean is going to "grow" also, we can only hope that it might be in a role that kind of continues what they started for him in S11 as the Firewall between darkness and light. If they wouldn't forget that, then even all of his dealings with Death(even going as far back as Tessa, not to mention both incarnations of Death) could be brought back into the narrative in a very fitting manner AND it would keep Dean relevant.

If they're going to go for a role reversal of such magnitude that it would involve attempting to give Sam the sole leadership role past the first 6 and after Dean is apparently/supposedly free of Michael, then Dean should still carry the myth-arc for the most part as the season moves along, too-and this to especially include the strength and heroics that would be necessary to defeat AUMichael; all of which also happened with Sam and Lucifer throughout the first 5 seasons and even continuing on into both S6 and 7.

  • Love 3
52 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

If Dean, and only Dean, retains the supernatural connection within the myth-arc to Michael

I hope they don't pull the same stunt they did with Lucifer (although that was a Dabb script so I suppose it's possible) and have Castiel offer up his "vessel" to take Dean's place?  That would suck.  But I can't see how they get Michael to let Dean go without killing them both.  Unless Rowena comes up with a get out of jail free spell.

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

This may have already been addressed ( if so I apologize ) but has there been any spoilers about Rowena for the new season? Or Ketch? I'd rather hear news about them than about Mary & Bobby.

Nothing about Ketch, but Rowena is supposed to be getting a big storyline that start in episode 7


No! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :(

I was expecting Supernatural to continue on endlessly as the chemistry between Sam and Dean is flawless and it's such a good ride to always watch their adventures. I mean, after Supernatural ends, there's only iZombie left for me in terms of a CW show I can tolerate.

1 minute ago, Philip said:


No! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :(

I was expecting Supernatural to continue on endlessly as the chemistry between Sam and Dean is flawless and it's such a good ride to always watch their adventures. I mean, after Supernatural ends, there's only iZombie left for me in terms of a CW show I can tolerate.

This article is was written back in 2016.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, ILoveReading said:

Nothing about Ketch, but Rowena is supposed to be getting a big storyline that start in episode 7

It sounds like they're going to do another walling-off-of-memories-type of storyline but using witchcraft instead of Death this time around.

I just hope that it's not a mind wipe because chances are that they'll act like Mean never even happened at all, in that case. IMO, of course.

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

It sounds like they're going to do another walling-off-of-memories-type of storyline but using witchcraft instead of Death this time around.

I just hope that it's not a mind wipe because chances are that they'll act like Mean never even happened at all, in that case. IMO, of course.

That wouldn't surprise me, even though its not something Dean would do. 

Edited by ILoveReading
last response sounded too bitch vs Jerk
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Nothing about Ketch, but Rowena is supposed to be getting a big storyline that start in episode 7

Ok; thanks. I would be interested in seeing Ketch have a part in retrieving Dean; more so than the AU folks that we don't even know yet. 

2 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

That wouldn't surprise me, even though its not something Dean would do. 

True but under Dabb anything is possible, unfortunately.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

Ok; thanks. I would be interested in seeing Ketch have a part in retrieving Dean; more so than the AU folks that we don't even know yet. 

True but under Dabb anything is possible, unfortunately.

Especially, since the AU people want Michael dead and they don't care what happens to the vessel.   Sam working with Ketch, Cas, and Mary and against the AU hunters and Bobby makes the most sense.  But it sounds like other than a token throwaway line about Bobby not knowing Sam and Dean, it sounds like they're going to pretend Bobby is our Bobby. 

It's baffling why the other AU people would even listen to Sam.  Them following Bobby or even Mary makes more  sense.    It's not like they need him to tell them what to do.  I'm going to roll my eyes into the back of my head if Sam is teaching them what a traffic light is or how to load Netflix and suddenly they;re all like  "Oh Captain my Captain."

  • Love 5
40 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

I'm going to roll my eyes into the back of my head if Sam is teaching them what a traffic light is or how to load Netflix and suddenly they;re all like  "Oh Captain my Captain."

Especially since it's more plausible that the AU was much like the RW before Michael took over and they would have already know about all of that. Example: Bobby knowing that Trump was a reality tv star so pop culture more than likely was a thing in their world. As you said there's no logical reason for them to rally behind Sam as their new leader and I dread seeing what the writers are going to pull out of their ass to explain it.

  • Love 6

This is killing me. I want to be so excited for this season. I thought 13 was an improvement on 12 and was looking forward to the primary Michael/Dean storyline. 

But all I'm hearing about is Jack/Cas and Mary/Bobby and the AU people and now all the Wayward people are coming back? No!!!!!

Jody and Donna are fine. They have done episodes for years that fit seamlessly into the show. But the whole gang? I'm so over it and getting bitter. 



  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Bobcatkitten said:

This is killing me. I want to be so excited for this season. I thought 13 was an improvement on 12 and was looking forward to the primary Michael/Dean storyline. 

But all I'm hearing about is Jack/Cas and Mary/Bobby and the AU people and now all the Wayward people are coming back? No!!!!!

Jody and Donna are fine. They have done episodes for years that fit seamlessly into the show. But the whole gang? I'm so over it and getting bitter. 



Yup. And I'm angry with myself for believing for a minute that we were going to get something great for/with Dean/Michael. I should have known Dabb was never going to do it. Twenty episodes in total and he is once again going to wedge his spin-off dreams in, come hell or high water (or a second rejection by the network).

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Yup. And I'm angry with myself for believing for a minute that we were going to get something great for/with Dean/Michael. I should have known Dabb was never going to do it. Twenty episodes in total and he is once again going to wedge his spin-off dreams in, come hell or high water (or a second rejection by the network).

Copied over from the Spoiler Thread: (because I read that first)


Yeah, I`m not keen on "multiple episodes" where all those characters are coming back. 


The only thing I slightly perked up at was the mention of some tie-in to what Michael wants. We know he wants an army. Maybe after ruling out angels, demons and humans, he thinks about beings from Rift-world or whatever was left open in that backdoor Pilot.  

Definitely do not want "multiple episodes" of WS. It was bad enough last year. That was the only reason I was really routing for it to be picked up (so I wouldn't have to see them anymore) I also didn't want them to take up more SPN episodes or have Dean and Sam so dumbed down that they would have to be rescued by WS because that's just pathetic for these aged hunters.


I'm glad the tie-in with Michael perked you up. It doesn't do anything for me unless Jensen is still Michael at that point, which I don't believe it will be.

I will once again say that Jensen is the ONLY thing that keeps me watching. The second he's gone, I'm gone (and will probably be happy about that).

Edited by Res
  • Love 2



Remember when Lucifer was scary and not a petulant teenager? Every time I recommend this show I say watch the first five seasons.  I miss when this show was based on folklore and was horror based. On topic, I agree flashbacks are no way to tell the Micheal storyline. Though I do like the idea of Sam as a leader. He was always meant to lead the yellow eyes army as the boy king.

1 hour ago, Bobcatkitten said:

This is a very interesting article about how many episodes and how to tell the story concisely. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it. 



Brought over from the media thread.

I'm no more convinced that 20 eps will be better than 23.  And since we know WS are back int he mix without it getting it's own show, then I think we'll see even less J2 and I have zero hope for Michael!Dean focused to be more than 3 episodes and IMO the flashbacks at best will be like 3 minutes an ep I'll bet. 


In other news, http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/supernatural/news/a863854/supernatural-arrow-crossover/



Supernatural / Arrow fans, you can pretty much kiss goodbye to your dreams of the Green Arrow meeting the brothers Winchester.

Arrow star Stephen Amell insisted last year that he'd be "totally up for it" but now Supernatural showrunner Andrew Dabb has suggested that "mixing genres" for a crossover wouldn't work.


He added: "Mixing genres in crossovers doesn't work that well, so, like, a crossover with Arrow is not going to work out for us."


But while Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki taking a trip to Star City might be off the table, Supernatural actor Misha Collins did reveal that Dabb is planning another "full-on crossover episode".

"I do know that Andrew has been trying to figure out another crossover," Collins, who plays Castiel, revealed. "But it's very challenging, because getting all of the powers-that-be to agree to the rights for that kind of thing takes a certain special elixir to make it happen.

"He's attempted to get a few really great properties for crossovers, that I thought were great ideas."


But crossing over with Scooby Doo....a cartoon.  Yes, it worked but they had to actually change Scooby Doo's basic theme of never actually having supernatural entities to have a reason for the boys to be involved. 

Also, SPN has already opened the door for alternate universes so there is really no reason for that not to be used for crossing SPN into Arrow or really any other dang show.  

What other show could the crossover with?  The article speculates the Walking Dead but I would HATE that now. 

I hate what the TWD PTB have done to the show and I don't care if JDM is on that show, his character sucks.


Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1
1 minute ago, ILoveReading said:

More proof, Dean is back by the  end of the 3 episode at the very latest.

3 does seem to be the magic number with Dean.  So I predict 3 live eps, and 3 eps of flashbacks.  Then it will be over and done.

Maybe that is how Dean left it before he became Michael.  No one had cleaned it up.  Sam didn't clean Dean's room after he became a demon.

  • Love 1
Just now, ILoveReading said:

More proof, Dean is back by the  end of the 3 episode at the very latest.

3 does seem to be the magic number with Dean.  So I predict 3 live eps, and 3 eps of flashbacks.  Then it will be over and done.

Huh more character deconstruction of Dean, IF HE is the one left his room a mess. He only had a messy room when he was working hard to remove the MoC and took off as demon!Dean.  He's not MESSY, SHOW! 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Maybe that is how Dean left it before he became Michael.  No one had cleaned it up.  Sam didn't clean Dean's room after he became a demon.

Then Dabb really doesn't know Dean at all.  He's not a slob.  He's actually the one that takes care of most of the household responsibilites such as cooking and cleaning.

It would really irritate me if they try to say this was the state Dean left his room in.   He was so proud of actually having a clean room for a change.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Then Dabb really doesn't know Dean at all.  He's not a slob.  He's actually the one that takes care of most of the household responsibilites such as cooking and cleaning.

It would really irritate me if they try to say this was the state Dean left his room in.   He was so proud of actually having a clean room for a change.

I could buy Dean being messy for the episodes before Cas came back when he was severely depressed and hopeless, but not after Cas came back.

Or even 1 or 2 eps right after Dabb allowed Dean to be written putting a gun to a teenager's head to get her to cooperate with him, Sam and Jack But I think this is who Dabb/Singer/DreckLeming see him or WANT to remake him into for....reasons.

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 2
41 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Then Dabb really doesn't know Dean at all.  He's not a slob.  He's actually the one that takes care of most of the household responsibilites such as cooking and cleaning.

It would really irritate me if they try to say this was the state Dean left his room in.   He was so proud of actually having a clean room for a change.

Well since Dabb took over we have gotten excessive sloppy eating Dean and flicking monster goo all over the Bunker.  It wouldn't surprise me at all that Dabb thinks that Dean's room would be a disastrous mess too.  Because you know Dabb is new to the show and all.....oh wait.

  • Love 3
Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Spoilers With Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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