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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Sorry if I wasn't clear.

If it's a media link to something that has to do with any aspect of the show, it goes here. If you are going to discuss the chats you've had on Twitter, it has nothing to do with the show per se, it goes into Small Talk.

I'll leave it up to each of you to decide where your posts should go. Use your head. Some members don't want to read about personal chats you've had with people, hence the Small Talk thread for that type of thing.

  • Love 2

No, if they are married, anything is fine to post in Small Talk or wherever. Because it's all out on social media now anyway.

That thread was created in the beginning because some people (Mo, Dani, etc.) couldn't stay off Facebook and people were seeing it. Others didn't want to know what was going on, I got bombarded with PMs requesting I hide it, so the thread was created.

This isn't an episode link.  It's a Social Media and spoilers link.  Isn't that somewhat spoilerish?

I agree with mama saucy...Sorry for being nosy...But what is the difference about Mo's fan page being posted and discussed mercifully here is a "spoiler"? And Jason's twitter is a "small talk"? I don't get it...Just saying...

I agree with mama saucy...Sorry for being nosy...But what is the difference about Mo's fan page being posted and discussed mercifully here is a "spoiler"? And Jason's twitter is a "small talk"? I don't get it...Just saying...

There are two different things.... posting a link and making a comment on it. Once. That belongs in the media thread.

Bringing back copy/paste of things y'all have said onTwitter or Facebook, your own personal posts.... that's Small Talk.

Oh for fucks sake....




Paula Thompson @Dawn, the Statue of Liberty "The Mother of Exiles..from her beacon hand glows world wide welcome" reads: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse if your teeming shore.
Send these homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door"(New Colossus).
Where is your sense of Americanism?
Yes, I live in California, a border country, I am from Southern California a heavy home of Latino immigrants and now live in Northern California the most Liberal place in the USA and we personally will always help the undocumented in any way we can and we hire undocumented for my husband's business and for our own home because they matter. The Muslim American community is the same, it will continue to help and protect its undocumented and fight for their civil rights and I only hope that I have done enough to earn Allah's pleasure.


Is that bitch for real?


I don't care if she is a hairy-legged resident of Berkeley, isn't hiring undocumented citizens fucking ILLEGAL?


Seriously, Mo isn't the only one flying red flags for authorities on that Facebook page.


I'd face palm at that post up there, but I'd probably do it so hard I'd give myself a concussion.  

  • Love 7

Ugh Dani and Mo probably make me sick because not only do they give Muslims and other races/religions a bad view.. but they give a bad view to people that actually had a legitimate marriage with someone afar.

A friend of mine married a man from morocco.. and he REFUSED to get a green card through her. They now live happily and are expecting a child and he is applying for citizenship.. but due to fear of getting a bad name, he is taking a longer process because he does not want to pawn his now NY wife in the green card game.

How can a guy from Morocco get a green card other than through marraige? Employment related green cards are just as difficult to get.

I don't understand how this could possibly be true. There are only two paths to green cards in the U.S., employment based or family based. There is also the lottery, but that seems unlikely.

And you can't get citizenship without a green card.

Even being sponsored by other family members takes a long time.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 1

How can a guy from Morocco get a green card other than through marraige? Employment related green cards are just as difficult to get.

I don't understand how this could possibly be true. There are only two paths to green cards in the U.S., employment based or family based. There is also the lottery, but that seems unlikely.

And you can't get citizenship without a green card.

Even being sponsored by other family members takes a long time.

You are correct. In my husbands case it was employment( physician) as well as his family members, but it took a total of 7 years not including the 2 years on a visa. He just got his citizenship this summer yaya!

I can say that without the lottery or marriage, many of his friends, peers, and family members have been waiting years to come either here to the USA and Canada.

  • Love 3

Oh, poor Mo (sorry I don't know how to link the page directly):


Mohamed Jbali

29 mins · Edited ·

I need a brake , be back soon

Maybe He was out buying Christmas Presents

From Mo's facebook page : 

"Beth Clyde-Mahar Happy Holidays my dear friend. Had fun shopping with you last night for Danielle and the girls. Can't wait to see all the smiles from you and your family tomorrow.

Mohamed Jbali thank you Beth"

I wonder what Danni will whine about now--- oh I know, he didn't wrap them or put the wrong color bow.... there will be a whine I am sure

Edited by LovetoSnark
  • Love 1

And that's exactly what Dani is going to do after Mo makes her life a living hell, and she becomes happy to get rid of him.  She'll be right back on the bezness website to find another Mohamed. 


Good grief these women are stupid.  She's not even heeding her own warnings, "My Mohamed is DIFFERENT!"  Unless they get paid to "marry" one guy after another... as an income stream... that would be the cynical view, but I think these cretins actually believe in the romance.

  • Love 5

I suppose that as long as the men are in a foreign country, the women get an illusion of romance. It's a bit like the women who fall in love with prison inmates. The problems start when he shows up in person! But actually bringing someone over, marrying them and then doing the same thing over and over.....that boggles my comprehension!

  • Love 2

>>Unless they get paid to "marry" one guy after another... as an income stream... that would be the cynical view, but I think these cretins actually believe in the romance.<<


Yeah, that would be the smart way to do it ("smart" being a rather relative term <g>)....that would make Danielle more savvy than her former pal Angela....omigod, the thought fries my brain!! 


Apparently Mo got his work permit so at least that will make one breadwinner in that family.....

I wonder if there is a syndrome where people are stuck repeating the same action, just trying to prove it was the right thing to do, and will keep trying despite all evidence to the contrary.

I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I believe that is called the Shit For Brains Syndrome, not to be confused with Dumb As A Box Of Rocks Syndrome nor My Family Tree Has Only One Branch Syndrome. All three conditions have very similar symptoms and are easily confused, even by highly trained medical personnel.

  • Love 15

Danielle's friend Angie has learned from her mistakes: no longer an Egyptian husband, now she's engaged to a (much younger) Pakistani guy (Angela Hassan, FB)... frying pan, meet fire...

Maybe they will be on the next season of 90 days! Is this chick for real?? Her FB said that she met this guy in August and got engaged within days. Not to mention that she doesn't seem to be divorced from the other one yet???

  • Love 1

People! I have watched this show from the beginning, but it only occurred to me to check for a forum here about a week ago... In the middle of finals (I'm in nursing school)... Let's just say I almost failed maternity because it's so hard to read about baby birthing when there is Mo & Dani to snark on (jk... I did not almost fail, but focusing was a challenge at times). Special thanks to toaster strudel for causing me to snort out loud in class for her comments when Cassia attempted to call her out on facebook.

I can't stand the bad edit story... We get it you get edited sometime... But I find it hard to believe that every negative behavior is an edit. There was a poster many pages back that had a relative in a cooking show, I completely believe that kind of editing happens. But for example Daya and the engagement ring drama... We SAW you say it... Multiple times! Sure the producers could have and probably did push that storyline, and maybe your acting story about the comedy is true, but you can't really get too mad at the editing Gods when those words did in fact come out of your mouth, multiple times.

Then the picture with Dani and Mo at their wedding with the sandals... I'm sorry but even the DUGGARS hold hands at the wedding... WTF!?

Ok one last reality show crossover... So Jason may or may not have called around looking for discounts by stating he is on a reality show... I can't even handle what Kody Brown(sister wives for those unfamiliar) is doing at his house when he finds out that's a possibility, I can just see him holed up at Robyn's house with the phone book calling every business is Las Vegas to figure out what he can get for free for being on a reality show.

  • Love 1

way way back in this thread i can't even try to go back and find it someone said that they knew mo's cousins or something and that they said that mo's family paid dani $6000 to marry mo and bring him here if it was legit or not i don't know but if your bored and have time you can go back through and try to find that post 


New here, long time lurker, first time poster.  I've really enjoyed reading this forum and wanted to join in.


I had to comment on this rumor about Mohamed's family paying Dani to marry him.  With all due respect, I don't believe it for a minute.  For one thing, she didn't meet his family.  She met Mohamed in Doha, not Tunis.  Second, it would make more sense for them to pay her if they had a nikah (Islamic marriage contract), which requires a dowry, and there is no evidence of that having happened. Third, if his family is poor, it's doubtful that they could get that kind of money to her.  North African and ME countries strictly limit the amount of money that can be taken out of the country.  Poor people rarely have bank accounts anyway.  It sounds like evil eye gossip to me.


I'm Palestinian (married to a Moroccan) and I immigrated to the US myself.  Now, I work for an immigration law firm.  If this had been the case, ICE would know about it.  Just sayin'.


Also, there are Muslim countries that are strict about PDA, but, not all are.  I've been to all of them, and Morocco is one I've spent a lot of time in since childhood.  Moderate PDA is not a problem in most of the cities.  The only time we were told to stop was when we are bussing at a national monument. 


Anyway, hello, everyone!

  • Love 6

Hello Virtually Me, I found the page (on this thread) where the $6000 story is related: page 14


I had the opposite reaction in that I found it credible as a component of the Tunisian marriage scam "bezness".  


 I found it more credible than the idea that Danielle... who couldn't afford to buy shoes... could save enough money to fly to Doha!: http://www.norwalkreflector.com/article/5103466

  • Love 2

Hello Virtually Me, I found the page (on this thread) where the $6000 story is related: page 14


I had the opposite reaction in that I found it credible as a component of the Tunisian marriage scam "bezness".  


 I found it more credible than the idea that Danielle... who couldn't afford to buy shoes... could save enough money to fly to Doha!: http://www.norwalkreflector.com/article/5103466


I don't disagree that it is a mystery as to how she paid for her tickets and his, but, it's simply not plausible that his family paid her to marry him.  Someone would have to show me how they got the money to her before I can believe it.  That they might be able to raise it is slightly plausible, but, how they could get it to her, especially without ICE finding out, is far less plausible.  I'm open to evidence; I just haven't seen any.

  • Love 4

Her sister said how worried they were about Danielle after she "spent all that money flying over there".... I agree with Virtually Me, especially since Mo's pissed about having to "give up everything" to come to America. His job, home, family. And you can see he doesn't have very much, all he owned he brought in one suitcase.

Danielle's way of getting the things she wants is most likely by having a bunch of credit cards, running them up to the max and then having no money to pay all the bills. She lives in a lollipop world where everything is sweet and nice and there are no bad people coming to collect money from her.

  • Love 3

Something I noticed is that after they were paid for the show last week, the landlord from the recent eviction was paid.  I think that says a lot about someone's fiscal credibility.  Danielle said that Mohamed makes her a better person.  Could be.  I'm not as down on him as so many are.  He's practical and thinks long term.  I like that.  A lot of people go on about how there's no display of love between them.  I have no idea what their private life is like (except when Dani's ranting), but, a mature adult has every right to expect their spouse to behave responsibly. Love is all well and good, but, this person has access to your finances, your secrets, authority over life and death if you're incapacitated.  IMHO, Mohamed is more realistic about marriage and more mature about what it really involves than Dani is.  She just wants to jump his bones and have him pay off her debts.


I'll catch some flack for this lol.  It's ok; it's the lawyer in me talking.

  • Love 9

In Tunisia, you go to jail for not paying your bills.  It's probably a habit with him, a way to save face.  I still think he'll be OOT ASAP.  I don't see them staying together any longer than necessary for him to get his GC; their goals values seem to be in opposition to each other.  Mohamed sees himself as someone with a future beyond Ohio.  I could be wrong, but, I'll stand on that.

  • Love 3

I've never read that Norwalk article until today. Thanks to canadawoman for searching and finding the link: http://www.norwalkreflector.com/article/5103466

All I can say is Holy Stromboli. I can "hear" Danielle' s voice in every line of the piece. The author evidently accepted every word she said as gospel, with no attempt at follow-ups or clarifications.

For example, if D was too broke to buy shoes for her daughter, how did she manage the round-trip airfare AND TWO weeks in a hotel. Must have cost her a fortune on credit cards.

Also, did Mohamed stay in the hotel with her at night? If so, I don't believe they abstained from intimacy.

The biggest reveal in the article, to me, is when Danielle asserts she previously had been scammed by another internet loverboy. She claims he opened a website in her name and acquired fraudulent credit cards. Through the site? What?! Does that make any sense to anybody? If so, please explain it to me.

And IF that tale is true, I guess D is claiming identity theft and credit card fraud are the bases for all her horrible money troubles? I've never heard her make that claim on the show, nor in the many links offered on this thread.

I'm also of the opinion that Mohamed' s family did not pay for

M' s arrangement with Danielle. VISA, MasterCard et al were the true sponsors.

Also, I can't believe she just sat waiting for him every night for two weeks while in Doha. No sightseeing, shopping, smelling the air? Such a wasted opportunity.

And, boy, she found some kind of hidden wherewithal applying for M' s visa not once, but twice. Amazing.

  • Love 2

I've never read that Norwalk article until today. Thanks to canadawoman for searching and finding the link: http://www.norwalkreflector.com/article/5103466

All I can say is Holy Stromboli. I can "hear" Danielle' s voice in every line of the piece. The author evidently accepted every word she said as gospel, with no attempt at follow-ups or clarifications.

For example, if D was too broke to buy shoes for her daughter, how did she manage the round-trip airfare AND TWO weeks in a hotel. Must have cost her a fortune on credit cards.

Also, did Mohamed stay in the hotel with her at night? If so, I don't believe they abstained from intimacy.

The biggest reveal in the article, to me, is when Danielle asserts she previously had been scammed by another internet loverboy. She claims he opened a website in her name and acquired fraudulent credit cards. Through the site? What?! Does that make any sense to anybody? If so, please explain it to me.

And IF that tale is true, I guess D is claiming identity theft and credit card fraud are the bases for all her horrible money troubles? I've never heard her make that claim on the show, nor in the many links offered on this thread.

I'm also of the opinion that Mohamed' s family did not pay for

M' s arrangement with Danielle. VISA, MasterCard et al were the true sponsors.

Also, I can't believe she just sat waiting for him every night for two weeks while in Doha. No sightseeing, shopping, smelling the air? Such a wasted opportunity.

And, boy, she found some kind of hidden wherewithal applying for M' s visa not once, but twice. Amazing.


I didn't get the impression that she stayed in a hotel, but, at his place.  Hotels in Muslim countries often ask for proof of marriage.  According to Dani, they did the deed in Doha.


Her sister, Sarah, has also claimed that Dani was credit card scammed by a foreign guy.  It's always some ex that is doing her in because she has such a knack for making a love match.


Applying for the visa is the easier part.  AOS is much harder.

Edited by Virtually Me

She'd never met the man and Mullins had been scammed by another person she'd met through a website. That individual opened a website under her name and ran fradulent credit cards.

Please. I don't believe this for a minute. I wonder if the reporter who wrote this article now realizes they've been scammed too. If so, was this person charged, arrested? Where are they? Who are they?

Having worked for a newspaper, this never would have made it into print without corroborative information from the other people mentioned. I once wrote an op/ed column about mistreatment of animals at a local animal shelter. My boss told me "Be sure you talk to the person who runs the shelter, as well as the president of the organization, to get their side of the story." Which I did. Which was the catalyst for those two people being fired once others came forward to refute their claims that they had an 11% euthanization rate, which was proven to be false.

Danielle has opened a huge can of worms for herself by saying so many things that can possibly be disproven if a good reporter does the legwork to investigate. It's why I use the word "allegedly" a lot because I don't think all the truth is out. Yet.

  • Love 4

Thanks, Virtually Me. Well two weeks in Mohammed' s apartment would definitely be cheaper than a hotel. But what about the propriety of that arrangement? Wouldn't Mohamed be taking a serious risk to his reputation -- and perhaps even breaking the law-- by housing a non related, non Islamic, single woman in his apartment?

I still don't understand the fraudulent website opened in her name. If some Lothario was going to steal her identity and open credit cards (she probably gave him her SS#) why go to the trouble of creating a website?

Please. I don't believe this for a minute. I wonder if the reporter who wrote this article now realizes they've been scammed too. If so, was this person charged, arrested? Where are they? Who are they?

Having worked for a newspaper, this never would have made it into print without corroborative information from the other people mentioned. I once wrote an op/ed column about mistreatment of animals at a local animal shelter. My boss told me "Be sure you talk to the person who runs the shelter, as well as the president of the organization, to get their side of the story." Which I did. Which was the catalyst for those two people being fired once others came forward to refute their claims that they had an 11% euthanization rate, which was proven to be false.

Danielle has opened a huge can of worms for herself by saying so many things that can possibly be disproven if a good reporter does the legwork to investigate. It's why I use the word "allegedly" a lot because I don't think all the truth is out. Yet.

Exactly. The allegation makes no sense.

You're welcome :-)  They weren't in Tunis, they were in Doha, Qatar.  He doesn't need to be concerned about his reputation there.  Frankly, the reputation of a foreign, non-Arab, non-Muslim woman who is willing to stay with a man she doesn't know is already questionable in this culture.  I'm not saying that everyone is as pure as the driven snow; they're not.  Yet, a modest local girl is valued higher than that of a foreign non-Muslim woman.  That's not because non-Muslim women are disliked for being non-Muslim.  It has more to do with the way they are perceived (mostly from movies and TV shows) to be morally loose.  Local people tend to be more conservative.  Their families are involved in making marriage decisions.  They will protect the "honor" of the woman, if possible, and they will know her rights under the marriage contract.  A foreign non-Muslim woman is most likely not thinking like this.  She's unaware of these things and he is unlikely to educate her.  That doesn't mean he doesn't care about her, but, I've seen so many of these couplings crash and burn, I am not romantic about them.  These are generalizations, of course, but, they are also generally true, even in more liberal countries.



Thanks, Virtually Me. Well two weeks in Mohammed' s apartment would definitely be cheaper than a hotel. But what about the propriety of that arrangement? Wouldn't Mohamed be taking a serious risk to his reputation -- and perhaps even breaking the law-- by housing a non related, non Islamic, single woman in his apartment?

I still don't understand the fraudulent website opened in her name. If some Lothario was going to steal her identity and open credit cards (she probably gave him her SS#) why go to the trouble of creating a website?

Exactly. The allegation makes no sense.

  • Love 3

>>I'll catch some flack for this lol.  It's ok; it's the lawyer in me talking.<<


Ha ha, no you won't! I'm a lawyer too and nobody has given me any flak yet, everyone is very nice!


Unraveling the Mo/Dani saga is so addictive... so far, my guesses have been dead wrong (i.e. thinking that Dani's friend Angela was the level headed one but then seeing that she herself has a new toy-boy)


The other thing I was wondering was whether they could actually get away with this (two scammers scamming each other)... I don't know American law, but it defines sham marriages as being where the "sole purpose" is getting a green card (I'm paraphrasing).... That may be Mo's sole purpose, but I think Danielle wants Mo to get to work and start paying her bills. So if he manages that...  I dunno. She seems to hold all the cards in terms of power but does she realize it? 

>>Anyway, I doubt Dani even understands what she has achieved here.<<


Granted, her I.Q never seems to rise above room temperature but.... I sense a certain cunning.


As chaotic as her life seems to be (snip), she seems to keep rolling along and getting what she wants. (okay, maybe not everything she wants in terms of sex <g>)....But I got the sense that she plays better to the camera-- or thinks she does-- than Mo does.  In terms of what she's presenting to the camera, Dani's just a weepy, whimpering victim... So kudos to the viewers who sussed out how manipulative she is too. (That's why I love juries.... a lot of time they can see more clearly than the lawyers can!)

Edited by cooksdelight
Discussing alleged activity already warned by mods to not discuss
  • Love 1

The newspaper story is revealing, although badly written. If Mohamed fixed her dinner every evening, they most likely were in his apartment or work housing, not at a hotel as Danielle previously claimed. I totally believe the story about the shoes. I can imagine Danielle whining about the shoes she couldn't buy and Mohamed responding with concern about her situation. He passed the test. 


Mohamed job in Qatar apparently involved some skill and intelligence, but I wonder how well he was paid. Qatar's reputation for treating its "guest workers" is not particularly good but depends on how easily the worker can be exploited. 



>>I'll catch some flack for this lol.  It's ok; it's the lawyer in me talking.<<


Ha ha, no you won't! I'm a lawyer too and nobody has given me any flak yet, everyone is very nice!


Unraveling the Mo/Dani saga is so addictive... so far, my guesses have been dead wrong (i.e. thinking that Dani's friend Angela was the level headed one but then seeing that she herself has a new toy-boy)


The other thing I was wondering was whether they could actually get away with this (two scammers scamming each other)... I don't know American law, but it defines sham marriages as being where the "sole purpose" is getting a green card (I'm paraphrasing).... That may be Mo's sole purpose, but I think Danielle wants Mo to get to work and start paying her bills. So if he manages that...  I dunno. She seems to hold all the cards in terms of power but does she realize it? 


Angela creeped me out the first time I saw her.  Marry a Muslim and suddenly, they're an authority on all things Muslim.  Not.


I doubt that she realizes much of anything.  She sent in his AOS application with no payment the first time, so, it was rejected.  Seriously?  Did she think they wouldn't notice?  She telling people now that he has his GC, but, I doubt it.  He's no dummy.  He probably already knows more about the process than she does and he'll use it to his advantage.  His future depends on it.

Edited by Virtually Me

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