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Rise in the Media


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Rosie Perez was on the Daily Show on Thursday. Interesting discussion about Rise, which I'll transcribe:

Trevor: You play a teacher in this show who is the head of the arts program. But a lot of people were angry because they were like: she's not the head -- she was supposed to be the head but her job gets taken away by this middle-aged white guy who just wanted the job. People were really angry about that, like it wasn't just this fake show. They're like, "Rosie Perez why didn't you fight?!"

Rosie: *laughs* Yeah people were beyond angry, they were pissed the hell off. And I loved that, I really did. I remember telling the show creator Jason Katims, y'know, women are going to be angry -- and this was prior to the "Me Too" movement -- he said, "Really?" I said, "Yeah!" I mean, my character got passed over by a middle-aged, less qualified white guy, hello? People are going to be very angry. And when I saw it on social media I was so happy, because if they weren't angry I was gonna be like, "Oh my goodness, this nation is truly asleep." And they're not, they're very woke. 

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I can't say I'm surprised, but still, I'm sorry for those who enjoy the show and for the talented young cast members who are not Josh Radnor. I hope this doesn't sour the prospects of future TV shows with musical theater elements, because there's clearly enthusiasm for it and it wasn't the problem with this show. 

I hope Auliʻi Cravalho is cast in something better and that Jason Katims just goes and makes another show about high school football because that seems to be what he's more interested in. 

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I agree - the problem with this show wasn’t that it centered around musical theater. It was that the main character was an insufferable self centered ass. The second problem was how unrealistically a lot of things were portrayed. But the musical, the singing, the rehearsals, and the kids were not the problem at all. I’d say the same was true of Smash. The musical elements were the not the problem (the musical numbers and rehearsal stuff were the best part of the show). Smash got bogged down by the storylines and ridiculous characters. 

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I'm a bit disappointed. I don't think I'll miss the show but I would've like seeing more of the students stories. The adults, however, are another story. The less said about them, the better. I can't believe they thought we'd root for a lead like Lou.

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I would have liked this show if it reflected the real Lou Volpe and Tracey Gatte relationship.  Lou Mazzu was just not likeable or sympathetic.  I got interested in the stories and wanted to see the performance of Spring Awakening.

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21 hours ago, retrograde said:

I can't say I'm surprised, but still, I'm sorry for those who enjoy the show and for the talented young cast members who are not Josh Radnor. I hope this doesn't sour the prospects of future TV shows with musical theater elements, because there's clearly enthusiasm for it and it wasn't the problem with this show. 


I’m not surprised either considering “Smash” had only one season. It was full of talent. Maybe if they hadn’t tried to make Katherine MacPhee the star of the show. Megan Hilty blew her away.

21 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I agree - the problem with this show wasn’t that it centered around musical theater. It was that the main character was an insufferable self centered ass. The second problem was how unrealistically a lot of things were portrayed. But the musical, the singing, the rehearsals, and the kids were not the problem at all. I’d say the same was true of Smash. The musical elements were the not the problem (the musical numbers and rehearsal stuff were the best part of the show). Smash got bogged down by the storylines and ridiculous characters. 

And making Katherine MacPhee the Star.

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4 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I’m not surprised either considering “Smash” had only one season. It was full of talent. Maybe if they hadn’t tried to make Katherine MacPhee the star of the show. Megan Hilty blew her away.

Smash actually had two seasons! S2 was the one with Hit List and Jeremy Jordan. 

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There was just too much going on....too many grown-up characters....too many unrealistic situations.  Their first big mistake:  the kids would have revolted when Lou first announced he was their new director.  They respected Tracey.  If they were willing to burn costumes, they would have challenged Lou's takeover of the department.  Tracey would have also filed a grievance with her union over any number of contract violations by the principal.  And she would have won back her position.  

It's too bad.  There are so many damn procedurals on television.  Both Smash and Rise were promising shows for those of us who want some creativity in our TV viewing..  

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On 5/13/2018 at 12:39 AM, itsjustme said:

What would they have done in season 2 anyway RENT? 

Hilariously, SNL did a skit about a kiddie version of Rent where the characters have diabetes instead of AIDS (but for the record, there is a high school version of Rent which the real Lou piloted at his high school):

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On 5/14/2018 at 5:52 AM, Phebemarie said:


It's too bad.  There are so many damn procedurals on television.  Both Smash and Rise were promising shows for those of us who want some creativity in our TV viewing..  

I'm not surprised at the cancellation. I always figured that Rise was a one season one off. As a lifelong theatergoer I'm always happy to see anything about live theater on network TV but it's very hard to sustain multiple seasons. Smash, for all of it's flaws, gave it a go and got two full seasons. Rise has a bunch of uber-talented kids and  a great Broadway show as one of it's primary cores.  The teenage angst and bureaucratic impositions are hardly new frontiers however. A second season or more would end up treading over the same ground artistically and dramatically.  The audience just wouldn't be there. Oh well, it was a good try.  As far as tonight's show goes, my bet is that the kids say screw it and do the real version of Spring Awakening. The last scene of the series will be either:

1- The parents realize what a great show this is, how brilliant their kids are and leap up to give them a standing ovation. Simon's father, moved by his son's kissing a boy leaps up, and announces that he is running away with a "gentleman friend" so that he can finally be who he is. Simon's mother secretly rejoices and starts eyeing the town's eligible men.

2-  Lou is fired on the spot. The parents are horrified, leap up, storm the stage and tear the set apart. Simon's father, moved by his son's kissing a boy leaps up, and announces that he is running away with a "gentleman friend" so that he can finally be who he is. Simon's mother secretly rejoices and starts eyeing the town's eligible men.

Edited by cali1981
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