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A New Beginning: OUAT 2.0

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This will now be the season that broke the series. It survived Greg and Tamara and their taser of doom. It survived making mass murdering rapist Regina the hero without any effort, and turned its heroes into whimpering idiots. It survived whatever they were trying to do with the Black Fairy. But this season...nope. 

Ok I know the cancellation was inevitable from day one, but still. 

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, MaiLuna said:

We all knew this would be the last season. A&E created a bunch of new stuff for nothing. They should've just had a final season in Storybrooke wrapping up all the storylines they forgot about (Lily's father, Mulan, Untold Stories, etc.). 

A final season showing slices of life in Storybrooke with the actors who wanted to stay would have been preferable... Hook and Young Henry bonding, Regina finally getting a love interest or a hobby, a day in the life of Granny, finally revealing the backstory of Blue, a parade of guest stars in a series of one-off episodes, etc.  

But A&E were just not interested in doing that kind of show, so we were never going to get that show.  To us, they are loose ends that could have been tied up.  But they were literally loose ends in the sense that the Writers themselves had no idea what the rest of the story was.  

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 6

So Episode 17 (the one Lana Parilla was directing) seemed to have just finished filming.  Which means there are basically 5 more hours left to film.  

So what do you think?  Will A&E do any re-writes?  At this point, they were probably writing the Season 7 finale.  Would they just tack on a 3-minute ending montage in response to the cancellation, or would they rework their ending a bit more?  

As others have said, the fact that they wrote Season 6 as if Snow, Charming and Emma weren't leaving makes me doubt that they will make this a series finale to remember.

I think they have probably had some time to deal with this being the final season before it was announced.

I tend to think that the finale will be about the season and not the series.  As far as they are concerned, S1-S6 are tied up in a nice little bow.

I do think its possible that the final reveal will be that this season is an alternate reality of some sort and everything snaps back to Storybrooke in the last few minutes, but done in a way that they don't need GG, JD, or JMo.  Such as curse broken, and Rumple, Henry, and Regina snap back to moments before they go to Granny's for the Last Supper.

5 hours ago, Camera One said:

Regina finally getting a hobby

Regina has a hobby -- killing anyone who disagrees with her!

4 hours ago, Camera One said:

At this point, they were probably writing the Season 7 finale.  Would they just tack on a 3-minute ending montage in response to the cancellation, or would they rework their ending a bit more? 

To hear them tell, they had an ending if this was the last season.  Of course, they're big fat liars, so...

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Camera One said:

So Episode 17 (the one Lana Parilla was directing) seemed to have just finished filming.  Which means there are basically 5 more hours left to film.  

So what do you think?  Will A&E do any re-writes?  At this point, they were probably writing the Season 7 finale.  Would they just tack on a 3-minute ending montage in response to the cancellation, or would they rework their ending a bit more?  

As others have said, the fact that they wrote Season 6 as if Snow, Charming and Emma weren't leaving makes me doubt that they will make this a series finale to remember.

Probably some writing switch ups like they did when they replaced Tremaine/Drizella for Gothel and some witches as the main villains.

21 hours ago, jhlipton said:

There are two theoretical instances.  When Robin and Marian (or was that Zerian?), and when Rumple were cast into the Real World, there was no mention of them needing to get "real" identities.  Of course, we never saw what happened to Robin or Rumple, and how they coped in The World Truly Without Magic, For Real This Time, We're Not Kidding, OK Just This Once.  So we don't know if they had TWTWMFRTTWNKOJTO identities or not, but  Rumple seemed to get along A-OK when we next saw him in Manhattan.

Robin and Zarian's case isn't quite the same as the curse creating a real-world backstop for the fake cursed identities because neither of them had cursed identities. "Marian" was brought directly to our world rather than through a curse, and it didn't seem like curse 2.0 gave fake identities or even memory downloads. They'd have been functioning like undocumented people do in our world rather than having Storybrooke identities. They were living in Neal's apartment, and we don't know what they did for work. Rumple was crashing with Ursula, so he didn't need to pass a background check to rent an apartment or get a job.

21 hours ago, jhlipton said:

And when Regina applied to adopt, I don't recall there being a problem with her TWTWMFRTTWNKOJTO identity.

That one is a little iffier. It does seem like the adoption agency was a bit shady (or the writers don't know how adoption works), so we don't know how much digging into her background they did. If outside people couldn't even see Storybrooke, they couldn't have done any home visits. We don't know if Regina would have shown up in any databases they might have checked, if she would have had a credit score. But if they did interviews with her references, they'd have been people from Storybrooke who really did know her, like Archie, Sidney, or Graham. No one outside the curse would have had to be given fake memories of knowing Regina.

We know there was some possibility of interaction between Storybrooke and the outside world because they were able to make phone calls. Mary Margaret's credit card worked on the Internet -- was that because the curse-created Bank of Storybrooke-issued Visa worked or was Mary Margaret able to get a credit history that worked in the outside world? Mail came and went between Storybrooke and the outside world, like with Kathryn's law school application, but did it really? How could mail come from the outside world when no one from the outside world could see Storybrooke? Did the curse create fake mail? Was there some kind of mail drop-off point that the USPS could see just as some box in the middle of nowhere but that was actually the Storybrooke post office in the middle of town?

But that was all minimal contact between the cursed people and the outside world. With the current curse putting people in the middle of a real city, it gets more complicated. Lucy has a fake background including an entirely different father. It makes you wonder what would have happened if they did a DNA test on Lucy. Would the curse have created a fake result showing Nick as her father? Rogers and Weaver have apparently been working with the police department for a long time. That doesn't just require a fake background, but also making other people in the department remember working with them all that time. It's not like Rogers and Weaver just showed up, joining the police force from London. Do the other cops remember looking for Eloise Gardener ten years ago?

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25 minutes ago, superloislane said:

Didn't Henry also catch a bus from Storybrooke to Boston in the first episode? Or are we supposed to assume he walked out of Storybrooke to catch one somewhere?

I've wondered that. There was the later scene of Lily sitting at the bus stop and Regina telling her that the bus was never going to come. I guess Henry must have walked out of Storybrooke to catch a bus -- because Greyhound always stops along the way to pick up little kids. We can't even go with the loophole that the driver would have seen Henry sitting there even if he didn't see the town, since Henry wasn't subject to the curse, because of the Lily scene. She wasn't subject to the curse, either. Unless the barrier/disappearance in season 4 was different than in season 1 because it was a different curse. So, does the outside world just see some kind of mail drop box and a bus stop in the middle of nowhere?

Lily brings up a whole new range of issues, since apparently she didn't get sent back with the curse reversal, and she already knew about Storybrooke at that time, so what makes her any different from Hook and Neal? Why (other than Drama!) couldn't they have crossed the town line with Emma and stayed? None of them were originally brought by the curse, none of them had cursed identities, and all of them knew about Storybrooke, so it wasn't the "Storybrooke was never here" thing. (It actually would have made a cool story if the Apprentice hadn't clued Lily in when she was a teen and if as an adult who had no idea about her origins she suddenly found herself dragged to this strange fairy tale world because everyone from that world got caught in the curse reversal, no matter where they were or how they got there.)

25 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

The train from 4B still bothers me. If it's from the outside world, what would have happened if it hit Cruella's car? Would it would have pass through as if nothing was there? Would it have collided without anyone seeing the car? Why can we see the train at all?

If we can see the train, then we should have seen traffic on Main Street, with people from the outside world thinking it was just a road, not knowing it was going through a town, and people in town seeing cars coming and going. It might not have been a busy road, but roads are built to go to and from places, so there must have been someone at some point needing to go to or from wherever that road went. The road was still there when Storybrooke was gone, so it wasn't a curse-created road to Storybrooke. And yet, people were always walking down the middle of Main Street, like they didn't have to worry about cars rushing through.

And what about when they put up the protective spell in 3B that cut off the license plate of the Darling Hipsters? Did that keep the trains from going through? Did it cut off people on the other end of the road from the world, since they suddenly and inexplicably couldn't drive past an invisible barrier in the middle of the road?

  • Love 1

Adam and Eddy says the second half of Season 7 has some of the best episodes of the season, so I'm sure you're all excited as I am.  "Wonderland" was lacklustre in its first half, but it really hit its stride when it came back for the back-half.  I'm sure this second half of the season will leave us hungry for more Gothel, Tiana and Jacinda!  

I was reading the Cast in Other Roles thread, which made me think.

They could have done an Alternate timeline in Season 7, focusing on what might have happened if Regina had gotten over her anger earlier, and adventures of Young Snow encountering younger versions of fairytale characters in the Enchanted Forest.  Or maybe Young Snow transported via Curse to Hyperion Heights, while flashing back to an alternate history in the Enchanted Forest.  The actress who played her was really good.  They could have brought back the younger actor for Baelfire and got Rumple to the world without magic sooner.  If they wanted to use the same characters, then Mother Gothel could be out to get both Regina and Young Snow so her Coven could take over the Kingdom or something.  The characters they brought back - Regina, Rumple, Hook, Zelena - they would all be present when Snow was young, so their presence wouldn't need to be explained.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Camera One said:

I was reading the Cast in Other Roles thread, which made me think.

They could have done an Alternate timeline in Season 7, focusing on what might have happened if Regina had gotten over her anger earlier, and adventures of Young Snow encountering younger versions of fairytale characters in the Enchanted Forest.  Or maybe Young Snow transported via Curse to Hyperion Heights, while flashing back to an alternate history in the Enchanted Forest.  The actress who played her was really good.  They could have brought back the younger actor for Baelfire and got Rumple to the world without magic sooner.  If they wanted to use the same characters, then Mother Gothel could be out to get both Regina and Young Snow so her Coven could take over the Kingdom or something.  The characters they brought back - Regina, Rumple, Hook, Zelena - they would all be present when Snow was young, so their presence wouldn't need to be explained.

..and once again the fandom shows infinitely more creativity and heart than the monkeys running the zoo.

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In hindsight, given how little Weaver got to do, one has to wonder, why bother:


Robert Carlyle: "I kind of started off going in a slightly different direction, and I actually changed the accent in Episode 2," he said. "So, I'm going to [ADR] out all the stuff that I did in Episode 1, because in Episode 2 I suddenly went, 'Wait a minute...You've got to remember you ain't that character anymore.' It's so incredibly different, so to walk in there as Gold — or even have Gold's voice or Gold's mannerisms — it would be very confusing."

So did he go back to the Gold accent after Episode 4?  I guess not, since he was pretending to be Weaver.

It does show he still takes the role very seriously and is definitely not phoning it in.

Though I wonder if this means he had no idea how quickly he would revert back to Rumple and how little Weaver's backstory mattered.

Edited by Camera One
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3 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

 It should be pretty mindblowing that there are a bunch of AU's out there, but the writers have never taken advantage of it. That's the problem - they don't need to exist. You could switch the names of the S7 characters (except Tiana and Gothel), and throw the "alternate Cinderella" concept out the window. It's obvious this show cares so little about what it's already done that it needs to go out and do it over. 

I'm trying to think of what fairy tale characters Jacinda, Victoria, Ivy and Alice could be if they weren't from the done-before stories, to eliminate the multiverse confusion.  Alice could have been Lucy from Narnia, I guess.  I'm guessing she was only chosen to be from Wonderland because she was quirky? 

I was trying to rack my brain for another story with an evil stepmother which hasn't been in the cul de sac of disappointment.  From the news article I saw earlier on Enchanted 2, I guess Jacinda could have been Giselle and Victoria could have been her evil stepmother Queen Narissa, and Ivy could have been an invented stepsister (maybe Nancy Tremaine, who was played by Idina Menzel).  Mother Gothel was still fair game since she was never mentioned in "The Tower".   I don't think Jacinda could have worked as Pocahontas or Moana.  But I guess they mistakenly thought that Cinderella would be a huge draw to Season 7 with the iconic blue dress on a motorcycle.  

Edited by Camera One
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9 hours ago, Camera One said:

But I guess they mistakenly thought that Cinderella would be a huge draw to Season 7 with the iconic blue dress on a motorcycle.  

It might have helped if there was anything about her other than a blue dress and a glass slipper that made her in any way resemble Cinderella. As it is, she's some random character who happens to be named Ella. There's been nothing about what we've seen of her that makes you think of the classic Cinderella story -- we haven't seen her forced to be a servant in her own home, it's not technically her home because it was owned by her stepfather who got it because of Lady Tremaine's sacrifice, her evil stepmother seems to hate one of the wicked stepsisters even more than she hates Ella, there's only one wicked stepsister and she seemed to get along with Ella, oh yeah, and there's all the attempted murdering.

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Brigitte Hales‏ @InkTankGirl  36 minutes ago

Two weeks left in the Once Upon A Time writers' room now. Next week we start work on the very last episode of a seven season show. That is a truly unique experience that not too many writers get anymore.

I wish we could listen in on their planning process for that last episode.  Two weeks to break it down and write?  

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I think that this kind of viewer was who A&E was pandering to for much of the show.  And even they wasn't satisfied with the final product.

(I love how he thinks the show screwed itself over because it "kept focusing on Emma and the Charmings" when it should have focused on Regina, Rumple, and Hook.  Whut?  And he doesn't seem to even be aware that the season the show was cancelled on got rid of Emma and the Charmings and only kept Regina, Rumple and Hook.)

Edited by Inquirer
  • Love 5
51 minutes ago, Inquirer said:

I think that this kind of viewer was who A&E was pandering to for much of the show.  And even they wasn't satisfied with the final product.

(I love how he thinks the show screwed itself over because it "kept focusing on Emma and the Charmings" when it should have focused on Regina, Rumple, and Hook.  Whut?  And he doesn't seem to even be aware that the season the show was cancelled on got rid of Emma and the Charmings and only kept Regina, Rumple and Hook.)

These viewers sound delusional and are probably suffering from confirmation bias. Even if you shoved the actual screen-time graphs in their faces, they would cry "fake news".

  • Love 5
On ‎2‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 7:13 PM, KingOfHearts said:

I don't disagree that Snow, Emma, and Charming got bland in the last few seasons. But that was because the writers weren't interested in giving them any good storylines.

Which is a damn shame because the show worked best when there was a balance between the heroes and the villains. For me, I loved Regina as a villain because she was so damn good at all that over the top, drag queen epicness. And I always felt she didn't really want Snow dead exactly, because then her life would be empty. The only thing keeping her going was her relentless revenge against Snow. But the Charming's were the heart of the show. They were the feel good moments, the awwww moments which gave hope among all the bad guys attacks. Once the show moved away from that it lost it's charm. (hey, they're not called the Charming's for nothing!) 

Even with that said, I think a focus on the villains could have worked, though it would have changed what this show started out as, if they wrote more like professionals and less like bad fanfic writers. I find it hard to believe these are the guys who actually created this show because they write it now with the fanfiction writers sense of fantasy fulfillment, handing their favorite character everything while punishing the characters they don't like. It's...unprofessional. 

  • Love 7

From Spoiler thread, but no spoilers:

5 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

It's weird they seem to have moved into "witchcraft" for the final arc, which seems more like real world stuff than the fairy tale magic they've dabbled in over the course of the Show. It somehow feels misplaced, even if the Show's mythology has been messy and ill-defined.


5 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

Yeah, they've spent six and a half seasons showing magical people being able to do just about anything with jazz hands (the Dark Curse and the time travel spell being about the only exceptions), and now suddenly we need a coven and spells and symbols, and all.

I agree it feels out of place and out of nowhere, and it adds to the weakness of this final season.  Another major weakness is everything is ultimately bound around the concept of "The Guardian", which is extremely undefined.  How can viewers get excited or feel suspense about something that is so nebulous?  This was the major reason why 4B failed, with all the talk about "The Author" without defining what they were/could do (which they never did clearly define).

  • Love 2

It seems like they understand that their newbies were not well received so they are going in a completely new direction, but that's likely to exacerbate the viewership loss. Now we're supposed to care about unknown witches? I guess it doesn't matter because they've already been cancelled, but this stuff was written and filmed before the cancellation, so it's difficult to understand how they thought this would maintain viewership. 

  • Love 3

It does seem like they changed directions because the epic Henry/Mudderella romance that they spent all summer promoting, was falling flat, and Victoria was a flop as the main antagonist. But how they assumed empty coat hangers would be a good substitute is another question.  

Adding Zelena back into the mix seems like A&E scrambling to retain older viewers as well. For all Eddy's piqued retort of "if they don't like it they needn't watch" the writers knew that they weren't getting new viewers. If they assumed that old viewers would be fine with what was essentially a poorly written spin-off with most of the old cast gone, then they don't truly understand TV landscape. 

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

Adding Zelena back into the mix seems like A&E scrambling to retain older viewers as well. For all Eddy's piqued retort of "if they don't like it they needn't watch" the writers knew that they weren't getting new viewers. If they assumed that old viewers would be fine with what was essentially a poorly written spin-off with most of the old cast gone, then they don't truly understand TV landscape. 

It's the worst of both worlds. It's not a spin-off or full reboot because several of the old characters are still there and there's still quite a bit of continuity with the rest of the series. (Simply put, you can't understand everything that's going on without watching the first six seasons.) But, it's also not just a continuation because the main focus is on new characters and events that have little to do with what we've seen so far. "Have my cake and eat it too" still remains A&E's mantra. I think going in either direction more forcefully would have made it more watchable.

I'm a big Zelena fan, but her return didn't make me stick around. It's more like an added bonus. That being said, I haven't liked what they've done with her character since S6. It's not so much herself but the way she's treated. She's always just a prop-up for Regina. (I'm starting to understand you, Snow and Emma fans.)

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6
57 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

It's the worst of both worlds. It's not a spin-off or full reboot because several of the old characters are still there and there's still quite a bit of continuity with the rest of the series. (Simply put, you can't understand everything that's going on without watching the first six seasons.) But, it's also not just a continuation because the main focus is on new characters and events that have little to do with what we've seen so far. "Have my cake and eat it too" still remains A&E's mantra. I think going in either direction more forcefully would have made it more watchable.

I'm a big Zelena fan, but her return didn't make me stick around. It's more like an added bonus. That being said, I haven't liked what they've done with her character since S6. It's not so much herself but the way she's treated. She's always just a prop-up for Regina. (I'm starting to understand you, Snow and Emma fans.)

It's a poorly conceived show, especially this season where it ended up alienating just about everyone.

17 hours ago, Camera One said:

From Spoiler thread, but no spoilers:


I agree it feels out of place and out of nowhere, and it adds to the weakness of this final season.  Another major weakness is everything is ultimately bound around the concept of "The Guardian", which is extremely undefined.  How can viewers get excited or feel suspense about something that is so nebulous?  This was the major reason why 4B failed, with all the talk about "The Author" without defining what they were/could do (which they never did clearly define).

Like The Author, the Guardian is just yet another vague 'chosen one' trope but with nothing to give the audience any reason to care about.

The Coven feels like their attempt at trying to set up S8 as yet another reboot/retooling before they got the notice from ABC hence why it feels out of place.

  • Love 1
On 2/17/2018 at 6:13 PM, KingOfHearts said:

I don't disagree that Snow, Emma, and Charming got bland in the last few seasons. But that was because the writers weren't interested in giving them any good storylines. Regina, Rumple, and Hook were the "villains" who were more fun to write for.

 I think Charms has been bland from the get go. The actor is good looking and always did a fine job but he never really brought any "zest" to the role. He was just cute...and nice...and he looked like the cartoon, angst wasnt his strong point. Snow had spice at the beginning, and I do think that they should have killed Charms off pre curse...an angry Snow totally being at odds with Regina with Emma trying to balance because of Henry could have been good...(who am I kidding, they would have never allowed that.) The show's strongest asset was that it was like a movie from the 30's with strong women and the men were just window dressing (sorry Hook fans, but I think he brought Emma down too.) Despite Belle , I always considered Rump asexual so he doesnt count.

At any rate, by S3 the Charmings were, what we call in soaps, tentpole characters...Snow should have taken over SB as Mayor and Charms did what ever Charms would do (never bought him as a cop either..) and we wouldnt see them each episode, etc. It got especially ridiculous the more Snow looked like someone's unathletic Mom, but she would drag her baby to Hades to just..stand around doing nothing.


The witch thing is weird..besides Zelena..none of the magic lady called themselves witches..so it was weird to see Drizella call herself that? I do think magic and symbols and trying hard to produce magic should have been how it worked in Storybrooke, as they kept saying..."Magic works differently here." but that shipped sailed...(but they are getting so sloppy or cheap they are forgetting to put the purple effects when someone waves their hands to produce magic...they should just go Bewitched and have sound effects when Regina waves her arms...(we could only hope Endora is one of the witches coven...she could call Henry "Dumbo"!)

8 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Adam Horowitz‏  @AdamHorowitzLA 5h5 hours ago

I should probably be working on the #OnceUponATime series finale... but Stanton is batting!!!!

Expect the very best, everyone.

Eddy (picking up the phone): Adam, it's 3AM! What's the matter?

Adam: Hey, listen. I was watching Stanton batting in full form, and I thought--wouldn't it be cool if we did a self-contained Baseball AU for the series finale?

Eddy: *Gasps* You know what, let's make it a Baseball AU...set 10 years in the future...

Adam: ...in an alien planet where Storybrooke never existed.

Eddy: Netflix is bound to pick up our amazing idea for a re-spinoff-quel. 

Adam: And our passionate Twitter fanbase is bound to keep harassing them until they do.

Eddy: Genius, Dearie!

Adam: *Rumple-giggle*

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

Adam: Hey, listen. I was watching Stanton batting in full form, and I thought--wouldn't it be cool if we did a self-contained Baseball AU for the series finale?

Adam: "Remember that episode from the last season of DS9 where they play baseball against Vulcans?"
Eddy: "Uh... no."
Adam: "Exactly. We should base our finale off of that!"

Edited by KingOfHearts
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On 2/23/2018 at 1:40 PM, Free said:

Like The Author, the Guardian is just yet another vague 'chosen one' trope but with nothing to give the audience any reason to care about.


Dont forget when "The Savior" became the new "Chosen One", instead of just what Emma was supposed to do to stop the Dark Curse. And then Henry was "The Author" and now theres a mythical "Guardian" person, and, yet, I have no clue what any of these people are actually supposed to do, or how they work, or are any different than any other magical person in this world. Its like they dont think the audience will be able to get invested in their characters if they arent some vaugly defined "Chosen One", instead of just a person who does things. Do they not know that most stories, even ones with magic and battles and crap, are usually not about chosen ones, but about people who just do things?!?! Or, if they are a Chosen One, they usually give some explanation as to what that means, and they never do! If A&E are so obsessed with everyone having some super special magic title (that they just have, dont want to make our characters EARN anything!), then why dont they explain what the hell these stupid titles actually mean! 

  • Love 1
On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 7:27 PM, Rumsy4 said:

Eddy (picking up the phone): Adam, it's 3AM! What's the matter?

Adam: Hey, listen. I was watching Stanton batting in full form, and I thought--wouldn't it be cool if we did a self-contained Baseball AU for the series finale?

Eddy: *Gasps* You know what, let's make it a Baseball AU...set 10 years in the future...

Adam: ...in an alien planet where Storybrooke never existed.

Eddy: Netflix is bound to pick up our amazing idea for a re-spinoff-quel. 

Adam: And our passionate Twitter fanbase is bound to keep harassing them until they do.

Eddy: Genius, Dearie!

Adam: *Rumple-giggle*


Ah, memories of when baseball messed with my shows.

12 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Dont forget when "The Savior" became the new "Chosen One", instead of just what Emma was supposed to do to stop the Dark Curse. And then Henry was "The Author" and now theres a mythical "Guardian" person, and, yet, I have no clue what any of these people are actually supposed to do, or how they work, or are any different than any other magical person in this world. Its like they dont think the audience will be able to get invested in their characters if they arent some vaugly defined "Chosen One", instead of just a person who does things. Do they not know that most stories, even ones with magic and battles and crap, are usually not about chosen ones, but about people who just do things?!?! Or, if they are a Chosen One, they usually give some explanation as to what that means, and they never do! If A&E are so obsessed with everyone having some super special magic title (that they just have, dont want to make our characters EARN anything!), then why dont they explain what the hell these stupid titles actually mean! 

Chosen One stories usually have a prophecy or something that actually ties to the story in some way.

In OuaT, it's just nicknames being thrown around.

  • Love 4

A lot of exposition and cliched dialogue in that clip.  I wonder if they have "hope" speeches on a clip board and they rotate which ones to use.   It is hard to buy the sister act, because they never really did invest much time to really spending the time having the resolve their issues.  They were kind of like Hook and Charming where one episode they seemed to be improving two episodes later they were back to square one for no reason.   Plus while Regina and Zelina had great adversarial chemistry - not sure they exude any of the odd couple buddy chemistry that Charming and Hook had.

When Henry used the potion to summon Hook, Emma, and Regina, why didn't it drag Clone Queen with it? An alternate version of Hook is considered a duplicate, but a clone born from Regina's kidney isn't? Is Wish Queen dead? If it's a universe with infinite possibilities and AU's, wouldn't the potion summon infinite Hook's? What makes WHook special?

Was the Wish Realm retroactively created (thereby breaking the laws of magic by changing the past), or did it exist all along? If the latter, did Princess Emma just disappear from existence and get replaced with Emma?

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 2
1 minute ago, KingOfHearts said:

When Henry used the potion to summon Hook, Emma, and Regina, why didn't it drag Clone Queen with it? An alternate version of Hook is considered a duplicate, but a clone born from Regina's kidney isn't? Is Wish Queen dead? 

If you must know, she was in another Dome having a honeymoon with Wish Robin Hood and eating Wish Cake.

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