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Australian Survivor - General Discussion

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Finally got caught up! I was watching Survivor South Africa and letting these pile up. Nothing was gonna top last season with King David for me, so this season is kind of a let down. (Emmett REALLY wanted to be David 2.0 but no.)

While I don't find him very likable, George seems to be the only one who actually knows what he is doing and why. Cara does whatever George says. Flick did whatever Emmett or Dani told her to do. Wai, um, didn't do anything. Haley would be the next most worthy but she made some big blunders, including not getting George out when she had several chances.

I don't think the show has lost anything having it set in the outback versus an island. I've enjoyed the change in scenery. 

There may have been a bit too much chicanery with the voting for me this season what with taking peoples' votes away, having the other tribe vote, fire idol, save urns, people being gone from tribal due to illness, etc.  

I also thought the contest between Haley and Baden to see who would get back in was designed to favor Haley. 

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1 hour ago, jsm1125 said:

I expected more from Hayley this episode, especially after she so cleverly used Dani as a contingency plan back during the Simon vote (in case he played an idol).


Hayley didn't need a contingency plan.  She had immunity, and I think she knew Flick would vote for George.  So even if Flick had an idol, George would have gone home, and that was her next target anyway.  The way George played it was brilliant.

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Hayley was worthy, but I do think the jury was a bit bitter. Hayley was totally in the sweet spot after Cara was voted out, cuz George was never going to win the final immunity, and Flick would have taken Hayley over George. So she played that vote well. 

At the beginning of the episode, I was afraid Flick might be winning and they were trying to soften us up to having an unworthy winner by playing angel choir music every time they showed Flick and upping the pathos about her mom. Glad that didn't play out. She's okay, but she basically did everything Emmett told her, then everything Dani told her, and then found an idol and smashed an earn, and won one immunity. So I did not want to see her take it. 

George was probably almost as good as David strategically, but David was also well-liked AND a challenge beast. So everyone acting like they've never seen a player as amazing as George was a bit much. I did take exception to George just flat out refusing to participate in several challenges, and he is smart enough to know that will NOT come off well to a jury stuffed with "brawns." 

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On 9/2/2021 at 7:23 PM, SG429 said:

 I don't necessarily think it was done on the fly - it could (and should) be part of the original game design. Did the design require that someone be saved at this point? Would production chance it on 3 unlucky smashes and no one saved? Or would that whole drama then just be edited out?

They do this every season.  It is the one part of Australian Survivor where I feel it is inferior to the American version.  Though overall I actually like Australian Survivor a lot more than the American version.

What I mean by, they do this every season is, they tend to do pointless twists to make the game longer.  Like the Dead Man Walking twist or last year's twist where the people voted out post-jury went to Redemption Island or whatever it was called and they had a chance to get back into the game.  It just gets annoying because the season is long enough, there is no need to extend it due to extra twists.

Was there a Reunion Show this year?  The site that I watch the show on did not have one up.

While I would have rather have had George win, I am perfectly fine with Hayley winning.  I think both played great games.   

If I am being honest, if I was on the jury I probably would have voted for Hayley because I think she did the better job of explaining her game.  Though I would probably not place much importance on Immunity wins, unless they were absolutely need like when Mike won his season on the American version.

Having not watched any of their Jury villa segments, I thought the jury was going to be very pro-Hayley.  Therefore, I was not shocked when she won.  I do not believe that Dani's vote was ever up in the air like she said it was.  Overall, I thought it was a good season.  Maybe not as good as last year's but still better than most of the recent American seasons.

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On 9/2/2021 at 6:23 PM, SG429 said:

 I don't necessarily think it was done on the fly - it could (and should) be part of the original game design. Did the design require that someone be saved at this point? Would production chance it on 3 unlucky smashes and no one saved? Or would that whole drama then just be edited out?

I have the opposite opinion and think the urn twist was done on the fly. I think that Chelsea’s medical evacuation indirectly caused it. Had the medical evacuation not happened, I doubt that we would have seen any more non-eliminations, but I think they needed to fill the 24 episodes with something else. Since season 3, we have had 2 non-elimination twists per season. 

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I really hope the editors do a better job in future seasons with giving everyone at least some screen time. As much as I love Hayley and thought George played well, it was fairly obvious that Flick wasn’t making F2 with disappearing from the edit for like 1/3 of the merge.

The first 1/3 of the merge was the George, Hayley, Dani and Emmett show, and we barely  saw anything from Georgia, Chelsea and Gerald during their time on the show. For being a good storyteller and having a fascinating dynamic with George, we also saw far too little of Wai until like final 7,


Edited by jsm1125

So, Sandra is the queen, correct? Ugh, I wanted her gone in Episode 3 just so I don't have to hear it every five minutes, along with her I'm so vicious shtick and fake giggle. What does she even bring to the tribe that they want to keep her besides being a Survivor celebrity. She's already sitting out challenges or being drug through them. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

So, Sandra is the queen, correct? Ugh, I wanted her gone in Episode 3 just so I don't have to hear it every five minutes, along with her I'm so vicious shtick and fake giggle. What does she even bring to the tribe that they want to keep her besides being a Survivor celebrity. She's already sitting out challenges or being drug through them. 

She’s sat out of only one challenge so far, as many as the uber athletic Sam.

I know she’s overexposed, but I still love her. 

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

Why was Jay suddenly targeted over David? Jay seemed less plotty than David and Amy.

Plus he was pretty ☹️

Now to work out who's who amongst all the other Js: Jordie, Jordan, Josh, Jesse. 🤷‍♂️

I think Sandra, Sam and Mel (or is it Michelle) thought that Jay was the least likely of the "throuple" to have an idol played on him by Amy.

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I am in a constant state of anxiety over Khan. I liked him when he did MasterChef Australia, and so, naturally, I am rooting for him here (probably because he is the only contestant I recognize - I never saw Sandra's seasons in the US).

Ever since they started calling him King Khan, I can't help but think it's too early for him to have such a big target on his back. I don't know if he knows how close he came to being voted out; I hope he can see them coming and save himself.

Then again, last season George walked around with a target on his back from the very first episode to final three, so I guess anything is possible

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I live in fear for Kahn, too @WearyTraveler! I watched him on Masterchef and he seems a really good guy. Bummer Amy went, but it might make Kahn safer. She was not smart trying to change the plan of the majority when she wasn't being targeted. She had zero sway with those people! 

Do not want Mark or Sam to win! 

I still have no idea who some of the people are. I thought maybe they would get more air time once "the queen" was sent packing, but they still focus mostly on the same people every week. 

8 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I live in fear for Kahn, too @WearyTraveler! I watched him on Masterchef and he seems a really good guy. Bummer Amy went, but it might make Kahn safer. She was not smart trying to change the plan of the majority when she wasn't being targeted. She had zero sway with those people! 

My poor heart was pumping a mile a minute, stressing over Khan! I haven't felt this anxious over any other player in any Survivor season I have watched (which are not that many, TBF since I have watched less than 10 full seasons).

Agreed that Amy was a fool for trying that move without having enough social currency and depending on only one swing vote. What was she thinking? She structured her own demise.

I think the Red tribe choosing the woman (sorry, I don't remember everyone's names yet!) over Khan and Ben was the best strategic move they could make, a no-brainer, really. They know Khan has an idol, and they wouldn't want to bring that additional complication over to their tribe; Ben would have joined forces with his partner, potentially upsetting the apple cart, so, mild sister, it is. She already had established relationships with them, so she was an easy number to pick up. She should watch her back, though, because that is really all she is to them: a number they can pressure enough to get her to vote for anyone, after all, she voted out her own sister. Once that testosterone majority gets rid of their tribe's minority alliance, she's at the bottom of the barrel and will need to scramble to stay on. Not sure she has the stuff required to pull off a big move if it gets to that.

Regarding the surprise twist itself, I thought it was a good one, even though I am not usually happy when someone that has been voted off comes back. I think Australian Survivor has struck the right balance of surprise twists vs. traditional game play, so far anyway. Keeping my fingers crossed that they don't go the way of the US version, where the amount and convoluted nature of the twists have practically turned that game into a random mess, where player' choices and strategy count as much as picking the winning lottery numbers of the week.

I have got to admire Khan's confidence in not playing his idol during the tribal where "the kid" was gunning for Ben and told him straight up that some people were going to write his name down. He could have left the Survivor paranoia get the better of him, but he remained strong. Maybe he does have a better sense of where the people of his tribe are than what the editors are showing us.

(WARNING: EPISODE 11 HAS ALREADY AIRED IN AUS, MY NEXT COMMENTS DISCUSS THAT EPISODE, so, if you haven't watched it yet, stop reading now if you don't want to be spoiled)

Likewise, props to Ben for keeping a cool head after that betrayal and flipping the vote to Croc. Ben's frustration at losing challenges and not getting enough food (which the rest of his tribe isn't getting either) can be annoying, but credit where it's due, the guy didn't let his emotions interfere and instead played "the kid" to perfection. For all his blabbing about how he was such a young gun controlling the tribe behind the scenes at only 21 years old, he sure let fear get the better of him. If Ben makes it past merge, "the kid" is done, I think.

Meanwhile, Croc's wife is pissed! And she has an idol no one knows about. The idol can definitely keep her in the game a few extra days, maybe as far as merge, if she doesn't let her emotions get the better of her and plays it at the right time, but I don't think she'll make it too far after merge, let alone to final 3. She's very unstable and makes poor choices, such as blabbing to Ben that she had heard his name thrown about (no strategic reason for doing that, given that revealing that information jeopardizes the very plan she was following), and going against her staunchest ally (her husband!) for a guy she just met. Without Croc to calm her down and help her keep her emotions in check, I don't think she'll be able to play strategically enough to stay in the game for long. Remember the way she reacted when she found that idol?! "I don't know if I can keep this to myself!", "Oh, my God! We're gonna win!!!!"... Bitch, please, you found an idol before merge when the tribes had like 10 people each! The chances of an idol found that early getting you to final five are not that high, don't you know how many things can happen in this game with all the blindsides and alliance switching? And if you do manage to get to final five, or final 3 for that matter, having an idol in your pocket or having played an idol in the best possible way is no guarantee the jury will vote for you; other players pitching to the jury may have a similar accomplishment, a better strategic game, a better story, and/or a better social game... I rolled my eyes so hard at that comment, I think they went full circle!

I didn't understand her vote in the last tribal, either. If she was so conflicted about voting out "the kid", why didn't she talk it over with Croc before going against him? Discuss it with him and tell him why you think it's a good strategic move for the both of you! And, for that matter, why didn't Croc discuss his plan with her before presenting it to the others? I think that marriage has some serious communication issues.

But, no matter, Khan is safe to live another day! I am anxiously hoping he makes it to merge and joins the dad with the other half of his idol, which, if they play correctly, can keep Khan in the game longer, I hope. The dad too, for that matter, but I really don't care if he stays or if he goes (sorry, dad!). I cling to the hope that there's got to be a reason the editors haven't shown us any footage mentioning this advantage of the joint idols because they are waiting for a time when it will be the most impactful to do so. Fingers crossed!

Edited by WearyTraveler
Clarity and a typo
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, WearyTraveler said:

I think that marriage has some serious communication issues.

FYI  Chrissy is Croc's sister-in-law, I guess his wife doesn't like camping.  

I had to laugh when the promo for next episode implied that Chrissy was going to turn into some holy terror because Croc was booted.  That woman is completely lost by herself and has no clue how this game works.

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2 hours ago, cdnalor said:

FYI  Chrissy is Croc's sister-in-law, I guess his wife doesn't like camping.  

I had to laugh when the promo for next episode implied that Chrissy was going to turn into some holy terror because Croc was booted.  That woman is completely lost by herself and has no clue how this game works.

OMG!!! Thanks for reminding me of what their relationship is! The flaws in communication are less of a puzzle now. I can't believe I totally forgot that they were in-laws instead of a couple, but once you mentioned it, I did recall a couple of times when they mentioned it on the show.

My brain is turning mushy now that I have passed the half century calendar mark! 

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I don’t think Chrissy has an idol. I thought Croc went home with it in his pocket, and didn’t transfer it to anyone before his torch was snuffed.

So Mel goes to fire and the editors still can’t be bothered to give her a single confessional?

I actually didn’t think Amy’s plan was so terrible, but she totally misread her bond with Shay, Mark and Nina. She was definitely next on the chopping block after Mel, so what else was she going to do? Wait her turn only to be picked off right after?

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I also think Croc went home with the idol. I remember wondering if he would be able to hand it off like they do in US. But I totally forgot about Kahn's half an idol, so thanks for the reminder on that! 

Glad Kahn didn't get shanked by his alliance. The way they edit it, it is really hard to tell where any alliance actually stands. It seems like they are keeping some of the closer bonds under wraps. Like Chrissy and Kahn, who knew? And they are a bit out of control with the quick flashes of snakes and curated reaction shots this season.  

I find it really hard to believe that Sam DOESN'T win this game. The whole story is told through her eyes. It's so sad that Australian Survivor has ended up doing a really bad editing as American Survivor. Some people's purple edit drives me crazy. I understand that these people don't give much to the editors to work with but I find Sam as boring and vanilla as Mel and Michelle.

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In the immortal words of Captain Kirk: "KAHHHHHNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!"

Well, I knew it was coming. He was just too stupid trusting. He must not be a competitive sort at all. I've displayed far more disappointment just losing a game of Scrabble. 

I guess now I will hope some spoiler wins instead of the beef alliance. And I can't stand the Sam and Mark show, and that stupid stick he always has hanging out of his mouth! 

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Yes I don't know what is wrong with these editors. Don't they understand we want to get confessionals by all players even if they are boring? I mean, everything that happens is being narrated by Sam. For instance, Shay wins immunity, have someone else get a confessional saying what Sam said "Shay won immunity so now we can't vote her out and we need to find a new plan". Couldn't David or Chrissy have said this sentence?

The women are bad players who don't want to put their problems aside and align together to get rid of the guys. It's so sad seeing over and over again bromances and guys who are loyal to each other and women who stand there considering a women's alliance but they hate each other too much to do that.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, himela said:

Yes I don't know what is wrong with these editors. Don't they understand we want to get confessionals by all players even if they are boring? I mean, everything that happens is being narrated by Sam. For instance, Shay wins immunity, have someone else get a confessional saying what Sam said "Shay won immunity so now we can't vote her out and we need to find a new plan". Couldn't David or Chrissy have said this sentence?

The women are bad players who don't want to put their problems aside and align together to get rid of the guys. It's so sad seeing over and over again bromances and guys who are loyal to each other and women who stand there considering a women's alliance but they hate each other too much to do that.

I haven't quite figured out why they only show certain people all the time.  I understand they're setting things up for a particular reason, but I'm getting really tired of seeing Sam ALL the time.

I also don't get why so many have targeted Mel and Michelle.  I know they're easy targets, but there are so many more people that would make more sense, strategy wise.  I really don't care for very many of them this season.  There might be some I liked, but they don't show them enough to tell.

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18 minutes ago, Gypsy Blue said:

I haven't quite figured out why they only show certain people all the time.  I understand they're setting things up for a particular reason, but I'm getting really tired of seeing Sam ALL the time.

I also don't get why so many have targeted Mel and Michelle.  I know they're easy targets, but there are so many more people that would make more sense, strategy wise.  I really don't care for very many of them this season.  There might be some I liked, but they don't show them enough to tell.

It is something new for Australian Survivor to not show all players. I guess they have read comments from viewers through the years not remembering all the names and not caring to get to know people who get voted out soon and/or have no impact to the story.

I think the 5 guys + Sam want to show that they are true to their allliance and they didn't have to manipulate and lie too much to get to the end. Australian Survivor used to be too much into mateship and integrity.

Edited by himela
  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, himela said:

It is something new for Australian Survivor to not show all players. I guess they have written comments from viewers through the years not remembering all the names and not caring to get to know people who get voted out soon and/or have no impact to the story.

I think the 5 guys + Sam want to show that they are true to their allliance and they didn't have to manipulate and lie too much to get to the end. Australian Survivor used to be too much into mateship and integrity.

Sadly, the uneven editing has been this bad since season 4. 

While I want to be more impressed with someone like Josh, he’s had practically no content for all but one episode of the pre-merge, so I can’t consider him a serious winner contention. 

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We are post merge and I don't feel like I have any real sense of half the tribe! And I don't think it's because there is no story there. I mean, everyone not in the alliance seems to think Josh is the biggest threat and the leader, but they have not shown this at all. Do the other women have any alliances or plans whatsoever? Who knows?! When they do show other people, it seems to be just when they are having conversations with Sam. It's so egregious, it's made me really, really want Sam (and Mark) to lose! 

I don't remember them ever focusing this heavily on mainly one player. Maybe the all stars season which focused heavily on King David, but he was constantly wheeling and dealing with everyone, very entertaining, and I still had a good feel for most of the other players and what they were up to. This is just boring.

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I don’t think the women actually had the numbers to get rid of Josh at the final 12.

Even if KJ, Michelle, Mel, Shay and Chrissy vote together, it leaves the men plus Sam splitting their votes 5-2, making it 5-5-2. On the revote, Mel still goes home. I think Josh is intelligent enough to purposely split the 7 votes 5-2, rather than 4-3.

Though why Dave thinks he’s anything but number 7 in that alliance is beyond me…

How did Josh spin Jordy’s news about Mark’s idol as not wanting to trust Jordy, rather than not wanting to trust Mark? 

It’s crazy that Mark and Sam are the only two remaining players who haven’t had a single vote cast against them so far this game?

Edited by jsm1125
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Yeah, you would think Jordy outing Mark's idol to the rest of the alliance would have been appreciated, but I think Mark and Josh are super tight. Even though I don't like him all that much, I will root for Jordy over the dreadful Sam, Mark, and Mark's tooth twig. 

I thought for sure Josh was going to go in E16, since this was the first time they actually featured him a bit. I hope Jesse does burn Sam. Although, I do not understand why so many of these women announce that Jesse is like their own child. Personally, I don't find him all that charming or ingratiating. 

Meanwhile, Kahn continues to look gorgeous at tribal. 

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I used to just dislike Sam and Mark even from the first time they played, this time I admired them for their game play, but what Sam did to Jessie was plain evil and mean. And she even did it to a person she said she was her closest ally since day 2, not a random person. I hope she finds a way to explain to her son if she wins that the money they will have will have come from a very bad action of his mom. I understand it's a game but she really didn't have to do that, Jessie and his brother were not coming after her and Mark, they were coming after Josh who is admittedly a player who is considered the mastermind by everyone. I don't know, I am really sad with this, I don't even know if I'm going to continue watching.

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The singles should have gotten together and gotten one of the couples out.  I don't understand David as he doesn't talk or do anything.  Does he think the pairs are going to include him?  Maybe he's the goat of this season?  I don't know.

They should have listened to Jordie because once one of them went they didn't have the numbers any more.

Not a fan of Sam and Mark.  I did not like what she did to Jesse.

Yes..Khan looks great on jury.  He was my favorite since day 1.

Who is voting for KJ anyway?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, jsm1125 said:

How is this any worse than what David did to Phoebe in All Stars? People didn’t ask him how he could do this as a father.


David was a villain from the start wasn't he? He never pretended to be nice. I'm sure people commented his moves as well back then though :P

1 hour ago, NYGirl said:

Does he think the pairs are going to include him?

Josh made a new 6 with him and his brother, Mark and Sam and he included David and Chrissy so that's why he went with Josh.

I think Chrissy will find herself in the final two :P

It never ceases to amaze me how 4 or 5 people always get drug along to end by staying in line and following the orders of the power players, and they somehow think they will not be betrayed and/or will have some kind of shot in front of the jury, if they do make it to the end. Jonathon was practically begging them to wake the hell up! (Maybe Johnathon is sick of Sam too! :D ) 

On 3/9/2022 at 7:47 PM, TVbitch said:

It never ceases to amaze me how 4 or 5 people always get drug along to end by staying in line and following the orders of the power players, and they somehow think they will not be betrayed and/or will have some kind of shot in front of the jury, if they do make it to the end. Jonathon was practically begging them to wake the hell up! (Maybe Johnathon is sick of Sam too! :D ) 

This is why I respected the hell out of Amy for trying to shake things up during her boot episode, even if she wasn’t the target that week. She knew there was no breaking up Mark, Josh, Jordan and Jordy, so what did she have to lose?


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I have watched Sunday and Monday's episodes, so, beware; my post will contain content related to both.


I don't know what all these people outside the original six alliance are even thinking.  After Jesse was voted out because he and Jordie jumped the gun, it was clear Jordie was next. So, if you go over to the two couples remaining from that original six, where do you think your place is going to be? Clearly, you're the new guys to the remaining 4, so you are at the very bottom of their alliance. Dave and Chrissy going over to them was the dumbest thing they could have done. And that's without taking into account possible idols. Why would you want to join those 4 instead of forming an alliance with the ones that were the targets of the original 6 and had had no power until merge? They had the numbers then to make a go at the 4, and they stupidly shot themselves in the foot.

After Khanh was voted out, I have had no horse in this race. I only know who I don't want to win. I don't want Mark, Sammy, Jordan, Jordan's cousin or Jordie to win. They have been too smug and full of themselves the entire time, and unlike past winner David, they don't have the charisma to make the moves they have made and keep the audience on their side. That is, I can't say they have played a bad game, but they are just so unlikeable, I am rooting for them to go, epically, if possible; but at this point, I'll take any exit they give me.

So, I guess I am rooting for Jordie to blow up the 4 next week and then to eventually go. Dave had just been foolish, not seeing the writing on the wall and waiting for some utopic perfect moment to pull a move while letting the 4 systematically vote out anyone who could actually help him make that move. Chrissy just follows someone else's strategy and as the number that she is, I don't think she has the resume to win. KJ is there, I guess. Aside from voting out her own sister, she hasn't pulled any significant moves... So, go Shay? Sigh!

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I actually think Chrissy might be in a better position than a lot of us realize. I think she has some individual relationships with people like Josh and Sam, and hasn’t been a target at all since the merge episode. Plus, I highly doubt Josh and Jordan will want to sit with Sam and Mark at final 4 (or vice versa), which could leave Chrissy in a swing position at 5.

  • Useful 1
On 3/14/2022 at 7:21 PM, WearyTraveler said:

Dave and Chrissy going over to them was the dumbest thing they could have done.

What you don't take into consideration is that both Chrissy and David have no idea of the game. Both came to play just to be with their loved ones. Especially Chrissy has not even watched a season of Survivor. She thinks what you are supposed to do is stay with your alliance until you are voted out and if you happen to find yourself in the final tribal council and the jury likes you enough, you may win. This is how far her strategy goes.

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