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Peter Griffin is basically like Homer Simpson's even dumber brother that can often be even more of an asshole.



This is true. There is at least one major difference. Homer actually has affection for his family. The Simpsons/Family Guy cross over episode highlighted the remarkably different experience daughters have in their respectively families. That's only one example. Another is that that affection means that Homer sometimes feels the tug of family responsibility. Homer sometimes gets that he has a family to support. 

I really hate it when a Family Guy episode makes me think this and only this, but what. the. fuck?!? They spend about 5 minutes on 4 guys becoming a detective agency, something that both could have been very interesting and had endless potential for taking hilarious stabs at detective books and shows (and which is actually related to the title of the episode) and the rest of the episode is spent on Chris' fixation on a homemade sex doll which was already incredibly bizarre from the outset and only got more bizarre as the episode wore on, especially the treatment of it by characters that are otherwise much more rational and intelligent than Chris is. Peter falling in love with and subsequently killing a cardboard cutout of a woman made more sense than this and didn't overstay it's welcome either.


The words "what the fuck" are the only words I can think of that adequately describe this episode. I actually like Family Guy generally and I usually have a pretty high threshold of tolerance when it comes to insanity in cartoons, but when a show goes from simply insane to beyond nuts like this while squandering great opportunities as this episode does is when I crack.

Meg gets a new job at the airport, where she's instantly popular for being the hottest employee there. Meanwhile, Cleveland becomes a therapist and starts giving Peter and Lois relationship advice, but Peter quickly becomes frustrated and threatens to tell Donna a big secret about what went down at Cleveland's bachelor party.

So yeah, that happened.


"What kind of monster hits a pregnant toddler?!" Uhhh...Yeah.


So we got an answer to where the babies came out: Everywhere. Yeah. At least Adam West was around to say something funny to diffuse that. Also, most of those babies were creepy looking, and no shock that most of them died.


The plot with the guys trying to make a viral video was better. I liked Joe trying to do impressions, I enjoy references to Patrick Warburton only having one voice.


Well, they were on point about Ron Livingston. He was the main guy in Office Space, and, umm...

  • Love 1

Well, they were on point about Ron Livingston. He was the main guy in Office Space, and, umm...

Band of Brothers was a pretty big deal. They did mention Sex in the City and he was recently on Boardwalk Empire. IMDB shows he's been working steadily, but I admit, mostly stuff I haven't seen. Oddly enough, one of his credits is a voice for Family Guy.


It seemed a little off target to me, but then, if a terrible episode like this one takes a swipe at you, maybe it should be taken as a compliment.


The show's weakness for mistaking gross for funny was in full force in this one.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
  • Love 1

Stewie pulls up to McDonald's Drive Thru. 


Marina: You know Stewie, I'm not much of a fast food eater.

Stewie: Yeah, can you read my mind? Can you tell me what I'm thinking right now. I'm thinking shut and get a salad.

Brent: I want some McNuggets.

Stewie: We'll get to you Brent.

Wil: I want a hamburger. No, a cheeseburger. I want a hot dog, I want a milkshake...

[Patrick Stewart punches Wil in the back of the head]

Patrick: You'll get nothing and like it!

Stewie: Uh hello.

Employee: Welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?

Stewie: Oh, hailing frequencies open, huh? Uh, yeah, uh, we're gonna get, uh, two McChicken sandwiches and a diet coke and...uh, uh, what do you want, Michael?

Michael: A McDLT.

Stewie: No, I already told you, they don't make those anymore.

Michael: You know, sometimes it's a regional thing. You could ask.

Stewie: No McDonald's anywhere makes a McDLT anymore.

Jonathan: I'd love a shamrock shake if they got any of those.

Stewie: It's September, Jonathan. 

LeVar: Stewie, can I take these goddamn headband off?

Stewie: No LeVar, you're blind. That's the only way you can see. 

Michael: I'm just saying, they have all the ingredients for a McDLT...

[person behind them honks their horn]

Stewie: Just hang on! Alright? There's a lot of us! There's a lot of-- it's a big order!

Patrick: What time do they stop serving breakfast?

Stewie: It's three o'clock.

Patrick: Some of them serve breakfast all day.

Stewie: None of them serve breakfast all day!

Michael: Do they have beer?


Stewie (To Whole Star Trek Cast): This...was...exhausting. This whole experience, was absolutely...exhausting. You people have ruined Star Trek: The Next Generation for me, you are absolutely, the most insufferable group of jackasses I have ever had the misfortune of spending an extended period of time with, I hope you all fucking die.


Peter: We don't need a map Brian. I got us a GPMS machine.

[Peter turns on machine]

GPMS: Go up! What do you think? Just go up!

Peter: Sorry.

GPMS: OK, could everyone just stop freaking out and just give me like two minutes! God! [starts crying] Everyone is always yelling at me! Wha..with all the questions.

Peter: Alright, well maybe we'll turn you on later and see how you feel.

[Peter turns off machine]

Peter: She was so nice in the store.

  • Love 1

I don't know what's funnier: Random Humor Adam West or Sociopath Adam West?


Meg as the hottest person who works for the TSA is not that far off. It seems looking like a potato really is a job requirement.


"Family Guy fans went ballistic when Brian died, but you don't really miss him in this episode, do you?" Right on the money.

  • Love 2

I wish they decided to let Meg have a string of these weird jobs now. It would at least be marginal character development. She's been a foot fetish model and now TSA agent. It's not like they have her do anything else. It would be funny just to see her coming and going wearing different uniforms.


Why doesn't Cleveland open a new deli too? This has been a spell of fairly bland episodes.


Some day Meg is finally going to snap and her father (and hopefully her whole damn family) in the most horrific way.  And we'll all be laughing and cheering her on as she does it.

...and then it turns out to be a dream sequence, or an imagine spot, or the end of an episode, and next episode everybody is back treating Meg like crap while she just stands there and takes it like nothing happened until they do the same thing a season or so later.


They REALLY need to find something else to do with this character, because this Torture-Meg-a-Thon went WAY past funny and into horrific a half dozen seasons ago.

Edited by immortalfrieza

She has been doing stuff. But then it's completely forgotten when the episodes end. I don't know why they don't continue it in the background. She's 18, so she can have a whole bunch of jobs. They can just show her wearing different uniforms all the time. It would be funny to me if Meg had this whole other life going on, but no one in the family knows because they don't care about her.


When the show finally ends, she could have saved up like a whole bunch of money and just moves away somewhere.

Well, that bit with Jiminy Cricket got dark real quick. And that cutaway with the wolf pack got dark, and weird, then kinda funny when it turns out the one wolf was played by Quagmire (drugged).


1) We did the "butt hurt feelings over a roast" thing on AD with Roger.

2) I'm sure the "mean-girl clique" will just be another excuse to dump on Meg.

I think I already hate this episode and it doesn't air for two more weeks.


1) So did the Simpsons (although that was more of a half-hearted excuse for a clip show)


2) They ended up going after Lois. Being mean to Meg would've been too easy for them. Mean Girls are also a bit that the show has gone to many, many times before.

That cutaway with Peter tossing everything in the dumpster was one that we could've seen in the original run.


1,000 sexual conquests seems a little low for Quagmire, don't you think? I also wasn't expecting a large mouth bass to be #1000.


Liam Neeson at least was enjoyable. He really likes to kill wolves.


I liked how a Mrs. Potato Head disguise instantly attracted Irish actors, but Colin Farrell...yeah.

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