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Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion

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Welcome, little hermit.  Glad you found us!

I'm on a FB page where they openly discuss the Alaskan Bush People.  Suffice it to say it is NOT a fan page, but once in a while, a lost believer joins the page.  They were disputing the fact that the accident happened in town . . . "You can tell that it was filmed out in the bush."  (I've been to Hoonah - it ALL has a lot of greenery.)  I responded to that person, "You DO realize that 'Lost in Space' wasn't really filmed in space, don't you?"

Sorry I can't help with your spellcheck question.  I just do the best I can while typing, and then if I see something later that I muffed, I go back and edit it.  Edit is the little pencil icon you'll see at the bottom of your own posts.

  • Love 3

Didn't Bear made some remark along the lines that the turbine had been the heart or soul or something of B-town? Hell they just put the damn thing up last season. I don't recall it having been mentioned as a goal to do so before last season. Where is the new homestead? How are they going to transport it there, on the Integrity? How much would it cost to get it to wherever they are going? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just put up another one? After that crash to the ground I doubt that there's not some major damage if it would work (or ever did) at all. I guess the genius No-ah will be able to fix it. So many more questions!

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14 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Welcome, little hermit.  Glad you found us!

I'm on a FB page where they openly discuss the Alaskan Bush People.  Suffice it to say it is NOT a fan page, but once in a while, a lost believer joins the page.  They were disputing the fact that the accident happened in town . . . "You can tell that it was filmed out in the bush."  (I've been to Hoonah - it ALL has a lot of greenery.)  I responded to that person, "You DO realize that 'Lost in Space' wasn't really filmed in space, don't you?"

Sorry I can't help with your spellcheck question.  I just do the best I can while typing, and then if I see something later that I muffed, I go back and edit it.  Edit is the little pencil icon you'll see at the bottom of your own posts.

And I laugh. Good one!!!!! There seems to be a lot SnowBIRD Brains out there! Now this brand new computer is not wanting to respond....freezing up.

  • Love 2


If there is one, I haven't stumbled across it. If I am doing a long post, I usually paste a copy of my text into Word (or any other word processor), spell check it there, then paste the result back into the forum. You may be able to do the same thing with any program or app that has a built in spell check.

1 hour ago, little hermit said:

1st post so please give some slack if I'm all over the place. I've already lost my post once. By the time I post my observations someone may have already made the same observation or answered a question that I pose.

What was that shit on Matts head when the paramedics were tending to/examining his head........slimy reddish jello? As was mentioned before I thought this explosion took place in his apartment, and that is a widely reported fact. So, how can anyone believe this story that it happened when he was alone in B-town? Have the people/fans that believe this stuff not heard about that or do they think it's just FAKE NEWS!? How come none of his family have any idea how this happened for days after? I would think one of the first things I would want to know is what and how it happened. Perhaps they just didn't want to say to much and be caught in the lie. When he told Bam he had nine staples (would the family not know that by the time he talked with Bam?) I too thought wouldn't they have had to shave off some of that mop mess of hair.

I have more to say but holy sticks of butter I don't want to lose this post again. Maybe I'll try later. I am so glad I found this site and realize that I am not the only one who makes the same observations you guys do. I regret that it appears that the show is coming to and end and I won't be able to watch, question, comment, and laugh along with you. For years I have watched this show with the facial expression of a cat who just licked his butt wondering who on earth watches this? Wondering why the hell am I? Sometimes when a friend comes over I go to on demand and pull up an episode of this and torture them by making them watch some of it while I comment on it like Crow, Mike, and Tom Servo from MST 3000.

Not that anyone cares but I have been without a computer for over two years. This is a new one and I can't navigate it, it does all kinds of weird things, and I'm on some medication that is messing with my ability to think, not to mention how the unrelenting pain is effecting my cognitive ability.



You can download Grammarly and it will spell check and correct grammar on all sites.

Welcome to the site :)

1 hour ago, little hermit said:

Didn't Bear made some remark along the lines that the turbine had been the heart or soul or something of B-town? Hell they just put the damn thing up last season. I don't recall it having been mentioned as a goal to do so before last season. Where is the new homestead? How are they going to transport it there, on the Integrity? How much would it cost to get it to wherever they are going? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just put up another one? After that crash to the ground I doubt that there's not some major damage if it would work (or ever did) at all. I guess the genius No-ah will be able to fix it. So many more questions!

We are not supposed to ask or even think of logically.  That would undermine DE and this shit show.


The owners took back the land and the boat :)

Edited by iluvobx

I know this might be off topic and I've yet to read all of season Fours GD's (I've read ALL of the others) but I wondered how Matt could have a drinking problem. It would mean that he got up in the middle of the nite, took the skiff out to the Integrity, (or whatever boat they had when his problem began) boat into Hoonah alone with no lites, barter for alcohol, and then manage to boat back (what is it a hour or thirty mins.? A three hour tour?) drunk with no lites. He can't even drive a car without getting a DUI. How's he suppose to manage that big ass boat under the circumstanes and get to B-town in one piece? Wouldn't someone at sometime notice he was disappearing at nite? Wouldn't someone notice he smelled of alcohol (maybe the stench of his nasty, unbathed, dirty self covered it up or he rubbed some pine needles or cedar on him)? Come to think of it the patrolman couldn't smell the alcohol on him either. Wouldn't they wonder why there was less gas in the boats? Wouldn't he have a noticeable hangover? Wouldn't he have a hard time responding to the morning gunshots and "Wakey Wakey"?  Just aside, but why do people with little to no money waste a bullet to wake everyone up in the morning? Inquiring minds want to know.

  • Love 1

@ Little hermit - As you can tell by my avatar, I've always got it together...

I usually keep a "google" page open and if I need to check on spelling I put it in the search bar.  It always corrects me! 

Reading your issues with your new computer... if this is curtains for ABP, your computer adventures might be a great replacement!  (Kidding...I live those adventures every day! I'm doing everything possible to avoid getting a new laptop.  Not a techy!)

20 minutes ago, little hermit said:

I know this might be off topic and I've yet to read all of season Fours GD's (I've read ALL of the others) but I wondered how Matt could have a drinking problem. It would mean that he got up in the middle of the nite, took the skiff out to the Integrity, (or whatever boat they had when his problem began) boat into Hoonah alone with no lites, barter for alcohol, and then manage to boat back (what is it a hour or thirty mins.? A three hour tour?) drunk with no lites. He can't even drive a car without getting a DUI. How's he suppose to manage that big ass boat under the circumstanes and get to B-town in one piece? Wouldn't someone at sometime notice he was disappearing at nite? Wouldn't someone notice he smelled of alcohol (maybe the stench of his nasty, unbathed, dirty self covered it up or he rubbed some pine needles or cedar on him)? Come to think of it the patrolman couldn't smell the alcohol on him either. Wouldn't they wonder why there was less gas in the boats? Wouldn't he have a noticeable hangover? Wouldn't he have a hard time responding to the morning gunshots and "Wakey Wakey"?  Just aside, but why do people with little to no money waste a bullet to wake everyone up in the morning? Inquiring minds want to know.

lh - not sure how much you actually know of this crew.  They did not LIVE in Browntown.  That is simply a "set" for their filming.  They all stayed in individual hotel rooms in Hoonah during the filming season, so Matt could easily have left his room and meandered off to the bar at the hotel.  No gas, no boat . . . just a short stumble.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

lh - not sure how much you actually know of this crew.  They did not LIVE in Browntown.  That is simply a "set" for their filming.  They all stayed in individual hotel rooms in Hoonah during the filming season, so Matt could easily have left his room and meandered off to the bar at the hotel.  No gas, no boat . . . just a short stumble.

Yeah I know all that. I guess I was just trying to make snarky observations about this asinine show.

  • Love 2

Fakery Alert!?!

I noticed this, went back and did re-wind/pause multiple times.  But I don't have frame by frame so if anyone wants to check, confirm or de-bunk but..............

At 19 minutes in they load Matt on the stretcher, he has bloody gauze wrapped around his head, close-up of said bloody gauze.  At 20 minutes in the crew is carrying Matt from the house - what I can tell is it's Matt (or his stunt double), they're shooting towards his head not his feet and you can easily see the lovely pillow he had under his head (previously seen during close up of bloody gauze).  Matt's voice says how he lost a lot of blood and he lifts his head slightly - what has changed?  There is NO bloody gauze or wrappings of any kind visible.  All I see is his head, and hair nothing else white or bloody to be seen.

So re-wind, pause at proper moment, re-wind, pause again - nope, in that one shot I can not find evidence of any gauze, wrappings, blood (the pillowcase is also apparently clean btw).  If anyone sees different feel free to correct me but from what I can tell looks like there's a re-enactment screw up that made it past editing.


EDITED TO ADD:  Proof found - see my second post about 4 down from this one

Edited by sigmaforce86
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7 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

 It was touching that the producer cried too and explained things to the boys so Billy didn't have to and hopefully she's not faking that part.  But would it hurt to just come out and say that - "We continue to film with the Browns consent and Ami and Billy have asked us to follow their medical journey" or some such thing.


You are right... and why not spin it off into the 'Ami and cancer show'... not trying to be mean there, just threw that title out there. I am sure the producer and others affiliated with this show feel truly awful about Ami's condition, yet the way it is presented is a little... what is the word... heavy ? Morose ?  I don't know, what was once an enjoyable show, is now rather silly and depressing at the same time... 

And waiting for the people responsible for this series to explain something, is going to prove to be a long, long wait IMO...

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

lh - not sure how much you actually know of this crew.  They did not LIVE in Browntown.  That is simply a "set" for their filming.  They all stayed in individual hotel rooms in Hoonah during the filming season, so Matt could easily have left his room and meandered off to the bar at the hotel.  No gas, no boat . . . just a short stumble.

I'm actually shocked they didn't have a still up in Browntown, cooking up some moonshine. Unless its against their religion. Or maybe  you need warmer weather?

3 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Fakery Alert!?!

And also the scene after the commercial ends, where Bear is having the standoff with the real bear, there is a drone shot above Browntown Bay... Clearly seen is a rather nice looking 50 - 60 foot pleasure boat that we've never seen before, and of course never explained... You only see it for about a second, use the same pause, rewind technique described to see that nonsense... I mentioned this in my recap also...

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Found it - two seconds after I posted I realized Disco's website would have the episode and I could pause and screenshot on that.  So here's the two shots - on-line it's at about 13:59 and 14:59.  Shot 1, close up of Matt after he's taken off the porch, shot two as the team walks away and he lifts his head - definitely no bandages and no blood to be seen.




  • Love 7
4 hours ago, little hermit said:

Didn't Bear made some remark along the lines that the turbine had been the heart or soul or something of B-town?

He seems to say a lot of rather stupid things, in a really stupid way, and then adds EXTREME on it to make everyone think he has a knowledgable insight into something... Sorry Bear, we are not fooled...

3 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:


Found it - two seconds after I posted I realized Disco's website would have the episode and I could pause and screenshot on that.  So here's the two shots - on-line it's at about 13:59 and 14:59.  Shot 1, close up of Matt after he's taken off the porch, shot two as the team walks away and he lifts his head - definitely no bandages and no blood to be seen.


AND SCORE !!!!  Thanks Sigmaforce86 !!!

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Here's the TMZ article about Matt's injury in case anyone hasn't seen it.  Sorry to say but it sounds like he might've been drunk off his ass to pull a stunt like that.


I was scrolling through the boards that have the "believers" of this show and they all think Matt tried to commit suicide.  In Browntown.  Because he was under stress.  And alone.  And there were shotgun shells all around the campfire.  I was tempted to make a post that Browntown would make anyone want to kill themselves but I restrained myself.

The Browns are really playing up their 'faith' more and more this season.  If they're so religious you'd think they'd have a twinge of conscience about lying so much every episode.

I'm glad they showed less of Ami but they should not film her at all.  They should just show the black screen with white letters explaining what's happening with her. 

Edited by Sup wit dat
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 So here's the two shots - on-line it's at about 13:59 and 14:59.  Shot 1, close up of Matt after he's taken off the porch,

Good catch. What I noticed the first time around is the pattern of blood on the gauze shown in your upper picture. I have seen a few traumatic injury bandages, none looked like this picture. This looks like they wrapped the gauze around his head then painted or daubed on red dye with a 2 or 3 inch paint brush. The red stuff is not coming through from the inside of the gauze from a single gash, it is on top of the gauze and spread over several different locations.

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3 hours ago, SRTouch said:

 And Sabrina, the rent-a-cow  .... ?


Sabrina was lucky, instead of going to the slaughter house, she went to Browntown and then to a place to be able to live out her natural life.  So all is good for her :)  So her 30-day rental deal was the best for her, even if she had to put up with those idiots. 

  • Love 4

Having a traumatic head injury caused by a flying refrigerator door just doesn't seem like your everyday kind of injury.  I think Matt may be trying to extend his TV career by getting on one of those ER shows.  All I gotta say is that must've been quite an AWESOME EXTREME explosion for that door to come completely off the hinges and hit him on top of the head.  And Bear missed it...too bad.

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When Bear was checking Browntown for signs of recent bear activity, he kept poking around in piles of supposed bear shit. I was wondering if it was really bear and not that of one of the brothers. Didn't one say that he preferred to crap in the woods as opposed to an outhouse?

 Why didn't they bring Mr Cupcake back as an added safety precaution, bear alarm or deterrent?  I think he'd be much happier in the bush than cramped in a house. 

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, realityobserver said:

You are right... and why not spin it off into the 'Ami and cancer show'

Farrah Fawcett did a docuseries about her cancer and treatments.  The following is cut and paste from wikipedia:

Fawcett was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006; the 2009 NBC documentary Farrah's Story chronicled her battle with the disease. She posthumously earned her fourth Emmy nomination for her work as a producer on the documentary.

Are you all telling me that I missed the Matt/head injury debacle?  DAMN IT!

I remember that Farrah Fawcett show.  I was never a big fan of hers, but I did think that came off as poignant.

Here's another timeline problem.  This last episode was supposed to take place eight weeks ago, according to the caption on the black screen.  But Ami is supposed to get 12 weeks of radiation and chemotherapy.  That means as of today, there are still four weeks to go.  So why are they driving around looking to pull off the side of the road and put up a cabin and build Browntown II?  Don't you think they would wait until Ami's treatment is over?  

The producer did say it was six weeks of radiation, five days a week.  And that was to be followed by six weeks of chemo one day a week, so maybe they're scouting cabin locals in the six days in between.  But that doesn't really make sense either, because they've been showing that "pull over and build a cabin scene" for several weeks now.  Which means it was filmed at least several weeks ago.  Which means it would have been while Ami was still on radiation.  So that all seems a little odd.

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1 hour ago, rmontro said:

 But Ami is supposed to get 12 weeks of radiation and chemotherapy.

Good question but an easy answer (maybe)...

I actually had cancer about 17 years ago, had an operation, but the radiation treatment (no chemo) doesn't start till after you heal from operation... I my case about 6-7 weeks or so... And they did say that on the show (this weeks episode) at one point, I think it was the paid extra visiting nurse or the stand in producer, really cannot tell you who that lady was doing all the explaining...but it was her, she said it...haha

And I don't think Ami has had the operation yet, at least we have not seen it on the show.... In my case, the Dr's operated immediately after prognosis... I'm talking 4 days...

That could be the reason, or it is all fake bogus BS to try to get us to watch next week....and the next week, ad nauseam....

4 minutes ago, realityobserver said:

And I don't think Ami has had the operation yet, at least we have not seen it on the show.... In my case, the Dr's operated immediately after prognosis... I'm talking 4 days...

The lady who was doing the explaining was an executive producer.  There was a caption that said the family asked the producer to interpret what the doctor said.  Which I guess meant Billy asked the producer to tell the kids.

I don't recall anyone ever saying Ami was going to have an operation though.  Maybe I missed something somewhere.  But my impression was they were going to give her radiation to try to shrink the tumors, then start the chemotherapy.  I don't remember anything about a surgery, other than the biopsy that she's had.  

  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, rmontro said:

I don't recall anyone ever saying Ami was going to have an operation though.  Maybe I missed something somewhere.  But my impression was they were going to give her radiation to try to shrink the tumors, then start the chemotherapy.  I don't remember anything about a surgery, other than the biopsy that she's had.  

And I write the recaps... what was I doing during that scene..haha... tell you what, I will subject myself later on today to watch that scene a little more closer and get back to you on that rmontro... I pretty much lately have been concentrating on the boys and the girls and their ridiculous antics... ?

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, realityobserver said:

And I write the recaps... what was I doing during that scene..haha... tell you what, I will subject myself later on today to watch that scene a little more closer and get back to you on that rmontro... I pretty much lately have been concentrating on the boys and the girls and their ridiculous antics... ?

It can be hard to pay attention to this show.  I think my girlfriend got maybe five minutes into this episode before she was sleeping soundly.  :)

33 minutes ago, rmontro said:

It can be hard to pay attention to this show.

OK, I watched the scene and you are right my friend, no mention of an operation. She just said first radiation therapy and then chemo ... You would think it would be started as soon as possible. Also mentioned the possibility of a feeding tube because of weight loss.

It all happens so fast !!!

So again the question is, how can the scenes of future shows showing the cult driving around looking for land to build a house, possibly coincide with what we are lead to believe about the near death and treatment of Ami supposedly some few weeks ago ?   Doesn't quite add up...

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, realityobserver said:

So again the question is, how can the scenes of future shows showing the cult driving around looking for land to build a house, possibly coincide with what we are lead to believe about the near death and treatment of Ami supposedly some few weeks ago ?   Doesn't quite add up...

Ah well, continuity has never been much of a concern with the editors. Remember how the gang all loaded into the RV for a week long road trip in the midst of Billy's treatment for seizures. Never mind the ridiculous notion of the dude being treated for seizures driving the big-a$$ RV down the freeway. The way they bounced back and forth across California, from the 101 to I5 over into the Mojave, stopping for a day to abuse heavy equipment here, a canned hog hunt there, silly tourist desert sidetrip, all to spend a day at a San Diego beach had me wondering if they had a flux capacitor in the RV. 

  • Love 3
On 6/23/2017 at 0:39 PM, AZChristian said:

I know someone on FB who lives in Hoonah.  Unconfirmed reports from people on the production staff indicate she does, indeed, have Stage 4 lung cancer.  Wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Did Ami Brown smoke?

According to Hoonah residents who actually saw the Brown family during the filming of Alaskan Bush People, not only Ami Brown smoked but also some of her sons. Apparently, the Browns favorite cigarette brand is Marlboro Reds. Joshua Brown, who is married to the show’s former producer Allison Kagan, has reportedly quit smoking.

Sad to hear.

3 hours ago, Cricket said:

According to Hoonah residents who actually saw the Brown family during the filming of Alaskan Bush People, not only Ami Brown smoked but also some of her sons. Apparently, the Browns favorite cigarette brand is Marlboro Reds. Joshua Brown, who is married to the show’s former producer Allison Kagan, has reportedly quit smoking.

I used to smoke Marlboro Reds when I was a youngster.  I quit a long time ago, and it's a good thing for more than one reason.  Those Marlboros are expensive, especially with all the taxes.

Haven't they shown Matt with a cigarette in his hand on occasion?  Good for Josh (Bam) for quitting.  Respect the danger!

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, rmontro said:

There is no new episode of Alaskan Bush People this week due to Shark Week.

But the events depicted in this season continue to play out in real time.

Not necessarily in the right place or time ;)   Such bullshit on Matt's injury and where it occurred at.  It happened at his apartment and I bet No-dud was in Hoonah with his sweetie pie in another apartment.  

How many weeks have they been in Colorado?  Real time to Discovery is not real time to everyone else.

You guys notice how Bear has gotten much more annoying in recent seasons?  Most of the early ire about this show was directed toward Billy and his laziness, and the way the parents held back the kids and used them to further their own interests.  Then Noah started to draw a lot of fire with his overestimation of his own "genius".  Now it seems to be Bear's turn.  He seems to have bought into the show more than some of the others, and has amped up his character to intolerable levels.

Meanwhile, Gabe has checked out completely.  When's the last time he even had a line?

3 minutes ago, rmontro said:

Meanwhile, Gabe has checked out completely.  When's the last time he even had a line?

When they were at the hospital, he said, "The good Lord will take care of us" . . . and then he looked at Billy with a look that translated as, "Did I say that okay, or are you going to backhand me again?"  The man looks totally afraid whenever Billy is around.

20 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

When they were at the hospital, he said, "The good Lord will take care of us" . . . and then he looked at Billy with a look that translated as, "Did I say that okay, or are you going to backhand me again?"  The man looks totally afraid whenever Billy is around.

Maybe Gabe's afraid Billy's going to give him a new haircut.

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