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Show Wishlist: What We'd Like To See

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I know we all want to see some rich, single white female, he said- she said episodes, but I'm not sure the writers would know how to really come up with those type of episodes..... There have been some good premises this season, but they all fell way flat, and somehow all went the way of SVU, even without/little evidence to back it up. I'd like to hear some ideas for episodes!

I'd like to see a false rape allegation, maybe even one made by a man- that's something we haven't seen much of at all (the male rape victim is under represented.) I think it'd be interesting, especially since there have been so few male rape/sexual assault episodes. I remember one when Stabler was still on, and he had a very hard time believing that men can be assaulted. I can't recall an episode of a false rape/sexual assault happening, so I think it'd be interesting to see the fall out, even if nothing would probably happen to the person making the false accusation. I think by making that person a man would really add an interesting angle to it, since the squad seems to think only women can be raped.

In that vein, I think it'd be interesting how the squad would react to a false accusation- would they prosecute the accuser? Would they go ahead with prosecution, just to keep their 100% conviction rate? What would happen if the accuser were a man, they already seem to have a hard time thinking a man can be assaulted, so would this set their thinking back even more? Anyways, I wanna hear what you think!

P.S. I was extremely bored with this season...it seemed like the trending section of Facebook. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to be up to date and try to be "in touch" so to speak, but it was very bland and very "trendy" for lack of better terms. I didn't need to log in to Facebook, I just watched SVU!

Edited by 25thID
I added a Post Script.
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, 25thID said:

I know we all want to see some rich, single white female, he said- she said episodes

I think the last 3 seasons have given me enough to last a lifetime.

I'd like to see an episode start with a dead body. I can't recall the last time the victim was dead and they had to solve the case with no complainant, no witnesses and just the hard evidence.

I'd also like a false accusation episode again, but I'm sure the powers that be and certain groups of fans would be apoplectic if SVU ever again portrayed that sometimes people do make false accusations.

There was a very famous rape case that became national news at a nearby high school. It became a dog-whistle for anti-immigration sentiment and Sean Spicer talked about it at the White House, and all this hysteria about "How could this happen, who is to blame, the poor girl!" And as they investigated, it turns out she lied. They found texts between the girl and the guys and they had arranged it all the day before. Now 2 teenagers are being deported with their families, because this girl lied about being raped. But god help us if the current writers at SVU ever in a million years admit that reality. They'd rather have perfect unicorn victims.

  • Love 6

I agree that the show was trying to hard to be "trendy" and appeal to hipster types as well as promote Mariska and her foundation. The show seems to be a PSA for "believe women who say they were raped", and while victim blaming is definitely wrong, there are false rape allegations and those need to be addressed, but Mariska doesn't want them to because her foundation is all about female victims. 

Instead of constant he said/she said rich white people cases, I would like to see a variety of stuff. I would like to see rapes where the victim doesn't know the attacker, I would like to see a few more cases with dead people, j would like to see male rape cases again, false accusations again, as well as child abuse cases. 

Mainly, I want to see normal people again instead of every episode being about people who live in some super fancy penthouse apartment and lead high end lifestyles. The show has abandoned stories about regular people in an attempt to be "trendy" with the rich hispter crowd. 

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, skittl3862 said:

I can't recall the last time the victim was dead and they had to solve the case with no complainant, no witnesses and just the hard evidence.


I agree. I miss the actual police work. Also, with the no complainant, it'd be nice (again, for lack of better terms) to have either: A) no one to complain, i.e. a body or 2) someone who is alive but hasn't come forward, or won't come forward. There have been so many people this season who have been bullied into taking the stand or press charges, etc., and, somehow, it all works out for them. Granted, I realize it's "just" a TV show, but, it lacks a sense of reality. 100% conviction rate? Seriously? The victims life being perfect afterwards, all because St Benson MADE them testify/press charges? Give me a break. And I'm sure you caught it, but I was being sarcastic with the whole he said-she said case stuff...I'm sure that IS a huge amount of their case load, but, after this season, if I never see another one, it'd be too soon.

And, @@Xeliou66, I agree. I want to see a "regular" person be victim again too. I've never been to NYC, so, I may be going out on a limb here, but I seriously doubt everyone lives in the cavernous apartments that recent victims live in, or are some high powered professional. It'd be nice to see some sort of custody case where the kid is taken by neither parent, but maybe by some third party or something. I agree that victim blaming is wrong, but, this season ( and to an extent, the last 2-3ish) have all been "you have no responsibility in this." Again, victim blaming is wrong, I think that some of the cases are a little more grey than what they've been painted, and this show seems to just be a vehicle for Mariskas' foundation.

I think it's nice that she's doing something like having the foundation, but, I think that there should be a little more separation between the show and the foundation- like you said, not all victims are white, women, rich, etc., and it'd be nice to quit the PSA format. I don't mind bringing different issues to light, as the show has done in the past, but there is a way to do it. Also, (not trying to put words in your mouth) it'd be nice to cut back on the "every sex is rape" vibe. I'm sure there are real life cases where potential victims may not be sure about what had happened, and I think that would be a great opportunity for the show to maybe help clear things up. Again, I'm not trying to victim blame, but it seems like the show has that vibe of any sex is rape.

  • Love 4

The show loves all the ripped from the headlines stuff. Why don't they do something based on Zeke Thomas? To be honest, I was surprised that MH or her foundation didn't send out a supportive tweet to him when he told his story a few months ago. He's doing some advocacy work now for male victims of sex crimes and encouraging them to come forward even though he did not. He feels that the number of male victims is probably higher than what the stats say since men typically don't report sex crimes against them and they are less likely to be believed by police, the courts, and society in general.  SVU, for the past few seasons has basically taught us that sex crimes victims are typically pretty, young, rich, white women. They need to change that. 

  • Love 5

I agree. I'm not trying to sound like a MRA, but, if this show is about awareness (and entertainment), then let's get some awareness. Bring awareness about assault against men, children, sex workers/slavery, etc., as well as false allegations and the fallout; and maybe even how false allegations should/could/would be punished, if at all. I'm not SJW by ANY means, but, if the tone of this show has gone to bringing awareness to sex crimes, then do it across the board. SVU has gotten pretty preachy, and also stale- like you said, apparently ALL victims are pretty 20 something white rich women. I miss the diversity and (again, for lack of better terms) the entertainment element of the show. There was some shock value, but it seemed more subtle and made a point without beating the viewer into submission and guilt tripping/vilifying anyone who may have different views. It made the viewer think a little, and maybe at least consider another view, and that there is bad out there. I think the show at least tried to be a catalyst for conversation and tried to be thought provoking. Now, it's Law and Order: SJW SWF. Sorry if that sounded like a rant; I do not believe in victim shaming or want to act like sex crimes don't happen to white women, I just think they need to broaden their horizons to show that assault can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

  • Love 8

Maybe more victims that are vulnerable persons? Elderly persons, youth in group homes, homeless people, people that are intellectually or physically challenged, a few male victims (gay/straight/bi)?? Just less pretty young, rich, white women. They could actually do an entire season without having a rich white woman as a victim as far as I'm concerned. Not saying rich, pretty white women (and teens) aren't victims, but they've been represented plenty on the show. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Gigglepuff said:

Not saying rich, pretty white women (and teens) aren't victims, but they've been represented plenty on the show. 

You took the words right out of my mouth. I totally agree. St Benson can still hog the camera by having different types of people be victims. She has been on the show a long time (as she always points out: "I've been doing this a LONG time!"), but I think it's very, very condescending when she acts like she's seen it all and knows it all. It'd be nice to have her be a little more open to other people/ideas/whatever.

I remember an episode where an opera singer who had MS (I think) and couldn't speak or walk, and St Benson asked questions and was trying to understand about MS and whatnot, and found a way to communicate with the victim. Granted, that was a lifetime ago, but, she could do something like that now- have someone who is "different" as a victim, so that St Benson can rack her brain to try to solve the crime- she can still hog the camera/air time, and be the savior, without being over the top, like now. And, I think that would show some humanity/vulnerability, as well as have a "learning moment" for the whole squad, and allow for growth for everyone.

  • Love 4
On 6/7/2017 at 5:47 PM, 25thID said:

That sounds familiar. Is that the one where there are Chinese gangs?

Ming Na's sister was murdered while trying to save their younger sister, who was paying a debt for her immigration by working as a prostitute. The episode starts with them finding the first sister's kids hiding in a closet and crying because they've been alone for days. The little girl only speaks Chinese and they bring in Huang to help translate.

  • Love 3

You know what I'd like to see in an episode? I'd like them to show the squad dealing with another police force (small town, another city's, another country's) without painting the other force as either a bunch of bumbling fools, bastions of corruption, or at best, insensitive or very politically incorrect.

Even another department within the NYPD could be portrayed as competent every now and then. How about that?

I'm sure that in the whole, wide, world, there must be at least ONE other police force that is as wonderful and almighty as the SVU cast of characters. (I'm Canadian, and I cringe every time they show the RCMP or when they show our legal system as a bunch of incompetent idiots. Remember that eye roller where Cabot and Munch "outsmart" a Canadian judge and get the guy extradited to the US to face the death penalty after all? I know it's TV, and I know the show is based in the US, but really, people in other countries aren't as stupid as Americans like to show us on television.)  

Of course, I'd never expect that there could possibly be another cop as wonderful, smart, insightful, beautiful, kind, compassionate, heroic, brilliant as the illustrious Benson, but just because others aren't as amazeballs as her, doesn't mean that every other cop in the world is an absolute idiot. 

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, skittl3862 said:

I want to see a non-judgmental, non-salacious portrayal of BDSM. They're 18 years past-due for not making jokes every time they find cuffs and a ball gag in someone's bedroom.

As far as they've come with other issues, this kind of seems like a no brainer. Even in earlier episodes (with Stabler), they seemed to, despite differing opinions on different subjects, at least TRIED to understand or be professional about whatever issue was at hand. That's kind of what I'm looking for- some differing views (not everyone agreeing and it being an hour long PSA), and professionalism about the issue. There were debates and varying degrees of acceptance, but, they handled cases with insight, professionalism, and wanted to get the perp. Now, the squad gets exercise by jumping to conclusions, grasping at straws, and nailing everyone who doesn't agree with them. It doesn't have to be some love fest, accept everyone, I'm ok-you're ok, kum by yah, come to God (or St Benson) moment, but let's be grown ups! Be reasonable about the issues/cases, and discuss it rationally, even if they don't like/agree/are unsure about it.

  • Love 1

I watched a few season 1 episodes last week where the victims were into BDSM and they were more respectful and professional than they were last season with Father Eugene- in 2017, post-50 Shades. The milder aspects are practically mainstream these days, so for the Special Victims Unit- who deal nearly-exclusively with sex crimes and are so open-minded to the point of preachy about trans issues and affirmative consent- to squeal and giggle when they find out someone likes to be dominated is so ridiculous and inappropriate.

Speaking of nearly-exclusively sex crimes, remember when SVU also used to do cases with kids and child abuse? I'd also like to see those again.


23 hours ago, 25thID said:

That's kind of what I'm looking for- some differing views (not everyone agreeing and it being an hour long PSA), and professionalism about the issue. There were debates and varying degrees of acceptance, but, they handled cases with insight, professionalism, and wanted to get the perp

I remember a scene (I forget which episode) where they were talking about porn and Benson was so anti-porn and Finn stood his ground and said the industry has changed, there are women-owned companies and producers, and Benson blew it off as "hookers turned madams". When was the last time you saw an issue where Benson was on the wrong side of history? When was the last time someone on SVU stood up to Benson and was right?


Speaking of porn, cam girls. Not my thing, but an increasingly popular thing. Why not address an aspect of porn where women are literally controlling it instead of every portrayal of porn on SVU being an out-dated negative view? Have an episode where a cam girl is being stalked by a fan and is concerned for her safety so she comes to SVU and have it not devolve into a "She asked for it by engaging in risky business" victim blaming, but treat her just as respectfully as the girl in Next Chapter who had 4 (?!) separate stalkers just for being a basic pretty white girl.

  • Love 6

That's kind of my hang up; for being a progressive/empowering type of show/vibe, SVU has gone backwards in a lot of their views. They're reaching and catering to a very specific niche "market" (again, for lack of better terms...maybe demographic?) with the pretty, young, white women. Again, I'm not saying things/assault don't happen to that particular group, but.....enough! And. like you said, why can't anyone stand up to St Benson? AND, why can't anyone stand up to her, or at least have a differing view/opinion, and be RIGHT, or at least have it be a valid view? If you go against the all knowing, all seeing St Benson, you're wrong! It's gotten and is getting old, fast.

I'm no expert when it comes to porn, but, like the episode where porn was being debated, it has come a long way, especially with in the last 5-15ish years- there are women run business, the female stars are in control, so to speak, to have a scene cut when/if they're uncomfortable or whatever. There's a decent article on Thoughcatalg.com about the very thing you're talking about, with the porn industry coming along. Anyways, I have enjoyed the show, but, it needs some work; I don't think they do, but I think it'd really be helpful for the writers to read some of our message boards, it may give them some ideas, insights, gripes, praises, etc. Sorry for the shameless plug! haha

P.S. YES! I remember when there were kidnapping cases, child abuse, so on and so forth....I mean, it is "SPECIAL VICTIMS," isn't it? Give us some diversity, and tone down St Benson- it was nice to see her grow and learn...and that doesn't stop no matter how long you've been doing your job.

Edited by 25thID
I added a post script.
  • Love 1

Yeah I agree, I miss actual debate and balance instead of a soapbox for Mariska Hargitay to preach her agenda and boss everyone around, and then for everyone to bow to St Olivia the almighty hero. The show is definitely skewered towards one particular group of people, the 20 something upper class urban hispter white female. I really miss the diversity of the cases and people, I wish they had more middle class and poor people, more cases of child abuse and kidnapping and rapes where the victim doesn't know who the perp is. And while Mariska seems to be using the show to try to promote awareness about important issues, the show is reinforcing the myth that rape is more about sex than power with almost every victim being some very attractive rich white girl. I wish they would show other victims, minorities, older people, LGBT people, overweight/average looking people, people with disabilities and people who aren't rich. 

And yeah the show is very preachy and one sided now. Everyone is afraid to stand up to Benson because Mariska rubs the show and wants her agenda to be the main focus of the show and doesn't want anyone disagreeing, the only characters who ever stand up to Benson are Barba and Dodds, and only sometimes for them, such as in the season 18 premiere. Very rarely is there any actual debate, it's always St Olivia is right and anyone who disagrees with her is a rape apologist woman hating piece of shit. 

  • Love 3

I don't mind a show being a little biased/slanted/whatever...even if I don't agree with that particular stance. I understand it's "just" a  tv show. That being said, I totally agree. This show has gotten more and more one sided, and into a niche; and everyone who disagrees is a rapist, rape apologist, homophobic, racist, xenophobic, etc. etc. Like I said, have your slant, that's fine, you'll be fine in my book, it's just when you're hit over the head repeatedly that "this is the way to be, think, and do! If not, you're garbage and dumb!"

Anyone who has a differing view seems (according to the show) to be uneducated and a gross caricature, and having someone in charge who is so close minded and "my way is the ONLY way!" is off putting. I understand the show has been on for awhile, and, times change. This show can change with the times, and even bring about change, but the whole badgering victims and witnesses to testify(one example) is no way to do it. With Dodds and Barba SOMETIMES challenging St Benson, they almost immediately back off, and have the case go astray, almost like the writers are retaliating against those two for daring to challenge our Lord and Savior, St Benson.

Anyways, I think that there are plenty of real world cases that they can draw from (without ripping it from the headlines), and be fresh. Maybe even revisit an old case that  is similar to a new case- and maybe the squad finds out that the perp in the old case was innocent (but they were executed), and new technology/methods proved their innocence, and they now have to deal with that fallout; or, maybe, the perp in the original case was innocent, and was an actual pillar of the community, until they were locked away. Say they got paroled, and now are actual criminals because they had to adapt to prison life to survive, so they're hard and have a score to settle, or they just turned into a criminal after they got arrested.

  • Love 2

I just miss the diversity of the old cases, which dealt with all groups of people and a variety of SVU crimes, now it's all rich attractive white people in he said she said rape cases with Benson bullying the victim and then watching in the courtroom with an approving look when the victim finally testifies. 

I wish they would get back to having a wide variety of cases most importantly, and then I wish they would stop the constant preaching from Benson and the constant demonization of anyone who disagrees with Benson. Onky Barba and Dodds will occasionally disagree with St Olivia, everyone on the squad just bows to her.

  • Love 2

I would like Barba to earn his money haha. It seems that every case this season was extremely weak, but he easily pulled it off. There's almost no resistance for him, to the point where it's boring. Bring in a defense attorney who is sleazy and has connections, and finds all kinds of dirt on the victim/witness. That would make St Benson really make those weird faces! It seems like Barba is almost never in any episodes, and, when he is, it seems like he doesn't have to try to win the case- he's not researching things, or trying to redefine/refit something, or having to really go after the defendant; it's all too predictable and boring. Bring on him having to really stretch to get the victory. Make him live up to the hype they gave him early on.

This is not a slam on the actor, or even the Barba character, it's solely on the writers.

  • Love 1

Yeah Barba is underused and we need more and better courtroom scenes. The best episodes in the courtroom are when Barba and Buchanan battle, Buchanan is a great sleazy lawyer who isn't afraid to victim blame or use underhanded tricks to win, and it's always fun watching him and Barba do battle. We need more of Buchanan and Calhoun as well, and we need better writing for Barba where he doesn't take orders from Benson and is in more episodes, and the courtroom scenes need to be better than frequently ending in some deus ex machina, the worst was Spellbound where the guy was convicted because of something that happened 20 years ago. 

That seems to be a common trait in this show- they develop a character, usually pretty well, then, nothing. Either the character leaves the series, they turn into a rage monster, a glory hog, or they get to a point and....nothing. Look at Rollins- she was supposed to be a hot shot detective, and they did some development (poorly, with her family story line being the only development), then, nothing. She kind of has just been there, and has been the whipping boy (girl?) for St Benson for a good while. Now, she seems to be getting a little more, but still, it seems like they have forgotten about her. And with choir boy Carisi (hey! his new moniker!), he is still somewhat stuck where he was when he first got on the show, with minimal development.

Anyways, it seems like the writers get lazy, crazy, stupid, forceful, or scared when it comes to development of characters- they seem to start strong, or with a somewhat good and clear path, then, poof! Nothing happens, the character twist is just horrible and seems to contradict earlier dogma, or they become a caricature of their beliefs/views and/or what they could naturally become.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, 25thID said:

That seems to be a common trait in this show- they develop a character, usually pretty well, then, nothing. Either the character leaves the series, they turn into a rage monster, a glory hog, or they get to a point and....nothing. Look at Rollins- she was supposed to be a hot shot detective, and they did some development (poorly, with her family story line being the only development), then, nothing. She kind of has just been there, and has been the whipping boy (girl?) for St Benson for a good while. Now, she seems to be getting a little more, but still, it seems like they have forgotten about her. And with choir boy Carisi (hey! his new moniker!), he is still somewhat stuck where he was when he first got on the show, with minimal development.

Anyways, it seems like the writers get lazy, crazy, stupid, forceful, or scared when it comes to development of characters- they seem to start strong, or with a somewhat good and clear path, then, poof! Nothing happens, the character twist is just horrible and seems to contradict earlier dogma, or they become a caricature of their beliefs/views and/or what they could naturally become.


I'll defend them, at least partially, on Rollins. They had a good idea for the character originally, but they went badly off the rails with the gambling stupidity, psycho family, sleeping with everyone, etc. plots. They probably should have written her off, but they seem to like Kelli and she has good chemistry with the rest of the cast so they seem to have made a deliberate choice to reboot her character and move her to the background a bit the past couple of seasons while they do so and try to figure out how to explain things or hope we forget them. The big problem with character development recently is the same as the big problem with everything else. The focus on Benson to the exclusion of everyone else. We can't have Fin as leader, voice of experience and the one who can tell Liv she's off base as much as we should, because Benson is the field leader as well as CO and is never wrong. They don't want Rollin's baby taking up to much time (and I say hooray for that) but even when it makes sense to talk about it it has to take a back seat to Benoah. Carisi has developed a bit from his first episodes, but they only have like 3 characters an episode now and he can't really clash with St. Benson so he's kind of stuck in a certain place. But I guess stagnation is better than actually devolving like Barba.

  • Love 1

I agree, Rollins started out at least a little bit likeable, and the character had potential. Like you said, the (over) focus on St Benson has really been a detriment to the show and everyone else on it. I do like that there isn't too much focus on Rollins' baby (a LITTLE would be ok...again, moderation is key....take a hint, Noah. You're a camera hog like your adoptive mother!), and Finn seems to have checked out in a sense. I'm not sure if that's a choice that he made, or the writers/producers made, but, like you said, everyone is there to support St Benson, our fearless leader. It's her world, we're just living in it.

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, 25thID said:

I agree, Rollins started out at least a little bit likeable, and the character had potential. Like you said, the (over) focus on St Benson has really been a detriment to the show and everyone else on it. I do like that there isn't too much focus on Rollins' baby (a LITTLE would be ok...again, moderation is key....take a hint, Noah. You're a camera hog like your adoptive mother!), and Finn seems to have checked out in a sense. I'm not sure if that's a choice that he made, or the writers/producers made, but, like you said, everyone is there to support St Benson, our fearless leader. It's her world, we're just living in it.

I don't think it's entirely his choice. When they write for Ice-T he delivers and when the script gives him nothing he works on auto-pilot and you can practically see him planning his next reality show, social media post, commercial, or whatever as he delivers his lines with dead eyes. He has made the choice to stay and not rock the boat too much. I would like to see him get his own episode though, where his experience and knowledge is the key to connecting with the victim and solving the case. Not a tease where it's promoted as being about him and Benson does all the heavy lifting. And I'd love to see more moments where he stands up to Liv and she realizes he is right. I also really want to see an episode that focuses on a single parent and the issues involved where we don't see Rollins' or Benson's kids or hear any phone calls, or get any unsubtle reminders that they are single parents too, where the two of them disagree and Benson is wrong or at least admits it's more complicated than her initial response. Hell - as far as what I want to see it can be boiled down to somebody disagreeing with Benson and being right. You don't have to show her as being stupid or lazy or immoral, just noble, but flawed and willing to admit to being wrong. That and everyone getting a chance to be featured for real in at least one episode instead of 20 Bensons, 1 Carisi, and 1 Barba.

  • Love 3

He is woefully underused, as many people have mentioned. In earlier episodes, he went undercover, and was used as someone who had connections and insight to certain issues. Now, he's kind of there just to nod his head. And, I agree with the standing up to St Benson; it doesn't have to be some big dramatic production, but to show that she may mean well, but doesn't know it all.

  • Love 2
On 6/15/2017 at 7:42 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Buchanan has mentioned he has a daughter, and even used her in his slut-shaming tactics. Why not have her be a victim of the week? Would be nice for that sleaze get get a dose of his own medicine and learning what it feels like to be the family watching their daughter get humiliated on the stand.

That is a good point it would be intresting to see how John Buchanan would react if something happened to his daughter and a defense lawyer teared her apart on the stand like he does to other victims.

Edited by Redskinsfan
  • Love 4

OK. Let's see.


How about an episode on biphobia. We've done countless episodes on gas bashing, about 4 episodes on transsexuals, and one on lesbians but none on bisexuality. What's stopping them? Make the victim a male teenager. 


And how about an episode on elder abuse. Like it's happening in a really nice nursing home. This could be a great storyline for both Barba and Fin. I believe that Fin's grandpa got abused in a nursing home and Rafi was gonna put his abuelita in one. Something they could talk about with each other and we get some Barba Fin interaction.

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SVU could explore many more issues and different type of cases, such as child abuse/elder abuse, cases involving LGBT people, male victims, poor-middle class people, minorities etc, but they are all about he said she said cases involving rich white people because they are all about attracting one specific type of viewer and promoting Mariska's foundation and appeal to people who might get involved with that. I'm hoping under a new showrunner, Michael S Churnuchin who's a very good writer, long time Mothership writer producer and who also wrote the best episodes of the short lived Chicago Justice, that the show will get back to being about SVU cases, give us a much wider variety of cases and stop being about pushing an agenda. 

  • Love 2

All great ideas I'd like to see but this would have to be on a show about Law&Order not a nighttime soap opera, which this show most surely is. We're not going to see these ideas, and if by some miracle they do address any of these ideas, they will bobble it, twist it to MH's agenda, and once again St. Benson will do everyone's job and save the world while the "satellites" known as the supporting cast will basically contemplate their navels and let her. She will plant her palms on Barba's desk assuming her " back door me/motorboat me position and snarl him into taking the case because she went to Harvard Law and passed the Bar, not him and tell her detectives the most basic simple instructions that I wish, just once, one of them would fire back and say" umm, Lt. we are also trained experienced detectives and we already knew to do that, DUH", and every man who meets her will want to bang her big menopausal ass because who doesn't want to bang Steven Seagal right? Because this is a Telenovela called SVU and has nothing to do with Law &Order. Everyone has high hopes and it would be great if I'm wrong, but...it's all about Benson and I don't think that's going to change.

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here's an idea i had years ago, it was based off the justin bieber having a child debacle , i know justin bieber is a real jerk and awful, this idea was made before we found about the racism and dui and being a brat but i think it could still work, it even has the drama and over the topness earlier seasons did, extra points if you get what references are from jb career

a young male singer is singing for his fans and finishes a concert, we see him later drinking and possibly doing some drugs, a female approaches him and it's clear he's not clear minded, she starts to undress him and he says no  and tries to resist but she has the upper hand as he's wasted and messed up, later we see her leaving and him in tears and upset and possibly bloodied, his manager then takes to the er

the squad is called in and wants to investigate but the singer is too ashamed but they do get the rape kit if he wants to pursue charges later 

the singer then starts to spiral out of control, being a pest to people, getting drunk, etc and then the lady goes to the news and claims she's pregnant with his kid, he then decides to tell what happened and the case goes to trial

at one point the singers fans are in  a crowd supporting him and something happens and a riot ensues which kills several people

when the case seems to be going in the singers favor the woman slashes her wrists  in an attempt to avoid jail and she is taken to the er which it is discovered that she was in fact pregnant and the fetus was the singers but the stress of the suicide attempt caused her to miscarry

later the jury finds her guilty and the singer decides to raise awareness about male rape


i was thinking for this episode it'd be great if it was an ice t focused episode with him helping the singer and maybe throw in a few references and jokes to his music career

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On 6/10/2017 at 3:59 AM, Gigglepuff said:

You know what I'd like to see in an episode? I'd like them to show the squad dealing with another police force (small town, another city's, another country's) without painting the other force as either a bunch of bumbling fools, bastions of corruption, or at best, insensitive or very politically incorrect.

Even another department within the NYPD could be portrayed as competent every now and then. How about that?

I'm sure that in the whole, wide, world, there must be at least ONE other police force that is as wonderful and almighty as the SVU cast of characters. (I'm Canadian, and I cringe every time they show the RCMP or when they show our legal system as a bunch of incompetent idiots. Remember that eye roller where Cabot and Munch "outsmart" a Canadian judge and get the guy extradited to the US to face the death penalty after all? I know it's TV, and I know the show is based in the US, but really, people in other countries aren't as stupid as Americans like to show us on television.)  

I actually thought earlier seasons did a much better job of having different agencies and jurisdictions work together. You are talking about Manhunt, and my reading into it was it wasn't Cabot outsmarting the judge but the judge really didn't want this vile piece of crap gracing their prisons. He said something about the consequences of US criminals fleeing to Canada for lesser punishment, which I don't think Canadians would want.

However, I am not familiar with the differences in Canadian vs US attitudes towards the death penalty. One thing that did bug me even in the much better earlier days was that everyone was pro-death penalty even though it's actually a highly contentious issue in the US.

On things I'd like to see is Benson taking more of a Cragen role, especially now that she can delegate more responsibilities to Fin, more courtroom stuff and more recurring characters. I miss the FBI agents, the judges, the defense attorneys, the forensics/ME people. The only recurring characters I've liked recently are Bayard Ellis (who was just wasted) and Calhoun. And of course Warner but she's barely on anymore. One of the many reasons I never took to Tuckerson was Tucker was not a fave of the recurring cast and I was annoyed he got screentime as opposed to characters I really liked throughout the years, like Donnelly, Petroversy, Huang, Claudia Williams, etc.

Have episodes with faster pacing as the squad races to arrest a suspect, secure a conviction, along the lines of Dolls, Risk, Execution, Countdown (still my favorite episode of all 18 seasons). 

I'd also like for them to redo the Kathy Griffith episode and address the very real and heartbreaking of corrective rape of lesbians in a serious way. The Griffith episode was just pure camp and it really annoyed me.

Edited by WineCheeseChocolat
On 6/11/2017 at 0:03 PM, skittl3862 said:

I remember a scene (I forget which episode) where they were talking about porn and Benson was so anti-porn and Finn stood his ground and said the industry has changed, there are women-owned companies and producers, and Benson blew it off as "hookers turned madams". When was the last time you saw an issue where Benson was on the wrong side of history? When was the last time someone on SVU stood up to Benson and was right?


That was S10 Smut. Fin snarked on both Benson (who he called a prude) and Stabler (who he called a choir boy). He also later would snark a bit on Amaro when Amaro would get on his "I never looked at a women besides my wife because I RESPECT WOMEN" soapbox. I never realized how coo Fin was until Cragen and Munch left and Benson, Rollins and Amaro were all falling to pieces.

Edited by WineCheeseChocolat
  • Love 4

A fifteen year old girl is raped. A few days later, a twelve year old girl, living just a few blocks away from the first victim, goes missing.



The media gets a hold of some information, and they end up blowing the story out of proportion, claiming that a serial rapist/killer is on the loose.



Soon enough, a crime wave hits New York City. Another teenage girl is raped, but in a different neighborhood. Soon afterwards, a father and his teenage daughter are found shot to death in his car. The killer left a news clipping about the rapes on the crime scene. The very next day, a teenage girl is found stabbed to death in her home. That same day, the mother of the second victim (the girl who is currently missing) receives a ransom note. The "author" demands that the mother leaves fifty thousand dollars in unmarked bills, on an isolated location in Central Park, within 24 hours, or her daughter dies.



In the end, it turns out that the first victim was raped by some creep who'd sometimes deliver food to her house (a registered sex offender/junkie/lowlife variety, nothing special). The second victim was abducted by her father (in the middle of custody battle). The other victims were all raped/murdered by different perpetraitors, and most of them turn out to be the people they knew (friends, coworkers, etc.)



The third victim was raped by her (male) friend, who was secretly attracted to her for a long time, and was also a closeted sexual sadist. Victims number four and five, the father and his teenage daughter, were murdered by the father's brother-in-law, because the father was abusive towards his wife. The brother-in-law hated the daughter too, because his sister claimed that her husband never touched her (his daughter); also, she wasn't her biological daughter, but her husband's daughter from his first marriage. (Geez, even I have trouble understanding that...) The sixth victim was murdered by her (female) classmate, because she [the victim] "stole" her boyfriend a few months ago. The ransom note was sent by a desperate young woman who suffered from leukemia, and was in a need for money. She heard about the case on the news and decided to take advantage of it. She actually had nothing to do with any of those crimes, abduction included.



All those perps had fantasies/desires about murdering/raping their victims, for a long time. When the media blew the news about the first rape (and a later abduction) out of proportion, claiming that a serial rapist (and, possibly, killer) was on the loose, the creeps in disguise all rushed to carry out their plans, hoping to pin their crimes on "that guy".



It just goes to show that, in real life, rapists and killers rarely go after random victims... and how crappy the everyday life can be.

  • Love 4

I was just thinking about this last night while trying to sleep- the episode this past season got me thinking about it. I think it was "Rape Interrupted" where the victim and perp were both intoxicated, and the perps dad was trying to get him off. It seemed like this was going to (or could be) a gray case, since both parties couldn't consent/weren't capable of consenting. The writers wussed out, and had the perp admit that he knew the victim was passed out.

I would have liked to have seen the case be gray- since both parties were intoxicated (therefore neither could really be held TOO accountable...and no, I'm not trying to defend the perp), it would have been interesting to see how it played out. Since the victim had passed out, yeah, it was way wrong to continue "the deed," how accountable is the perp? Again, I'm not trying to defend him, but, he was also intoxicated, and was not of sound mind. It kind of pissed me off that he admitted it and seemed to be sober enough to know better (again, I'm not defending him by any means). It would have been an interesting defense and issue- can the perp be held accountable (and to what degree) if he/she was drunk, but not too drunk to perform; are they still totally to be held liable? Yeah, they committed a crime, but, if a drunk person can't consent to having sex, shouldn't it work both ways?

I guess what I'm getting at is: we can have St. Benson be her usual preachy pious self with the whole "All men are rapists, all women are victims, all sex is rape" and maybe have someone perhaps bring up the point that both parties were unable to consent:; I think that it's a bit different than a sober person seeing a passed out drunk person then raping them. Also, I think that it could put a damper on people who may be in a relationship (or even going to a bar/club to look for a drunken one night stand) where both people might want to have drinks and have consensual sex. I guess I'm just kind of wondering: if both parties are drunk, is it still rape?

P.S. I guess intent has a lot to do with it, as in: purposely getting someone drunk to take advantage of them, or keeping track of a drunk person with the sole intention of having an "easy mark/sure thing." But, if both parties are drinking together and are both into each other, where does consent stop? I just think it would be an interesting idea to have it a gray area, because I think that's a little more "real life." I'd like to see it come down to how the jury finds it, instead of every case being a slam dunk for the SVU crew- it'd be more realistic, and make the audience think and debate.

6 hours ago, 25thID said:

I was just thinking about this last night while trying to sleep- the episode this past season got me thinking about it. I think it was "Rape Interrupted" where the victim and perp were both intoxicated, and the perps dad was trying to get him off. It seemed like this was going to (or could be) a gray case, since both parties couldn't consent/weren't capable of consenting. The writers wussed out, and had the perp admit that he knew the victim was passed out.

I would have liked to have seen the case be gray- since both parties were intoxicated (therefore neither could really be held TOO accountable...and no, I'm not trying to defend the perp), it would have been interesting to see how it played out. Since the victim had passed out, yeah, it was way wrong to continue "the deed," how accountable is the perp? Again, I'm not trying to defend him, but, he was also intoxicated, and was not of sound mind. It kind of pissed me off that he admitted it and seemed to be sober enough to know better (again, I'm not defending him by any means). It would have been an interesting defense and issue- can the perp be held accountable (and to what degree) if he/she was drunk, but not too drunk to perform; are they still totally to be held liable? Yeah, they committed a crime, but, if a drunk person can't consent to having sex, shouldn't it work both ways?

I guess what I'm getting at is: we can have St. Benson be her usual preachy pious self with the whole "All men are rapists, all women are victims, all sex is rape" and maybe have someone perhaps bring up the point that both parties were unable to consent:; I think that it's a bit different than a sober person seeing a passed out drunk person then raping them. Also, I think that it could put a damper on people who may be in a relationship (or even going to a bar/club to look for a drunken one night stand) where both people might want to have drinks and have consensual sex. I guess I'm just kind of wondering: if both parties are drunk, is it still rape?

P.S. I guess intent has a lot to do with it, as in: purposely getting someone drunk to take advantage of them, or keeping track of a drunk person with the sole intention of having an "easy mark/sure thing." But, if both parties are drinking together and are both into each other, where does consent stop? I just think it would be an interesting idea to have it a gray area, because I think that's a little more "real life." I'd like to see it come down to how the jury finds it, instead of every case being a slam dunk for the SVU crew- it'd be more realistic, and make the audience think and debate.

That episode was based on the Brock Turner case (a REAL case). What that survivor went through was horrific, from the actual assault to the way she was treated by the police, the justice system, and many members of society. 

The victim in both the real case and the SVU episode was unconscious, not just drunk. The rapist was drunk but definitely conscious. Either way, though, the rapist IS accountable, even if he/she is intoxicated.  I whole-heartedly believe that it DOES NOT "work both ways" if both parties are intoxicated; exerting power over someone is assault. Alcohol is not an excuse. Drugs are not an excuse. Rape is rape if power is taken away from someone. 

In MOST states, a person can withdraw consent at any time. Therefore, even if things begin as consensual sex, but one party says "stop," the other party MUST stop. Otherwise, it is sexual assault/rape. However, the one party must make it clear that he/she is saying "no" or "stop."  

SVU is a sanctuary for many survivors because most of the victims in SVU cases get justice.  That is NOT the way it happens in "real life."  In "real life," survivors are often treated as the guilty party. In what other crime must the victim prove that he/she didn't want the crime committed against him/her?  The questions asked of survivors are often intrusive, accusatory, dismissive, and judgemental.  Here is a small sampling of the types of questions often asked of survivors:

  • What were you wearing?
  • Don't you think your clothing may have been suggestive?
  • Were you drinking? How much?
  • How much do you normally drink?
  • Why did you accept an open drink? Don't you know drugs can be put into open drinks?
  • Did you tell him/her you didn't want this?
  • How many sexual partners have you had?
  • Do you enjoy having sex at knifepoint?
  • Do you enjoy having sex in public?
  • Did you ask him/her not to beat your head against the sidewalk/kitchen floor/bathroom floor?
  • Did you scream? Why did you stop screaming?
  • Why did you freeze?
  • Why did you only scratch him/her a few times?
  • He/she didn't have a gun. Couldn't you have gotten away if you wanted to?
  • You only said no a dozen times? Maybe it wasn't clear to him/her that you were saying no.
  • Were you flirting with him/her earlier in the evening? 
  • Didn't you willingly get into his/her vehicle?
  • Do you normally walk down that street? Didn't you know that is a dangerous area?
  • He wore a condom, which takes time to put on, so you had time to get away, right?
  • Why did it take you so long (hours, days, weeks, months, years) to report this?
  • Your rape kit had semen samples from two men. Who else are you sleeping with?

These questions are asked over and over and over again.  Just try to imagine what it's like to be assaulted and then to be victimized AGAIN by the police, attorneys, and/or judges. It is truly beyond imagination.  Because the fictional survivors are usually not asked those types of questions on SVU (yes, some of the defense attorneys do ask such questions, but the "reality" of the questions being asked relentlessly isn't shown), survivors often find solace/catharsis in seeing the victims in SVU cases get justice. It is an escape from reality.  Therefore, many survivors find it comforting that Olivia treats survivors with respect and fights for their rights.

  • Love 8

I agree about it being horrific for the victim, and understand that that episode was based on the Brock Turner case. I was not trying to upset anyone or side with the defendant or defend him by any means. Again, I wasn't trying to side with the defendant and I wasn't trying to excuse his behavior or explain it away at all. I understand that the victim has gone through all kinds of hell, and has to live with it everyday.

I spent the weekend in Solebury, PA, home of my boyfriend's family and, 1 mile away, scene of this insane developing story about the guy who killed 4 teenagers and buried them on his property, possibly with his cousin, maybe over drugs and also maybe because his father told him to and they might be involved in human trafficking and are there more bodies and etc. This is clearly an SVU episode waiting to happen.

  • Love 1
On ‎09‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 10:59 PM, amsomething said:

That episode was based on the Brock Turner case (a REAL case). What that survivor went through was horrific, from the actual assault to the way she was treated by the police, the justice system, and many members of society. 

The victim in both the real case and the SVU episode was unconscious, not just drunk. The rapist was drunk but definitely conscious. Either way, though, the rapist IS accountable, even if he/she is intoxicated.  I whole-heartedly believe that it DOES NOT "work both ways" if both parties are intoxicated; exerting power over someone is assault. Alcohol is not an excuse. Drugs are not an excuse. Rape is rape if power is taken away from someone. 

In MOST states, a person can withdraw consent at any time. Therefore, even if things begin as consensual sex, but one party says "stop," the other party MUST stop. Otherwise, it is sexual assault/rape. However, the one party must make it clear that he/she is saying "no" or "stop."  

SVU is a sanctuary for many survivors because most of the victims in SVU cases get justice.  That is NOT the way it happens in "real life."  In "real life," survivors are often treated as the guilty party. In what other crime must the victim prove that he/she didn't want the crime committed against him/her?  The questions asked of survivors are often intrusive, accusatory, dismissive, and judgemental.  Here is a small sampling of the types of questions often asked of survivors:

  • What were you wearing?
  • Don't you think your clothing may have been suggestive?
  • Were you drinking? How much?
  • How much do you normally drink?
  • Why did you accept an open drink? Don't you know drugs can be put into open drinks?
  • Did you tell him/her you didn't want this?
  • How many sexual partners have you had?
  • Do you enjoy having sex at knifepoint?
  • Do you enjoy having sex in public?
  • Did you ask him/her not to beat your head against the sidewalk/kitchen floor/bathroom floor?
  • Did you scream? Why did you stop screaming?
  • Why did you freeze?
  • Why did you only scratch him/her a few times?
  • He/she didn't have a gun. Couldn't you have gotten away if you wanted to?
  • You only said no a dozen times? Maybe it wasn't clear to him/her that you were saying no.
  • Were you flirting with him/her earlier in the evening? 
  • Didn't you willingly get into his/her vehicle?
  • Do you normally walk down that street? Didn't you know that is a dangerous area?
  • He wore a condom, which takes time to put on, so you had time to get away, right?
  • Why did it take you so long (hours, days, weeks, months, years) to report this?
  • Your rape kit had semen samples from two men. Who else are you sleeping with?

These questions are asked over and over and over again.  Just try to imagine what it's like to be assaulted and then to be victimized AGAIN by the police, attorneys, and/or judges. It is truly beyond imagination.  Because the fictional survivors are usually not asked those types of questions on SVU (yes, some of the defense attorneys do ask such questions, but the "reality" of the questions being asked relentlessly isn't shown), survivors often find solace/catharsis in seeing the victims in SVU cases get justice. It is an escape from reality.  Therefore, many survivors find it comforting that Olivia treats survivors with respect and fights for their rights.

You see I dislike that aspect of SVU, it gives people unrealistic expectations of what the police can achieve. In real life the adult rape conviction rate is about 2% because so much of it is he said/she said with drugs and alcohol in the mix, the violent stranger rape with injuries/death beloved of TV is comparatively rare in real life (child stuff gets a much better conviction rate because there is no issue of consent, if you've got DNA/child porn it's case closed). The detectives asking those questions are just asking the questions the defence will be asking in court. 

  • Love 1

1. Evidence left at the scene of a rape implicates a suspect at a support group for the falsely accused. Finn goes undercover and finds his attitudes challenges by their stories. 

2. A daughter accuses her father of incest. He admits their relationship but claims it was consensual and when they were both adults, providing evidence of consensual sex occurring after she turned 18.

3. Benson and Barba are drawn into a court case to legalise CGI child porn, its' proponents claiming it is a victimless crime and would decriminalize millions and provide paedophiles a harmless outlet.

4. A hacker breaks into the NYPD and threatens to publish the details of one rape victim a day until those accused of rape are granted the same anonymity.

5. A family is torn apart when one daughter claims she and her sister were sexually abused by their father but the other daughter states she can't speak for her sister but was never molested herself.

6. A man is implicated in a series of rapes due to videos found in his possession. But when one is discovered to be consensual rape fantasy roleplay the whole case is thrown into doubt.

7. A woman reports her husband after discovering rape/incest stories being written on his laptop but it turns out to be the work of their teenage daughter, a huge fan of the fantasy series 'Crown of Swords' where such storylines are routine. Delving into the internet they find a website dedicated to incestuous affairs inspired by the show.

8. Women report a series of rapes by mythological monsters making the team delve into the strange world of GOT-fic and cosplay.

9. The team up against The Fixer, a ruthless PI (Chester Lake?) who relentlessly pursues rape victims in an attempt to undermine their stories.

10. The Informer; A convicted paedophile reaches out to Olivia to give her information on another inmate who has confessed to killing a child. But what are his real motivations?

11.  The attempted suicide note of a motorcycle officer reveals a serial drug rapist who targets female police officers/federal agents, threatening to release videos of the attacks if they report the crime.  As the SVU investigate they find themselves in his sights.

12. A professor arrested in possession of child porn proves to have special exemption, claiming she is using it as part of a 'cure' for paedophiles in the same way she claimed to 'cure' gay people. When the team try to investigate they find themselves up against powerful interests who want a chance to 'normalise' their paedophile relatives and wonder should they object if she has a chance of succeeding?

13. The prisoner from The Informer has Olivia try to convince his wife to allow him to donate bone marrow to their dying daughter.    

14. Dean Cain's rapist surgeon character returns, now acting as a no questions asked doctor to the underworld. But when his pattern of crimes re-emerge he now has a foolproof alibi every time. 

15.  A rapist targets women who have made previous false allegations, knowing their stories will never be believed. But could it be a cop?

  • Love 3

I’d settle for a case where a male victim of sexual assault isn’t a sex worker/implied to be growing up to be an abuser himself/discovered to be a rapist himself and sent to prison. 

I know there probably have been some, but this show’s treatment of male rape victims is really disturbing.They are either children who are dommed to miserable lives, people in high risk professions, or guilty of something themselves. The culmative message seems to be if you’re a guy and you’re raped there’s something wrong with you. It’s really starting to get to me.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 2
13 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

I’d settle for a case where a male victim of sexual assault isn’t a sex worker/implied to be growing up to be an abuser himself/discovered to be a rapist himself and sent to prison. 

I know there probably have been some, but this show’s treatment of male rape victims is really disturbing.They are either children who are dommed to miserable lives, people in high risk professions, or guilty of something themselves. The culmative message seems to be if you’re a guy and you’re raped there’s something wrong with you. It’s really starting to get to me.

I always thought it would be a great story if you had a gang of rapists deliberately targeting guys in very macho professions, knowing they would be the last people who would ever report the crime. 

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