Bastet April 27, 2014 Share April 27, 2014 From badfic only Padgett would love to stories you'd pay good money to see made into an episode, discuss XF fanfic here. 1 Link to comment
Badforthefish April 27, 2014 Share April 27, 2014 (edited) YES! Thank you Bastet. :) I shall start by giving a few links to places where XF fanfiction is being archived, recommended and discussed. I don't know anything about FF.Net, so someone else will have to be the guide for that one. I will keep adding more when I find the time, or when people give new links. ARCHIVES: The Gossamer Project The largest XF fanfiction archive. Contains around 40 000 fics if not more. Ephemeral Back in the days if you wanted your fic on Gossamer you posted it on Ephem first. It was a kind of transition place. It used to be linked with Gossamer i.e. stories posted on Ephem would be transferred to Goss but I'm not sure this system is still in place. A03 - Archive of Our Own The New Kid. Lovely place. Lots of XF stuff. Great sorting filters. X-Files Fanfiction LiveJournal archive. RECS: The Reading Group for X-Files Fanfiction IMO the best place on the net to find great fics. Read a story you're dying to talk about? Want a place where people freely discuss both the good and the bad of a fic in articulate fashion? Then the XF bookclub is for you. There is a master post of stories read and discussed here, though it hasn't been updated in a while. The Crack Van. Sadly no longer active. But the archive is still worth checking out. Haven fanfic folder I'll be honest, a lot of the stories rec'ed there aren't my cup of tea, but Haven is one of the oldest hub for all things X-Files and the guys who hang out there have an encyclopedic knowledge of X-F fanfiction, which is why I still check it out occasionaly. Edited April 27, 2014 by Badforthefish 1 Link to comment
Taryn74 April 27, 2014 Share April 27, 2014 Thanks for the thread! XF fanfic remains to this day the only fanfic I care to read. We have some really, really talented authors out there, guys. Link to comment
Bastet April 27, 2014 Author Share April 27, 2014 This is the only show for which I read fanfic, too. And I read it almost exclusively to fill in the gaps, not to repeat what the show did. By which I mean I almost never read casefile stories; that, the show knew how to do, so I feel no need to supplement what was seen. But the show left much - too much, at times - of the relationship unstated, so the stories to which I am most drawn are those that explore what went on between Mulder and Scully when the cameras weren't rolling (and I don't just mean sex, although, yeah - I'm all over the smut). I'm also not much into AU stories, although there are more exceptions to that than to my general disinterest in casefiles. A good story makes me believe it could have been an episode had someone bonked CC over the head and stuffed him in a closet, and a great one makes me wish it had been. Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray April 27, 2014 Share April 27, 2014 Thanks for making the thread! I love to read some XF fic every now and then, sucks that Crack Van isn't active anymore though :(. I really liked the place. Link to comment
sharky April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 Wow, can't believe Gossamer Project still exists. I read XF fanfic way back in the day when I would find links from the AOL message board so I may have to dig back into it. I would love to have my muse hit me and write some XF fic, but the closest I ever got was an XF/Office crossover fic. And I may try my hand at another crossover at some point. Also, which site do you all prefer to read fix? seems to have more stories but I prefer the AO3 interface better in general. Link to comment
ElleryAnne April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 Also, which site do you all prefer to read fix? seems to have more stories but I prefer the AO3 interface better in general. AO3, definitely. I can download the stories to my kindle and read them at my leisure, and click a link to go back to the online story to give kudos when I'm done. FF doesn't offer that kind of ease. Also, I think AO3 attracts more people who take the time to have their works beta'ed. A couple of XF slash archives that are still around from the show's heyday: The Basement Ter/Ma To the best of my knowledge, Ter/Ma hasn't been updated in years, but has a good-sized collection of XF slash - mainly Krycek-centric. I think The Basement is still open for new works - as recently as a year ago I was seeing new stuff from one or two authors. And for tracking down fics (i.e., when you've forgotten the name, or if you're looking for specific type of plot): X-Files Story Finders Link to comment
rainsmom April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 As I watch the series again, start to finish, I'm enjoying the post-episode collection at Beyond 44:58. Link to comment
Taryn74 May 1, 2014 Share May 1, 2014 Oooh, that's a new one to me Rains! Thanks! Link to comment
Bastet December 27, 2014 Author Share December 27, 2014 I was going through my Favorites list (imported from about three computers ago and added to without ever being culled) and either finding via the Wayback Machine or deleting entirely all the dead links, including a bunch of XF fanfic sites. Through that, I came upon the site of Aloysia Virgata, an author whose works mostly feel in character and who often manages to make me go along with even the stories I don't feel accurately reflect the characters. A favorite all around, is what I'm saying. Anyway, there was a mid-FTF story I don't remember reading that I want to recommend: The Parting Glass. It is a pitch perfect AU of the first film, a way in which what started in that outtake could have been reality within the film yet not significantly altered their relationship when the series resumed. If CC wasn't such a Victorian putz, we could have had something like this; the studio would have been all over the box office/ratings implications of a love scene in the film yet no ongoing sexual relationship in the series, and, best of all, it just plain makes sense for the characters. Plus, it gives Scully more to say about what's happening to her, something all too often left up to fanfic. 1 Link to comment
SmithW6079 December 29, 2014 Share December 29, 2014 I don't read a lot of fanfic, but I read "X-Files" fanfic, and particularly slash. I think I was going through a re-watch at that time and really into the show again, so I was devouring anything I could find. I just read on another thread that Krycek is popular as a slash character, because you can slash him with anyone. I think that's true. My favorite slash pairing was Krycek/Skinner, and there were some fantastic writers in the fandom. Josan, especially, wrote wonderful stories. Here's an old archive of hers on the Ter/Ma site: Josan. Her story "Endings" can still make me cry, but that's me. Link to comment
SparklesBitch February 5, 2016 Share February 5, 2016 To resurrect an old thread, the revival has me revisiting some of my favorite X-Files fanfic, and I wanted to recommend everything by both threeguesses and onpaperfirst, both on livejournal. Both of them have their X-Files fic listed on the top "master list of fic" posts and everything from both authors is definitely worth a read. 1 Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 7, 2016 Share February 7, 2016 For Festivus, who is going to lose her fanfic virginity... ;) I'm picking shorter ones to start with... Relic of Tough Weather by Jesemie's Evil Twin -- post - Amor Fati Loss of Yesterday by Jintian -- set between Firewalker and Irresistible Black Hole Season by Penumbra -- post - Orison In the Night Season by Revely -- through Closure Heaven in Hell's Despair by Meredith Strangers and the Strange Dead by Kipler -- season 7-ish Those are all fairly short to start you out. If you want more, and longer, I can supply them. My personal preference IS for long, epic fic -- case files with established MSR. There are some tremendous examples of those if you want to spend the time. Just let me know. :) 1 Link to comment
festivus February 7, 2016 Share February 7, 2016 Thanks! I'm going to get started on these right now. 1 Link to comment
Prevailing Wind February 8, 2016 Share February 8, 2016 Kipler! I know her! In the episode DPO, when there's a music video on TV, the title of the song displayed on the screen includes Kipler's real name. Those of us who participated fairly early on in the AOL XF forum got to participate in the show vicariously. A bunch of us were listed on the flight manifest as passengers in Little Green Men. Morgan & Wong & Paul Rabwin (producer) also participated in the AOL forum. We had a lot of fun. When the show moved from Fridays to Sundays & gained a lot more viewers, so did the forum and it was less of an "in group" after that and a bit less fun. The show folks didn't come around so often anymore (it WAS hard to read all the posts about "drool" regarding Mulder.) Gee, those were crazy days... 2 Link to comment
festivus February 8, 2016 Share February 8, 2016 (edited) I'm retroactively sad I wasn't there. I never had anyone to talk about the show with and I'm sure I would have been reading fanfic along with everyone else. Edited February 8, 2016 by festivus Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 8, 2016 Share February 8, 2016 The years of seasons four - seven were the Golden Age of XF fanfic. Yes, there was some unbelievably bad fic out there, but also true gems. We had it coming out our ears. Miss those days! Link to comment
festivus February 8, 2016 Share February 8, 2016 Okay I read them all. I really really loved In the Night Season. I love being in Scully's head like that and it was so angsty. I do so love the angst. That person is an awesome writer. Yes bring on the longer stuff. I like reading long fanfic. Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 8, 2016 Share February 8, 2016 (edited) Revely! Yes, she IS awesome. Here are a couple more of hers: The Dreaming Sea The Unfinished Universe -- this one is a personal favorite Secret World by Bonetree -- this is novel-length and I could easily see it as a movie. Bonetree does something few fic writers pull off and that's create truly compelling original characters to go along with Mulder and Scully. There are two or three sequels to this one when you get through it. Blood Oranges by Syntax6 -- She writes really great MSR case files. Haven't read anything by her that I haven't loved. Isometry by Syntax -- the cancer arc gave us great fic! Acadia by RivkaT Bridge by Maria Nicole -- post- Field Trip. Mulder and Scully are still somewhat under the influence... Parabiosis by Penumbra -- one of a handful of fics I've ever printed out. That ought to do you awhile. ;) ETA this one by Syntax -- 20 It's 20 years in the life of Mulder and Scully, one year at a time. Really wonderful. Edited February 8, 2016 by sharinlilbit 1 Link to comment
Bastet February 8, 2016 Author Share February 8, 2016 Isometry by Syntax -- the cancer arc gave us great fic! I can't begin to guess how many times I've read that story. Her case files are each good, but taken together feel very repetitive to me. I don't tend to revisit any of them. But Isometry? I probably re-read that at least once a year. Link to comment
Taryn74 February 8, 2016 Share February 8, 2016 If you want to get into more lengthy fanfics, here are two of my very favorites. I've been feeling the itch to re-read both of them again, just haven't had the time. By Falling In And In by Aloysia Virgata Machines Of Freedom by Amal Nahurriyeh Link to comment
Bastet February 8, 2016 Author Share February 8, 2016 Aloysia Virgata She's probably my favorite of the modern-era authors. Her characterization almost always rings true for me, and she does a good job trying to make sense of things in a way CC never bothered to do. 1 Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 She's probably my favorite of the modern-era authors. Her characterization almost always rings true for me, and she does a good job trying to make sense of things in a way CC never bothered to do. Yes, she's very good. TBH, the only modern-era author I feel stacks up with the best of the ones during the series run. Wish she turned out longer fic. That's my biggest complaint with the current fanfic -- it's all short little stories obviously churned out in an hour or two. I miss the days of longer, meaty work. 2 Link to comment
SmithW6079 February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 Reading this thread is whetting my appetite for X-Files slash again. Time to find some of the authors I used to read, maybe even try my hand at it again, even if the fanfic fandom seems like it's been quiet for so many years. Link to comment
Bastet February 9, 2016 Author Share February 9, 2016 (edited) That's my biggest complaint with the current fanfic -- it's all short little stories obviously churned out in an hour or two. I miss the days of longer, meaty work. I was never on LiveJournal, and am not on Tumblr, so I just see what's posted to an archive (Ephemeral, AOO3, recommendation sites, etc.). So I see word count, and while I'm undoubtedly missing out on the occasional gem, I just don't click on the really short stuff. I don't need an epic (and, in fact, few of my favorites fit that category), but I'm not a drabble fan. Edited February 9, 2016 by Bastet Link to comment
festivus February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 I'm going to have to save most of these until I get to that point in my rewatch except I did go ahead and read Isometry. Which I did while listening to angsty songs on Spotify, lol. I can see why it's a favorite. Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 9, 2016 Share February 9, 2016 Just let us know when you're ready for more! I could dig up a few non-post ep ones, if you like...though the last list I posted is fairly general and those fics are quite lengthy. Link to comment
Bastet February 10, 2016 Author Share February 10, 2016 So, any recommendations for good S10 fics, since I'm not out there - wherever there is that the cool kids are posting stuff these days? Among the few places I check, I haven't yet seen anything to blow my socks off, but the social media crowd among us is undoubtedly exposed to a lot more stuff. And as much as I adore the hotel scene in the Were-Monster episode as it is, if anyone wrote a great fic where that glorious conversations ends with Scully telling Mulder to come back to bed, I'll read the hell out of it. Does anyone from way back remember the first fic they read? I have no idea. Maybe some romantic dreck from Paula Graves or Kelli Rocherolle (the latter sent me a tape of season one episodes I hadn't seen, so I can't hate). I remember the Sound of Wind Chimes debacle, when rapefic was a blessed anomaly. I also remember my abject horror at the first RPF I encountered; had I but known what was to come. But I have no recollection of my introduction to the world of fanfic. Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I'm fairly sure my first was Paula Graves' 12 Rites of Passage. See, even starting out, I was in it for the long fics. That was followed pretty quickly by Nic Perry's Roads series, or at least the first one or two that had been posted. And yes, Sound of Wind Chimes was in there, too. Oy. The best friend I met on AOL's XF board within a few weeks of first getting online convinced me to try fanfic. I scoffed at the notion, convinced it would be total dreck, and yes, a lot of it is, but it only took that first one for me to be a goner. Link to comment
SparklesBitch February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) I remember the Sound of Wind Chimes debacle, when rapefic was a blessed anomaly. Wait....rapefic is a thing? I've read my share of fic for many a fandom, but I've yet to come across anything like that. Yikes. I don't remember what my first X-Files fanfic was.....I just remember a lot of Mulder and Scully getting married and having a plethora of babies fics that I waded through to get to the good stuff. Since the show started when I was 9 and we didn't have internet until I was at least 14, it took me a while to discover fanfic. The majority of the X-Files fic I read was in the last years of the show and after it was done, but man was there some great stuff. This is the only fandom for me where I wish the fic writers could write for the show because in a lot of ways, some of them have a better grasp on M&S and their relationship with each other over the years than CC does. There was some post-IWTB stuff that blew me out of the water. I wish I could find it again...maybe it was on AO3? I'll have to investigate that. One thing I never tire of is excellently written cancer-arc fic. I used to read nothing but that back in the day until I overdosed on Scully trauma, had to stop for a bit, then would go right back to it. I have to admit, somewhat sheepishly, that when I was a teenager I had a soft spot for the kind of fics where Charlie Scully made an grand appearance (much to "Dearest Dana's" out of character girlish delight) and was instantly on "team Mulder" while big brother Bill sulked in the shadows and Ma Scully tried in vain to make everyone get along. This usually happened at a family holiday dinner where Scully would ask Mulder to stay and he'd decline and Bill would glare and Ma Scully would somehow convince him. I'm smiling nostalgically just thinking about it. =) Edited February 10, 2016 by SparklesBitch Link to comment
Bastet February 10, 2016 Author Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Nic Perry's Roads series Oh my god, that was never finished, was it? I kind of cringe at it now, but I lived and f'in died by updates to that for a while. Wait....rapefic is a thing? Oh, sweet Moses, yes. There are very few shows for which I've read fanfic, but I've yet to come across one in which fans didn't have a disturbing habit of sexually assaulting the female characters in order to allow a male character to swoop in and save her (usually after the fact). With XF, we got that, plus stories in which Mulder was somehow not in his right mind and did the raping himself. I think Sound of Wind Chimes was the first, thus the outcry. I'm fairly sure my first was Paula Graves' 12 Rites of Passage. Totally had that on a 3.5 inch disc back in the day. I am not proud. I don't know who those characters named Mulder and Scully are, but I read it. And her sonnets. Like, I have snippets in my head still. Bad fanfic was so much more palatable back when there was so little to choose from. LOL at the stories in which Charlie shows up and reveals himself to be the anti-Bill Jr. -- I've read more than a few of those myself, even though they invariably had Ma Scully as a big fan of Mulder, when I just could never see that happening. Respect for his devotion when push came to shove, grudging acceptance as time went on that her daughter loved him, sure. But understanding and embracing their relationship? Nope. One year, back when Gossamer was much lighter than it is now but already fairly sizable, I vowed to at least try every single story that wasn't patently horrible by its author or summary. That meant dismissing a good number of stories, but also reading at least part of a whole lot of tales. It was an interesting time. Edited February 10, 2016 by Bastet Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Re: The Road series Oh my god, that was never finished, was it? No, it never was. Characterization-wise, it would never hold up now, but where they were at the time, it was fine, and the writing itself was good. Like you said, lived and died by updates. Good times. ;) Re: rapefic Most of it is appalling, but there were a couple of stories that bucked the trend of Mulder sweeping in to be the hero and his love healing her. *gag* Syntax's Split the Lark and Leyla Harrison's Beyond Fragile, I thought handled the aftermath well. LOL at the stories in which Charlie shows up and reveals himself to be the anti-Bill Jr. -- I've read more than a few of those myself, even though they invariably had Ma Scully as a big fan of Mulder, when I just could never see that happening. Respect for his devotion when push came to shove, grudging acceptance as time went on that her daughter loved him, sure. But understanding and embracing their relationship? Nope. Thank you! Much as I don't see Maggie Scully as this sainted mother of the year, I have a hard time believing the whole "love him like another son" and matchmaker tropes in fanfic. Jesemie's Evil Twin writes a great Charlie in a couple of her stories. Link to comment
Bastet February 10, 2016 Author Share February 10, 2016 Syntax's Split the Lark and Leyla Harrison's Beyond Fragile, I thought handled the aftermath well. Leyla and I were friends, but I didn't love her stories. That one, though, was quite affecting, especially with her personal connection to the subject matter (which she mentioned in the author's notes; I'm not telling tales out of school here or anything). And Split the Lark is my favorite of the hated genre. Very well done, and I love the version on her website with author's notes; it's interesting to hear her motivations and intentions, why she included certain things, etc. 1 Link to comment
festivus February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I'm starting to think maybe I'm glad I wasn't reading fanfic back in the day if it was all Mulder and Scully getting married and having babies. Shudder. I kid. Partly. I will tell y'all that I think I will be overdosing on cancer fic though because I do love my angst. Hate it in real life love it in fiction. There are very few shows for which I've read fanfic, but I've yet to come across one in which fans didn't have a disturbing habit of sexually assaulting the female characters in order to allow a male character to swoop in and save her (usually after the fact). With XF, we got that, plus stories in which Mulder was somehow not in his right mind and did the raping himself. Oh, gross. I'm glad I've never come across this type of thing in the fanfics that I do read. Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Oh, it wasn't ALL M&S married with baby, but there were definitely some stand-outs. (And not for the positive, IMO.) It was a different time, and keep in mind, we didn't have the benefit of hindsight and 201+ episodes under our belt. Plus, fanfic is sort of wish fulfillment based on what viewers weren't getting and for all we knew never would. As a genre, I can't fault it TOO much, but the execution was pretty darn terrible. Cancer-fic is one of my not-at-all guilty pleasures. Another being post-colonization. Here are a few cancer-fics not mentioned yet -- Dying is Fine, but Death by Brighid Still Life with Implant by Barbara D. (more post-cancer, but still... ) Don't Think of the Blue Elephant by Chey Burgess Link to comment
festivus February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Oh I know I was kidding mostly but because happy family fic is not my thing in general. Not to say I wouldn't consider reading a really well written one... Edited February 10, 2016 by festivus Link to comment
Taryn74 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I don't remember the first fic I read. I wish I did, just for nostalgia's sake. I do remember we didn't even have a computer at home yet when I first discovered it, so I would spend much of my time at my SIL's house devouring fanfic while hubby played D&D with SIL and BIL and friends. For a while I tried to print some of my faves out to take home and read at my leisure, but after running their printer out of ink I soon discovered that was not really going to work. Heh. Link to comment
Bastet February 10, 2016 Author Share February 10, 2016 I remember at least once sprinting out of my office and diving for the shared printer when I realized I'd printed out a fanfic, then got distracted and forgotten to retrieve it. It wasn't anything I'd have been in trouble for -- I'd have just been embarrassed. They had enough fun with my intense love for the show; if they'd found out I also read fanfic about it, I'd have never heard the end of it. 3 Link to comment
appledown February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) I don't remember the name but it was a short fic of the FTF hallway scene. And I thought "That was lame..." But I found another one soon after and that fic seemed more exciting (no recollection of it at all) and that person gave her fave authors which led me to Karen Rasch. That's when I was lost for good (don't even remember her fics now, just her name which I find kind of amusing since I never remember names of anything). Thus the next few years of my life were spent confusing the hell out of my family wondering what was so captivating on the laptop (I made up a bunch of stuff, too embarrassed to admit the real reason) and being yelled at for the hours of busy signals everyone else was getting when they tried to call our house. I think my sister lost out on a NYE date because of that. It wasn't long after I got my own phone line. ;) I kinda miss those days. :) Though not the living at home part. Other than free rent, that sucked. ;) Edited February 10, 2016 by appledown 2 Link to comment
janestclair February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Reading through this thread, I'm reminded of the many hours I spent reading fanfic back in the day. Man, there was some awful stuff. I think one of Paula Graves fics was probably my first too. Hah. I do not remember the Sound of Wind Chimes, and I'm thinking that's a good thing. I was always a fan of post-colonization AU stories for whatever reason. I've never read either of those more recent authors, but now I know what I'm doing later. Link to comment
Tardislass February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Reading through this thread, I'm reminded of the many hours I spent reading fanfic back in the day. Man, there was some awful stuff. I think one of Paula Graves fics was probably my first too. Hah. I do not remember the Sound of Wind Chimes, and I'm thinking that's a good thing. I hadn't thought of that story in years..and the author tried to lessen the rape by having him controlled by outside forces..and that they really did love each other and he was sorry. Other than that I remember that they were onboard the alien craft long enough so Scully could have a baby which of course the aliens took prior to letting them go and the kid was their quest. Sure.fine.whatever. As for Ma Scully, I think she tolerated Mulder and may have liked him a bit but some fanfics had her thinking that Fox was the greatest thing to happen to her daughter, where in RL, your family would be telling you not to get involved with someone like Mulder. And then there were the Skinner and Ma Scully couple stories..No words I was always a fan of post-colonization AU stories for whatever reason. I've never read either of those more recent authors, but now I know what I'm doing later. 1 Link to comment
Bastet February 11, 2016 Author Share February 11, 2016 And then there were the Skinner and Ma Scully couple stories..No words Right?! And speaking of Skinner, as much as it bugs me to read (or hear - thanks a lot, Glen) Scully calling Mulder "Fox" or him calling her "Dana," it also drives me batty when authors have either of them address Skinner as "Walter." Man, there was some awful stuff. Like the rash of stories in which Scully was the victim of an abusive boyfriend (from whom Mulder saved her, of course). My "favorite" is one in which, after Mulder busts in, beats the guy up, and cuffs him, Scully calls the cops and informs Mulder they'll be there when they can, then asks, "Do you want me to get us something to eat in the meantime?" Mulder says yeah, because he's starving, so Scully takes her bloodied and battered self into the kitchen to microwave some popcorn and grab a couple of sodas. Yes, seriously. 1 Link to comment
janestclair February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Right?! And speaking of Skinner, as much as it bugs me to read (or hear - thanks a lot, Glen) Scully calling Mulder "Fox" or him calling her "Dana," it also drives me batty when authors have either of them address Skinner as "Walter." Like the rash of stories in which Scully was the victim of an abusive boyfriend (from whom Mulder saved her, of course). My "favorite" is one in which, after Mulder busts in, beats the guy up, and cuffs him, Scully calls the cops and informs Mulder they'll be there when they can, then asks, "Do you want me to get us something to eat in the meantime?" Mulder says yeah, because he's starving, so Scully takes her bloodied and battered self into the kitchen to microwave some popcorn and grab a couple of sodas. Yes, seriously. If a story uses Fox and Dana, I'm out. I can't with that. Even the other night, it bugged me to hear it the other night in the show, and if I'm honest, it was weird to hear Scully call herself Dana, even though logically I know she obviously would. I'm weird. 3 Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 If a story uses Fox and Dana, I'm out. I can't with that. Yeah, that's an automatic closure of the story for me, too. Also an automatic exit is if the author's first mention of Mulder or Scully includes their full name -- "Special Agent Fox William Mulder entered his office at the FBI and was surprised to find his partner Dana Katherine Scully already there." We know who they are and what their titles are, do not waste our time introducing them to us! 2 Link to comment
Tardislass February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Yeah, that's an automatic closure of the story for me, too. Also an automatic exit is if the author's first mention of Mulder or Scully includes their full name -- "Special Agent Fox William Mulder entered his office at the FBI and was surprised to find his partner Dana Katherine Scully already there." We know who they are and what their titles are, do not waste our time introducing them to us! Adding any mention of an FBI Ball. Especially in the early years, many writers wrote about this mythical event and had M&S acting like teenagers asking each other to the prom. Of course Mulder would be wowed by Scully's alabaster/porcelain skin and she in turned would be turned on by his tux. The rest of attendees would talk about Spooky Mulder and the Ice Queen behind their backs but M&S only had eyes for each other. Naturally Skinner loved to see his two agents get together. If this fandom was started ten years later, I'm sure there'd be some weird M&S type fanfic that would get made into 50 Shades of Grey fic. 1 Link to comment
Bastet February 11, 2016 Author Share February 11, 2016 (edited) Of course Mulder would be wowed by Scully's alabaster/porcelain skin And her strawberry-scented hair. I swear, it was like there was a memo sent through the fanfic community, decreeing that Scully used hair products that smell like strawberry. Ah, yes - the FBI ball fics. Missy Pennington (of Tempest fame) did one (Hardball) that was at least readable, but I'm pretty sure that's the only one I could even get through. That genre went hand in hand with all the stories from back when Scully had friends, where she was in someone's wedding and took Mulder with her. Edited February 11, 2016 by Bastet 2 Link to comment
sharinlilbit February 11, 2016 Share February 11, 2016 Oh, and eventually, another must-close was when Mulder or Scully "let out a breath he (or she) didn't know they had been holding." What a cliched line that became! Whenever I beta-read, I always insisted that be changed or dropped. Might as well be waving a giant red cliche flag. 2 Link to comment
SparklesBitch February 12, 2016 Share February 12, 2016 (edited) If a story uses Fox and Dana, I'm out. I can't with that. Even the other night, it bugged me to hear it the other night in the show, and if I'm honest, it was weird to hear Scully call herself Dana, even though logically I know she obviously would. I'm weird. You're not weird. Either that, or we're both weird, because I feel exactly the same way. I cannot, under any circumstance, deal with them using just their first names. I'm aware that this is my problem. =) Even hearing Scully refer to herself as Dana with her family members takes me out of the moment until my brain connects on "oh, right....she has a first name and logically that's what they call her. Duh, self." Adding any mention of an FBI Ball. Especially in the early years, many writers wrote about this mythical event and had M&S acting like teenagers asking each other to the prom. Of course Mulder would be wowed by Scully's alabaster/porcelain skin and she in turned would be turned on by his tux. The rest of attendees would talk about Spooky Mulder and the Ice Queen behind their backs but M&S only had eyes for each other. Naturally Skinner loved to see his two agents get together. If this fandom was started ten years later, I'm sure there'd be some weird M&S type fanfic that would get made into 50 Shades of Grey fic. Oh, the infamous FBI ball! I remember those well. Also, the author would inevitably work in the lyrics to Bonnie Raitt's Something to Talk About, because that song, like, fit them so well, you guys. As for the 50 Shades of Grey type fanfic, I think you're probably right, judging by all the super kinky 50 Shades-esque Castle fanfic i keep seeing everywhere. Edited February 12, 2016 by SparklesBitch 1 Link to comment
festivus February 12, 2016 Share February 12, 2016 Of course Mulder would be wowed by Scully's alabaster/porcelain skin I am! And her strawberry-scented hair. Swoon. ;) 1 Link to comment
Jac February 12, 2016 Share February 12, 2016 Adding any mention of an FBI Ball. Especially in the early years, many writers wrote about this mythical event and had M&S acting like teenagers asking each other to the prom. Of course Mulder would be wowed by Scully's alabaster/porcelain skin and she in turned would be turned on by his tux. The rest of attendees would talk about Spooky Mulder and the Ice Queen behind their backs but M&S only had eyes for each other. Naturally Skinner loved to see his two agents get together. If this fandom was started ten years later, I'm sure there'd be some weird M&S type fanfic that would get made into 50 Shades of Grey fic. I think the MSR fanfic, especially of this genre was one of the reasons I was more in the noromo camp back in the day or at least in the I really don't care camp. This show clearly still has a fandom so I would not be at all surprised if we did get a rash of 50 Shades stories in the near future. And her strawberry-scented hair. I swear, it was like there was a memo sent through the fanfic community, decreeing that Scully used hair products that smell like strawberry. Ah, yes - the FBI ball fics. Missy Pennington (of Tempest fame) did one (Hardball) that was at least readable, but I'm pretty sure that's the only one I could even get through. That genre went hand in hand with all the stories from back when Scully had friends, where she was in someone's wedding and took Mulder with her. In addition to the strawberry-scented hair (which always felt super OOC to me) and the alabaster/porcelain skin, there would always be a mention of gazing deeply into Scully's azure/sapphire/aquamarine/other blue gemstones I'm forgetting the name of eyes or in the "best" of the genre, orbs. Link to comment
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