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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

Just Matt and Raven

Just now, Michichick said:

Everyone knew he wasn't using the veto.

That makes Paul's "I'm so mad right now" routine outside to Raven and Matt even funnier. 

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What a hoot! Matt and Raven are sooooo mad that Jason got them before they could take a shot at Alex and Jason.

edited to fix where I wrote Raven but meant Jason, duh.

Edited by Michichick
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Just now, Cutty said:

Jason is an idiot for pretending everyone didn't know and taking all the heat. 

Honestly, I'd take Matt/Raven aside a little later and lay down the entire story of how everyone knew about Matt/Raven staying on the block since Saturday night.

Kind of funny to see the three people who typically avoid the fights getting into a fight.

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paul is trying to crack jokes. at least he's good for something.

matt asks if kevin and jason were the votes for him. 

kevin says - nope 100% on his fucking children he voted for mark.  

now kevin is getting super pissed. 

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I'm impressed that Matt and Raven haven't run off to hide in the Rose Room. Matt's still cracking jokes. 

Matt asking Jason/Kevin if they voted to evict Matt. Kevin is saying that he didn't. Alex is denying that she did.

Matt freaking out again. Hilarious.

I think Jason is just naturally nervous so he stutters, and Matt legitimately can't stand it. He keeps yelling at Jason whenever he stutters. I mean, Jason is stuttering because he's lying, but what if he just naturally stuttered in tense situations?

Jason finally admits that he was the one vote. He's now calling Raven out for being the other vote.

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Oh my God, y'all, I just... Raven is so fucking brave, just sittin' there and tryin' so hard not to cry because Jason is a lyin' liar who lied. She's gonna stand strong, y'all. 

So. Fucking. Brave.

Edited by Callaphera
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I love how every time it gets silent again, Raven hitches a little breath like she's about to sob and her eyes start darting around to see if anyone's looking at her. If not, they come quicker. I had a more believable fake cry when I was a teenager. I perfected that shit. Raven? Amateur League at best. 

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Raven's tears are for herself and her dreams of Paul taking her to the finish line and the sweetheart of BB19 takes the top prize.  SM goes nuts and she is asked to be a guest on many shows, including Ellen, where she will dance!!!!

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Things I'd like Jason to say to Matt:

"It's called Big Brother, homie. Why are you such a little bitch that you'd expect people to tell you the truth?"

"Why don't you ask your buddy Paul why he's known since Saturday that I wasn't using veto, yet he didn't tell you?"

"Why don't you stop being a little bitch and admit that you're just mad I took a shot at you before you took a shot at me, homie? And by the way, you need to actually win something if you want a chance to take a shot. ZING."

Edited by Michichick
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Heh. Matt took off outside while Raven's still in the kitchen.

Everyone's finally chatting some smoking thing in Vegas. 

I can only imagine how pissed Raven is that people are getting back to the casual talk instead of caring about her feelings.

Raven got called to DR! Hahaha! Finally, the real talk can begin!

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And what he should say to Raven:

"Why were you so dishonestly saying that Cody and Jessica were bad for having sex in the house, when you and Matt have had more sex than anyone? We've seen your drawer full of used condoms."

"You only have one heart, not two."

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Big Brother: "Raven, please go to the Diary Room."

She's gonna be in there for hours, guys. We'll probably be able to hear her yelling through the walls.

Just like everyone heard her yelling when she got her stitches in her foot WITHOUT DRUGS?

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I always wondered what Matt would be like when he finally emerged from the bottom of the cereal box. I didn't figure he'd be this entertaining!


Edited by Callaphera
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