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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Just now, wings707 said:

Big Brother Updates‏ @BB_Updates  1m1 minute ago


Alex, Christmas, Jason and Josh discussed potentially evicting Elena over Cody


So Cody is up. 

Well, not yet. Because the Veto ceremony hasn't been done yet. But who won Veto?

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Don't any of these bozos have a clue yet that Thursday is a double eviction? Not even Paul? If they did I think they'd double down on getting Cody out first because he's such a loose cannon.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Well, not yet. Because the Veto ceremony hasn't been done yet. But who won Veto?

It wasn't Alex or Elena.  It was one of the guys and I don't think it was Jason.

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh. They're pissed that Elena took money instead of the veto.

I mean, she has stated how poor she is, how she's jobless and homeless, so...

Also, y'all wanted people to throw veto since it doesn't matter who wins! 

It probably wasn't a Paul approved choice. So of course she's in trouble now!


Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, TimWil said:

Don't any of these bozos have a clue yet that Thursday is a double eviction? Not even Paul? If they did I think they'd double down on getting Cody out first because he's such a loose cannon.

I think they may be leery of it since Megan walked and they are down one. 

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

News in the BB house?  Oh hell no!  Who wants to watch them debate both sides of any issue and we would get that.  I get my fill from MSNBC everyday.  This is my haven away from the world.  If a nuclear attack is upon us, all they have to do is lower the shades and hide under their desks.  What is the big deal?  Some of us here are old enough to remember that.  



News would make it even worse.

I was always intrigued by how the monkey is a suicide bomber.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Josh about Elena: "She's only looking out for herself."

Who the fuck else is she supposed to look out for? The house? These people. God, I feel the anger starting again.

This attitude drives me more nuts than anything else!!  It happens all the time.  The house, the house, the house!  Fuck them all.  I am getting revved up again.  Oh no, not good for my seeking joy philosophy!  

1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, they want to possibly get rid of Elena instead.

Yes, let's just get of all the women until it's all guys in the house. Brilliant idea. Or worse, until Raven's the last woman standing. 

Take Raven to the end is in everyone's mind.  She is the ultimate goat. 

I love Elena.  sigh

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LOL, everyone in HOH saw Raven coming upstairs and groaned/sighed at the same time!

So, further news: Elena promised Alex to not "curse her" and then went back on her word to get the $5000. That's why they're all pissed.

Apparently, Christmas/Paul will be chained up together? If I heard that correctly?

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Jason got the unitard punishment.

Just now, Growsonwalls said:

sounds like Matt won when he was supposed to throw. So now noms stay the same. 

OMG please tell me this is the truth. This is the reality I want to believe in.

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

sounds like Matt won when he was supposed to throw. So now noms stay the same. 

The noms will only stay the same if Matt doesn't use the veto.  If he uses it on himself, there is no replacement nom.  If he uses it on Elena or Jason, Cody goes up.

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Just now, Growsonwalls said:

sounds like Matt won when he was supposed to throw. So now noms stay the same. 

Shit, really?  You sure?  There goes Elena.  Damn. DAMN!

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Oh. Mark is confused as to why Matt and Jason went for veto. He thought that they were all going to have fun, so he was surprised nobody took his prize (Colorado for a week for two).

So Matt may have won?

Oh, Alex's punishment is Paul's secret service thing from last season. Oh man; Alex isn't going to be as fun.

Ok, so from what I gather:

Matt- veto

Elena- $5000 (from Alex)

Alex- secret service

Jason- unitard

Paul- chained to Christmas

Mark- Trip

So yeah, LOL, Matt won. Idiot was supposed to throw it and then nobody took the veto from him.  

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:


Oh, Alex's punishment is Paul's secret service thing from last season. Oh man; Alex isn't going to be as fun.


Then why was Alex talking about having to wear an outfit and serve them all hot dogs?

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Just now, zorak said:

Then why was Alex talking about having to wear an outfit and serve them all hot dogs?

I think she has to be like a camping guide or something. Sleep in a campsite, cook hot dogs over the fire, kind of like the apple pies last season that Paulie threw the world's funniest temper tantrum about.

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I will die - Raven style, naturally - if Matt uses the Veto on himself, the target somehow shifts to Raven, and we no longer have to hear that loud voice on the feeds for the rest of the season.


Cody to Elena: "Matt's so dumb. He's such a piece of shit. Pussy."

Edited by Callaphera
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Heh. Cody calling Elena crazy, telling her that she did the right thing in taking the money since "11th or 3rd, you gotta take the extra money" and then telling her she just made herself a bigger target. 

Cody also calling Matt so dumb and a piece of shit. 

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Cody is telling Elena that they will never have Elena's back and she was completely right to take the money.  Elena asked him if he thought Alex would've taken the money and he said yes.

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Now something is wrong with ravens teeth. She said if it gets worst she's going to be really upset. Her teeth are the only normal thing on her body. 


I have no no idea what she's talking about 

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Raven's clumsy, y'all. She can't help it! She just hurts herself all the time because she's clumsy, y'all. Her friends say she should live in a bubble because she's clumsy, y'all.

But don't worry. She's gonna take herself out before her disease can take her out.

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, zorak said:

Paul is telling Elena to not act weird and be paranoid.

Heh. Elena is so done with Paul. Her curt and almost aggressive responses to him. Telling him she knows where she stands and that she had to take the money. Good on her. She just doesn't care about the others talking about her. 

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