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Cody shakes Jason's hand and says it's fine, he's cool. 

Alex tells Jason that Raven is crying. 

Paul goes "Why is Raven crying? Cody, do you know why Raven is crying?" 


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1 hour ago, zorak said:
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Why do I have a feeling this guy rents a basement suite that has no windows, rarely cleans, and wears the same sweats day in and day out when he doesn't have to go to work? It's a weird image to pair with the same guy who spends forty minutes every morning taking the nail clippers to his beard.

Considering the fact that the dirty dishes drive him crazy, you'd think dirty clothes on his skin would do the same.

How the bluedilly fuck does dirty dishes drive Matt crazy yet he'd dry clean dishes using a jizzed towel?  I just can't with his nasty Pig Pen ass!!

Does Christmas still have that temptation ring?  If so, how does that work?

From now until Thursday, I am repeating over and over in my head that Jessica will use the hex.....she's not that stupid, I won't believe it.

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Jason tells Alex that Kevin was throwing Jessica's name around and he did point that Jess was standing right there. She can't believe she saw that !!!


So Jess did see what she thought she did.

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Josh is trying to bait Cody again.

Josh: "Cody, I have a question..."
Cody gets up and walks away.
Josh: "Why do you always do that? I just want to have a conversation. A real man would have a conversation."

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Now they are questioning Cody's military tags.  Cody said he has to cover it because his social security number is on there.  Jason says that's BS and a social security number shouldn't be on there.  So Jason thinks they are someone else's.  Which they very might well be.  My friend asked me awhile back if I knew if Cody was wearing his dog tags or his brother's (that died).  If Cody has not talked about his brother it would make sense as to why he wanted the dog tags covered.  But then my friend also thought they would cover them because of his social security number being on there and she's in the air guard so i think she would know?

Jessica is telling Matt now how it was frustrating how when Jason was in talking to them, 3 of them came in trying to get Jason away from them. 

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Now Raven comes in to get Matt out of the room. 

1 minute ago, Michichick said:

Paul just said if Jessica uses the Hex, then she's gone. And if she doesn't use it, then Cody is gone. Sounds like Paul thinks the Hex only saves one person.

I am totally loving how nuts he is getting about it.  People think it was a bad idea for her to reveal it, but I think it was the best decision ever!

Matt now reporting to everyone else. 

Matt is saying it's not a big deal,everyone needs to relax.  The way she feels is the way she feels (jessica)

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Just now, Michichick said:

Paul just said if Jessica uses the Hex, then she's gone. And if she doesn't use it, then Cody is gone. Sounds like Paul thinks the Hex only saves one person.

I think he meant that if Jessica used the hex, she would be gone next week.  That's what he's been threatening but if she wins HOH or veto she still won't be gone.  And if she doesn't use it this week, they'll all vote out Cody.  He is aware that all nominees will be safe for the time being if she uses the hex.

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3 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Paul just said if Jessica uses the Hex, then she's gone. And if she doesn't use it, then Cody is gone. Sounds like Paul thinks the Hex only saves one person.

He does!  I love this.

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Didn't Jason tell Jody that Alex wanted to target Jess and he convinced her to go after Dom? In his retelling to Alex, before the whole house joined them in the storage room, he said he told Jody that Jess was never the target. 

Could Jason be operating somewhat independently from Alex?

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Paul is really losing it, Matt is telling him to cool down. auk keeps reporting himself. he says over and over if he doesn't leave not all of you will make jury.

Matt says Jess is just defending her man. He says harassing them for the remainder of the week is not necessary . This must really be pissing Paul off.

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Just now, wings707 said:

He does!  I love this.

Paul knows that all nominees will be safe if the hex is used.  Jess told him that yesterday and he believes her. 

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2 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

Didn't Jason tell Jody that Alex wanted to target Jess and he convinced her to go after Dom? In his retelling to Alex, before the whole house joined them in the storage room, he said he told Jody that Jess was never the target. 

Could Jason be operating somewhat independently from Alex?

No.  Lol 

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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Now Alex getting all heated about how many people in their cast have tried out for the show and how much they all deserve to be there. 

This might be one of the few things I agree with Alex about. They all deserve to be there, whether you like them or not. It's a game, not a charity. Buck up and play. 

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

I think he meant that if Jessica used the hex, she would be gone next week.  That's what he's been threatening but if she wins HOH or veto she still won't be gone.  And if she doesn't use it this week, they'll all vote out Cody.  He is aware that all nominees will be safe for the time being if she uses the hex.

You're right. I heard him say now that if she uses it, nobody goes home.

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Just now, SiobhanJW said:

This might be one of the few things I agree with Alex about. They all deserve to be there, whether you like them or not. It's a game, not a charity. Buck up and play. 

I think it maybe was more of, all of them deserve to be there (more than jessica/cody)

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2 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Matt has become an entity in the house? Can it really be true?

I was actually mildly impressed that Matt said something that didn't agree with Paul's endlessly repeated opinions.

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Jason is trying to make it all about him. How Jessica disrespected him.  AFter just saying that he thinks she's a good person.

Christmas says "i thought you guys squashed that?"  Josh says "we did" which he is basically responded to with "then drop it" 


Paul does not stand for aggressive or bully. 

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2 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Oh now listen to Paul pontificating about how he will always stand up for someone who is crying like Raven was. Wtf, does anyone in that room think her tears were real?

and Paul ordered her to cry. As well as telling Jason that he should take some digs at Cody during veto speech. Jason told Kevin  he didn't want to but sounds like he ended up doing as ordered.

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Just now, Michichick said:

Oh now listen to Paul pontificating about how he will always stand up for someone who is crying like Raven was. Wtf, does anyone in that room think her tears were real?

I'm confused about that because didn't Paul tell her to cry?  But then Raven was lying about what she, Kevin, and Jason were talking about to the big group just now.  Alex, Jason, Kevin, and Paul know the truth.  I guess she wants the rest of them to think she's an innocent angel.

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20 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Josh is trying to bait Cody again.

Josh: "Cody, I have a question..."
Cody gets up and walks away.
Josh: "Why do you always do that? I just want to have a conversation. A real man would have a conversation."

FUCK YOU JOSH, you Cro-Magnon forehead pussy baby!  He is only selling wolf tickets because he knows he has The Almighty Paul on his side....otherwise, he'd be in a bed somewhere with the covers over his head making victim noises.  FOH.

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Paul says if Cody blows up again, Jessica won't use the Hex. He's not going to pump the breaks.  He wants Cody to explode. If she uses it, then great, she goes home, he stays and they can torture him all week long.

I forgot that Cody did call Josh a sexual predator. 

Christmas says they need to start questioning his military service.  Paul says she should do that and he'll jump in. 

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Xmas is losing me . Very much so. She has just suggested going after his military history. Paul jumps on that and says Jason, you question t and Josh and I will jump on it. 

I don't like this side of her. At all.

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Yesterday, Paul was telling Jessica that he understood about Cody's military service and how it messed with his mind and he would respect Cody and wouldn't continue to start shit.

Today, Paul is working up Josh to let loose on Cody and is more than willing to join in.

And here come the pots and pans again.

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Josh says he's going to go off on Cody right now cause he's bored. 

paul is cracking up. everyone going to watch

Josh may be getting the pots and pans out. 

Yep.. the pans are out... he's dancing around, singing and smacking them together.  In the kitchen, annoying all his 'friends' but not anywhere near Cody. 

Well that was short lived.  He's done with the pans. 

and... FISH.

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Jessica just told Cody that Paul probably thinks the only way he'll be able to get Cody out of the house this week is if Cody hits someone.  She tells him to not take the bait.

Edited by zorak
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