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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Josh was just saying he wants to be picked if someone gets houseguest's choice.  Paul shot him down and told him that Josh couldn't do it because Paul was going to be the one.  Then Josh was begging to Paul to host the veto.  Paul told him it depended on whether or not Paul was playing in the veto.  I wish Josh would open his eyes to the way Paul treats him.

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Josh was just saying he wants to be picked if someone gets houseguest's choice.  Paul shot him down and told him that Josh couldn't do it because Paul was going to be the one.  Then Josh was begging to Paul to host the veto.  Paul told him it depended on whether or not Paul was playing in the veto.  I wish Josh would open his eyes to the way Paul treats him.

And then Paul demanded that Josh go downstairs and get him a snack. And if he wasn't going to do that, at least he could get up and get the remote to change the HoH TV to spy on everyone.

Fuck you, Paul. Just fuck you.


And now Christmas is being a bitch to Mark. Ugh, fuck you too, Christmas.

Edited by Callaphera
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God forbid someone talk to Cody. Game or otherwise. This is end of the world level shit here from the way Christmas is acting.

Christmas, after Mark raised his volume just a little: "Oh, as an adult, we raise our voice..." FUCK YOU. How's that for volume?

Edited by Callaphera
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God, when I thought I couldn't hate Christmas more, she decides to throw in the passive aggressive "honey" to Mark.

Fuck you, Christmas. Mark's right; you went to Alex, the HOH, first to whine before going to the person you supposedly needed clarity from. Maybe go to Mark first and not throw out rumours to the HOH....who can't even put up Mark and is already putting up Elena.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

God forbid someone talk to Cody. Game or otherwise. This is end of the world level shit here from the way Christmas is acting.

Christmas, after Mark raised his volume just a little: "Oh, as an adult, we raise our voice..." FUCK YOU. How's that for volume?

You know, I have real doubts about how much progress Xmas has made in her recovery from addiction. Because she's still acting in ways that very much scream "addict" to me -- begging the DR for pain pills, irrational mood swings and spurts of anger, and most of all, her clinging to one person as a magician who will solve all her problems (Paul). 

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She asked him why he voted to keep her in the game.  He told her it was a huge mistake and he wouldn't have if he had known then what kind of person she really is.  Ha!

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Christmas is such a bitch!  She is haughty and condescending and aggressive!!  She is not making sense and Mark is.  She is twisting everything.  She has got to go.  

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Mark spoke to Cody when Cody entered the apple room where Mark and Elena were.   Treason!  Traitor!  How dare you talk to Cody.  Did you talk game?!!  Did you, honey?!  Jesus

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Christmas: "You're making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be."

Who's the one who started this shit, Christmas? Who was banging on the kitchen counter three minutes ago? Who the fuck keeps calling someone passive aggressive names like "honey" and "boo boo"?

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Mark said Christmas was trying to stir the pot the way she voted the week she cast her vote from the hospital.  She is denying it. She said, "Why would I stir the pot?"

Edited by zorak
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1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Mark is BAE right now <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Right now, he has nothing to lose. He's a major target no matter what. He's safe until Thursday, which is great, and hopefully he can pull out a win for DE and put up Paul/Christmas with Alex as a backdoor option.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Right now, he has nothing to lose. He's a major target no matter what. He's safe until Thursday, which is great, and hopefully he can pull out a win for DE and put up Paul/Christmas with Alex as a backdoor option.

I would soooooooooooo love that!!!

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Why does poor Mark get all this abuse? 

Josh in his face with pots and pans and the Circus song. Paul bullying him about not speaking out about bullying on behalf of the person who bullied Mark. Now Christmas and Josh ganging up on him.

Someone give this poor guy a hug, a cuddle, and a nice cup of tea. I think he needs it.

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Callaphera said:

Why does poor Mark get all this abuse? 

Josh in his face with pots and pans and the Circus song. Paul bullying him about not speaking out about bullying on behalf of the person who bullied Mark. Now Christmas and Josh ganging up on him.

Someone give this poor guy a hug, a cuddle, and a nice cup of tea. I think he needs it.

Mark for AFP! COME ON! CBS better show the Paul vs Mark thing last week and then all of this to get him in the running for AFP.

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I can't even watch this anymore. This is in a way harder to watch than Evel Dick. At least with him he was such an asshole from day 1 that I think most people that season eventually tuned him out.

Xmas and Josh did not enter the house this way. They've become bullying monsters, and that's scarier.

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:

Xmas and Josh did not enter the house this way. They've become bullying monsters, and that's scarier.

It was always inside of them. I think Josh is more of a follower than anything but Christmas? She had this inside of her all along. She just needed the right people to bring it out.

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Cody telling Paul that he might have lied about Mark knowing the entire time about backdooring Paul. He told Paul that he brought up the idea once and then pulled back, so he overexaggerated. He's trying to protect Mark by actually being honest to a guy that he loathes.

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And now Christmas and Paul are just beaming at each other. Because of course.

Fuck. Them. All.

ETA: Where has Raven been during all of this? Is she dying in another room or something? 

Edited by Callaphera
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